Introduction to "The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: Political Economy"
Joshua GansJoshua Gans has drawn on the findings of his research for both compensated speaking engagements and consulting engagements. He has written the books Prediction Machines, Power & Prediction, and Innovation + Equality on the economics of AI for which he receives royalties. He is also chief economist of the Creative Destruction Lab, a University of Toronto-based program that helps seed stage companies, from which he receives compensation. He conducts consulting on anti-trust and intellectual property matters with an association with Keystone Strategy and his ownership of Core Economic Research Ltd. He also has equity and advisory relationships with a number of startup firms. Joshua is also a co-founder of All Day TA.
Avi GoldfarbI have no direct conflicts of interest.
I have received grants supporting my research from multiple sources including the Sloan Foundation (ongoing), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (ongoing), the National Science Foundation (most recently 2018), Google (most recently 2009), WPP (most recently 2009), the Net Institute (most recently 2007), Bell Canada (most recently 2006), Plurimus Corporation (most recently 2001), and the Social Science Research Council (most recently 2000). I run a consulting company, Goldfarb Analytics Corporation, that advises organizations on digital and A.I. strategy, including work on legal cases involving large technology companies. Clients have included BMO, Brainmaven (on A.I. strategy in the insurance industry), the Competition Bureau of Canada, Cornerstone Research (on matters of competition and privacy in the ad tech space), Meta/Facebook, the Federal Trade Commission, and Keystone Strategy (on matters of competition in the ad tech space). I have given lectures—sometimes paid—at several organizations including AdventHealth, Amazon, Bloomberg, Boehringer Ingelheim, Corus Entertainment, Meta/Facebook, Microsoft, Netflix, RBC, and ScotiaBank. I am Chief Data Scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab, a non-profit organization that helps science-based startups to scale. I also hold shares in many technology companies as part of a well-balanced investment portfolio.
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