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Interdisciplinary research is seen as critical for solving society's grand challenges but it is not clear that the outcomes of interdisciplinary researchers reflect that urgency. These code combine data (available from other sources) to analyze career outcomes of interdisciplinarians. Specifically,...
This page is no longer maintained. Earlier and later data, and Stata.dta files are available at...
These files are from the National Records and Archives Administration. They have estate tax returns merged with income tax returns for the decedents several years prior. While the files have been stripped of identifying information, confidentiality considerations mean that it is unlikely that any...
The NBER previously posted version of the Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS) Form 2552-96 and 2552-10 files covered 1996-2018 and may not be updated. The NBER versions of these files were advantageous for some users because the were in.dta, or.csv formats, and were not in database...
The content herein provides technical details concerning the development and elements of the Health Systems and Provider Database (HSPD) created by a research team primarily based at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and led by Nancy Beaulieu (Harvard Medical School) with support from...
This is preliminary and untested. Please send comments to feenberg@nber.org. You can also call me at 617-863-0343. Please do....
The Veterans Grandchildren Mortality Plus sample consists of the records of more than 35,700 total grandchildren both male and female in nearly equal numbers, about 28,000 of which survived to age 45, who were born after the war to 16,791 children of 2,825 veterans, and contains an oversample of ex...
ECG Waveform Data is externally hosted at Nightingale Open Science Documents. Philip D. Anderson, Zoey Li, Nick Foster, Senthil Nachimuthu, Josh Risley, and Ziad Obermeyer. 2023. Assessing Heart Attack Risk in the Emergency Department Using ECG Waveforms: A Nightingale Open Science Dataset. DOI...
Health Survey Data from Tamil Nadu, India is externally hosted on Open ICPSR....
Public Use Tape on the Aging of Veterans of the Union Army...
The Gross Job Flows series data and documentation for 1972-1998 is available. Home Page -- Includes information about and links to previous versions Data Documentation...
The approximately 27,000 mortgage loan experience cards that comprise this group were collected in the 1940s as part of the NBERs Financial Research Program. Six NBER books were based on analyses of these data and these volumes should be consulted when using this group of materials....
The army recruits data below were used in Dora L. Costa and Richard H. Steckel, "Long-Term trends in Health, Welfare, and Economics Growth in the United States." In R. Floud and R.H. Steckel (Eds), Health and Welfare During Industrialization. University of Chicago Press for NBER, 1997....
The Covid-19 pandemic and its resultant health care disruption was associated with a substantial decline in the use of ambulatory and inpatient care, but what is less well known is whether it also resulted in a decrease in prescription drug receipt among chronically ill patients, particularly in...
Internet Taxsim (v35) is a subset of the the full TAXSIM program which calculates federal and state income tax liabilities from typical survey data. You provide the data, the NBER TAXSIM program returns the tax calculations from our server in seconds. Federal law from 1960-2023 and state laws from...
This page provides cleaning code for the data on commuting patterns within the Detroit Metropolitan Area in 1953 provided by Harvard Dataverse. Code files provided by Jeffrey Lin as used in: Brinkman, Jeffrey and Jeffrey Lin (2023) Freeway Revolts! The Quality of Life Effects of Highways, Review of...
This page provides data on racial differences in commuting patterns by commuting zone from 1980-2019. Data provided by Christopher Severen and used in: Fu, Ellen, Lyndsey Rolheiser and Christopher Severen (2023) The Problem Has Existed over Endless Years: Racialized Difference in Commuting, 19802019...
This page provides bilateral county-level commuting flow data from two sources. The first, the US Census Journey to Work estimates, provides flows for 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000. The second, the American Community Survey, provides flows for 2006-2010, 2009-2013, 2011-2015, and 2016-2020. US Census...
This page contains Exploration Routes Shapefiles used as instruments for the U.S Interstate Highway network Provided by Jeffrey Lin and used in: Brinkman, Jeffrey and Jeffrey Lin (2023) Freeway Revolts! The Quality of Life Effects of Highways, Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming....
Exports of Manufacturing Enterprises, US Census Bureau The EME contains yearly data on exports by state. The data are constructed by aggregating export activity data from the Census of Manufactures. The files below contains data for the years 1960, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1976, and annually for 1983-1991....
These files contain bilateral state-to-state migration flows constructed from the decennial US Census for 1960-2000. Starting with the 1940 Census, respondents were asked to provide their migrant status and their place of residence five years ago. The data in these files therefore indicate, for each...
The IRS creates Individual Income Tax ZIP Code Data which contains selected income and tax items classified by State, ZIP Code, and size of adjusted gross income. A ZIP Code distance database is also available. NBER internal users can access these datasets...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS)Freestanding Federally Qualified Health Center Cost Report Data files easier.Some materials are set up as well for the other...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS) Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) Cost Report Data files easier. Form 2088-17 contains cost reports submitted on or after...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS)Health Clinic Cost Report Data files easier.Pre-FY2015 222-92 deliveries included both Federally Qualified Health Clinic (FQHC)...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS)Health Clinic Cost Report Data files easier.Pre-FY2015 222-92 deliveries included both Federally Qualified Health Clinic (FQHC)...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS) Home Health Agency Cost Report Data files easier.Some materials are set up as well for the other HCRIS forms can be found in...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS)Hospice Cost Report Data data files easier.An example Stata extract code is also available. Some materials are set up as well...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' CMS' Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS) Renal Dialysis Facility (RNL) cost reports data files a bit easier. Some materials are set up as well for the other HCRIS forms can...
Here we make available for anyone to use our database described in Yu et al., forthcoming*. Yu et al. study the productivity of biomedical scientists over their careers, distinguishing between scholarly quantity and quality and also controlling for ability-biased attrition. They find that while...
These files were created by data@nber.org at the NBER to make access to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS)Hospital 2552-10 and 2552-96 Cost Report Data files easier.An example Stata extract code is also available. Some materials are...
The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally altered the delivery of healthcare in the United States. The association between these COVID-19-related changes and vulnerable patient outcomes, such as those with Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), is not yet well understood. For this reason, we...
Medicare claims data report payments made to healthcare providers, which provides information on healthcare utilization, including the types of care provided. Deidentified beneficiary information includes demographics and diagnoses. Medicare claims data is also well suited to measuring value because...
This page contains infrastructure shapefiles collected or created under the Transportation Economics in the 21st Century Project with the objective of improving access to data sets and facilitating research. This project supports research on three central issues in transportation economics: the...
1. Caltrans Performance Measurement System (PeMS) Traffic data collected from 40,000+ detectors across all major freeways in the state of California. Includes information on congestion, travel times, delays, lane closures, traffic census, etc. Apply for Access As used in: Bento, Antonio, Kevin Roth...
1. Census Transportation Planning Products An extension of Census and ACS products providing travel data by residence, workplace, and commuting flows. One can cut the data by a variety of geographies, times of day leaving home, and travel mode. The data has information on household and personal...
1. PlaceIQ Exposure Indices Anonymized and aggregated mobility data based on smartphone movements provided by PlaceIQ. Available from 2020-present, updated weekly. The data provides a variety of exposure measures across and within states, counties, and CBSAs. Data provided by Victor Couture,...
1. Department of Transportation DB1A/DB1B Data Air fare for U.S. domestic one-way tickets. Data provided by Severin Borenstein. Data As used in: Borenstein, Severin and Nancy L. Rose. Competition and Price Dispersion in the U.S. Airline Industry Journal of Political Economy, 1994. 102(4): 653-683....
1. National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) National surveys administered in 2001, 2009, and 2017 on personal travel behaviors conducted by the Federal Highway Administration. Data As used in: Duranton, Gilles and Matthew A. Turner. Urban form and driving: Evidence from US Cities. Journal of Urban...
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