Dollarization and Economic Performance: An Empirical Investigation
In this paper I investigate the historical record of countries that have lived under a 'dollarized' monetary system. As it turns out, this is a very small group of counties, most of which have operated under very special circumstances, and for which there are very limited data. The results reported in this paper suggests that, when compared to other countries, the dollarized nations have: (a) have had significantly lower inflation; (b) grown at a significantly lower rate; (c) have had a similar fiscal record; (d) have not been spared from major current account reversals. Additionally, my analysis of Panama's case suggests that external shocks result in greater costs - in terms of lower investment and growth - in dollarized than in non-dollarized countries.
Published Versions
Edwards, Sebastian and I. Igal Magendzo. "Dollarization And Economic Performance: What Do We Really Know?," International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2003, v8(4,Oct), 351-363.