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Matthew Ashenfarb, Yale University
Bryan Bollinger, New York University
Cuicui Chen, State University of New York at Albany
Maya Domeshek, Resources for the Future
Harrison Fell, North Carolina State University
Luis A. Fernandez Intriago, Environmental Defense Fund
Lilia Garcia Manrique, University of Calgary
Todd D. Gerarden, Cornell University
Kenneth Gillingham, Yale University and NBER
Catherine Hausman, University of Michigan and NBER
Keith Head, University of British Columbia
Sarah Johnston, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Daniel T. Kaffine, University of Colorado at Boulder
Hyuk-Soo Kwon, University of Chicago
Arik Levinson, Georgetown University and NBER
Jing Li, Tufts University
Shanjun Li, Cornell University and NBER
Shaun McRae, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Matias Navarro, Cornell University
Ashley Nunes, Harvard University
Mehedi Hasan Oni, University of Arkansas
Ha V. Pham
Milan Quentel, Stanford University
Mary A. Quiroga, University of Michigan
Nicholas Roy, Resources for the Future
Tess Snyder, Stanford University
Christopher Timmins, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Eva Wang
Yucheng Wang, University of Sydney

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