
I attach a zip library with the following files:

1.  June2005 ESRD software for CMS.doc - software description
2.  esrdsY05.hdc         - main SAS program to call main macro
3.  esrdmy05.hdc         - main macro to call all other macros
4.  editicd9.hdc         - macro to do age/sex edits on ICD9 codes
5.  esrddem.hdc          - macro to create demographic variables
6.  esrdhier.hdc         - macro to create hierarchical HCC variables
7.  HCCLABL.HDC          - HCCs labels
8.  mltccdg.hdc          - macro to assign multiple CCs for some ICD9s
9.  scorecal.hdc         - macro to calculate score variable
10. esrdpy04             - SAS transport file with coefficients from
                           regression models
11. fmtcv12a             - SAS transport file with format library
                           that has a cross-walk from 2005 ICD9 codes to
                           CC categories that are transformed to HCC
                           categories by the software.

File 1 is a slight modification of the 2004 software description. The
changes are: name of the main program, name of the main macro and
name of the format library.

File 2 is a slight modification of "esrdsy04" program. The changes are:
program name, comments, main macro call, year references on software
version and model coefficients

File 3 is a slight modification of "esrdmy04". The changes are:
macro name, comments, year references on software version and model

Files 4-10 are exactly the same as the corresponding files in the 
2004 software that I sent in the on February 1.

File 11 "fmtcv12a" is a new format library that includes 2005 ICD9 codes.

The whole package was tested on Mainframe on the data that we used to
test 2004 software.

Basically a user has to import 2 files (coefficients and format library)
using his SAS platform, add references to his libraries and files and run
the main program as it is described in the documentation.

Please feel free to call/email to me if you have any question.
