Comment on "Shocks and Crashes"

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John Y. CampbellJuly 2014, Outside Activities Since 2006
A. Compensated Activities (Excludes honoraria from non-profit institutions, government agencies, and academic journals of $3,000 or less in a given year, and payments from for-profit firms of $500 or less in a given year.)
Asset Management
Founding partner since 1999, Arrowstreet Capital, LP: www.arrowstreetcapital.comCommissioned Research
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: grant for international comparative studies of household finance, 2011-2014
Brookings Institution: paper with Robert Shiller and Luis M. Viceira, “Understanding Inflation-Indexed Bond Markets”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 79-120, Spring 2009Conference Organization
National Bureau of Economic Research, conference on Asset Prices and Monetary Policy, 2007Speaking Engagements
Journal of Investment Management, 2007
Mellon Global Investments, Brazil, 2007
Real Colegio Complutense, 2007 and 2008
Pension Real Estate Association, 2008
International Conference on Economics, Finance, and Accounting, National Taiwan University, 2009
China International Conference in Finance, Beijing, 2010
Forum for the Future of Higher Education, Aspen, 2011
Karl Borch Lecture, NHH, Bergen, Norway, 2011
David Kinley Lecture, University of Illinois, 2012
Purvis Lecture, Canadian Economic Association, 2012
Morgan Stanley Lecture, New Economic School, Moscow, 2012
International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, 2012
Hirtle Callaghan Investment Leadership Award, Philadelphia, PA, 2013
European Financial Management Association, Reading, UK, 2013B. Significant Non-Compensated Activities
American Economic Journal Macroeconomics: Editorial Board, 2007-09
Econometric Society: Council, 2002-09; Investments Committee, 2006-10
Harvard Management Company: Board, 2004-11
International Atlantic Economic Society: President, 2008-09
Journal of Financial Econometrics: Advisory Board, 2001-present
Journal of Financial Economics: Associate Editor, 2007-present
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking: Advisory Board, 2001-present
Oxford-Man Institute: Academic Advisory Board, 2012-present
Board of Trustees, Andover Newton Theological School, 2012-present
Academic Research Council, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2012-present
Financial Research Advisory Committee, Office of Financial Research, US Treasury, 2014-present -
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- Feldstein Lecture
- Presenter: Cecilia E. Rouse

- Methods Lectures
- Presenter: Susan Athey