The Effect of Liquidity Constraints on Consumption: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
This paper examines the effect of liquidity constraints on consumption expenditures using a single-time cross-section data set. A reduced-form equation for consumption is estimated on high-saving households by the Tobit procedure to account for the selectivity bias. Since high-saving households are not likely to be liquidity constrained, the estimated equation is an appropriate description of how desired consumption dictated by the life cycle-permanent income hypothesis is related to the variables available in the cross-section data. When the reduced-form equation is used to predict desired consumption, the gap between desired consumption and measured consumption is most evident for young households.
Published Versions
Hayashi, Fumio. "The Effect of Liquidity Constraints on Consumption: A Cross-Sectional Analysis." Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 1985, No. 1, Feb. 1985, pp. 183-206. citation courtesy of