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Marcella Alsan, Harvard University and NBER
Lukas Althoff, Stanford University
Desmond Ang, Harvard University and NBER
Christopher Avery, Harvard University and NBER
Sandra E. Black, Columbia University and NBER
Raj Chetty, Harvard University and NBER
Eric Chyn, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Robert Collinson, University of Notre Dame and NBER
Carolina Concha-Arriagada, Columbia University
Kalena Cortes, Texas A&M University and NBER
Flavio Cunha, Rice University and NBER
Janet Currie, Princeton University and NBER
Jon Denton-Schneider, Clark University
Ellora Derenoncourt, Princeton University and NBER
Rebecca Dizon-Ross, University of Chicago and NBER
Cauê Dobbin, Georgetown University
Joseph J. Doyle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Susan Dynarski, Harvard University and NBER
Nada Eissa, Georgetown University and NBER
John N. Friedman, Brown University and NBER
Laura K. Gee, Tufts University
Chloe Gibbs, University of Notre Dame
Benjamin Goldman, Cornell University
Joshua Goodman, Boston University and NBER
Melissa Grober-Morrow, Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Ryan R. Hill, Northwestern University
Clemence M. Idoux, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Ranae Jabri, University of Sydney
Elisabeth S. Jacobs, Urban Institute
Maggie R. Jones, U.S. Census Bureau
Ariel Kalil, University of Chicago
Lawrence F. Katz, Harvard University and NBER
W. Bentley MacLeod, Princeton University and NBER
Christian Maruthiah, Trinity College Dublin
Paul Mohnen, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Pierre Mouganie, Simon Fraser University
Andrei Munteanu, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)
Richard Murnane, Harvard University and NBER
Paul Novosad, Dartmouth College
M. Daniele Paserman, Boston University and NBER
Joseph Price, Brigham Young University and NBER
Diego Ramos-Toro, Dartmouth College
Megan E. Rivera
Stephen Ross, University of Connecticut and NBER
Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Krista J. Ruffini, Georgetown University and NBER
Lucie Schmidt, Smith College and NBER
Elizabeth Setren, Tufts University and NBER
Matthew Staiger, Opportunity Insights
Marco Tabellini, Harvard University and NBER
Eric S. Taylor, Harvard University and NBER
Winnie van Dijk, Yale University and NBER
Micah J. Villarreal, University of California, Santa Barbara
Kelly N. Vosters, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Riley Wilson, Brigham Young University



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