In-Person Participants
Julian Arteaga, The World Bank
Gaurab Aryal, Boston University
Christopher Conlon, New York University and NBER
Colin J. Hottman, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Jingyi Huang, Brandeis University
Brent Hueth, USDA Economic Research Service
Jordi Jaumandreu, Boston University
Sean Kiely, University of California, Davis and NBER
Seula Kim, Pennsylvania State University
Ethan G. Lewis, Dartmouth College and NBER
Rigoberto A. Lopez, University of Connecticut
James MacDonald, University of Maryland
GianCarlo Moschini, Iowa State University
Michael A. Navarrete, National Bureau of Economic Research
Edward D. Perry, Kansas State University
Adam Marshall Rosenberg, Stanford University
Paul Scott, New York University
Fiona Scott Morton, Yale University and NBER
Matthew Weinberg, The Ohio State University
Jianqiang Zhao, Cornell University