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Viral V. Acharya, New York University and NBER
Manuel Adelino, Duke University and NBER
Ashwini Agrawal, London School of Economics
Heitor Almeida, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NBER
Samuel Antill, Harvard University
Tania Babina, University of Maryland and NBER
Scott R. Baker, Northwestern University and NBER
Bo Becker, Stockholm School of Economics
Juliane Begenau, Stanford University and NBER
Matteo Benetton, University of California, Berkeley
Bernard Black, Northwestern University
Laura Blattner, Stanford University
Philip Bond, University of Washington
Alon Brav, Duke University and NBER
Svetlana Bryzgalova, London Business School
Mike Burkart, London School of Economics and Political Science
Bruce I. Carlin, Rice University and NBER
Stefano Cassella, Tilburg University
Sylvain Catherine, University of Pennsylvania
Huaizhi Chen, University of Notre Dame
Sergey Chernenko, Purdue University
Alex Chinco, Baruch College
Taha Choukhmane, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Shawn Cole, Harvard University and NBER
Emanuele Colonnelli, University of Chicago and NBER
José Ignacio Cuesta, Stanford University and NBER
Tim de Silva, Stanford University
Anthony A. DeFusco, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Douglas W. Diamond, University of Chicago and NBER
Jason R. Donaldson, Washington University in St Louis
Winston Wei Dou, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Alexander Dyck, University of Toronto
Francesco D’Acunto, Georgetown University
Janice C. Eberly, Northwestern University and NBER
Mark L. Egan, Harvard University and NBER
Isil Erel, The Ohio State University and NBER
Mara Faccio, Purdue University and NBER
Anastassia Fedyk, University of California at Berkeley
Michael Fishman, Northwestern University
Julia Fonseca, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Carola Frydman, Northwestern University and NBER
Mark Garmaise, University of California at Los Angeles
Xavier Giroud, Columbia University and NBER
Todd A. Gormley, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
Huseyin Gulen, Purdue University
Arpit Gupta, New York University
Umit Gurun, University of Texas at Dallas
Dirk Hackbarth, Boston University
Valentin Haddad, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Samuel Hanson, Harvard University and NBER
Jarrad Harford, University of Washington
Zhiguo He, Stanford University and NBER
Rawley Z. Heimer, Arizona State University
Bernard Herskovic, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Andrew Hertzberg, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Sean Higgins, Northwestern University
Gerard Hoberg, University of Southern California
Edie Hotchkiss, Boston College
Xing Huang, Washington University in St Louis
Kilian Huber, University of Chicago and NBER
Sasha Indarte, University of Pennsylvania
Benjamin Iverson, Brigham Young University
Jessica Jeffers, HEC Paris
Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics
Wei Jiang, Emory University and NBER
Lawrence J. Jin, Cornell University and NBER
Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College London
Steven N. Kaplan, University of Chicago and NBER
Anil K Kashyap, University of Chicago and NBER
Lorena Keller, University of Pennsylvania
Kristoph Kleiner, Indiana University
Ralph S. J. Koijen, University of Chicago and NBER
Peter Koudijs, University of Rotterdam
Camelia M. Kuhnen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NBER
Shohini Kundu, University of California, Los Angeles
Tim Landvoigt, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Eben Lazarus, University of California, Berkeley
Stefan Lewellen, Pennsylvania State University
Brittany A. Lewis, Washington University - St. Louis
George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University
Sydney C. Ludvigson, New York University and NBER
Song Ma, Yale University and NBER
Vojislav Maksimovic, University of Maryland
Andrey Malenko, Boston College
Nadya Malenko, Boston College and NBER
David A. Matsa, Northwestern University and NBER
Egor V. Matveyev, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gregor Matvos, Northwestern University and NBER
Simon Mayer, Carnegie Mellon University
Odhrain McCarthy, New York University
Robert L. McDonald, Northwestern University and NBER
Timothy McQuade, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Rajnish Mehra, Arizona State University and NBER
Filippo Mezzanotti, Northwestern University and NBER
Randall Morck, University of Alberta and NBER
Alan Moreira, University of Rochester and NBER
Scott T. Nelson, University of Chicago
Martin Oehmke, London School of Economics
Marcus Opp, Stockholm School of Economics
Krisztina Orban, Monash University
Paige Ouimet, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Darius Palia, Rutgers University
Guangqian Pan, the University of Sydney
Zheyao Pan, Macquarie University
Daniel Paravisini, London School of Economics
Bruno Pellegrino, Columbia University
Lin Peng, Baruch College
Enrico C. Perotti, University of Amsterdam
Mitchell A. Petersen, Northwestern University and NBER
Gordon M. Phillips, Dartmouth College and NBER
Giorgia Piacentino, University of Southern California and NBER
Christopher Polk, London School of Economics
Jacopo Ponticelli, Northwestern University and NBER
Alessandro Previtero, Indiana University and NBER
Manju Puri, Duke University and NBER
Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicago and NBER
Adriano A. Rampini, Duke University and NBER
S. Abraham (Avri) Ravid, Yeshiva University, Visiting Professor Yale School of Management
Enrichetta Ravina, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Robert J. Richmond, New York University and NBER
Michael R. Roberts, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Roberta Romano, Yale University and NBER
Nikolai Roussanov, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Shrihari Santosh, University of Maryland
Pavel G. Savor, DePaul University
David S. Scharfstein, Harvard University and NBER
Martin C. Schmalz, University of Oxford
Philipp Schnabl, New York University and NBER
David Schoenherr, Princeton University
Michael Schwert, AQR Arbitrage
Ishita Sen, Harvard University
Berk Sensoy, Vanderbilt University
Amit Seru, Stanford University and NBER
Kelly Shue, Yale University and NBER
Rui C. Silva, Nova School of Business and Economics
Elena Simintzi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Andrei Simonov, Michigan State University
Morten Sorensen, Dartmouth College and NBER
Chester S. Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER
David Sraer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Erik Stafford, Harvard University
Laura Starks, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Jeremy C. Stein, Harvard University and NBER
Philip Strahan, Boston College and NBER
Amir Sufi, University of Chicago and NBER
Adi Sunderam, Harvard University and NBER
Chad Syverson, University of Chicago and NBER
Huan Tang, University of Pennsylvania
Geoffrey Tate, University of Maryland and NBER
David Thesmar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Sheri Tice, Tulane University
Sheridan Titman, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Margarita Tsoutsoura, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Columbia University and NBER
Luis M. Viceira, Harvard University and NBER
Vikrant Vig, Stanford University and NBER
S. Vish Viswanathan, Duke University and NBER
Chen Wang, University of Notre Dame
Jialan Wang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NBER
Michael Weber, University of Chicago and NBER
Michael S. Weisbach, The Ohio State University and NBER
Toni Whited, University of Michigan and NBER
Rohan Williamson, Georgetown University and NBER
Kairong Xiao, Columbia University and NBER
Wei Xiong, Princeton University and NBER
Chenzi Xu, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Nancy R. Xu, Boston College
Constantine Yannelis, University of Cambridge
Ayako Yasuda, University of California at Davis
Yao Zeng, University of Pennsylvania
Alexander K. Zentefis, Yale University
Dexin Zhou, Baruch College
Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago and NBER
Eric Zwick, University of Chicago and NBER

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