We thank Mike Andrews, Erik Brynjolfsson, Ronnie Chatterji, Scott Stern, and participants at the conference for helpful comments and suggestions. We thank David Balter and Xiaomeng Chen for outstanding research assistance. All opinions and errors are ours alone. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Avi Goldfarb
I have no direct financial interest. I receive income from a book and from public talks related to my research on the economics of artificial intelligence. I am also the Chief Data Scientist of the Creative Destruction Lab, a non-profit program for technology-based startups. I am a small seed investor in several startups and have investments in large technology companies as part of a broad portfolio. A longer disclosure statement is here and below: https://www.avigoldfarb.com/disclosure
I have received grants supporting my research from multiple sources including the Sloan Foundation (ongoing), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (ongoing), the National Science Foundation (ongoing), Google (most recently 2009), WPP (most recently 2009), the Net Institute (most recently 2007), Plurimus Corporation (most recently 2001), and the Social Science Research Council (most recently 2000). I run a consulting company, Goldfarb Analytics Corporation, that advises organizations on digital and AI strategy. Clients have included Keystone Strategy (on matters of competition in the ad tech space), Hogan Lovells, Bruce Power, Bond Brand Loyalty, BMO, and Property Valuation Services Corporation of Nova Scotia. I have given lectures—sometimes paid—at several companies including BMC, Neoway, Amazon, Microsoft, Sisense, Bloomberg, Indigo, Google, INTACT, Boehringer Ingelheim, McKesson, Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada, Hospital for Sick Children, Pinterest, Netflix, Zetta Venture Partners, ScotiaBank, Ebay, and Facebook. I am Chief Data Scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab, a non-profit organization that helps science-based startups to scale. I also hold shares in many technology companies as part of a well-balanced investment portfolio.