Search Method Use by Unemployed Youth
In this paper I investigate the use of different search methods by unemployed youth. I present a job search model which shows that search method choices should be related to their costs and expected productivities, as well as other factors such as nonwage income and wage offer distributions. I then present empirical evidence on the use of these methods and their effects on employment outcomes. These results show that the most frequently used search methods, which are friends and relatives and direct applications without referral, are also the most productive in generating job offers and acceptances. Econometric evidence then shows that the number of methods used is affected by factors which presumably reflect market opportunities as well as income sources and needs. While the use of specific search methods respond differently to these factors, they are chosen in a manner which generates positive average effects on employment outcomes for those who use them. The results are thus consistent with the search model presented here.
Published Versions
Holzer, Harry J. "Search Method Use by Unemployed Youth," Journal of Labor Economics, 1988, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1988, pp. 1-20. citation courtesy of