_dta: 1. sdued2016.dta data set up by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 20 Feb 2018 2. NBER URL: http://www.nber.org/data/state-drug-utilization.html 3. Source Page: https://data.medicaid.gov/State-Drug-Utilization/State-Drug-Utilization-Data-2016/3v6v-qk5s/data 4. Source File URL: https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/prescription-drugs/state-drug-utilization-data/index.html ndc: 1. National Drug Code (NDC) obs: 4,367,625 vars: 20 20 Feb 2018 09:53 size: 598,364,625 (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ utilizationtype str4 %9s Utilization Type state str2 %9s State labelercode str5 %9s Labeler Code productcode str4 %9s Product Code packagesize str2 %9s Package Size year int %10.0g Year quarter byte %10.0g Quarter productname str15 %15s Product Name suppressionused str5 %9s Suppression Used unitsreimbursed double %10.0g Units Reimbursed numberofprescriptions long %10.0g Number of Prescriptions totalamountreimbursed double %10.0g Total Amount Reimbursed medicaidamountreimbursed double %10.0g Medicaid Amount Reimbursed nonmedicaidamountreimbursed double %10.0g Non Medicaid Amount Reimbursed quarterbegin str4 %9s Quarter Begin quarterbegindate str10 %10s Quarter Begin Date latitude double %10.0g Latitude longitude double %10.0g Longitude location str20 %20s Location ndc str11 %11s * National Drug Code (NDC) * indicated variables have notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: state year quarter ndc utilizationtype