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Marcella Alsan, Harvard University and NBER
Vellore Arthi, University of California, Irvine and NBER
Prashant Bharadwaj, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Tirth Bhatta, University of Nevada
Govert E. Bijwaard, NIDI
John Brown, Clark University
Louis Cain, Loyola University Chicago
Jamie M. Carroll, University of Texas at Austin
Dora Costa, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Heather DeSomer, National Bureau of Economic Research
Alicia Duncombe, University of Texas at Austin
Katherine Eriksson, University of California, Davis and NBER
Marco Francesconi, University of Essex
Bastiaan T. Heijmans, Leiden University Medical Center
Arushi Kaushik, University of California at San Diego
Joanna Lahey, Texas A&M University and NBER
Sophia Liu, Boston University
L.H. Lumey, Columbia University
Sandra L. Mason, National Bureau of Economic Research
Kathleen M. McGarry, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Chandra Muller, University of Texas at Austin
Karen Norberg, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
Andrew Noymer, University of California, Irvine
Robert A. Pollak, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
Maria Polyakova, Stanford University and NBER
Joseph Price, Brigham Young University and NBER
Leah Richmond-Rakerd, Duke University
Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Joan Ryan, University of Pennsylvania
Avron Spiro, Boston University
Richard H. Steckel, The Ohio State University
Brenden D. Timpe, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Noelle Yetter, National Bureau of Economic Research

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