Comment on "External and Public Debt Crises"

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Ricardo ReisI have been an academic consultant or have given lectures receiving modest financial compensation at many policy institutions over the past 3 years, including the Bank of England, the Central Bank of Brasil, the FRB Minneapolis, the FRB New York, the FRB Richmond, the Norges Bank, and the Swiss National Bank. None of these interfered in any way with my research in this paper.
October 2015: Ricardo A. M. R. Reis, Outside Professional Activities, 2012-2015, Columbia University, CEPR, and NBER*:
Compensated Activities
Teaching and lecturing
Study Center, Gerzensee, Switzerland, 2013–15.
International Monetary Fund Institute, 2015.
Tinbergen Institute Economics, 2015.
Banco Central do Brasil, 2015.
Banco de Portugal, 2014.
AEA continuing education program, 2015.
Global Market Institute at Goldman Sachs, 2013.
Editorial work
Journal of Monetary Economics: editor, 2014–15.
Advisory panels and visiting positions
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: panel member, 2012–13.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York: academic consultant, 2012–15.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis: academic consultant, 2013.
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: academic consultant, 2013–15.
Bank of England: senior George fellow, 2015.
Norges Bank PhD scholarship committee, 2013–15.
Compensated or supported research and writing
Opinion columns published in Dinheiro Vivo, 2012–15.
Articles published in the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2012–15.
Article for a conference sponsored by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Non-compensated activities
Member of the euro-nomics group advocating for solutions to the Euro-crisis, 2012–15.
Member of the advisory council of Plataforma para o Crescimento Sustentável, Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa, Institute of Public Policy Thomas Jefferson-Correia da Serra, independent reflection groups/think tanks on the state and future of Portugal, 2012–15
Member of ISEG Budget Watch, panel of independent experts evaluating the Portuguese government budget proposals, 2013–15
Member of jury of Prize Excellens Oeconomia for Portuguese company of the year, by Jornal de Negócios, 2013–15
Member of the Monetary Policy Advisory Panel, FRB New York, 2012–15
Member of the external evaluation committee of the research department of the Banco de Portugal, 2014* This document follows the NBER guidelines at
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