Frequencies for first 10,000 rows of sdappt variable in namcs2011 dataset : Roughly, | what | percent of | your daily | visits are | same-day | appointment | s? | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- Blank | 178 1.78 1.78 0 | 416 4.16 5.94 1 | 613 6.13 12.07 2 | 550 5.50 17.57 3 | 152 1.52 19.09 5 | 1,112 11.12 30.21 6 | 36 0.36 30.57 7 | 40 0.40 30.97 8 | 137 1.37 32.34 10 | 1,106 11.06 43.40 12 | 41 0.41 43.81 13 | 30 0.30 44.11 15 | 740 7.40 51.51 18 | 35 0.35 51.86 20 | 905 9.05 60.91 23 | 63 0.63 61.54 25 | 653 6.53 68.07 30 | 664 6.64 74.71 33 | 95 0.95 75.66 35 | 129 1.29 76.95 40 | 231 2.31 79.26 45 | 28 0.28 79.54 48 | 26 0.26 79.80 50 | 843 8.43 88.23 60 | 171 1.71 89.94 65 | 124 1.24 91.18 70 | 150 1.50 92.68 75 | 157 1.57 94.25 80 | 139 1.39 95.64 85 | 21 0.21 95.85 90 | 89 0.89 96.74 95 | 94 0.94 97.68 99 | 50 0.50 98.18 100 | 182 1.82 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 10,000 100.00 by Jean Roth , , 28 Mar 2016