Featured Researcher: Nolan H. Miller
Nolan H. Miller is a research associate in the NBER’s programs on Health Care and on Environment and Energy Economics. He is the Daniel and Cynthia Mah Helle Professor of Finance at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Miller’s research addresses economic questions related to health and the environment. In ongoing work, he is examining the effects of temperature, pollution, and natural disasters on health care use and health outcomes among Medicare beneficiaries. Other recent work assessed potential explanations for the changes in Social Security Disability Insurance enrollment that accompany variation in economic conditions. He has also written about nutrition, including the development of an empirical measure of nutritional sufficiency and evaluation of the nutritional benefits of food subsidies.
His research has been supported by the National Institute on Aging, the Social Security Administration, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the Environmental Protection Agency. It has been recognized with the Arrow Award from the International Health Economics Association. He has served as editor of the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, and as associate editor at The Review of Economics and Statistics and the B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics.
Miller received undergraduate degrees in economics and philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania. He earned a PhD in Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. Before joining the faculty at the University of Illinois in 2009, he was a faculty member at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.