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Mark A. Aguiar, Princeton University and NBER
Joshua Aizenman, University of Southern California and NBER
George A. Alessandria, University of Rochester and NBER
Laura Alfaro, Harvard University and NBER
Manuel Amador, University of Minnesota and NBER
Mary Amiti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Cristina Arellano, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez, University of Michigan
Joao Ayres, Inter-American Development Bank
Yan Bai, University of Rochester and NBER
Kimberly A. Berg, Miami University
Javier Bianchi, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Saki Bigio, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Luigi Bocola, Stanford University and NBER
Jorge Braga de Macedo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and NBER
Ariel Burstein, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Giacomo Candian, HEC Montreal
Nicolas Caramp, University of California at Davis
Paolo Cavallino, Bank for International Settlements
Gastón Chaumont, University of Rochester
Harold L. Cole, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Javier Cravino, University of Michigan and NBER
Meredith Crowley, University of Cambridge
Kathryn M.E. Dominguez, University of Michigan and NBER
Andrés Drenik, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Wenxin Du, Harvard University and NBER
Charles Engel, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NBER
Jeffrey A. Frankel, Harvard University and NBER
Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University and NBER
Fabio Ghironi, University of Washington and NBER
Linda S. Goldberg, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Xing Guo, Bank of Canada
Lu Han, Bank of Canada
Fadi Hassan, Bank of Italy
Tarek Alexander Hassan, Boston University and NBER
Constantino Hevia, Universidad Torcuato di Tella
Robert J. Hodrick, Columbia University and NBER
Oleg Itskhoki, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Olivier Jeanne, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Zhengyang Jiang, Northwestern University and NBER
Loukas Karabarbounis, University of Minnesota and NBER
Rohan Kekre, University of Chicago and NBER
Daisoon Kim, North Carolina State University
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford University and NBER
Anne O. Krueger, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
John V. Leahy, University of Michigan and NBER
Hyunju Lee, University of Houston
Moritz Lenel, Princeton University and NBER
Andrei A. Levchenko, University of Michigan and NBER
Karen K. Lewis, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Hanno Lustig, Stanford University and NBER
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford University and NBER
Federico Mandelman, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Daniel Neuhann, University of Texas at Austin
Juan Pablo Nicolini, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Guillermo Ordoñez, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Pablo Ottonello, University of Maryland and NBER
Galip Kemal Ozhan, International Monetary Fund
Radek Paluszynski, University of Houston
Bruno Pellegrino, Columbia University
Diego J. Perez, New York University and NBER
Paolo A. Pesenti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER
Richard Portes, London Business School and NBER
Assaf Razin, Tel Aviv University and NBER
Alessandro Rebucci, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Hélène Rey, London Business School and NBER
Robert J. Richmond, New York University and NBER
Kim J. Ruhl, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NBER
Felipe Saffie, University of Virginia and NBER
Juliana Salomao, University of Minnesota and NBER
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Columbia University and NBER
Jesse Schreger, Columbia University and NBER
Dmitriy Sergeyev, Bocconi University
Ina Simonovska, University of California, Davis and NBER
Alp Simsek, Yale University and NBER
Sanjay R. Singh, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and UC Davis
Minkyu Son, University of Cambridge
César Sosa-Padilla, University of Notre Dame and NBER
Zachary R. Stangebye, University of Notre Dame
Andreas Stathopoulos, University of North Carolina
Vania Stavrakeva, London Business School
Joseph B. Steinberg, University of Toronto
Ludwig Straub, Harvard University and NBER
Jenny Tang, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Alan M. Taylor, Columbia University and NBER
Rosen Valchev, Boston College and NBER
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Columbia University and NBER
Liliana Varela, London School of Economics
Andrea Vedolin, Boston University and NBER
Kieran Walsh, University of California at Santa Barbara
Francis E. Warnock, University of Virginia and NBER
Shang-Jin Wei, Columbia University and NBER
Kenneth D. West, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NBER
Steve P.Y. Wu, University of California-San Diego
Mindy Z. Xiaolan, University of Texas at Austin
Motohiro Yogo, Princeton University and NBER
Shaojun Zhang, The Ohio State University
Tony Zhang, Federal Reserve Board

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