Domestic Distortions and the Deindustrialization Hypothesis
Working Paper 5473
DOI 10.3386/w5473
Issue Date
It is widely believed that U.S. trade deficits have displaced workers from highly paid manufacturing jobs into less well-paid service employment, contributing to declining incomes for the nation as a whole. Although proponents of this view do not usually think of it this way, this analysis falls squarely into the `domestic distortions' framework pioneered by Jagdish Bhagwati. This paper models the deindustrialization hypothesis explicitly as a domestic distortions issue, and shows that while it makes conceptual sense it is of limited quantitative importance.
Published Versions
Feenstra, Robert C., Gene M. Grossman, and Douglas A. Irwin. The political economy of trade policy: Papers in honor of Jagdish Bhagwati. Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 1996.