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Anjali Adukia, University of Chicago and NBER
Prottoy A. Akbar, Aalto University
George A. Alessandria, University of Rochester and NBER
Treb Allen, Dartmouth College and NBER
Marcella Alsan, Harvard University and NBER
Michael L. Anderson, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Rachel S. Anderson, Sloan Foundation
Alina Arefeva, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Costas Arkolakis, Yale University and NBER
Alex Armand, Nova School of Business and Economics
Sam Asher, Imperial College London
Clare A. Balboni, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Antonella Bancalari, Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL and IZA
Panle Jia Barwick, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Nathaniel Baum-Snow, University of Toronto
Antonio Bento, University of Southern California and NBER
Hector Blanco, Rutgers University
Hoyt Bleakley, University of Michigan and NBER
Valentin Bolotnyy, Stanford University
Léa Bou Sleiman, National Bureau of Economic Research
Rebecca J. Brough, University of California, Davis
Cathy Buffington, U.S. Census Bureau
Fiona Burlig, University of Chicago and NBER
Juan Camilo Castillo, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Juan Pablo Chauvin, Inter-American Development Bank
Judith A. Chevalier, Yale University and NBER
Lucas Conwell, University College London
Adriano Borges Costa, Arq.futuro Cities Lab / Insper
Lindsey Currier, Harvard University
Lucas W. Davis, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Jackson Dorsey, University of Texas at Austin
Austin J. Drukker, Federal Trade Commission
Julie Edmonds, US Department of Transportation
Benjamin Faber, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Daniel R. Feenberg, National Bureau of Economic Research and NBER
James J. Feigenbaum, Boston University and NBER
Timothy Fitzgerald, University of Tennessee
Silke J. Forbes, Tufts University
Lucia S. Foster, U.S. Census Bureau
Matthew Freedman, University of California, Irvine
Dustin Frye, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Dong Fu, Exxon Mobil Corporation
Simon Fuchs, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, The George Washington University
Arya Gaduh, University of Arkansas and NBER
Reed Garfield, U.S. Department of Transportation
Tishara Garg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Elisabeth Gerber, University of Michigan
Eric Goldwyn, Marron Institute - New York University
Julian A. Gomez-Gelvez, University of Maryland
Robert M. Gonzalez, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tilman Graff, Harvard University
Laura Grant, Claremont McKenna College
Jonathan Hall, The University of Alabama
Robert C. Hampshire, U.S. Department of Transportation
Lu Han, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Jamie Hansen-Lewis, University of California, Davis
Adam S. Harris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Andrew Haughwout, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Geoffrey Heal, Columbia University and NBER
Stephan Heblich, University of Toronto and NBER
Stephen P. Holland, University of North Carolina at Greensboro and NBER
Robert Huang, University of Southern California
Yantao Huang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jonathan E. Hughes, University of Colorado at Boulder
Yooseon Hwang, New York University Abu Dhabi
Yannis M. Ioannides, Tufts University
Dana Jackman, Environmental Protection Agency
Jorge Alberto Jimenez Montesinos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Paul Joskow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Matthew E. Kahn, University of Southern California and NBER
Myrto Kalouptsidi, Harvard University and NBER
Jakub Kastl, Princeton University and NBER
Nagwa Khordagui, US Department of Transportation
Kara Kockelman, University of Texas at Austin
Francis Kramarz, Innovation Lab, College de France
Gabriel Kreindler, Harvard University and NBER
Betty A. Krier, US Department of Transportation
Kala Krishna, Pennsylvania State University and NBER
Nils-Petter Lagerlof, York University
John Lazarev, New York University
Ken Leonard, U.S. Department of Transportation
Alon Levy, New York University
Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Berin Linfors, Department of the Census
Joshua Linn, University of Maryland
Ernest Liu, Princeton University and NBER
Maya Lozinski, University of Chicago
Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Joao Macieira, US Department of Transportation
Erin T. Mansur, Dartmouth College and NBER
Shaun McRae, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Alejandro Molnar, The World Bank
Tim Moore, General Motors
Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Gabriel Movsesyan, U.S. Department of Transportation
Erich Muehlegger, University of California, Davis and NBER
Dávid Krisztián Nagy, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics
Lorenzo Neri, University of St Andrews
Charles E. Noble, University of Minnesota
Paul Novosad, Dartmouth College
Theodore Papageorgiou, Boston College
Minseon Park, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Bitsy Perlman, U.S. Census Bureau
Ioana M. Petrescu, Harvard University
Lia Petrose, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David C. Phillips, University of Notre Dame
Don Pickrell, U.S. Department of Transportation
Steven Polzin, Center for Urban Transportation Research
James M. Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Simon Randrianarivelo, US Department of Transportation
Stephen J. Redding, Princeton University and NBER
Fernanda Rojas-Ampuero, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Erick Sager, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Lutz Sager, ESSEC Business School
Alberto Salvo, National University of Singapore
Amy Ellen Schwartz, University of Delaware
Jonathan B. Scott, University of Texas, Dallas
Javiera Selman, Tulane University
Tomas Serebrisky, Inter-American Development Bank
Christopher Severen, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Robert Sienkiewicz, U.S. Census Bureau
Hilary Sigman, Rutgers University and NBER
Cailin R. Slattery, University of California, Berkeley
Adam Solomon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mariano Somale, Federal Reserve System
Aradhya Sood, University of Toronto
Enrico Spolaore, Tufts University and NBER
Ben Sprung-Keyser, Wharton School
Jevgenijs Steinbuks, The World Bank
Mark Steinmeyer, Smith Richardson Foundation
Bryan A. Stuart, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Meiping Sun, Fordham University
Anjana Susarla, Michigan State University
Steven Tadelis, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota
Shinsuke Tanaka, University of Connecticut
Catherine Taylor, U.S. Department of Transportation
Alisa Tazhitdinova, University of California, Santa Barbara and NBER
Darren Timothy, U.S. Department of Transportation
Linh T. Tô, Boston University
Robert H. Topel, University of Chicago and NBER
Mehmet F. Ulu, Koc University
Sharada Vadali, Texas A&M University
Stan Veuger, American Enterprise Institute
Christian Volpe Martincus, Inter-American Development Bank
Sadek Wahba, I Squared Capital
Reed Walker, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Tom Wenzel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
William Wheaton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kevin R. Williams, Yale University and NBER
Roberton C. Williams, University of Maryland and NBER
Clifford Winston, Brookings Institution
Daniel Xu, Duke University and NBER
Mingzhi Xu, Peking University
Andrew J. Yates, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Junfu Zhang, Clark University
Yan Zhou, Argonne National Laboratory
Yichen Christy Zhou, Clemson University

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