The Origin and Persistence of Black-White Differences in Women's Labor Force Participation
Published Date
Copyright 2014
ISBN 978-0-226-16389-5
DOI 10.7208/chicago/9780226163925.003.0007

Black women were more likely than white women to participate in the labor force from 1870 until at least 1980 and to hold jobs in agriculture or manufacturing. Differences in observables cannot account for most of this racial gap in labor force participation for the 100 years after Emancipation. The unexplained racial gap may be due to racial differences in stigma associated with women's work, which Goldin (1977) suggested could be traced to cultural norms rooted in slavery. In both nineteenth and twentieth century data, we find evidence of inter-generation transmission of labor force participation from mother to daughter, which is consistent with the role of cultural norms.
Published From Paper
Working Paper
Black women were more likely than white women to participate in the labor force from 1870 until at least 1980 and to...