Comment on "The Lifetime Risk of Nursing Home Use"

David M. CutlerCompensated Activities*
Aetna Insurance
American Health Lawyers Association
Book royalties “Your Money or Your Life"
Ernst and Young
Parenteral Drug Association
Aon Hewitt
Book royalties “Your Money or Your Life"
Healthcare Financial Management Association
International Monetary Fund
The Lancet
National Council and Community Behavioral Healthcare
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Northwestern Kellog School Susan Bies Lecture
Universitat Pompreu Fabra
Book royalties “Your Money or Your Life"
Connance Though Leadership Webinar Series InHealth Summit
InHealth Summit
Novartis Spain
Partner's Healthcare Center for Connected Health
Siemans Healthcare
Wildavsky Forum UC Berkeley
World Health Care Congress2010:
American College of Physician Executives
America’s Health Insurance Plans
Book royalties “Your Money or Your Life"
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Forces for Change: America’s Health Insurance Plans
Healthcare Financial Management Association
IMS Consulting
Kaiser Family Foundation
Med Impact Healthcare Systems, Inc.
Medtronic, Inc.
National Association of Drug Stores
National Bureau of Economic Research
Senate Presidents Forum
Society of Actuaries
Thomson Reuters
US Oncology2009:
Book royalties “Your Money or Your Life"
Brokers and Reinsurance Markets Association
The Capital Group Companies
Marcus Evans
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Pharmaceutical Council
Real Colegi Computense
University of Washington
Warburg Pincus2008:
Book royalties “Your Money or Your Life"
Cato Institute
Kaiser Family Foundation (paper)
National Bureau of Economic Research
Partners HealthcareConsulting (present):
Fidelity Biosciences Advisory Board
Third WayConsulting (past):
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Genentech Advisory BoardTravel reimbursed by non-governmental and non-academic institutions
Center for American Progress
duPont Childrens Hospital
Ernst and Young
Health Affairs
Institute of Medicine
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Institute of Health
Parenteral Drug Association
Center for American Progress
Intermountain Healthcare
International Monetary Fund
Journal of American Medical Association
Kaiser Permanente
National Bureau of Economic Research
Spinemark International2011:
Aging Alliance
Alpine Bank
Center for American Progress
Ellison Foundation
National Bureau of Economic Research
Pharmacy Quality Alliance
Vascular Medical Society
World Bank2010
American Heart Association
Brookings Institute
Center for American Progress
Health Affairs
National Academy of Social Insurance
National Association of Business Economics
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Institute of Health
New Jersey Hospital Association
New York Presbyterian Hospital2009
Association of Academic Health
Brookings Institute
Center for American Progreass
Institute of Medicine
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Institute on Aging
National Press Club
New England Healthcare Institute
Peterson Foundation
Point Judith Capital
Robert Wood Johnson FoundationSignificant Non-Compensated Activities
Public Service (present):
Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Member, Heath Policy Commission, Commonwealth of MassachusettsPublic Service (past):
Massachusetts Health Leaders for Appropriate and Affordable Care
Member, Group Insurance Commission, Commonwealth of MassachusettsProfessional Activities and Memberships:
Co-editor, Journal of Health Economics (compensated)
Member, Institute of Medicine
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Aging, Health Care, Public Economics, and Productivity programs
Fellow, Employee Benefit Research Institute
Member, National Academy of Social Insurance
Member, Institute for Research on Poverty*Excludes honoraria from non-profit institutions, government agencies, and academic journals of $3,000 or less in a given year, and payments from for-profit firms of $500 or less in a given year.
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- Feldstein Lecture
- Presenter: Cecilia E. Rouse

- Methods Lectures
- Presenter: Susan Athey