%MACRO V22I0ED1(AGE=, SEX=, ICD10= ); %********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** 1 MACRO NAME: V22I0ED1 2 PURPOSE: age/sex edits on ICD10: some edits are mandatory, others - are based on MCE list to check if age or sex for a beneficiary is within the range of acceptable age/sex, if not- CC is set to -1.0 - invalid 3 PARAMETERS: AGE - beneficiary age variable calculated by DOB from a person level file SEX - beneficiary SEX variable in a person level file ICD10 - diagnosis variable in a diagnosis file 4 COMMENTS: 1. Age format AGEFMT0 and sex format SEXFMT0 are parameters in the main macro. They have to correspond to the years of data 2. If ICD10 code does not have any restriction on age or sex then the corresponding format puts it in "-1" 3. AGEL format sets lower limits for age AGEU format sets upper limit for age for specific edit categories: "0"= "0 newborn (age 0) " "1"= "1 pediatric (age 0 -17)" "2"= "2 maternity (age 12-55)" "3"= "3 adult (age 14+) " 4. SEDITS - parameter for the main macro **********************************************************************; %* reset of CCs that is based on beneficiary age or sex; IF &SEX="2" AND &ICD10 IN ("D66", "D67") THEN CC="48"; ELSE IF &AGE < 18 AND &ICD10 IN ("J410", "J411", "J418", "J42", "J430", "J431", "J432", "J438", "J439", "J440", "J441", "J449", "J982", "J983") THEN CC="112"; %* MCE edits if needed (should be decided by a user by setting parameter SEDITS); %IF &SEDITS = 1 %THEN %DO; %* check if Age is within acceptable range; _TAGE=PUT(&ICD10, $&AGEFMT0..); IF _TAGE NE "-1" AND (&AGE < INPUT(PUT(_TAGE, $AGEL.),8.) OR &AGE > INPUT(PUT(_TAGE, $AGEU.),8.)) THEN CC='-1.0'; %* check if Sex for a person is the one in the MCE file; _TSEX=PUT(&ICD10, $&SEXFMT0..); IF _TSEX NE "-1" & _TSEX NE &SEX THEN CC='-1.0'; %END; %MEND V22I0ED1;