Call for Papers -- NBER Cohort Studies Meeting
The annual NBER Cohort Studies meeting will be held January 20-21, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA. The workshop will bring together scholars with a common interest in the analyses of life course and multigenerational events in aging; the role of cumulative exposures in aging-related outcomes; and in understanding how the economic, institutional, and demographic context has changed for different cohorts and for different racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic groups within cohorts. The meeting is supported in part by an NIA conference grant so submissions consistent with NIA's missions will receive higher priority. The program will be based both on invited papers and on paper submissions.
The NBER will cover the cost of lodging and travel, subject to federal grant reimbursement rules, for paper presenters. Presenters must have completed their graduate studies.
Submissions from scholars with and without NBER affiliations, early in their careers, and from members of groups that have been under-represented in economics are welcome. Submissions must be uploaded here
by midnight EST on November 30, 2022.
Please feel free to pass this email on to others who may be interested in submitting research for presentation at the meeting. Questions about the meeting may be addressed to