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Simona Abis, University of Colorado Boulder
Şenay Ağca, The George Washington University
Laura Alfaro, Harvard University and NBER
Amber Anand, Syracuse University
Yan Bai, University of Rochester and NBER
Markus Baldauf, University of British Columbia
Matthew Baron, Cornell University
Marianne Baxter, Boston University and NBER
Tyler Beason, Virginia Tech
Ricardo J. Caballero, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Alberto Cavallo, Harvard University and NBER
Menzie D. Chinn, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Carole Comerton-Forde
Lin William Cong, Cornell University and NBER
Francis X. Diebold, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Mark L. Egan, Harvard University and NBER
Andrew Ellul, Indiana University
Vivian W. Fang, Indiana University
Wayne E. Ferson, University of Southern California and NBER
Mark Grinblatt, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
William D. Gropp, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Arpit Gupta, New York University
Samuel Hanson, Harvard University and NBER
Bengt R. Holmström, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Andreas Joseph, Bank of England
Andrei Kirilenko, University of Cambridge
S. P. Kothari, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Liheng Lei, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sida Li, Brandeis University
Anton Lines, Copenhagen Business School
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford University and NBER
Nadya Malenko, Boston College and NBER
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Stewart Mayhew, Cornerstone Research
Serena Ng, Columbia University and NBER
Shawn O'Donoghue, FDIC
Toshiaki Ogawa, Bank of Japan
Veronika K. Pool, Vanderbilt University
James M. Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alessandro Previtero, Indiana University and NBER
Alessandro Rebucci, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Philipp Renner, University of Lancaster
Tavy Ronen, Rutgers University
Simon Scheidegger, University of Lausanne
Clemens Sialm, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Eric C. So, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Elvira Sojli, University of New South Wales
Chester S. Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER
Noah Stoffman, Indiana University
Adi Sunderam, Harvard University and NBER
Wing W. Tham, University of New South Wales
Xu Tian, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
Adrien Verdelhan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Luis M. Viceira, Harvard University and NBER
S. Vish Viswanathan, Duke University and NBER
Sunil Wahal, Arizona State University
Wei Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)
Shingo Watanabe, Bank of Japan
Michael Weber, University of Chicago and NBER
Toni Whited, University of Michigan and NBER
Mao Ye, Cornell University and NBER
Bernard Yeung, National University of Singapore
Bart Zhou. Yueshen, SMU LKCSB
Jinyuan Zhang, University of California, Los Angeles
Tengfei Zhang, Rutgers University
Miles Zheng, Texas Christian University



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