Frequencies for foiclass244 dataset : by Jean Roth , , 12 Oct 2018 Frequencies for revpanstr variable in foiclass244 dataset : Review | Panel | String | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- | 208 3.65 3.65 AN | 230 4.04 7.70 CH | 482 8.47 16.17 CV | 358 6.29 22.46 DE | 335 5.89 28.34 EN | 242 4.25 32.60 GU | 565 9.93 42.52 HE | 277 4.87 47.39 HO | 351 6.17 53.56 IM | 277 4.87 58.43 MG | 2 0.04 58.46 MI | 476 8.36 66.82 NE | 227 3.99 70.81 OB | 261 4.59 75.40 OP | 319 5.61 81.01 OR | 302 5.31 86.31 PA | 138 2.42 88.74 SU | 307 5.39 94.13 TX | 334 5.87 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for revpan variable in foiclass244 dataset : Review Panel String | Freq. Percent Cum. ---------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Anesthesiology Part 868 AN | 230 4.04 4.04 Clinical Chemistry Part 862 CH | 482 8.47 12.51 Cardiovascular Part 870 CV | 358 6.29 18.80 Dental Part 872 DE | 335 5.89 24.69 Ear, Nose, & Throat Part 874 EN | 242 4.25 28.94 Gastroenterology & Urology Part 876 GU | 565 9.93 38.87 Hematology Part 864 HE | 277 4.87 43.74 General Hospital Part 880 HO | 351 6.17 49.90 Immunology Part 866 IM | 277 4.87 54.77 Molecular Genetics MG | 2 0.04 54.81 Microbiology Part 866 MI | 476 8.36 63.17 Neurology Part 882 NE | 227 3.99 67.16 Obstetrics/Gynecology Part 884 OB | 261 4.59 71.74 Ophthalmic Part 886 OP | 319 5.61 77.35 Orthopedic Part 888 OR | 302 5.31 82.66 Pathology Part 864 PA | 138 2.42 85.08 General & Plastic Surgery Part 878 SU | 307 5.39 90.48 Clinical Toxicology Part 862 TX | 334 5.87 96.35 . | 208 3.65 100.00 ---------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for medspecstr variable in foiclass244 dataset : Medical | Specialty | String | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- | 767 13.48 13.48 AN | 214 3.76 17.24 CH | 500 8.79 26.02 CV | 291 5.11 31.14 DE | 306 5.38 36.51 EN | 213 3.74 40.26 GU | 500 8.79 49.04 HE | 359 6.31 55.35 HO | 269 4.73 60.08 IM | 257 4.52 64.59 MI | 445 7.82 72.41 NE | 171 3.00 75.42 OB | 236 4.15 79.56 OP | 284 4.99 84.55 OR | 240 4.22 88.77 PA | 17 0.30 89.07 PM | 18 0.32 89.39 RA | 9 0.16 89.54 SU | 333 5.85 95.40 TX | 262 4.60 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for medspec variable in foiclass244 dataset : Medical Specialty String | Freq. Percent Cum. ---------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Anesthesiology Part 868 AN | 214 3.76 3.76 Clinical Chemistry Part 862 CH | 500 8.79 12.55 Cardiovascular Part 870 CV | 291 5.11 17.66 Dental Part 872 DE | 306 5.38 23.04 Ear, Nose, & Throat Part 874 EN | 213 3.74 26.78 Gastroenterology & Urology Part 876 GU | 500 8.79 35.56 Hematology Part 864 HE | 359 6.31 41.87 General Hospital Part 880 HO | 269 4.73 46.60 Immunology Part 866 IM | 257 4.52 51.12 Microbiology Part 866 MI | 445 7.82 58.94 Neurology Part 882 NE | 171 3.00 61.94 Obstetrics/Gynecology Part 884 OB | 236 4.15 66.09 Ophthalmic Part 886 OP | 284 4.99 71.08 Orthopedic Part 888 OR | 240 4.22 75.29 Pathology Part 864 PA | 17 0.30 75.59 Physical Medicine Part 890 PM | 18 0.32 75.91 Radiology Part 892 RA | 9 0.16 76.07 General & Plastic Surgery Part 878 SU | 333 5.85 81.92 Clinical Toxicology Part 862 TX | 262 4.60 86.52 . | 767 13.48 100.00 ---------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for prodcode variable in foiclass244 dataset : Product | Code | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- BRT | 1 0.02 0.02 BRW | 1 0.02 0.04 BRX | 1 0.02 0.05 BRY | 1 0.02 0.07 BRZ | 1 0.02 0.09 BSA | 1 0.02 0.11 BSB | 1 0.02 0.12 BSD | 1 0.02 0.14 BSE | 1 0.02 0.16 BSF | 1 0.02 0.18 BSI | 1 0.02 0.19 BSJ | 1 0.02 0.21 BSK | 1 0.02 0.23 BSN | 1 0.02 0.25 BSO | 1 0.02 0.26 BSP | 1 0.02 0.28 BSR | 1 0.02 0.30 BSS | 1 0.02 0.32 BST | 1 0.02 0.33 BSY | 1 0.02 0.35 BSZ | 1 0.02 0.37 BTB | 1 0.02 0.39 BTC | 1 0.02 0.40 BTG | 1 0.02 0.42 BTI | 1 0.02 0.44 BTK | 1 0.02 0.46 BTL | 1 0.02 0.47 BTM | 1 0.02 0.49 BTO | 1 0.02 0.51 BTP | 1 0.02 0.53 BTQ | 1 0.02 0.54 BTR | 1 0.02 0.56 BTS | 1 0.02 0.58 BTT | 1 0.02 0.60 BTY | 1 0.02 0.62 BWB | 1 0.02 0.63 BWC | 1 0.02 0.65 BWF | 1 0.02 0.67 BWH | 1 0.02 0.69 BWJ | 1 0.02 0.70 BWK | 1 0.02 0.72 BWL | 1 0.02 0.74 BXA | 1 0.02 0.76 BXH | 1 0.02 0.77 BXJ | 1 0.02 0.79 BXK | 1 0.02 0.81 BXL | 1 0.02 0.83 BXM | 1 0.02 0.84 BXN | 1 0.02 0.86 BXO | 1 0.02 0.88 BXP | 1 0.02 0.90 BXQ | 1 0.02 0.91 BXR | 1 0.02 0.93 BXW | 1 0.02 0.95 BXX | 1 0.02 0.97 BXY | 1 0.02 0.98 BYD | 1 0.02 1.00 BYE | 1 0.02 1.02 BYF | 1 0.02 1.04 BYG | 1 0.02 1.05 BYH | 1 0.02 1.07 BYI | 1 0.02 1.09 BYJ | 1 0.02 1.11 BYK | 1 0.02 1.12 BYL | 1 0.02 1.14 BYM | 1 0.02 1.16 BYN | 1 0.02 1.18 BYO | 1 0.02 1.19 BYP | 1 0.02 1.21 BYR | 1 0.02 1.23 BYS | 1 0.02 1.25 BYT | 1 0.02 1.27 BYW | 1 0.02 1.28 BYX | 1 0.02 1.30 BYY | 1 0.02 1.32 BYZ | 1 0.02 1.34 BZA | 1 0.02 1.35 BZB | 1 0.02 1.37 BZC | 1 0.02 1.39 BZD | 1 0.02 1.41 BZE | 1 0.02 1.42 BZG | 1 0.02 1.44 BZH | 1 0.02 1.46 BZK | 1 0.02 1.48 BZL | 1 0.02 1.49 BZM | 1 0.02 1.51 BZN | 1 0.02 1.53 BZO | 1 0.02 1.55 BZQ | 1 0.02 1.56 BZR | 1 0.02 1.58 BZS | 1 0.02 1.60 BZT | 1 0.02 1.62 BZW | 1 0.02 1.63 CAC | 1 0.02 1.65 CAD | 1 0.02 1.67 CAE | 1 0.02 1.69 CAF | 1 0.02 1.70 CAG | 1 0.02 1.72 CAH | 1 0.02 1.74 CAI | 1 0.02 1.76 CAK | 1 0.02 1.77 CAL | 1 0.02 1.79 CAM | 1 0.02 1.81 CAN | 1 0.02 1.83 CAO | 1 0.02 1.85 CAP | 1 0.02 1.86 CAR | 1 0.02 1.88 CAT | 1 0.02 1.90 CAW | 1 0.02 1.92 CAX | 1 0.02 1.93 CAZ | 1 0.02 1.95 CBA | 1 0.02 1.97 CBC | 1 0.02 1.99 CBD | 1 0.02 2.00 CBF | 1 0.02 2.02 CBG | 1 0.02 2.04 CBH | 1 0.02 2.06 CBI | 1 0.02 2.07 CBK | 1 0.02 2.09 CBL | 1 0.02 2.11 CBN | 1 0.02 2.13 CBO | 1 0.02 2.14 CBP | 1 0.02 2.16 CBQ | 1 0.02 2.18 CBR | 1 0.02 2.20 CBS | 1 0.02 2.21 CBT | 1 0.02 2.23 CBZ | 1 0.02 2.25 CCC | 1 0.02 2.27 CCE | 1 0.02 2.28 CCI | 1 0.02 2.30 CCJ | 1 0.02 2.32 CCK | 1 0.02 2.34 CCL | 1 0.02 2.35 CCM | 1 0.02 2.37 CCN | 1 0.02 2.39 CCO | 1 0.02 2.41 CCQ | 1 0.02 2.42 CCT | 1 0.02 2.44 CCW | 1 0.02 2.46 CCX | 1 0.02 2.48 CCY | 1 0.02 2.50 CCZ | 1 0.02 2.51 CDA | 1 0.02 2.53 CDB | 1 0.02 2.55 CDC | 1 0.02 2.57 CDD | 1 0.02 2.58 CDE | 1 0.02 2.60 CDF | 1 0.02 2.62 CDG | 1 0.02 2.64 CDH | 1 0.02 2.65 CDK | 1 0.02 2.67 CDL | 1 0.02 2.69 CDM | 1 0.02 2.71 CDN | 1 0.02 2.72 CDO | 1 0.02 2.74 CDP | 1 0.02 2.76 CDQ | 1 0.02 2.78 CDR | 1 0.02 2.79 CDS | 1 0.02 2.81 CDT | 1 0.02 2.83 CDW | 1 0.02 2.85 CDX | 1 0.02 2.86 CDZ | 1 0.02 2.88 CEA | 1 0.02 2.90 CEC | 1 0.02 2.92 CED | 1 0.02 2.93 CEE | 1 0.02 2.95 CEF | 1 0.02 2.97 CEI | 1 0.02 2.99 CEJ | 1 0.02 3.00 CEK | 1 0.02 3.02 CEL | 1 0.02 3.04 CEM | 1 0.02 3.06 CEN | 1 0.02 3.08 CEO | 1 0.02 3.09 CEP | 1 0.02 3.11 CEQ | 1 0.02 3.13 CER | 1 0.02 3.15 CES | 1 0.02 3.16 CET | 1 0.02 3.18 CEW | 1 0.02 3.20 CEX | 1 0.02 3.22 CFA | 1 0.02 3.23 CFB | 1 0.02 3.25 CFD | 1 0.02 3.27 CFE | 1 0.02 3.29 CFF | 1 0.02 3.30 CFG | 1 0.02 3.32 CFH | 1 0.02 3.34 CFJ | 1 0.02 3.36 CFL | 1 0.02 3.37 CFM | 1 0.02 3.39 CFN | 1 0.02 3.41 CFO | 1 0.02 3.43 CFP | 1 0.02 3.44 CFQ | 1 0.02 3.46 CFR | 1 0.02 3.48 CFT | 1 0.02 3.50 CFW | 1 0.02 3.51 CGA | 1 0.02 3.53 CGC | 1 0.02 3.55 CGD | 1 0.02 3.57 CGE | 1 0.02 3.58 CGF | 1 0.02 3.60 CGH | 1 0.02 3.62 CGI | 1 0.02 3.64 CGJ | 1 0.02 3.65 CGL | 1 0.02 3.67 CGM | 1 0.02 3.69 CGN | 1 0.02 3.71 CGO | 1 0.02 3.73 CGR | 1 0.02 3.74 CGS | 1 0.02 3.76 CGT | 1 0.02 3.78 CGX | 1 0.02 3.80 CGZ | 1 0.02 3.81 CHA | 1 0.02 3.83 CHC | 1 0.02 3.85 CHD | 1 0.02 3.87 CHE | 1 0.02 3.88 CHG | 1 0.02 3.90 CHH | 1 0.02 3.92 CHI | 1 0.02 3.94 CHJ | 1 0.02 3.95 CHK | 1 0.02 3.97 CHL | 1 0.02 3.99 CHM | 1 0.02 4.01 CHN | 1 0.02 4.02 CHO | 1 0.02 4.04 CHP | 1 0.02 4.06 CHQ | 1 0.02 4.08 CHR | 1 0.02 4.09 CHS | 1 0.02 4.11 CHT | 1 0.02 4.13 CHW | 1 0.02 4.15 CHZ | 1 0.02 4.16 CIA | 1 0.02 4.18 CIB | 1 0.02 4.20 CIC | 1 0.02 4.22 CID | 1 0.02 4.23 CIE | 1 0.02 4.25 CIF | 1 0.02 4.27 CIG | 1 0.02 4.29 CIJ | 1 0.02 4.31 CIK | 1 0.02 4.32 CIL | 1 0.02 4.34 CIN | 1 0.02 4.36 CIO | 1 0.02 4.38 CIQ | 1 0.02 4.39 CIS | 1 0.02 4.41 CIT | 1 0.02 4.43 CIW | 1 0.02 4.45 CIX | 1 0.02 4.46 CIY | 1 0.02 4.48 CIZ | 1 0.02 4.50 CJA | 1 0.02 4.52 CJB | 1 0.02 4.53 CJC | 1 0.02 4.55 CJD | 1 0.02 4.57 CJE | 1 0.02 4.59 CJF | 1 0.02 4.60 CJG | 1 0.02 4.62 CJH | 1 0.02 4.64 CJI | 1 0.02 4.66 CJJ | 1 0.02 4.67 CJK | 1 0.02 4.69 CJL | 1 0.02 4.71 CJM | 1 0.02 4.73 CJN | 1 0.02 4.74 CJO | 1 0.02 4.76 CJQ | 1 0.02 4.78 CJR | 1 0.02 4.80 CJT | 1 0.02 4.81 CJW | 1 0.02 4.83 CJX | 1 0.02 4.85 CJY | 1 0.02 4.87 CJZ | 1 0.02 4.88 CKA | 1 0.02 4.90 CKB | 1 0.02 4.92 CKC | 1 0.02 4.94 CKD | 1 0.02 4.96 CKE | 1 0.02 4.97 CKF | 1 0.02 4.99 CKG | 1 0.02 5.01 CKH | 1 0.02 5.03 CZJ | 1 0.02 5.04 CZK | 1 0.02 5.06 CZL | 1 0.02 5.08 CZM | 1 0.02 5.10 CZN | 1 0.02 5.11 CZO | 1 0.02 5.13 CZP | 1 0.02 5.15 CZQ | 1 0.02 5.17 CZR | 1 0.02 5.18 CZS | 1 0.02 5.20 CZT | 1 0.02 5.22 CZW | 1 0.02 5.24 CZX | 1 0.02 5.25 CZY | 1 0.02 5.27 CZZ | 1 0.02 5.29 DAB | 1 0.02 5.31 DAC | 1 0.02 5.32 DAD | 1 0.02 5.34 DAE | 1 0.02 5.36 DAF | 1 0.02 5.38 DAG | 1 0.02 5.39 DAH | 1 0.02 5.41 DAI | 1 0.02 5.43 DAJ | 1 0.02 5.45 DAK | 1 0.02 5.46 DAL | 1 0.02 5.48 DAM | 1 0.02 5.50 DAN | 1 0.02 5.52 DAO | 1 0.02 5.54 DAP | 1 0.02 5.55 DAQ | 1 0.02 5.57 DAR | 1 0.02 5.59 DAS | 1 0.02 5.61 DAT | 1 0.02 5.62 DAW | 1 0.02 5.64 DAX | 1 0.02 5.66 DAY | 1 0.02 5.68 DAZ | 1 0.02 5.69 DBA | 1 0.02 5.71 DBC | 1 0.02 5.73 DBE | 1 0.02 5.75 DBF | 1 0.02 5.76 DBH | 1 0.02 5.78 DBI | 1 0.02 5.80 DBJ | 1 0.02 5.82 DBK | 1 0.02 5.83 DBL | 1 0.02 5.85 DBM | 1 0.02 5.87 DBN | 1 0.02 5.89 DBT | 1 0.02 5.90 DBY | 1 0.02 5.92 DCB | 1 0.02 5.94 DCE | 1 0.02 5.96 DCF | 1 0.02 5.97 DCH | 1 0.02 5.99 DCJ | 1 0.02 6.01 DCK | 1 0.02 6.03 DCN | 1 0.02 6.04 DCO | 1 0.02 6.06 DCT | 1 0.02 6.08 DCY | 1 0.02 6.10 DDB | 1 0.02 6.11 DDC | 1 0.02 6.13 DDD | 1 0.02 6.15 DDE | 1 0.02 6.17 DDF | 1 0.02 6.19 DDG | 1 0.02 6.20 DDH | 1 0.02 6.22 DDI | 1 0.02 6.24 DDJ | 1 0.02 6.26 DDK | 1 0.02 6.27 DDL | 1 0.02 6.29 DDN | 1 0.02 6.31 DDO | 1 0.02 6.33 DDQ | 1 0.02 6.34 DDR | 1 0.02 6.36 DDS | 1 0.02 6.38 DDT | 1 0.02 6.40 DDX | 1 0.02 6.41 DDY | 1 0.02 6.43 DDZ | 1 0.02 6.45 DEA | 1 0.02 6.47 DEB | 1 0.02 6.48 DEC | 1 0.02 6.50 DEF | 1 0.02 6.52 DEG | 1 0.02 6.54 DEH | 1 0.02 6.55 DEI | 1 0.02 6.57 DEJ | 1 0.02 6.59 DEK | 1 0.02 6.61 DEL | 1 0.02 6.62 DEM | 1 0.02 6.64 DEN | 1 0.02 6.66 DEO | 1 0.02 6.68 DER | 1 0.02 6.69 DES | 1 0.02 6.71 DET | 1 0.02 6.73 DEW | 1 0.02 6.75 DEX | 1 0.02 6.77 DEZ | 1 0.02 6.78 DFB | 1 0.02 6.80 DFC | 1 0.02 6.82 DFF | 1 0.02 6.84 DFG | 1 0.02 6.85 DFH | 1 0.02 6.87 DFI | 1 0.02 6.89 DFJ | 1 0.02 6.91 DFK | 1 0.02 6.92 DFL | 1 0.02 6.94 DFM | 1 0.02 6.96 DFO | 1 0.02 6.98 DFQ | 1 0.02 6.99 DFS | 1 0.02 7.01 DFT | 1 0.02 7.03 DFX | 1 0.02 7.05 DFZ | 1 0.02 7.06 DGA | 1 0.02 7.08 DGB | 1 0.02 7.10 DGC | 1 0.02 7.12 DGD | 1 0.02 7.13 DGE | 1 0.02 7.15 DGG | 1 0.02 7.17 DGI | 1 0.02 7.19 DGJ | 1 0.02 7.20 DGK | 1 0.02 7.22 DGL | 1 0.02 7.24 DGM | 1 0.02 7.26 DGN | 1 0.02 7.27 DGP | 1 0.02 7.29 DGQ | 1 0.02 7.31 DGR | 1 0.02 7.33 DGW | 1 0.02 7.34 DGX | 1 0.02 7.36 DHA | 1 0.02 7.38 DHB | 1 0.02 7.40 DHC | 1 0.02 7.42 DHI | 1 0.02 7.43 DHL | 1 0.02 7.45 DHN | 1 0.02 7.47 DHQ | 1 0.02 7.49 DHR | 1 0.02 7.50 DHX | 1 0.02 7.52 DHY | 1 0.02 7.54 DIC | 1 0.02 7.56 DID | 1 0.02 7.57 DIE | 1 0.02 7.59 DIF | 1 0.02 7.61 DIG | 1 0.02 7.63 DIH | 1 0.02 7.64 DII | 1 0.02 7.66 DIJ | 1 0.02 7.68 DIK | 1 0.02 7.70 DIL | 1 0.02 7.71 DIM | 1 0.02 7.73 DIN | 1 0.02 7.75 DIO | 1 0.02 7.77 DIP | 1 0.02 7.78 DIQ | 1 0.02 7.80 DIR | 1 0.02 7.82 DIS | 1 0.02 7.84 DIT | 1 0.02 7.85 DIW | 1 0.02 7.87 DIX | 1 0.02 7.89 DIY | 1 0.02 7.91 DIZ | 1 0.02 7.92 DJA | 1 0.02 7.94 DJB | 1 0.02 7.96 DJC | 1 0.02 7.98 DJD | 1 0.02 8.00 DJE | 1 0.02 8.01 DJF | 1 0.02 8.03 DJG | 1 0.02 8.05 DJH | 1 0.02 8.07 DJI | 1 0.02 8.08 DJJ | 1 0.02 8.10 DJK | 1 0.02 8.12 DJL | 1 0.02 8.14 DJM | 1 0.02 8.15 DJN | 1 0.02 8.17 DJO | 1 0.02 8.19 DJP | 1 0.02 8.21 DJQ | 1 0.02 8.22 DJR | 1 0.02 8.24 DJS | 1 0.02 8.26 DJW | 1 0.02 8.28 DJX | 1 0.02 8.29 DJY | 1 0.02 8.31 DJZ | 1 0.02 8.33 DKA | 1 0.02 8.35 DKB | 1 0.02 8.36 DKC | 1 0.02 8.38 DKD | 1 0.02 8.40 DKE | 1 0.02 8.42 DKG | 1 0.02 8.43 DKH | 1 0.02 8.45 DKJ | 1 0.02 8.47 DKK | 1 0.02 8.49 DKN | 1 0.02 8.50 DKO | 1 0.02 8.52 DKP | 1 0.02 8.54 DKQ | 1 0.02 8.56 DKR | 1 0.02 8.57 DKS | 1 0.02 8.59 DKT | 1 0.02 8.61 DKW | 1 0.02 8.63 DKX | 1 0.02 8.65 DKY | 1 0.02 8.66 DKZ | 1 0.02 8.68 DLA | 1 0.02 8.70 DLB | 1 0.02 8.72 DLC | 1 0.02 8.73 DLD | 1 0.02 8.75 DLE | 1 0.02 8.77 DLF | 1 0.02 8.79 DLG | 1 0.02 8.80 DLH | 1 0.02 8.82 DLI | 1 0.02 8.84 DLJ | 1 0.02 8.86 DLN | 1 0.02 8.87 DLO | 1 0.02 8.89 DLP | 1 0.02 8.91 DLR | 1 0.02 8.93 DLS | 1 0.02 8.94 DLT | 1 0.02 8.96 DLX | 1 0.02 8.98 DLY | 1 0.02 9.00 DLZ | 1 0.02 9.01 DMB | 1 0.02 9.03 DMF | 1 0.02 9.05 DMG | 1 0.02 9.07 DMI | 1 0.02 9.08 DMJ | 1 0.02 9.10 DMK | 1 0.02 9.12 DML | 1 0.02 9.14 DMN | 1 0.02 9.15 DMP | 1 0.02 9.17 DMQ | 1 0.02 9.19 DMR | 1 0.02 9.21 DMS | 1 0.02 9.23 DMT | 1 0.02 9.24 DMX | 1 0.02 9.26 DMY | 1 0.02 9.28 DMZ | 1 0.02 9.30 DNA | 1 0.02 9.31 DNC | 1 0.02 9.33 DND | 1 0.02 9.35 DNE | 1 0.02 9.37 DNF | 1 0.02 9.38 DNG | 1 0.02 9.40 DNH | 1 0.02 9.42 DNI | 1 0.02 9.44 DNJ | 1 0.02 9.45 DNK | 1 0.02 9.47 DNL | 1 0.02 9.49 DNN | 1 0.02 9.51 DNO | 1 0.02 9.52 DNP | 1 0.02 9.54 DNQ | 1 0.02 9.56 DNS | 1 0.02 9.58 DNT | 1 0.02 9.59 DNW | 1 0.02 9.61 DNX | 1 0.02 9.63 DNZ | 1 0.02 9.65 DOA | 1 0.02 9.66 DOB | 1 0.02 9.68 DOD | 1 0.02 9.70 DOE | 1 0.02 9.72 DOF | 1 0.02 9.73 DOG | 1 0.02 9.75 DOH | 1 0.02 9.77 DOJ | 1 0.02 9.79 DOK | 1 0.02 9.80 DOL | 1 0.02 9.82 DOM | 1 0.02 9.84 DON | 1 0.02 9.86 DOO | 1 0.02 9.88 DOP | 1 0.02 9.89 DOR | 1 0.02 9.91 DOS | 1 0.02 9.93 DOW | 1 0.02 9.95 DOX | 1 0.02 9.96 DOY | 1 0.02 9.98 DOZ | 1 0.02 10.00 DPA | 1 0.02 10.02 DPB | 1 0.02 10.03 DPD | 1 0.02 10.05 DPE | 1 0.02 10.07 DPG | 1 0.02 10.09 DPH | 1 0.02 10.10 DPI | 1 0.02 10.12 DPJ | 1 0.02 10.14 DPK | 1 0.02 10.16 DPL | 1 0.02 10.17 DPM | 1 0.02 10.19 DPN | 1 0.02 10.21 DPO | 1 0.02 10.23 DPP | 1 0.02 10.24 DPQ | 1 0.02 10.26 DPS | 1 0.02 10.28 DPT | 1 0.02 10.30 DPW | 1 0.02 10.31 DPZ | 1 0.02 10.33 DQA | 1 0.02 10.35 DQB | 1 0.02 10.37 DQC | 1 0.02 10.38 DQD | 1 0.02 10.40 DQE | 1 0.02 10.42 DQF | 1 0.02 10.44 DQG | 1 0.02 10.46 DQH | 1 0.02 10.47 DQI | 1 0.02 10.49 DQK | 1 0.02 10.51 DQO | 1 0.02 10.53 DQP | 1 0.02 10.54 DQR | 1 0.02 10.56 DQT | 1 0.02 10.58 DQX | 1 0.02 10.60 DQY | 1 0.02 10.61 DRA | 1 0.02 10.63 DRB | 1 0.02 10.65 DRC | 1 0.02 10.67 DRE | 1 0.02 10.68 DRF | 1 0.02 10.70 DRG | 1 0.02 10.72 DRI | 1 0.02 10.74 DRJ | 1 0.02 10.75 DRK | 1 0.02 10.77 DRL | 1 0.02 10.79 DRM | 1 0.02 10.81 DRN | 1 0.02 10.82 DRO | 1 0.02 10.84 DRP | 1 0.02 10.86 DRQ | 1 0.02 10.88 DRR | 1 0.02 10.89 DRS | 1 0.02 10.91 DRT | 1 0.02 10.93 DRW | 1 0.02 10.95 DRX | 1 0.02 10.96 DRY | 1 0.02 10.98 DRZ | 1 0.02 11.00 DSA | 1 0.02 11.02 DSB | 1 0.02 11.03 DSF | 1 0.02 11.05 DSH | 1 0.02 11.07 DSI | 1 0.02 11.09 DSJ | 1 0.02 11.11 DSK | 1 0.02 11.12 DSM | 1 0.02 11.14 DSP | 1 0.02 11.16 DSQ | 1 0.02 11.18 DSR | 1 0.02 11.19 DSS | 1 0.02 11.21 DST | 1 0.02 11.23 DSW | 1 0.02 11.25 DSY | 1 0.02 11.26 DSZ | 1 0.02 11.28 DTA | 1 0.02 11.30 DTB | 1 0.02 11.32 DTC | 1 0.02 11.33 DTD | 1 0.02 11.35 DTE | 1 0.02 11.37 DTF | 1 0.02 11.39 DTG | 1 0.02 11.40 DTH | 1 0.02 11.42 DTI | 1 0.02 11.44 DTJ | 1 0.02 11.46 DTK | 1 0.02 11.47 DTL | 1 0.02 11.49 DTM | 1 0.02 11.51 DTN | 1 0.02 11.53 DTP | 1 0.02 11.54 DTQ | 1 0.02 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17.11 EZO | 1 0.02 17.13 EZP | 1 0.02 17.15 EZQ | 1 0.02 17.17 EZR | 1 0.02 17.19 EZS | 1 0.02 17.20 EZT | 1 0.02 17.22 EZW | 1 0.02 17.24 EZY | 1 0.02 17.26 EZZ | 1 0.02 17.27 FAA | 1 0.02 17.29 FAB | 1 0.02 17.31 FAC | 1 0.02 17.33 FAD | 1 0.02 17.34 FAE | 1 0.02 17.36 FAF | 1 0.02 17.38 FAG | 1 0.02 17.40 FAH | 1 0.02 17.41 FAJ | 1 0.02 17.43 FAK | 1 0.02 17.45 FAL | 1 0.02 17.47 FAM | 1 0.02 17.48 FAN | 1 0.02 17.50 FAO | 1 0.02 17.52 FAP | 1 0.02 17.54 FAQ | 1 0.02 17.55 FAR | 1 0.02 17.57 FAS | 1 0.02 17.59 FAT | 1 0.02 17.61 FAX | 1 0.02 17.62 FBI | 1 0.02 17.64 FBJ | 1 0.02 17.66 FBK | 1 0.02 17.68 FBM | 1 0.02 17.69 FBN | 1 0.02 17.71 FBO | 1 0.02 17.73 FBP | 1 0.02 17.75 FBR | 1 0.02 17.76 FBS | 1 0.02 17.78 FBW | 1 0.02 17.80 FBX | 1 0.02 17.82 FBY | 1 0.02 17.84 FBZ | 1 0.02 17.85 FCB | 1 0.02 17.87 FCC | 1 0.02 17.89 FCE | 1 0.02 17.91 FCF | 1 0.02 17.92 FCG | 1 0.02 17.94 FCH | 1 0.02 17.96 FCI | 1 0.02 17.98 FCK | 1 0.02 17.99 FCL | 1 0.02 18.01 FCM | 1 0.02 18.03 FCN | 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FON | 1 0.02 21.75 FOS | 1 0.02 21.77 FOX | 1 0.02 21.79 FOZ | 1 0.02 21.81 FPA | 1 0.02 21.82 FPB | 1 0.02 21.84 FPD | 1 0.02 21.86 FPF | 1 0.02 21.88 FPK | 1 0.02 21.89 FPL | 1 0.02 21.91 FPO | 1 0.02 21.93 FPP | 1 0.02 21.95 FPS | 1 0.02 21.96 FQA | 1 0.02 21.98 FQH | 1 0.02 22.00 FQJ | 1 0.02 22.02 FQK | 1 0.02 22.03 FQL | 1 0.02 22.05 FQM | 1 0.02 22.07 FQZ | 1 0.02 22.09 FRA | 1 0.02 22.11 FRC | 1 0.02 22.12 FRF | 1 0.02 22.14 FRG | 1 0.02 22.16 FRI | 1 0.02 22.18 FRJ | 1 0.02 22.19 FRK | 1 0.02 22.21 FRL | 1 0.02 22.23 FRN | 1 0.02 22.25 FRO | 1 0.02 22.26 FRP | 1 0.02 22.28 FRQ | 1 0.02 22.30 FRR | 1 0.02 22.32 FRT | 1 0.02 22.33 FRW | 1 0.02 22.35 FRZ | 1 0.02 22.37 FSA | 1 0.02 22.39 FSD | 1 0.02 22.40 FSR | 1 0.02 22.42 FTI | 1 0.02 22.44 FTJ | 1 0.02 22.46 FTO | 1 0.02 22.47 FTQ | 1 0.02 22.49 FTZ | 1 0.02 22.51 FWN | 1 0.02 22.53 FXO | 1 0.02 22.54 FXP | 1 0.02 22.56 FXX | 1 0.02 22.58 FXY | 1 0.02 22.60 FXZ | 1 0.02 22.61 FYA | 1 0.02 22.63 FYB | 1 0.02 22.65 FYC | 1 0.02 22.67 FYD | 1 0.02 22.68 FYH | 1 0.02 22.70 FZC | 1 0.02 22.72 GAZ | 1 0.02 22.74 GBL | 1 0.02 22.76 GBM | 1 0.02 22.77 GBT | 1 0.02 22.79 GCA | 1 0.02 22.81 GCF | 1 0.02 22.83 GCK | 1 0.02 22.84 GCL | 1 0.02 22.86 GCM | 1 0.02 22.88 GCN | 1 0.02 22.90 GCO | 1 0.02 22.91 GCP | 1 0.02 22.93 GCQ | 1 0.02 22.95 GCS | 1 0.02 22.97 GCT | 1 0.02 22.98 GCW | 1 0.02 23.00 GCX | 1 0.02 23.02 GDB | 1 0.02 23.04 GDS | 1 0.02 23.05 GEL | 1 0.02 23.07 GER | 1 0.02 23.09 GEY | 1 0.02 23.11 GFA | 1 0.02 23.12 GFB | 1 0.02 23.14 GFC | 1 0.02 23.16 GFD | 1 0.02 23.18 GFE | 1 0.02 23.19 GFF | 1 0.02 23.21 GFG | 1 0.02 23.23 GFI | 1 0.02 23.25 GFJ | 1 0.02 23.26 GFK | 1 0.02 23.28 GFO | 1 0.02 23.30 GFS | 1 0.02 23.32 GFT | 1 0.02 23.34 GFX | 1 0.02 23.35 GGC | 1 0.02 23.37 GGF | 1 0.02 23.39 GGG | 1 0.02 23.41 GGH | 1 0.02 23.42 GGJ | 1 0.02 23.44 GGK | 1 0.02 23.46 GGL | 1 0.02 23.48 GGM | 1 0.02 23.49 GGN | 1 0.02 23.51 GGO | 1 0.02 23.53 GGP | 1 0.02 23.55 GGQ | 1 0.02 23.56 GGT | 1 0.02 23.58 GGW | 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1 0.02 26.37 GQD | 1 0.02 26.39 GQE | 1 0.02 26.41 GQF | 1 0.02 26.43 GQG | 1 0.02 26.45 GQH | 1 0.02 26.46 GQI | 1 0.02 26.48 GQJ | 1 0.02 26.50 GQK | 1 0.02 26.52 GQL | 1 0.02 26.53 GQM | 1 0.02 26.55 GQN | 1 0.02 26.57 GQO | 1 0.02 26.59 GQP | 1 0.02 26.60 GQQ | 1 0.02 26.62 GQR | 1 0.02 26.64 GQS | 1 0.02 26.66 GQT | 1 0.02 26.67 GQW | 1 0.02 26.69 GQX | 1 0.02 26.71 GQY | 1 0.02 26.73 GQZ | 1 0.02 26.74 GRA | 1 0.02 26.76 GRB | 1 0.02 26.78 GRC | 1 0.02 26.80 GRD | 1 0.02 26.81 GRE | 1 0.02 26.83 GRF | 1 0.02 26.85 GRG | 1 0.02 26.87 GRH | 1 0.02 26.88 GRI | 1 0.02 26.90 GRJ | 1 0.02 26.92 GRK | 1 0.02 26.94 GRL | 1 0.02 26.95 GRM | 1 0.02 26.97 GRO | 1 0.02 26.99 GRP | 1 0.02 27.01 GRT | 1 0.02 27.03 GRW | 1 0.02 27.04 GRX | 1 0.02 27.06 GRY | 1 0.02 27.08 GRZ | 1 0.02 27.10 GSA | 1 0.02 27.11 GSB | 1 0.02 27.13 GSD | 1 0.02 27.15 GSE | 1 0.02 27.17 GSF | 1 0.02 27.18 GSG | 1 0.02 27.20 GSH | 1 0.02 27.22 GSI | 1 0.02 27.24 GSJ | 1 0.02 27.25 GSK | 1 0.02 27.27 GSL | 1 0.02 27.29 GSM | 1 0.02 27.31 GSN | 1 0.02 27.32 GSO | 1 0.02 27.34 GSP | 1 0.02 27.36 GSQ | 1 0.02 27.38 GSR | 1 0.02 27.39 GSS | 1 0.02 27.41 GST | 1 0.02 27.43 GSW | 1 0.02 27.45 GSX | 1 0.02 27.46 GSY | 1 0.02 27.48 GSZ | 1 0.02 27.50 GTA | 1 0.02 27.52 GTB | 1 0.02 27.53 GTC | 1 0.02 27.55 GTD | 1 0.02 27.57 GTE | 1 0.02 27.59 GTF | 1 0.02 27.60 GTH | 1 0.02 27.62 GTI | 1 0.02 27.64 GTJ | 1 0.02 27.66 GTL | 1 0.02 27.68 GTN | 1 0.02 27.69 GTO | 1 0.02 27.71 GTP | 1 0.02 27.73 GTQ | 1 0.02 27.75 GTR | 1 0.02 27.76 GTX | 1 0.02 27.78 GTY | 1 0.02 27.80 GTZ | 1 0.02 27.82 GWB | 1 0.02 27.83 GWC | 1 0.02 27.85 GWD | 1 0.02 27.87 GWE | 1 0.02 27.89 GWF | 1 0.02 27.90 GWG | 1 0.02 27.92 GWI | 1 0.02 27.94 GWJ | 1 0.02 27.96 GWK | 1 0.02 27.97 GWL | 1 0.02 27.99 GWM | 1 0.02 28.01 GWN | 1 0.02 28.03 GWO | 1 0.02 28.04 GWQ | 1 0.02 28.06 GWR | 1 0.02 28.08 GWS | 1 0.02 28.10 GWW | 1 0.02 28.11 GWX | 1 0.02 28.13 GWY | 1 0.02 28.15 GWZ | 1 0.02 28.17 GXB | 1 0.02 28.18 GXC | 1 0.02 28.20 GXD | 1 0.02 28.22 GXE | 1 0.02 28.24 GXH | 1 0.02 28.26 GXI | 1 0.02 28.27 GXJ | 1 0.02 28.29 GXL | 1 0.02 28.31 GXM | 1 0.02 28.33 GXN | 1 0.02 28.34 GXO | 1 0.02 28.36 GXP | 1 0.02 28.38 GXQ | 1 0.02 28.40 GXR | 1 0.02 28.41 GXS | 1 0.02 28.43 GXT | 1 0.02 28.45 GXW | 1 0.02 28.47 GXX | 1 0.02 28.48 GXY | 1 0.02 28.50 GXZ | 1 0.02 28.52 GYA | 1 0.02 28.54 GYB | 1 0.02 28.55 GYC | 1 0.02 28.57 GYD | 1 0.02 28.59 GYE | 1 0.02 28.61 GYK | 1 0.02 28.62 GYZ | 1 0.02 28.64 GZA | 1 0.02 28.66 GZB | 1 0.02 28.68 GZD | 1 0.02 28.69 GZE | 1 0.02 28.71 GZF | 1 0.02 28.73 GZI | 1 0.02 28.75 GZJ | 1 0.02 28.76 GZK | 1 0.02 28.78 GZL | 1 0.02 28.80 GZM | 1 0.02 28.82 GZN | 1 0.02 28.84 GZO | 1 0.02 28.85 GZP | 1 0.02 28.87 GZQ | 1 0.02 28.89 GZT | 1 0.02 28.91 GZX | 1 0.02 28.92 HAB | 1 0.02 28.94 HAD | 1 0.02 28.96 HAE | 1 0.02 28.98 HAM | 1 0.02 28.99 HAO | 1 0.02 29.01 HAS | 1 0.02 29.03 HAW | 1 0.02 29.05 HAX | 1 0.02 29.06 HBA | 1 0.02 29.08 HBB | 1 0.02 29.10 HBC | 1 0.02 29.12 HBD | 1 0.02 29.13 HBE | 1 0.02 29.15 HBF | 1 0.02 29.17 HBG | 1 0.02 29.19 HBI | 1 0.02 29.20 HBL | 1 0.02 29.22 HBM | 1 0.02 29.24 HBN | 1 0.02 29.26 HBO | 1 0.02 29.27 HBP | 1 0.02 29.29 HBQ | 1 0.02 29.31 HBR | 1 0.02 29.33 HBS | 1 0.02 29.34 HBT | 1 0.02 29.36 HBW | 1 0.02 29.38 HBX | 1 0.02 29.40 HBZ | 1 0.02 29.41 HCA | 1 0.02 29.43 HCB | 1 0.02 29.45 HCC | 1 0.02 29.47 HCD | 1 0.02 29.49 HCE | 1 0.02 29.50 HCF | 1 0.02 29.52 HCG | 1 0.02 29.54 HCH | 1 0.02 29.56 HCI | 1 0.02 29.57 HCJ | 1 0.02 29.59 HCS | 1 0.02 29.61 HCY | 1 0.02 29.63 HCZ | 1 0.02 29.64 HDA | 1 0.02 29.66 HDB | 1 0.02 29.68 HDC | 1 0.02 29.70 HDD | 1 0.02 29.71 HDE | 1 0.02 29.73 HDF | 1 0.02 29.75 HDG | 1 0.02 29.77 HDH | 1 0.02 29.78 HDI | 1 0.02 29.80 HDJ | 1 0.02 29.82 HDK | 1 0.02 29.84 HDL | 1 0.02 29.85 HDM | 1 0.02 29.87 HDN | 1 0.02 29.89 HDO | 1 0.02 29.91 HDP | 1 0.02 29.92 HDQ | 1 0.02 29.94 HDR | 1 0.02 29.96 HDT | 1 0.02 29.98 HDW | 1 0.02 29.99 HDX | 1 0.02 30.01 HDY | 1 0.02 30.03 HDZ | 1 0.02 30.05 HEA | 1 0.02 30.07 HEB | 1 0.02 30.08 HEC | 1 0.02 30.10 HED | 1 0.02 30.12 HEE | 1 0.02 30.14 HEF | 1 0.02 30.15 HEG | 1 0.02 30.17 HEH | 1 0.02 30.19 HEI | 1 0.02 30.21 HEJ | 1 0.02 30.22 HEK | 1 0.02 30.24 HEL | 1 0.02 30.26 HEM | 1 0.02 30.28 HEN | 1 0.02 30.29 HEO | 1 0.02 30.31 HEP | 1 0.02 30.33 HEQ | 1 0.02 30.35 HER | 1 0.02 30.36 HES | 1 0.02 30.38 HET | 1 0.02 30.40 HEW | 1 0.02 30.42 HEX | 1 0.02 30.43 HEZ | 1 0.02 30.45 HFA | 1 0.02 30.47 HFB | 1 0.02 30.49 HFC | 1 0.02 30.50 HFD | 1 0.02 30.52 HFE | 1 0.02 30.54 HFF | 1 0.02 30.56 HFG | 1 0.02 30.57 HFH | 1 0.02 30.59 HFI | 1 0.02 30.61 HFJ | 1 0.02 30.63 HFK | 1 0.02 30.64 HFL | 1 0.02 30.66 HFM | 1 0.02 30.68 HFN | 1 0.02 30.70 HFO | 1 0.02 30.72 HFP | 1 0.02 30.73 HFS | 1 0.02 30.75 HFW | 1 0.02 30.77 HFX | 1 0.02 30.79 HFY | 1 0.02 30.80 HFZ | 1 0.02 30.82 HGA | 1 0.02 30.84 HGB | 1 0.02 30.86 HGC | 1 0.02 30.87 HGD | 1 0.02 30.89 HGE | 1 0.02 30.91 HGF | 1 0.02 30.93 HGG | 1 0.02 30.94 HGH | 1 0.02 30.96 HGI | 1 0.02 30.98 HGK | 1 0.02 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1 0.02 31.93 HJG | 1 0.02 31.95 HJH | 1 0.02 31.96 HJI | 1 0.02 31.98 HJJ | 1 0.02 32.00 HJK | 1 0.02 32.02 HJL | 1 0.02 32.03 HJM | 1 0.02 32.05 HJN | 1 0.02 32.07 HJO | 1 0.02 32.09 HJQ | 1 0.02 32.10 HJR | 1 0.02 32.12 HJS | 1 0.02 32.14 HJT | 1 0.02 32.16 HJW | 1 0.02 32.17 HJX | 1 0.02 32.19 HJY | 1 0.02 32.21 HJZ | 1 0.02 32.23 HKB | 1 0.02 32.24 HKC | 1 0.02 32.26 HKD | 1 0.02 32.28 HKF | 1 0.02 32.30 HKG | 1 0.02 32.31 HKI | 1 0.02 32.33 HKK | 1 0.02 32.35 HKL | 1 0.02 32.37 HKM | 1 0.02 32.38 HKN | 1 0.02 32.40 HKO | 1 0.02 32.42 HKP | 1 0.02 32.44 HKQ | 1 0.02 32.45 HKR | 1 0.02 32.47 HKS | 1 0.02 32.49 HKT | 1 0.02 32.51 HKW | 1 0.02 32.53 HKX | 1 0.02 32.54 HKY | 1 0.02 32.56 HKZ | 1 0.02 32.58 HLA | 1 0.02 32.60 HLC | 1 0.02 32.61 HLD | 1 0.02 32.63 HLE | 1 0.02 32.65 HLF | 1 0.02 32.67 HLG | 1 0.02 32.68 HLH | 1 0.02 32.70 HLI | 1 0.02 32.72 HLJ | 1 0.02 32.74 HLK | 1 0.02 32.75 HLL | 1 0.02 32.77 HLM | 1 0.02 32.79 HLN | 1 0.02 32.81 HLO | 1 0.02 32.82 HLP | 1 0.02 32.84 HLQ | 1 0.02 32.86 HLR | 1 0.02 32.88 HLS | 1 0.02 32.89 HLT | 1 0.02 32.91 HLW | 1 0.02 32.93 HLX | 1 0.02 32.95 HLZ | 1 0.02 32.96 HMC | 1 0.02 32.98 HMD | 1 0.02 33.00 HME | 1 0.02 33.02 HMF | 1 0.02 33.03 HMG | 1 0.02 33.05 HMH | 1 0.02 33.07 HMJ | 1 0.02 33.09 HMK | 1 0.02 33.10 HML | 1 0.02 33.12 HMM | 1 0.02 33.14 HMN | 1 0.02 33.16 HMO | 1 0.02 33.18 HMP | 1 0.02 33.19 HMQ | 1 0.02 33.21 HMR | 1 0.02 33.23 HMS | 1 0.02 33.25 HMT | 1 0.02 33.26 HMW | 1 0.02 33.28 HMX | 1 0.02 33.30 HMY | 1 0.02 33.32 HMZ | 1 0.02 33.33 HNA | 1 0.02 33.35 HNB | 1 0.02 33.37 HNC | 1 0.02 33.39 HND | 1 0.02 33.40 HNE | 1 0.02 33.42 HNF | 1 0.02 33.44 HNG | 1 0.02 33.46 HNH | 1 0.02 33.47 HNI | 1 0.02 33.49 HNJ | 1 0.02 33.51 HNK | 1 0.02 33.53 HNL | 1 0.02 33.54 HNM | 1 0.02 33.56 HNN | 1 0.02 33.58 HNO | 1 0.02 33.60 HNP | 1 0.02 33.61 HNQ | 1 0.02 33.63 HNR | 1 0.02 33.65 HNS | 1 0.02 33.67 HNT | 1 0.02 33.68 HNW | 1 0.02 33.70 HNX | 1 0.02 33.72 HNY | 1 0.02 33.74 HNZ | 1 0.02 33.76 HOA | 1 0.02 33.77 HOB | 1 0.02 33.79 HOC | 1 0.02 33.81 HOD | 1 0.02 33.83 HOE | 1 0.02 33.84 HOF | 1 0.02 33.86 HOG | 1 0.02 33.88 HOH | 1 0.02 33.90 HOI | 1 0.02 33.91 HOJ | 1 0.02 33.93 HOK | 1 0.02 33.95 HOL | 1 0.02 33.97 HOM | 1 0.02 33.98 HON | 1 0.02 34.00 HOO | 1 0.02 34.02 HOP | 1 0.02 34.04 HOQ | 1 0.02 34.05 HOR | 1 0.02 34.07 HOS | 1 0.02 34.09 HOT | 1 0.02 34.11 HOW | 1 0.02 34.12 HOX | 1 0.02 34.14 HOY | 1 0.02 34.16 HOZ | 1 0.02 34.18 HPA | 1 0.02 34.19 HPB | 1 0.02 34.21 HPC | 1 0.02 34.23 HPD | 1 0.02 34.25 HPE | 1 0.02 34.26 HPF | 1 0.02 34.28 HPG | 1 0.02 34.30 HPI | 1 0.02 34.32 HPJ | 1 0.02 34.33 HPK | 1 0.02 34.35 HPL | 1 0.02 34.37 HPM | 1 0.02 34.39 HPN | 1 0.02 34.41 HPO | 1 0.02 34.42 HPP | 1 0.02 34.44 HPQ | 1 0.02 34.46 HPS | 1 0.02 34.48 HPT | 1 0.02 34.49 HPW | 1 0.02 34.51 HPX | 1 0.02 34.53 HPY | 1 0.02 34.55 HPZ | 1 0.02 34.56 HQA | 1 0.02 34.58 HQB | 1 0.02 34.60 HQC | 1 0.02 34.62 HQD | 1 0.02 34.63 HQE | 1 0.02 34.65 HQF | 1 0.02 34.67 HQG | 1 0.02 34.69 HQH | 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HTF | 1 0.02 35.64 HTG | 1 0.02 35.65 HTH | 1 0.02 35.67 HTJ | 1 0.02 35.69 HTM | 1 0.02 35.71 HTN | 1 0.02 35.72 HTO | 1 0.02 35.74 HTP | 1 0.02 35.76 HTQ | 1 0.02 35.78 HTR | 1 0.02 35.79 HTS | 1 0.02 35.81 HTT | 1 0.02 35.83 HTW | 1 0.02 35.85 HTX | 1 0.02 35.86 HTY | 1 0.02 35.88 HTZ | 1 0.02 35.90 HWA | 1 0.02 35.92 HWB | 1 0.02 35.93 HWC | 1 0.02 35.95 HWD | 1 0.02 35.97 HWE | 1 0.02 35.99 HWF | 1 0.02 36.00 HWI | 1 0.02 36.02 HWJ | 1 0.02 36.04 HWK | 1 0.02 36.06 HWL | 1 0.02 36.07 HWM | 1 0.02 36.09 HWN | 1 0.02 36.11 HWO | 1 0.02 36.13 HWP | 1 0.02 36.14 HWQ | 1 0.02 36.16 HWR | 1 0.02 36.18 HWT | 1 0.02 36.20 HWW | 1 0.02 36.22 HWX | 1 0.02 36.23 HXA | 1 0.02 36.25 HXB | 1 0.02 36.27 HXC | 1 0.02 36.29 HXD | 1 0.02 36.30 HXE | 1 0.02 36.32 HXG | 1 0.02 36.34 HXI | 1 0.02 36.36 HXJ | 1 0.02 36.37 HXK | 1 0.02 36.39 HXL | 1 0.02 36.41 HXN | 1 0.02 36.43 HXO | 1 0.02 36.44 HXP | 1 0.02 36.46 HXQ | 1 0.02 36.48 HXR | 1 0.02 36.50 HXS | 1 0.02 36.51 HXT | 1 0.02 36.53 HXW | 1 0.02 36.55 HXX | 1 0.02 36.57 HXY | 1 0.02 36.58 HXZ | 1 0.02 36.60 HYA | 1 0.02 36.62 HYB | 1 0.02 36.64 HYC | 1 0.02 36.65 HYD | 1 0.02 36.67 HYE | 1 0.02 36.69 HYF | 1 0.02 36.71 HYG | 1 0.02 36.72 HYH | 1 0.02 36.74 HYI | 1 0.02 36.76 HYJ | 1 0.02 36.78 HYK | 1 0.02 36.79 HYL | 1 0.02 36.81 HYO | 1 0.02 36.83 HYQ | 1 0.02 36.85 HYR | 1 0.02 36.87 HYS | 1 0.02 36.88 HYT | 1 0.02 36.90 HYW | 1 0.02 36.92 HYY | 1 0.02 36.94 HYZ | 1 0.02 36.95 HZA | 1 0.02 36.97 HZC | 1 0.02 36.99 HZD | 1 0.02 37.01 HZE | 1 0.02 37.02 HZF | 1 0.02 37.04 HZG | 1 0.02 37.06 HZH | 1 0.02 37.08 HZJ | 1 0.02 37.09 HZL | 1 0.02 37.11 HZM | 1 0.02 37.13 HZN | 1 0.02 37.15 HZO | 1 0.02 37.16 HZP | 1 0.02 37.18 HZQ | 1 0.02 37.20 HZR | 1 0.02 37.22 HZS | 1 0.02 37.23 HZT | 1 0.02 37.25 HZX | 1 0.02 37.27 HZY | 1 0.02 37.29 HZZ | 1 0.02 37.30 IAA | 1 0.02 37.32 IAB | 1 0.02 37.34 IAC | 1 0.02 37.36 IAD | 1 0.02 37.37 IAE | 1 0.02 37.39 IAF | 1 0.02 37.41 IAZ | 1 0.02 37.43 IBB | 1 0.02 37.45 ICC | 1 0.02 37.46 ICD | 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42.10 JMM | 1 0.02 42.12 JMN | 1 0.02 42.14 JMO | 1 0.02 42.15 JMQ | 1 0.02 42.17 JMR | 1 0.02 42.19 JMS | 1 0.02 42.21 JMT | 1 0.02 42.22 JMW | 1 0.02 42.24 JMX | 1 0.02 42.26 JMY | 1 0.02 42.28 JMZ | 1 0.02 42.29 JNA | 1 0.02 42.31 JNB | 1 0.02 42.33 JNC | 1 0.02 42.35 JND | 1 0.02 42.37 JNE | 1 0.02 42.38 JNF | 1 0.02 42.40 JNG | 1 0.02 42.42 JNJ | 1 0.02 42.44 JNK | 1 0.02 42.45 JNL | 1 0.02 42.47 JNM | 1 0.02 42.49 JNN | 1 0.02 42.51 JNO | 1 0.02 42.52 JNP | 1 0.02 42.54 JNQ | 1 0.02 42.56 JNS | 1 0.02 42.58 JNT | 1 0.02 42.59 JNW | 1 0.02 42.61 JNX | 1 0.02 42.63 JNY | 1 0.02 42.65 JNZ | 1 0.02 42.66 JOA | 1 0.02 42.68 JOB | 1 0.02 42.70 JOC | 1 0.02 42.72 JOD | 1 0.02 42.73 JOF | 1 0.02 42.75 JOH | 1 0.02 42.77 JOJ | 1 0.02 42.79 JOK | 1 0.02 42.80 JOL | 1 0.02 42.82 JOM | 1 0.02 42.84 JON | 1 0.02 42.86 JOO | 1 0.02 42.87 JOP | 1 0.02 42.89 JOQ | 1 0.02 42.91 JOR | 1 0.02 42.93 JOS | 1 0.02 42.95 JOT | 1 0.02 42.96 JOW | 1 0.02 42.98 JOX | 1 0.02 43.00 JOY | 1 0.02 43.02 JOZ | 1 0.02 43.03 JPA | 1 0.02 43.05 JPB | 1 0.02 43.07 JPC | 1 0.02 43.09 JPD | 1 0.02 43.10 JPE | 1 0.02 43.12 JPF | 1 0.02 43.14 JPH | 1 0.02 43.16 JPI | 1 0.02 43.17 JPJ | 1 0.02 43.19 JPK | 1 0.02 43.21 JPW | 1 0.02 43.23 JPZ | 1 0.02 43.24 JQA | 1 0.02 43.26 JQB | 1 0.02 43.28 JQC | 1 0.02 43.30 JQD | 1 0.02 43.31 JQE | 1 0.02 43.33 JQF | 1 0.02 43.35 JQG | 1 0.02 43.37 JQH | 1 0.02 43.38 JQI | 1 0.02 43.40 JQJ | 1 0.02 43.42 JQK | 1 0.02 43.44 JQL | 1 0.02 43.45 JQM | 1 0.02 43.47 JQN | 1 0.02 43.49 JQO | 1 0.02 43.51 JQP | 1 0.02 43.52 JQQ | 1 0.02 43.54 JQT | 1 0.02 43.56 JQW | 1 0.02 43.58 JQX | 1 0.02 43.60 JQY | 1 0.02 43.61 JQZ | 1 0.02 43.63 JRA | 1 0.02 43.65 JRB | 1 0.02 43.67 JRC | 1 0.02 43.68 JRE | 1 0.02 43.70 JRG | 1 0.02 43.72 JRI | 1 0.02 43.74 JRJ | 1 0.02 43.75 JRK | 1 0.02 43.77 JRL | 1 0.02 43.79 JRM | 1 0.02 43.81 JRO | 1 0.02 43.82 JRQ | 1 0.02 43.84 JRR | 1 0.02 43.86 JRS | 1 0.02 43.88 JRW | 1 0.02 43.89 JRY | 1 0.02 43.91 JRZ | 1 0.02 43.93 JSA | 1 0.02 43.95 JSB | 1 0.02 43.96 JSC | 1 0.02 43.98 JSD | 1 0.02 44.00 JSE | 1 0.02 44.02 JSF | 1 0.02 44.03 JSG | 1 0.02 44.05 JSH | 1 0.02 44.07 JSI | 1 0.02 44.09 JSJ | 1 0.02 44.10 JSK | 1 0.02 44.12 JSL | 1 0.02 44.14 JSM | 1 0.02 44.16 JSN | 1 0.02 44.18 JSO | 1 0.02 44.19 JSP | 1 0.02 44.21 JSQ | 1 0.02 44.23 JSR | 1 0.02 44.25 JSS | 1 0.02 44.26 JST | 1 0.02 44.28 JSW | 1 0.02 44.30 JSX | 1 0.02 44.32 JSY | 1 0.02 44.33 JSZ | 1 0.02 44.35 JTA | 1 0.02 44.37 JTB | 1 0.02 44.39 JTC | 1 0.02 44.40 JTL | 1 0.02 44.42 JTM | 1 0.02 44.44 JTN | 1 0.02 44.46 JTO | 1 0.02 44.47 JTQ | 1 0.02 44.49 JTR | 1 0.02 44.51 JTS | 1 0.02 44.53 JTT | 1 0.02 44.54 JTW | 1 0.02 44.56 JTX | 1 0.02 44.58 JTY | 1 0.02 44.60 JTZ | 1 0.02 44.61 JWH | 1 0.02 44.63 JWI | 1 0.02 44.65 JWJ | 1 0.02 44.67 JWK | 1 0.02 44.68 JWL | 1 0.02 44.70 JWO | 1 0.02 44.72 JWR | 1 0.02 44.74 JWT | 1 0.02 44.75 JWW | 1 0.02 44.77 JWX | 1 0.02 44.79 JWY | 1 0.02 44.81 JWZ | 1 0.02 44.83 JXA | 1 0.02 44.84 JXB | 1 0.02 44.86 JXC | 1 0.02 44.88 JXE | 1 0.02 44.90 JXF | 1 0.02 44.91 JXG | 1 0.02 44.93 JXH | 1 0.02 44.95 JXI | 1 0.02 44.97 JXK | 1 0.02 44.98 JXL | 1 0.02 45.00 JXM | 1 0.02 45.02 JXN | 1 0.02 45.04 JXO | 1 0.02 45.05 JXQ | 1 0.02 45.07 JXR | 1 0.02 45.09 JXS | 1 0.02 45.11 JXT | 1 0.02 45.12 JXW | 1 0.02 45.14 JXX | 1 0.02 45.16 JXY | 1 0.02 45.18 JXZ | 1 0.02 45.19 JYA | 1 0.02 45.21 JYB | 1 0.02 45.23 JYC | 1 0.02 45.25 JYD | 1 0.02 45.26 JYE | 1 0.02 45.28 JYF | 1 0.02 45.30 JYG | 1 0.02 45.32 JYH | 1 0.02 45.33 JYI | 1 0.02 45.35 JYJ | 1 0.02 45.37 JYK | 1 0.02 45.39 JYL | 1 0.02 45.41 JYM | 1 0.02 45.42 JYN | 1 0.02 45.44 JYO | 1 0.02 45.46 JYP | 1 0.02 45.48 JYQ | 1 0.02 45.49 JYR | 1 0.02 45.51 JYS | 1 0.02 45.53 JYT | 1 0.02 45.55 JYW | 1 0.02 45.56 JYX | 1 0.02 45.58 JYY | 1 0.02 45.60 JYZ | 1 0.02 45.62 JZA | 1 0.02 45.63 JZB | 1 0.02 45.65 JZC | 1 0.02 45.67 JZD | 1 0.02 45.69 JZE | 1 0.02 45.70 JZF | 1 0.02 45.72 JZG | 1 0.02 45.74 JZH | 1 0.02 45.76 JZJ | 1 0.02 45.77 JZO | 1 0.02 45.79 JZP | 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MYX | 1 0.02 68.95 MYY | 1 0.02 68.97 MYZ | 1 0.02 68.99 MZA | 1 0.02 69.00 MZC | 1 0.02 69.02 MZD | 1 0.02 69.04 MZE | 1 0.02 69.06 MZF | 1 0.02 69.07 MZG | 1 0.02 69.09 MZH | 1 0.02 69.11 MZI | 1 0.02 69.13 MZJ | 1 0.02 69.14 MZK | 1 0.02 69.16 MZL | 1 0.02 69.18 MZM | 1 0.02 69.20 MZO | 1 0.02 69.21 MZP | 1 0.02 69.23 MZR | 1 0.02 69.25 MZT | 1 0.02 69.27 MZU | 1 0.02 69.28 MZV | 1 0.02 69.30 MZW | 1 0.02 69.32 MZY | 1 0.02 69.34 NAA | 1 0.02 69.36 NAB | 1 0.02 69.37 NAC | 1 0.02 69.39 NAD | 1 0.02 69.41 NAE | 1 0.02 69.43 NAF | 1 0.02 69.44 NAH | 1 0.02 69.46 NAI | 1 0.02 69.48 NAJ | 1 0.02 69.50 NAK | 1 0.02 69.51 NAL | 1 0.02 69.53 NAM | 1 0.02 69.55 NAO | 1 0.02 69.57 NAP | 1 0.02 69.58 NAQ | 1 0.02 69.60 NAS | 1 0.02 69.62 NAV | 1 0.02 69.64 NAZ | 1 0.02 69.65 NBC | 1 0.02 69.67 NBE | 1 0.02 69.69 NBF | 1 0.02 69.71 NBG | 1 0.02 69.72 NBH | 1 0.02 69.74 NBK | 1 0.02 69.76 NBL | 1 0.02 69.78 NBN | 1 0.02 69.79 NBO | 1 0.02 69.81 NBS | 1 0.02 69.83 NBT | 1 0.02 69.85 NBV | 1 0.02 69.86 NBW | 1 0.02 69.88 NBY | 1 0.02 69.90 NBZ | 1 0.02 69.92 NCA | 1 0.02 69.93 NCD | 1 0.02 69.95 NCE | 1 0.02 69.97 NCF | 1 0.02 69.99 NCJ | 1 0.02 70.01 NCK | 1 0.02 70.02 NCO | 1 0.02 70.04 NCP | 1 0.02 70.06 NCR | 1 0.02 70.08 NCT | 1 0.02 70.09 NCV | 1 0.02 70.11 NCW | 1 0.02 70.13 NCX | 1 0.02 70.15 NCZ | 1 0.02 70.16 NDC | 1 0.02 70.18 NDD | 1 0.02 70.20 NDE | 1 0.02 70.22 NDF | 1 0.02 70.23 NDG | 1 0.02 70.25 NDH | 1 0.02 70.27 NDI | 1 0.02 70.29 NDJ | 1 0.02 70.30 NDK | 1 0.02 70.32 NDL | 1 0.02 70.34 NDM | 1 0.02 70.36 NDN | 1 0.02 70.37 NDP | 1 0.02 70.39 NDQ | 1 0.02 70.41 NDR | 1 0.02 70.43 NDS | 1 0.02 70.44 NDV | 1 0.02 70.46 NDW | 1 0.02 70.48 NDY | 1 0.02 70.50 NDZ | 1 0.02 70.51 NEA | 1 0.02 70.53 NEG | 1 0.02 70.55 NEH | 1 0.02 70.57 NEI | 1 0.02 70.59 NEJ | 1 0.02 70.60 NEK | 1 0.02 70.62 NEO | 1 0.02 70.64 NEP | 1 0.02 70.66 NEU | 1 0.02 70.67 NEW | 1 0.02 70.69 NEY | 1 0.02 70.71 NEZ | 1 0.02 70.73 NFA | 1 0.02 70.74 NFB | 1 0.02 70.76 NFD | 1 0.02 70.78 NFE | 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NHX | 1 0.02 71.73 NHY | 1 0.02 71.74 NHZ | 1 0.02 71.76 NIA | 1 0.02 71.78 NIC | 1 0.02 71.80 NID | 1 0.02 71.82 NIE | 1 0.02 71.83 NIF | 1 0.02 71.85 NIG | 1 0.02 71.87 NIH | 1 0.02 71.89 NII | 1 0.02 71.90 NIJ | 1 0.02 71.92 NIK | 1 0.02 71.94 NIM | 1 0.02 71.96 NIN | 1 0.02 71.97 NIO | 1 0.02 71.99 NIP | 1 0.02 72.01 NIQ | 1 0.02 72.03 NIU | 1 0.02 72.04 NIV | 1 0.02 72.06 NIX | 1 0.02 72.08 NIY | 1 0.02 72.10 NIZ | 1 0.02 72.11 NJA | 1 0.02 72.13 NJC | 1 0.02 72.15 NJD | 1 0.02 72.17 NJE | 1 0.02 72.18 NJF | 1 0.02 72.20 NJG | 1 0.02 72.22 NJH | 1 0.02 72.24 NJJ | 1 0.02 72.25 NJL | 1 0.02 72.27 NJM | 1 0.02 72.29 NJN | 1 0.02 72.31 NJO | 1 0.02 72.32 NJR | 1 0.02 72.34 NJT | 1 0.02 72.36 NJU | 1 0.02 72.38 NJV | 1 0.02 72.40 NJZ | 1 0.02 72.41 NKA | 1 0.02 72.43 NKB | 1 0.02 72.45 NKC | 1 0.02 72.47 NKE | 1 0.02 72.48 NKG | 1 0.02 72.50 NKI | 1 0.02 72.52 NKJ | 1 0.02 72.54 NKK | 1 0.02 72.55 NKL | 1 0.02 72.57 NKM | 1 0.02 72.59 NKN | 1 0.02 72.61 NKO | 1 0.02 72.62 NKP | 1 0.02 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NPP | 1 0.02 74.50 NPT | 1 0.02 74.52 NPU | 1 0.02 74.54 NPV | 1 0.02 74.56 NPZ | 1 0.02 74.57 NQA | 1 0.02 74.59 NQB | 1 0.02 74.61 NQC | 1 0.02 74.63 NQD | 1 0.02 74.64 NQE | 1 0.02 74.66 NQG | 1 0.02 74.68 NQH | 1 0.02 74.70 NQJ | 1 0.02 74.71 NQK | 1 0.02 74.73 NQL | 1 0.02 74.75 NQM | 1 0.02 74.77 NQO | 1 0.02 74.78 NQP | 1 0.02 74.80 NQR | 1 0.02 74.82 NQS | 1 0.02 74.84 NQT | 1 0.02 74.86 NQU | 1 0.02 74.87 NQV | 1 0.02 74.89 NQW | 1 0.02 74.91 NQX | 1 0.02 74.93 NQY | 1 0.02 74.94 NQZ | 1 0.02 74.96 NRA | 1 0.02 74.98 NRB | 1 0.02 75.00 NRC | 1 0.02 75.01 NRD | 1 0.02 75.03 NRF | 1 0.02 75.05 NRH | 1 0.02 75.07 NRI | 1 0.02 75.08 NRJ | 1 0.02 75.10 NRK | 1 0.02 75.12 NRL | 1 0.02 75.14 NRN | 1 0.02 75.15 NRP | 1 0.02 75.17 NRQ | 1 0.02 75.19 NRS | 1 0.02 75.21 NRU | 1 0.02 75.22 NRV | 1 0.02 75.24 NRW | 1 0.02 75.26 NRX | 1 0.02 75.28 NRY | 1 0.02 75.29 NRZ | 1 0.02 75.31 NSA | 1 0.02 75.33 NSB | 1 0.02 75.35 NSC | 1 0.02 75.36 NSF | 1 0.02 75.38 NSI | 1 0.02 75.40 NSJ | 1 0.02 75.42 NSK | 1 0.02 75.43 NSL | 1 0.02 75.45 NSM | 1 0.02 75.47 NSN | 1 0.02 75.49 NSO | 1 0.02 75.51 NSP | 1 0.02 75.52 NSQ | 1 0.02 75.54 NSR | 1 0.02 75.56 NSS | 1 0.02 75.58 NST | 1 0.02 75.59 NSU | 1 0.02 75.61 NSX | 1 0.02 75.63 NTB | 1 0.02 75.65 NTC | 1 0.02 75.66 NTE | 1 0.02 75.68 NTG | 1 0.02 75.70 NTI | 1 0.02 75.72 NTK | 1 0.02 75.73 NTM | 1 0.02 75.75 NTN | 1 0.02 75.77 NTO | 1 0.02 75.79 NTU | 1 0.02 75.80 NTV | 1 0.02 75.82 NTX | 1 0.02 75.84 NTY | 1 0.02 75.86 NTZ | 1 0.02 75.87 NUB | 1 0.02 75.89 NUC | 1 0.02 75.91 NUD | 1 0.02 75.93 NUF | 1 0.02 75.94 NUH | 1 0.02 75.96 NUI | 1 0.02 75.98 NUJ | 1 0.02 76.00 NUK | 1 0.02 76.01 NUL | 1 0.02 76.03 NUM | 1 0.02 76.05 NUN | 1 0.02 76.07 NUP | 1 0.02 76.09 NUQ | 1 0.02 76.10 NUR | 1 0.02 76.12 NUU | 1 0.02 76.14 NUV | 1 0.02 76.16 NUW | 1 0.02 76.17 NUX | 1 0.02 76.19 NVA | 1 0.02 76.21 NVB | 1 0.02 76.23 NVC | 1 0.02 76.24 NVE | 1 0.02 76.26 NVG | 1 0.02 76.28 NVH | 1 0.02 76.30 NVI | 1 0.02 76.31 NVJ | 1 0.02 76.33 NVK | 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78.19 OBH | 1 0.02 78.21 OBI | 1 0.02 78.23 OBJ | 1 0.02 78.25 OBK | 1 0.02 78.26 OBL | 1 0.02 78.28 OBM | 1 0.02 78.30 OBN | 1 0.02 78.32 OBO | 1 0.02 78.33 OBP | 1 0.02 78.35 OBR | 1 0.02 78.37 OBT | 1 0.02 78.39 OBV | 1 0.02 78.40 OBW | 1 0.02 78.42 OBY | 1 0.02 78.44 OBZ | 1 0.02 78.46 OCB | 1 0.02 78.47 OCC | 1 0.02 78.49 OCE | 1 0.02 78.51 OCF | 1 0.02 78.53 OCG | 1 0.02 78.55 OCH | 1 0.02 78.56 OCI | 1 0.02 78.58 OCJ | 1 0.02 78.60 OCK | 1 0.02 78.62 OCL | 1 0.02 78.63 OCM | 1 0.02 78.65 OCN | 1 0.02 78.67 OCO | 1 0.02 78.69 OCQ | 1 0.02 78.70 OCR | 1 0.02 78.72 OCS | 1 0.02 78.74 OCT | 1 0.02 78.76 OCU | 1 0.02 78.77 OCV | 1 0.02 78.79 OCW | 1 0.02 78.81 OCX | 1 0.02 78.83 OCY | 1 0.02 78.84 OCZ | 1 0.02 78.86 ODA | 1 0.02 78.88 ODB | 1 0.02 78.90 ODC | 1 0.02 78.91 ODD | 1 0.02 78.93 ODE | 1 0.02 78.95 ODF | 1 0.02 78.97 ODG | 1 0.02 78.98 ODH | 1 0.02 79.00 ODI | 1 0.02 79.02 ODK | 1 0.02 79.04 ODN | 1 0.02 79.05 ODP | 1 0.02 79.07 ODR | 1 0.02 79.09 ODS | 1 0.02 79.11 ODT | 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OYJ | 1 0.02 85.61 OYK | 1 0.02 85.63 OYL | 1 0.02 85.64 OYM | 1 0.02 85.66 OYO | 1 0.02 85.68 OYP | 1 0.02 85.70 OYR | 1 0.02 85.71 OYS | 1 0.02 85.73 OYT | 1 0.02 85.75 OYU | 1 0.02 85.77 OYV | 1 0.02 85.78 OYW | 1 0.02 85.80 OYY | 1 0.02 85.82 OYZ | 1 0.02 85.84 OZA | 1 0.02 85.85 OZB | 1 0.02 85.87 OZD | 1 0.02 85.89 OZE | 1 0.02 85.91 OZF | 1 0.02 85.93 OZG | 1 0.02 85.94 OZH | 1 0.02 85.96 OZI | 1 0.02 85.98 OZJ | 1 0.02 86.00 OZK | 1 0.02 86.01 OZN | 1 0.02 86.03 OZO | 1 0.02 86.05 OZP | 1 0.02 86.07 OZQ | 1 0.02 86.08 OZR | 1 0.02 86.10 OZT | 1 0.02 86.12 OZW | 1 0.02 86.14 OZX | 1 0.02 86.15 OZY | 1 0.02 86.17 OZZ | 1 0.02 86.19 PAB | 1 0.02 86.21 PAD | 1 0.02 86.22 PAF | 1 0.02 86.24 PAG | 1 0.02 86.26 PAH | 1 0.02 86.28 PAI | 1 0.02 86.29 PAJ | 1 0.02 86.31 PAL | 1 0.02 86.33 PAM | 1 0.02 86.35 PAO | 1 0.02 86.36 PAP | 1 0.02 86.38 PAQ | 1 0.02 86.40 PAR | 1 0.02 86.42 PAS | 1 0.02 86.43 PAT | 1 0.02 86.45 PAV | 1 0.02 86.47 PAW | 1 0.02 86.49 PAX | 1 0.02 86.51 PAY | 1 0.02 86.52 PAZ | 1 0.02 86.54 PBA | 1 0.02 86.56 PBC | 1 0.02 86.58 PBD | 1 0.02 86.59 PBF | 1 0.02 86.61 PBH | 1 0.02 86.63 PBI | 1 0.02 86.65 PBJ | 1 0.02 86.66 PBK | 1 0.02 86.68 PBL | 1 0.02 86.70 PBN | 1 0.02 86.72 PBP | 1 0.02 86.73 PBQ | 1 0.02 86.75 PBU | 1 0.02 86.77 PBX | 1 0.02 86.79 PBY | 1 0.02 86.80 PCA | 1 0.02 86.82 PCB | 1 0.02 86.84 PCC | 1 0.02 86.86 PCF | 1 0.02 86.87 PCG | 1 0.02 86.89 PCH | 1 0.02 86.91 PCI | 1 0.02 86.93 PCK | 1 0.02 86.94 PCL | 1 0.02 86.96 PCM | 1 0.02 86.98 PCN | 1 0.02 87.00 PCO | 1 0.02 87.01 PCQ | 1 0.02 87.03 PCU | 1 0.02 87.05 PCV | 1 0.02 87.07 PCW | 1 0.02 87.08 PCX | 1 0.02 87.10 PCY | 1 0.02 87.12 PCZ | 1 0.02 87.14 PDA | 1 0.02 87.16 PDB | 1 0.02 87.17 PDC | 1 0.02 87.19 PDE | 1 0.02 87.21 PDF | 1 0.02 87.23 PDG | 1 0.02 87.24 PDH | 1 0.02 87.26 PDI | 1 0.02 87.28 PDJ | 1 0.02 87.30 PDQ | 1 0.02 87.31 PDR | 1 0.02 87.33 PDS | 1 0.02 87.35 PDU | 1 0.02 87.37 PDW | 1 0.02 87.38 PDX | 1 0.02 87.40 PDY | 1 0.02 87.42 PDZ | 1 0.02 87.44 PEA | 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PGX | 1 0.02 88.39 PGZ | 1 0.02 88.40 PHC | 1 0.02 88.42 PHF | 1 0.02 88.44 PHG | 1 0.02 88.46 PHK | 1 0.02 88.47 PHL | 1 0.02 88.49 PHM | 1 0.02 88.51 PHN | 1 0.02 88.53 PHO | 1 0.02 88.54 PHQ | 1 0.02 88.56 PHR | 1 0.02 88.58 PHS | 1 0.02 88.60 PHT | 1 0.02 88.61 PHU | 1 0.02 88.63 PHV | 1 0.02 88.65 PHX | 1 0.02 88.67 PHY | 1 0.02 88.68 PHZ | 1 0.02 88.70 PIA | 1 0.02 88.72 PIB | 1 0.02 88.74 PIC | 1 0.02 88.75 PID | 1 0.02 88.77 PIE | 1 0.02 88.79 PIF | 1 0.02 88.81 PIG | 1 0.02 88.82 PIH | 1 0.02 88.84 PII | 1 0.02 88.86 PIJ | 1 0.02 88.88 PIK | 1 0.02 88.89 PIL | 1 0.02 88.91 PIM | 1 0.02 88.93 PIN | 1 0.02 88.95 PIO | 1 0.02 88.97 PIP | 1 0.02 88.98 PIQ | 1 0.02 89.00 PIR | 1 0.02 89.02 PIT | 1 0.02 89.04 PIV | 1 0.02 89.05 PIW | 1 0.02 89.07 PIX | 1 0.02 89.09 PIY | 1 0.02 89.11 PIZ | 1 0.02 89.12 PJA | 1 0.02 89.14 PJB | 1 0.02 89.16 PJC | 1 0.02 89.18 PJD | 1 0.02 89.19 PJE | 1 0.02 89.21 PJF | 1 0.02 89.23 PJH | 1 0.02 89.25 PJI | 1 0.02 89.26 PJJ | 1 0.02 89.28 PJK | 1 0.02 89.30 PJM | 1 0.02 89.32 PJN | 1 0.02 89.33 PJO | 1 0.02 89.35 PJP | 1 0.02 89.37 PJQ | 1 0.02 89.39 PJS | 1 0.02 89.40 PJT | 1 0.02 89.42 PJY | 1 0.02 89.44 PJZ | 1 0.02 89.46 PKA | 1 0.02 89.47 PKC | 1 0.02 89.49 PKD | 1 0.02 89.51 PKE | 1 0.02 89.53 PKF | 1 0.02 89.54 PKG | 1 0.02 89.56 PKI | 1 0.02 89.58 PKJ | 1 0.02 89.60 PKK | 1 0.02 89.62 PKL | 1 0.02 89.63 PKM | 1 0.02 89.65 PKN | 1 0.02 89.67 PKO | 1 0.02 89.69 PKP | 1 0.02 89.70 PKQ | 1 0.02 89.72 PKR | 1 0.02 89.74 PKT | 1 0.02 89.76 PKU | 1 0.02 89.77 PKY | 1 0.02 89.79 PLA | 1 0.02 89.81 PLB | 1 0.02 89.83 PLC | 1 0.02 89.84 PLF | 1 0.02 89.86 PLH | 1 0.02 89.88 PLI | 1 0.02 89.90 PLK | 1 0.02 89.91 PLL | 1 0.02 89.93 PLO | 1 0.02 89.95 PLP | 1 0.02 89.97 PLQ | 1 0.02 89.98 PLR | 1 0.02 90.00 PLU | 1 0.02 90.02 PLV | 1 0.02 90.04 PLW | 1 0.02 90.05 PLX | 1 0.02 90.07 PLY | 1 0.02 90.09 PLZ | 1 0.02 90.11 PMB | 1 0.02 90.12 PMC | 1 0.02 90.14 PME | 1 0.02 90.16 PMG | 1 0.02 90.18 PMH | 1 0.02 90.20 PMI | 1 0.02 90.21 PMJ | 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POZ | 1 0.02 91.16 PPA | 1 0.02 91.18 PPB | 1 0.02 91.20 PPC | 1 0.02 91.21 PPD | 1 0.02 91.23 PPE | 1 0.02 91.25 PPF | 1 0.02 91.27 PPG | 1 0.02 91.28 PPH | 1 0.02 91.30 PPI | 1 0.02 91.32 PPJ | 1 0.02 91.34 PPK | 1 0.02 91.35 PPL | 1 0.02 91.37 PPN | 1 0.02 91.39 PPO | 1 0.02 91.41 PPP | 1 0.02 91.43 PPQ | 1 0.02 91.44 PPR | 1 0.02 91.46 PPS | 1 0.02 91.48 PPT | 1 0.02 91.50 PPU | 1 0.02 91.51 PPW | 1 0.02 91.53 PQA | 1 0.02 91.55 PQC | 1 0.02 91.57 PQD | 1 0.02 91.58 PQE | 1 0.02 91.60 PQF | 1 0.02 91.62 PQH | 1 0.02 91.64 PQI | 1 0.02 91.65 PQJ | 1 0.02 91.67 PQK | 1 0.02 91.69 PQM | 1 0.02 91.71 PQN | 1 0.02 91.72 PQO | 1 0.02 91.74 PQQ | 1 0.02 91.76 PQT | 1 0.02 91.78 PQU | 1 0.02 91.79 PQV | 1 0.02 91.81 PQX | 1 0.02 91.83 PQZ | 1 0.02 91.85 PRA | 1 0.02 91.86 PRC | 1 0.02 91.88 PRE | 1 0.02 91.90 PRF | 1 0.02 91.92 PRI | 1 0.02 91.93 PRJ | 1 0.02 91.95 PRK | 1 0.02 91.97 PRL | 1 0.02 91.99 PRM | 1 0.02 92.00 PRN | 1 0.02 92.02 PRO | 1 0.02 92.04 PRP | 1 0.02 92.06 PRQ | 1 0.02 92.08 PRR | 1 0.02 92.09 PRS | 1 0.02 92.11 PRT | 1 0.02 92.13 PRU | 1 0.02 92.15 PRV | 1 0.02 92.16 PRW | 1 0.02 92.18 PRX | 1 0.02 92.20 PRY | 1 0.02 92.22 PRZ | 1 0.02 92.23 PSA | 1 0.02 92.25 PSB | 1 0.02 92.27 PSC | 1 0.02 92.29 PSD | 1 0.02 92.30 PSE | 1 0.02 92.32 PSF | 1 0.02 92.34 PSG | 1 0.02 92.36 PSH | 1 0.02 92.37 PSI | 1 0.02 92.39 PSJ | 1 0.02 92.41 PSK | 1 0.02 92.43 PSL | 1 0.02 92.44 PSM | 1 0.02 92.46 PSN | 1 0.02 92.48 PSP | 1 0.02 92.50 PSQ | 1 0.02 92.51 PSR | 1 0.02 92.53 PSS | 1 0.02 92.55 PST | 1 0.02 92.57 PSV | 1 0.02 92.58 PSW | 1 0.02 92.60 PSX | 1 0.02 92.62 PSZ | 1 0.02 92.64 PTA | 1 0.02 92.66 PTB | 1 0.02 92.67 PTC | 1 0.02 92.69 PTD | 1 0.02 92.71 PTE | 1 0.02 92.73 PTF | 1 0.02 92.74 PTG | 1 0.02 92.76 PTH | 1 0.02 92.78 PTI | 1 0.02 92.80 PTJ | 1 0.02 92.81 PTK | 1 0.02 92.83 PTL | 1 0.02 92.85 PTM | 1 0.02 92.87 PTN | 1 0.02 92.88 PTO | 1 0.02 92.90 PTP | 1 0.02 92.92 PTQ | 1 0.02 92.94 PTR | 1 0.02 92.95 PTS | 1 0.02 92.97 PTT | 1 0.02 92.99 PTU | 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PWB | 1 0.02 93.94 PWC | 1 0.02 93.96 PWD | 1 0.02 93.97 PWE | 1 0.02 93.99 PWG | 1 0.02 94.01 PWH | 1 0.02 94.03 PWI | 1 0.02 94.04 PWJ | 1 0.02 94.06 PWK | 1 0.02 94.08 PWL | 1 0.02 94.10 PWM | 1 0.02 94.11 PWN | 1 0.02 94.13 PWO | 1 0.02 94.15 PWP | 1 0.02 94.17 PWQ | 1 0.02 94.18 PWR | 1 0.02 94.20 PWS | 1 0.02 94.22 PWT | 1 0.02 94.24 PWU | 1 0.02 94.25 PWV | 1 0.02 94.27 PWW | 1 0.02 94.29 PWX | 1 0.02 94.31 PWY | 1 0.02 94.32 PWZ | 1 0.02 94.34 PXA | 1 0.02 94.36 PXB | 1 0.02 94.38 PXC | 1 0.02 94.39 PXD | 1 0.02 94.41 PXE | 1 0.02 94.43 PXF | 1 0.02 94.45 PXG | 1 0.02 94.46 PXH | 1 0.02 94.48 PXI | 1 0.02 94.50 PXJ | 1 0.02 94.52 PXK | 1 0.02 94.54 PXL | 1 0.02 94.55 PXM | 1 0.02 94.57 PXN | 1 0.02 94.59 PXO | 1 0.02 94.61 PXP | 1 0.02 94.62 PXQ | 1 0.02 94.64 PXR | 1 0.02 94.66 PXS | 1 0.02 94.68 PXU | 1 0.02 94.69 PXV | 1 0.02 94.71 PXW | 1 0.02 94.73 PXX | 1 0.02 94.75 PXY | 1 0.02 94.76 PXZ | 1 0.02 94.78 PYA | 1 0.02 94.80 PYB | 1 0.02 94.82 PYC | 1 0.02 94.83 PYD | 1 0.02 94.85 PYE | 1 0.02 94.87 PYF | 1 0.02 94.89 PYG | 1 0.02 94.90 PYH | 1 0.02 94.92 PYI | 1 0.02 94.94 PYJ | 1 0.02 94.96 PYK | 1 0.02 94.97 PYL | 1 0.02 94.99 PYN | 1 0.02 95.01 PYP | 1 0.02 95.03 PYQ | 1 0.02 95.04 PYR | 1 0.02 95.06 PYS | 1 0.02 95.08 PYT | 1 0.02 95.10 PYU | 1 0.02 95.12 PYV | 1 0.02 95.13 PYX | 1 0.02 95.15 PZC | 1 0.02 95.17 PZE | 1 0.02 95.19 PZF | 1 0.02 95.20 PZG | 1 0.02 95.22 PZH | 1 0.02 95.24 PZI | 1 0.02 95.26 PZK | 1 0.02 95.27 PZL | 1 0.02 95.29 PZN | 1 0.02 95.31 PZO | 1 0.02 95.33 PZP | 1 0.02 95.34 PZQ | 1 0.02 95.36 PZR | 1 0.02 95.38 PZS | 1 0.02 95.40 PZT | 1 0.02 95.41 PZU | 1 0.02 95.43 PZV | 1 0.02 95.45 PZX | 1 0.02 95.47 PZY | 1 0.02 95.48 QAA | 1 0.02 95.50 QAB | 1 0.02 95.52 QAD | 1 0.02 95.54 QAF | 1 0.02 95.55 QAG | 1 0.02 95.57 QAI | 1 0.02 95.59 QAK | 1 0.02 95.61 QAQ | 1 0.02 95.62 QAT | 1 0.02 95.64 QAU | 1 0.02 95.66 QAV | 1 0.02 95.68 QAW | 1 0.02 95.69 QBA | 1 0.02 95.71 QBC | 1 0.02 95.73 QBE | 1 0.02 95.75 QBF | 1 0.02 95.77 QBG | 1 0.02 95.78 QBH | 1 0.02 95.80 QBI | 1 0.02 95.82 QBJ | 1 0.02 95.84 QBK | 1 0.02 95.85 QBL | 1 0.02 95.87 QBN | 1 0.02 95.89 QBO | 1 0.02 95.91 QBP | 1 0.02 95.92 QBQ | 1 0.02 95.94 QBR | 1 0.02 95.96 QBT | 1 0.02 95.98 QBV | 1 0.02 95.99 QBX | 1 0.02 96.01 QBY | 1 0.02 96.03 QBZ | 1 0.02 96.05 QCA | 1 0.02 96.06 QCC | 1 0.02 96.08 QCD | 1 0.02 96.10 QCG | 1 0.02 96.12 QCH | 1 0.02 96.13 QCI | 1 0.02 96.15 QCJ | 1 0.02 96.17 QCL | 1 0.02 96.19 QCM | 1 0.02 96.20 QCR | 1 0.02 96.22 QCU | 1 0.02 96.24 QDA | 1 0.02 96.26 QDB | 1 0.02 96.27 RAA | 1 0.02 96.29 RAB | 1 0.02 96.31 RAC | 1 0.02 96.33 RAD | 1 0.02 96.35 RAE | 1 0.02 96.36 RAF | 1 0.02 96.38 RAG | 1 0.02 96.40 RAH | 1 0.02 96.42 RAI | 1 0.02 96.43 RAJ | 1 0.02 96.45 RAK | 1 0.02 96.47 RAL | 1 0.02 96.49 RAM | 1 0.02 96.50 RAN | 1 0.02 96.52 RAO | 1 0.02 96.54 RAP | 1 0.02 96.56 RAQ | 1 0.02 96.57 RAR | 1 0.02 96.59 RAS | 1 0.02 96.61 RAT | 1 0.02 96.63 RAU | 1 0.02 96.64 RAV | 1 0.02 96.66 RAW | 1 0.02 96.68 RAX | 1 0.02 96.70 RAY | 1 0.02 96.71 RAZ | 1 0.02 96.73 RBA | 1 0.02 96.75 RBB | 1 0.02 96.77 RBC | 1 0.02 96.78 RBD | 1 0.02 96.80 RBE | 1 0.02 96.82 RBF | 1 0.02 96.84 RBG | 1 0.02 96.85 RBH | 1 0.02 96.87 RBI | 1 0.02 96.89 RBJ | 1 0.02 96.91 RBK | 1 0.02 96.92 RBL | 1 0.02 96.94 RBM | 1 0.02 96.96 RBN | 1 0.02 96.98 RBO | 1 0.02 97.00 RBP | 1 0.02 97.01 RBQ | 1 0.02 97.03 RBR | 1 0.02 97.05 RBS | 1 0.02 97.07 RBT | 1 0.02 97.08 RBU | 1 0.02 97.10 RBV | 1 0.02 97.12 RBW | 1 0.02 97.14 RBX | 1 0.02 97.15 RBY | 1 0.02 97.17 RBZ | 1 0.02 97.19 RCA | 1 0.02 97.21 RCB | 1 0.02 97.22 RCD | 1 0.02 97.24 RCE | 1 0.02 97.26 RCF | 1 0.02 97.28 RCG | 1 0.02 97.29 RCH | 1 0.02 97.31 RCI | 1 0.02 97.33 RCJ | 1 0.02 97.35 RCK | 1 0.02 97.36 RCL | 1 0.02 97.38 RCM | 1 0.02 97.40 RCN | 1 0.02 97.42 RCO | 1 0.02 97.43 RCP | 1 0.02 97.45 RCQ | 1 0.02 97.47 RCR | 1 0.02 97.49 RCS | 1 0.02 97.50 RCT | 1 0.02 97.52 RCU | 1 0.02 97.54 RCV | 1 0.02 97.56 RCW | 1 0.02 97.58 RCX | 1 0.02 97.59 RCY | 1 0.02 97.61 RCZ | 1 0.02 97.63 RDA | 1 0.02 97.65 RDB | 1 0.02 97.66 RDC | 1 0.02 97.68 RDD | 1 0.02 97.70 RDE | 1 0.02 97.72 RDF | 1 0.02 97.73 RDG | 1 0.02 97.75 RDH | 1 0.02 97.77 RDI | 1 0.02 97.79 RDJ | 1 0.02 97.80 RDK | 1 0.02 97.82 RDL | 1 0.02 97.84 RDM | 1 0.02 97.86 RDN | 1 0.02 97.87 RDO | 1 0.02 97.89 RDP | 1 0.02 97.91 RDQ | 1 0.02 97.93 RDS | 1 0.02 97.94 RDT | 1 0.02 97.96 RDU | 1 0.02 97.98 RDV | 1 0.02 98.00 RDW | 1 0.02 98.01 RDX | 1 0.02 98.03 RDY | 1 0.02 98.05 RDZ | 1 0.02 98.07 REA | 1 0.02 98.08 REB | 1 0.02 98.10 REC | 1 0.02 98.12 RED | 1 0.02 98.14 REE | 1 0.02 98.15 REF | 1 0.02 98.17 REG | 1 0.02 98.19 REH | 1 0.02 98.21 REI | 1 0.02 98.23 REJ | 1 0.02 98.24 REK | 1 0.02 98.26 REL | 1 0.02 98.28 REM | 1 0.02 98.30 REN | 1 0.02 98.31 REO | 1 0.02 98.33 REP | 1 0.02 98.35 REQ | 1 0.02 98.37 RER | 1 0.02 98.38 RES | 1 0.02 98.40 RET | 1 0.02 98.42 REU | 1 0.02 98.44 REV | 1 0.02 98.45 REW | 1 0.02 98.47 REX | 1 0.02 98.49 REY | 1 0.02 98.51 REZ | 1 0.02 98.52 RFA | 1 0.02 98.54 RFB | 1 0.02 98.56 RFC | 1 0.02 98.58 RFD | 1 0.02 98.59 RFE | 1 0.02 98.61 RFF | 1 0.02 98.63 RFG | 1 0.02 98.65 RFI | 1 0.02 98.66 RFJ | 1 0.02 98.68 RFK | 1 0.02 98.70 RFL | 1 0.02 98.72 RFM | 1 0.02 98.73 RFN | 1 0.02 98.75 RFO | 1 0.02 98.77 RFP | 1 0.02 98.79 RFQ | 1 0.02 98.81 RFR | 1 0.02 98.82 RFS | 1 0.02 98.84 RFT | 1 0.02 98.86 RFU | 1 0.02 98.88 RFV | 1 0.02 98.89 RFW | 1 0.02 98.91 RFX | 1 0.02 98.93 RFY | 1 0.02 98.95 RFZ | 1 0.02 98.96 RGA | 1 0.02 98.98 RGB | 1 0.02 99.00 RGD | 1 0.02 99.02 RGE | 1 0.02 99.03 RGF | 1 0.02 99.05 RGG | 1 0.02 99.07 RGH | 1 0.02 99.09 RGI | 1 0.02 99.10 RGJ | 1 0.02 99.12 RGK | 1 0.02 99.14 RGM | 1 0.02 99.16 RGN | 1 0.02 99.17 RGO | 1 0.02 99.19 RGP | 1 0.02 99.21 RGQ | 1 0.02 99.23 RGS | 1 0.02 99.24 RGT | 1 0.02 99.26 RGU | 1 0.02 99.28 RGV | 1 0.02 99.30 RGW | 1 0.02 99.31 RGX | 1 0.02 99.33 RGY | 1 0.02 99.35 RGZ | 1 0.02 99.37 RHA | 1 0.02 99.38 RHB | 1 0.02 99.40 RHC | 1 0.02 99.42 RHD | 1 0.02 99.44 RHF | 1 0.02 99.46 RHG | 1 0.02 99.47 RHH | 1 0.02 99.49 RHI | 1 0.02 99.51 RHJ | 1 0.02 99.53 RHK | 1 0.02 99.54 RHL | 1 0.02 99.56 RHM | 1 0.02 99.58 RHN | 1 0.02 99.60 RHO | 1 0.02 99.61 RHP | 1 0.02 99.63 RHQ | 1 0.02 99.65 RHR | 1 0.02 99.67 RHS | 1 0.02 99.68 RHT | 1 0.02 99.70 RHU | 1 0.02 99.72 RHV | 1 0.02 99.74 RHW | 1 0.02 99.75 RHX | 1 0.02 99.77 RHY | 1 0.02 99.79 RHZ | 1 0.02 99.81 RIA | 1 0.02 99.82 RIB | 1 0.02 99.84 RIC | 1 0.02 99.86 RID | 1 0.02 99.88 RIE | 1 0.02 99.89 RIF | 1 0.02 99.91 RIG | 1 0.02 99.93 RIH | 1 0.02 99.95 RII | 1 0.02 99.96 RIJ | 1 0.02 99.98 RIK | 1 0.02 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for devname variable in foiclass244 dataset : Device Name | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- 1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol (Fluorometric), .. | 1 0.02 0.02 11-Dehydro Thromboxane B2 Kit, Urinary | 1 0.02 0.04 2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene (Spectroscop.. | 1 0.02 0.05 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine, Lactate D.. | 1 0.02 0.07 2009 H1n1 Influenza Virus (Swine Orig.. | 1 0.02 0.09 21-Hydroxylase Antibody (21-Ohab) | 1 0.02 0.11 25-Oh-Vitamin D Mass Spectrometry Tes.. | 1 0.02 0.12 3d Laser Scanning System | 1 0.02 0.14 5-Amp-Phosphate Release (Colorimetric.. | 1 0.02 0.16 5-Fluorouracil Assay | 1 0.02 0.18 Aberrometer, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 0.19 Ablation System, High Intensity Focus.. | 1 0.02 0.21 Ablation System, High Intensity Focus.. | 1 0.02 0.23 Abnormal Breath Sound Device | 1 0.02 0.25 Abnormal Hemoglobin Quantitation | 1 0.02 0.26 Absorbable Collagen Hemostatic Agent .. | 1 0.02 0.28 Absorbable Coronary Drug-Eluting Stent | 1 0.02 0.30 Absorbable Lung Biopsy Plug | 1 0.02 0.32 Absorbent, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 0.33 Absorber, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 0.35 Absorber, Saliva, Paper | 1 0.02 0.37 Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous | 1 0.02 0.39 Accessories To Examination Light | 1 0.02 0.40 Accessories, A-V Shunt | 1 0.02 0.42 Accessories, Arthroscopic | 1 0.02 0.44 Accessories, Blood Circuit, Hemodialy.. | 1 0.02 0.46 Accessories, Catheter | 1 0.02 0.47 Accessories, Catheter, G-U | 1 0.02 0.49 Accessories, Cleaning Brushes, For En.. | 1 0.02 0.51 Accessories, Cleaning, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 0.53 Accessories, Fixation, Spinal Interla.. | 1 0.02 0.54 Accessories, Fixation, Spinal Interve.. | 1 0.02 0.56 Accessories, Germicide, Cleaning, For.. | 1 0.02 0.58 Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosse.. | 1 0.02 0.60 Accessories, Photographic, For Endosc.. | 1 0.02 0.62 Accessories, Pump, Infusion | 1 0.02 0.63 Accessories, Retractor, Dental | 1 0.02 0.65 Accessories, Soft Lens Products | 1 0.02 0.67 Accessories, Solution, Ultrasonic Cle.. | 1 0.02 0.69 Accessory Equipment, Cardiopulmonary .. | 1 0.02 0.70 Accessory To Continuous Ventilator (R.. | 1 0.02 0.72 Accessory, Assisted Reproduction | 1 0.02 0.74 Accessory, Assisted Reproduction, Exe.. | 1 0.02 0.76 Accessory, Surgical Apparel | 1 0.02 0.77 Accessory, System, External Fixator, .. | 1 0.02 0.79 Acetabular Cup Orientation System | 1 0.02 0.81 Acetylcholine Chloride, Specific Reag.. | 1 0.02 0.83 Acid Hematin | 1 0.02 0.84 Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic), Tartrat.. | 1 0.02 0.86 Acid Phosphatase, Beta Glycerophosphate | 1 0.02 0.88 Acid Phosphatase, Cytochemical | 1 0.02 0.90 Acid Phosphatase, Disodium Phenylphos.. | 1 0.02 0.91 Acid Phosphatase, Naphthyl Phosphate | 1 0.02 0.93 Acid Phosphatase, Nitrophenylphosphate | 1 0.02 0.95 Acid Phosphatase, Thymol Blue Monopho.. | 1 0.02 0.97 Acid Phosphatase, Thymolphthale Inmon.. | 1 0.02 0.98 Acid, Alpha-Ketobutyric And Nadh (U.V.. | 1 0.02 1.00 Acid, Aniline, Fuchsin | 1 0.02 1.02 Acid, Ascorbic, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydr.. | 1 0.02 1.04 Acid, Delta-Aminolevulinic, Ion-Excha.. | 1 0.02 1.05 Acid, Ferric Ion-Sulfuric, Cholesterol | 1 0.02 1.07 Acid, Folic, Radioimmunoassay | 1 0.02 1.09 Acid, Fuchsin | 1 0.02 1.11 Acid, Hematein | 1 0.02 1.12 Acid, Hyaluronic, Intraarticular | 1 0.02 1.14 Acid, Hydroxyazobenzene-Benzoic, Albu.. | 1 0.02 1.16 Acid, Lactic, Enzymatic Method | 1 0.02 1.18 Acid, Nitrous And Nitrosonaphthol, 5-.. | 1 0.02 1.19 Acid, Oxalacetic And Nadh Oxidation (.. | 1 0.02 1.21 Acid, Periodic | 1 0.02 1.23 Acid, Phosphoric-Tungstic (Spectropho.. | 1 0.02 1.25 Acid, Pyruvic, Enzymatic (U.V.) | 1 0.02 1.27 Acid, Trifluoroacetic, Vitamin A, Hex.. | 1 0.02 1.28 Acid, Uric, Acid Reduction Of Ferric .. | 1 0.02 1.30 Acid, Uric, Phosphotungstate Reduction | 1 0.02 1.32 Acid, Uric, Uricase (Colorimetric) | 1 0.02 1.34 Acid, Uric, Uricase (Gasometric) | 1 0.02 1.35 Acid, Uric, Uricase (Oxygen Rate) | 1 0.02 1.37 Acid, Uric, Uricase (U.V.) | 1 0.02 1.39 Acid, Vanilmandelic, Diazo, P-Nitroan.. | 1 0.02 1.41 Acid, Vanilmandelic, Electrophoretic .. | 1 0.02 1.42 Acid-Sphingomyelinase (Asm) Newborn S.. | 1 0.02 1.44 Acridine Orange | 1 0.02 1.46 Activated Partial Thromboplastin | 1 0.02 1.48 Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time | 1 0.02 1.49 Activator, Ultraviolet, For Polymeriz.. | 1 0.02 1.51 Actuator, Syringe, For Injector, Repr.. | 1 0.02 1.53 Actuator, Syringe, Injector Type | 1 0.02 1.55 Acute Coronary Syndrome Event Detector | 1 0.02 1.56 Acute Kidney Injury Test System | 1 0.02 1.58 Adapter, A-V Shunt Or Fistula | 1 0.02 1.60 Adaptometer (Biophotometer) | 1 0.02 1.62 Adaptometer (Biophotometer), Software.. | 1 0.02 1.63 Adaptor To The Cord, For Transurethra.. | 1 0.02 1.65 Adaptor, Bulbs, Miscellaneous, For En.. | 1 0.02 1.67 Adaptor, Fistula | 1 0.02 1.69 Adaptor, Holder, Syringe | 1 0.02 1.70 Adaptor, Lead Switching, Electrocardi.. | 1 0.02 1.72 Adaptor, Short Increment Sensitivity .. | 1 0.02 1.74 Adaptor, Shunt | 1 0.02 1.76 Adaptor, Stopcock, Manifold, Fitting,.. | 1 0.02 1.77 Adaptor, Ureteral Catheter | 1 0.02 1.79 Adaptor, Y | 1 0.02 1.81 Additively Manufactured, Preformed, R.. | 1 0.02 1.83 Adenine Nucleotide Quantitation | 1 0.02 1.85 Adenotome | 1 0.02 1.86 Adhesive, Bracket And Tooth Condition.. | 1 0.02 1.88 Adhesive, Denture, Acacia And Karaya .. | 1 0.02 1.90 Adhesive, Denture, Acacia And Karaya .. | 1 0.02 1.92 Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellu.. | 1 0.02 1.93 Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellu.. | 1 0.02 1.95 Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellu.. | 1 0.02 1.97 Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellu.. | 1 0.02 1.99 Adhesive, Denture, Karaya | 1 0.02 2.00 Adhesive, Denture, Karaya And Ethylen.. | 1 0.02 2.02 Adhesive, Denture, Karaya With Sodium.. | 1 0.02 2.04 Adhesive, Denture, Polyacrylamide Pol.. | 1 0.02 2.06 Adhesive, Denture, Polyvinyl Methylet.. | 1 0.02 2.07 Adhesive, Tissue For Aneurysmorrhaphy | 1 0.02 2.09 Adjunctive Cardiovascular Status Indi.. | 1 0.02 2.11 Adjunctive Predictive Cardiovascular .. | 1 0.02 2.13 Administration Set Docking Station | 1 0.02 2.14 Administration Set Securement Device | 1 0.02 2.16 Administrations Sets With Neuraxial C.. | 1 0.02 2.18 Admission Kit (Patient Utensil) | 1 0.02 2.20 Adsorbents, Ion-Exchange | 1 0.02 2.21 Agent, Absorbable Hemostatic, Collage.. | 1 0.02 2.23 Agent, Absorbable Hemostatic, Non-Col.. | 1 0.02 2.25 Agent, Bulking, Injectable For Gastro.. | 1 0.02 2.27 Agent, Injectable, Embolic | 1 0.02 2.28 Agent, Occluding, Vascular, Permanent | 1 0.02 2.30 Agent, Polishing, Abrasive, Oral Cavity | 1 0.02 2.32 Agent, Tooth Bonding, Resin | 1 0.02 2.34 Agents, Embolic, For Treatment Of Ben.. | 1 0.02 2.35 Agents, Embolic, For Treatment Of Ute.. | 1 0.02 2.37 Agglutination Method, Human Chorionic.. | 1 0.02 2.39 Aggregometer, Platelet, Photo-Optical.. | 1 0.02 2.41 Aggregometer, Platelet, Thrombokineto.. | 1 0.02 2.42 Aggregrometer, Platelet | 1 0.02 2.44 Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | 1 0.02 2.46 Aid, Surgical, Viscoelastic | 1 0.02 2.48 Aid, Vision Image Intensification | 1 0.02 2.50 Aid, Vision, Electronic, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 2.51 Aid, Vision, Electronic, Battery-Powe.. | 1 0.02 2.53 Aid, Vision, Optical, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 2.55 Aid, Vision, Optical, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 2.57 Aid, Visual, For Nausea | 1 0.02 2.58 Aids, Speech Training For The Hearing.. | 1 0.02 2.60 Aids, Speech Training For The Hearing.. | 1 0.02 2.62 Air Filter Portable Apparatus | 1 0.02 2.64 Air Traffic Control | 1 0.02 2.65 Airbrush | 1 0.02 2.67 Airway Monitoring System | 1 0.02 2.69 Airway Suction Kit | 1 0.02 2.71 Airway, Esophageal (Obturator) | 1 0.02 2.72 Airway, Nasopharyngeal | 1 0.02 2.74 Airway, Oropharyngeal, Anesthesiology | 1 0.02 2.76 Alarm, Blood-Pressure | 1 0.02 2.78 Alarm, Conditioned Response Enuresis | 1 0.02 2.79 Alarm, Leakage Current, Portable | 1 0.02 2.81 Alarm, Pillow Pressure | 1 0.02 2.83 Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 2.85 Albumin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 2.86 Albumin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiseru.. | 1 0.02 2.88 Alcian Blue | 1 0.02 2.90 Alcohol Control Materials | 1 0.02 2.92 Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Specific Reage.. | 1 0.02 2.93 Aldehyde Fuchsin | 1 0.02 2.95 Algesimeter, Manual | 1 0.02 2.97 Algesimeter, Powered | 1 0.02 2.99 Aligner, Beam, X-Ray | 1 0.02 3.00 Aligner, Bracket, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 3.02 Aligner, Sequential | 1 0.02 3.04 Alignment Laser Product | 1 0.02 3.06 Alizarin Red | 1 0.02 3.08 Alizarin Sulfonate, Calcium | 1 0.02 3.09 Alkaline Phosphatase | 1 0.02 3.11 Alkaline Picrate, Colorimetry, Creati.. | 1 0.02 3.13 Alloy, Amalgam | 1 0.02 3.15 Alloy, Gold-Based Noble Metal | 1 0.02 3.16 Alloy, Metal, Base | 1 0.02 3.18 Alloy, Other Noble Metal | 1 0.02 3.20 Alpha 2, 2n-Glycoprotein, Antigen, An.. | 1 0.02 3.22 Alpha-1 Microglobulin, Antigen, Antis.. | 1 0.02 3.23 Alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein, Antigen, A.. | 1 0.02 3.25 Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin, Antigen, An.. | 1 0.02 3.27 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Kit, Qualitative .. | 1 0.02 3.29 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Antigen, Antiser.. | 1 0.02 3.30 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Fitc, Antigen, A.. | 1 0.02 3.32 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Rhodamine, Antig.. | 1 0.02 3.34 Alpha-1-B-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Anti.. | 1 0.02 3.36 Alpha-1-Lipoprotein, Antigen, Antiser.. | 1 0.02 3.37 Alpha-1-T-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Anti.. | 1 0.02 3.39 Alpha-2-Ap-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Ant.. | 1 0.02 3.41 Alpha-2-Glycoproteins, Antigen, Antis.. | 1 0.02 3.43 Alpha-2-Hs-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Ant.. | 1 0.02 3.44 Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Antigen, Antis.. | 1 0.02 3.46 Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Fitc, Antigen,.. | 1 0.02 3.48 Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Rhodamine, Ant.. | 1 0.02 3.50 Alpha-D-Glucosidase (Gaa) Newborn Scr.. | 1 0.02 3.51 Alpha-Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 3.53 Alpha-L-Iduronidase (Idua) Newborn Sc.. | 1 0.02 3.55 Alpha-Naphthyl Phosphate, Alkaline Ph.. | 1 0.02 3.57 Amalgamator, Dental, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 3.58 Amikacin Serum Assay | 1 0.02 3.60 Ammoniacal Silver Hydroxide Silver Ni.. | 1 0.02 3.62 Ammonium Molybdate And Ammonium Vanad.. | 1 0.02 3.64 Amnioscope, Transabdominal (Fetoscope.. | 1 0.02 3.65 Amniotic Fluid Protein Immunoassay | 1 0.02 3.67 Amniotome | 1 0.02 3.69 Amplifier And Signal Conditioner, Bio.. | 1 0.02 3.71 Amplifier And Signal Conditioner, Tra.. | 1 0.02 3.73 Amplifier, Physiological Signal | 1 0.02 3.74 Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalo.. | 1 0.02 3.76 Amyloclastic, Amylase | 1 0.02 3.78 Anaerobic Box Glove | 1 0.02 3.80 Analytical Measuring And Detection La.. | 1 0.02 3.81 Analyzer, Body Composition | 1 0.02 3.83 Analyzer, Body Composition, Exempt | 1 0.02 3.85 Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Dis.. | 1 0.02 3.87 Analyzer, Chemistry (Sequential Multi.. | 1 0.02 3.88 Analyzer, Chemistry, Centrifugal, For.. | 1 0.02 3.90 Analyzer, Chemistry, Micro, For Clini.. | 1 0.02 3.92 Analyzer, Chromosome, Automated | 1 0.02 3.94 Analyzer, Data, Obstetric | 1 0.02 3.95 Analyzer, Diagnostic, Fiber Optic (Co.. | 1 0.02 3.97 Analyzer, Enzyme, For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 3.99 Analyzer, Gas, Argon, Gaseous-Phase | 1 0.02 4.01 Analyzer, Gas, Carbon-Dioxide, Gaseou.. | 1 0.02 4.02 Analyzer, Gas, Carbon-Dioxide, Partia.. | 1 0.02 4.04 Analyzer, Gas, Carbon-Monoxide, Gaseo.. | 1 0.02 4.06 Analyzer, Gas, Desflurane, Gaseous-Ph.. | 1 0.02 4.08 Analyzer, Gas, Enflurane, Gaseous-Pha.. | 1 0.02 4.09 Analyzer, Gas, Halothane, Gaseous-Pha.. | 1 0.02 4.11 Analyzer, Gas, Helium, Gaseous-Phase | 1 0.02 4.13 Analyzer, Gas, Isoflurane, Gaseous-Ph.. | 1 0.02 4.15 Analyzer, Gas, Neon, Gaseous-Phase | 1 0.02 4.16 Analyzer, Gas, Nitrogen, Gaseous-Phase | 1 0.02 4.18 Analyzer, Gas, Nitrogen, Partial Pres.. | 1 0.02 4.20 Analyzer, Gas, Nitrous-Oxide, Gaseous.. | 1 0.02 4.22 Analyzer, Gas, Oxygen, Gaseous-Phase | 1 0.02 4.23 Analyzer, Gas, Oxygen, Partial Pressu.. | 1 0.02 4.25 Analyzer, Gas, Sevoflurane, Gaseous-P.. | 1 0.02 4.27 Analyzer, Gas, Water Vapor, Gaseous-P.. | 1 0.02 4.29 Analyzer, Heparin, Automated | 1 0.02 4.31 Analyzer, Hydrogen Gas | 1 0.02 4.32 Analyzer, Ion, Hydrogen-Ion (Ph), Blo.. | 1 0.02 4.34 Analyzer, Nitric Oxide | 1 0.02 4.36 Analyzer, Nitrogen Dioxide | 1 0.02 4.38 Analyzer, Nitrogen Dioxide, Exempt | 1 0.02 4.39 Analyzer, Oxyhemoglobin Concentration.. | 1 0.02 4.41 Analyzer, Pacemaker Generator Function | 1 0.02 4.43 Analyzer, Pacemaker Generator Functio.. | 1 0.02 4.45 Analyzer, Rigidity | 1 0.02 4.46 Analyzer, Spectrum, Electroencephalog.. | 1 0.02 4.48 Anchor, Fascial | 1 0.02 4.50 Anchor, Preformed | 1 0.02 4.52 Anchor, Suture, Bone Fixation, Metallic | 1 0.02 4.53 Anesthesia Breathing Circuit Kit (Adu.. | 1 0.02 4.55 Anesthesia Conduction Kit | 1 0.02 4.57 Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 4.59 Angiography/Angioplasty Kit | 1 0.02 4.60 Angioscope | 1 0.02 4.62 Angioscopic Valvulotome Kit | 1 0.02 4.64 Aniline | 1 0.02 4.66 Aniline Blue | 1 0.02 4.67 Ankle Arthroplasty Implantation System | 1 0.02 4.69 Anomaloscope | 1 0.02 4.71 Anoscope And Accessories | 1 0.02 4.73 Anterior Staple As Supplemental Fixat.. | 1 0.02 4.74 Anti Fog Solution And Accessories, En.. | 1 0.02 4.76 Anti-Dna Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), A.. | 1 0.02 4.78 Anti-Dna Antibody, Antigen And Control | 1 0.02 4.80 Anti-Dna Indirect Immunofluorescent S.. | 1 0.02 4.81 Anti-Glutamate Receptor (Type Nmda) Ifa | 1 0.02 4.83 Anti-Human Globulin, Fta-Abs Test | 1 0.02 4.85 Anti-Jcv Antibody Detection Assay | 1 0.02 4.87 Anti-Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin Igg | 1 0.02 4.88 Anti-Müllerian Hormone Test System | 1 0.02 4.90 Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor | 1 0.02 4.92 Anti-Regurgitation Blood Tubing Kit | 1 0.02 4.94 Anti-Ribosomal P Antibodies | 1 0.02 4.96 Anti-Rnp Antibody, Antigen And Control | 1 0.02 4.97 Anti-Sm Antibody, Antigen And Control | 1 0.02 4.99 Anti-Ss-A 52 Autoantibodies | 1 0.02 5.01 Anti-Ss-A Ro60 Autoantibodies | 1 0.02 5.03 Anti-Stick Glass Syringe | 1 0.02 5.04 Anti-Streptokinase | 1 0.02 5.06 Anti-Theft Detector (Non-Eas) | 1 0.02 5.08 Antibodies, Anti-Actin, Anti-Smooth M.. | 1 0.02 5.10 Antibodies, Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated.. | 1 0.02 5.11 Antibodies, Gliadin | 1 0.02 5.13 Antibodies, Outer-Membrane Proteins | 1 0.02 5.15 Antibodies, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae .. | 1 0.02 5.17 Antibody Igm, If, Epstein-Barr Virus | 1 0.02 5.18 Antibody Igm,If, Cytomegalovirus Virus | 1 0.02 5.20 Antibody To Htlv-1, Elisa | 1 0.02 5.22 Antibody, Monoclonal Blocking, Hiv-1 | 1 0.02 5.24 Antideoxyribonuclease, Streptococcus .. | 1 0.02 5.25 Antigen(Complexed),Prostate Specific,.. | 1 0.02 5.27 Antigen, Agglutinating, Echinococcus .. | 1 0.02 5.29 Antigen, Antiserum, Control, Antithro.. | 1 0.02 5.31 Antigen, B. Parapertussis | 1 0.02 5.32 Antigen, B. Pertussis | 1 0.02 5.34 Antigen, Bentonite Flocculation, Tric.. | 1 0.02 5.36 Antigen, Blastomyces Dermatitidis, Ot.. | 1 0.02 5.38 Antigen, C. Difficile | 1 0.02 5.39 Antigen, Cancer 549 | 1 0.02 5.41 Antigen, Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix .. | 1 0.02 5.43 Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), C.. | 1 0.02 5.45 Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), E.. | 1 0.02 5.46 Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), H.. | 1 0.02 5.48 Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), M.. | 1 0.02 5.50 Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), R.. | 1 0.02 5.52 Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Controls), .. | 1 0.02 5.54 Antigen, Cf And / Or Id, Coccidioides.. | 1 0.02 5.55 Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 5.57 Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 5.59 Antigen, Cf, Aspergillus Spp. | 1 0.02 5.61 Antigen, Cf, B. Dermatitidis | 1 0.02 5.62 Antigen, Cf, Lymphocytic Choriomening.. | 1 0.02 5.64 Antigen, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia G.. | 1 0.02 5.66 Antigen, Cf, Q Fever | 1 0.02 5.68 Antigen, Cf, Spotted Fever Group | 1 0.02 5.69 Antigen, Cf, T. Cruzi | 1 0.02 5.71 Antigen, Cf, Typhus Fever Group | 1 0.02 5.73 Antigen, Ebv, Capsid | 1 0.02 5.75 Antigen, Elisa, Cryptococcus | 1 0.02 5.76 Antigen, Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorben.. | 1 0.02 5.78 Antigen, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae | 1 0.02 5.80 Antigen, Fluorescent Antibody Test, S.. | 1 0.02 5.82 Antigen, Galactomannan, Aspergillus S.. | 1 0.02 5.83 Antigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), M.. | 1 0.02 5.85 Antigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), R.. | 1 0.02 5.87 Antigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), R.. | 1 0.02 5.89 Antigen, Id, Candida Albicans | 1 0.02 5.90 Antigen, Id, Ha, Cep, Entamoeba Histo.. | 1 0.02 5.92 Antigen, Iha, Cytomegalovirus | 1 0.02 5.94 Antigen, Iha, T. Cruzi | 1 0.02 5.96 Antigen, Indirect Fluorescent Antibod.. | 1 0.02 5.97 Antigen, Inflammatory Response Marker.. | 1 0.02 5.99 Antigen, Invasive Fungal Pathogens | 1 0.02 6.01 Antigen, Latex Agglutination, Coccidi.. | 1 0.02 6.03 Antigen, Latex Agglutination, Entamoe.. | 1 0.02 6.04 Antigen, Latex Agglutination, T. Cruzi | 1 0.02 6.06 Antigen, Latex Agglutination, Trichin.. | 1 0.02 6.08 Antigen, Positive Control, Cryptococc.. | 1 0.02 6.10 Antigen, Rubella, Other | 1 0.02 6.11 Antigen, Treponema Pallidum For Fta-A.. | 1 0.02 6.13 Antigens (Febrile), Agglutination, Br.. | 1 0.02 6.15 Antigens, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. | 1 0.02 6.17 Antigens, All Groups, Shigella Spp. | 1 0.02 6.19 Antigens, All Groups, Streptococcus S.. | 1 0.02 6.20 Antigens, All Types, Escherichia Coli | 1 0.02 6.22 Antigens, All, Leptospira Spp. | 1 0.02 6.24 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.26 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.27 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.29 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.31 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.33 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.34 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.36 Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.38 Antigens, Cf, All, Mycoplasma Spp. | 1 0.02 6.40 Antigens, Cf, Toxoplasma Gondii | 1 0.02 6.41 Antigens, Febrile (Weil-Felix), All G.. | 1 0.02 6.43 Antigens, Febrile, Slide And Tube, Al.. | 1 0.02 6.45 Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.47 Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.48 Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.50 Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), .. | 1 0.02 6.52 Antigens, Ha, Echovirus 1-34 | 1 0.02 6.54 Antigens, Ha, Treponema Pallidum | 1 0.02 6.55 Antigens, Histoplasma Capsulatum, All | 1 0.02 6.57 Antigens, If, Toxoplasma Gondii | 1 0.02 6.59 Antigens, Iha, Toxoplasma Gondii | 1 0.02 6.61 Antigens, Indirect Hemagglutination (.. | 1 0.02 6.62 Antigens, Nontreponemal, All | 1 0.02 6.64 Antigens, Slide And Tube, All Types, .. | 1 0.02 6.66 Antigens, Slide And Tube, Francisella.. | 1 0.02 6.68 Antimicrobial Blood Pressure Cuff | 1 0.02 6.69 Antimicrobial Drapes | 1 0.02 6.71 Antimicrobial Keyboard | 1 0.02 6.73 Antimicrobial Medical Glove | 1 0.02 6.75 Antimitochondrial Antibody, Indirect .. | 1 0.02 6.77 Antinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled).. | 1 0.02 6.78 Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control | 1 0.02 6.80 Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immuno.. | 1 0.02 6.82 Antiparietal Antibody, Indirect Immun.. | 1 0.02 6.84 Antisera, Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus.. | 1 0.02 6.85 Antisera, Agglutinating, B. Parapertu.. | 1 0.02 6.87 Antisera, Agglutinating, B. Pertussis.. | 1 0.02 6.89 Antisera, All Fluorescent, Leptospira.. | 1 0.02 6.91 Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis | 1 0.02 6.92 Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. | 1 0.02 6.94 Antisera, All Groups, Streptococcus S.. | 1 0.02 6.96 Antisera, All Leptospira Spp. | 1 0.02 6.98 Antisera, All Mycoplasma Spp. | 1 0.02 6.99 Antisera, All Types, Escherichia Coli | 1 0.02 7.01 Antisera, All Types, H. Influenza | 1 0.02 7.03 Antisera, All Types, Klebsiella Spp. | 1 0.02 7.05 Antisera, All Types, Listeria Monocyt.. | 1 0.02 7.06 Antisera, All Types, Shigella Spp. | 1 0.02 7.08 Antisera, All Types, Streptococcus Pn.. | 1 0.02 7.10 Antisera, All, Serratia Marcesans | 1 0.02 7.12 Antisera, Arizona Spp., All | 1 0.02 7.13 Antisera, Bethesda - Ballerup Polyval.. | 1 0.02 7.15 Antisera, C. Acnes | 1 0.02 7.17 Antisera, C. Acnes (553, 605) | 1 0.02 7.19 Antisera, Cf, Adenovirus 1-33 | 1 0.02 7.20 Antisera, Cf, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, .. | 1 0.02 7.22 Antisera, Cf, Echovirus 1-34 | 1 0.02 7.24 Antisera, Cf, Equine Encephalitis Vir.. | 1 0.02 7.26 Antisera, Cf, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2 | 1 0.02 7.27 Antisera, Cf, Influenza Virus A, B, C | 1 0.02 7.29 Antisera, Cf, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4 | 1 0.02 7.31 Antisera, Cf, Poliovirus 1-3 | 1 0.02 7.33 Antisera, Cf, Reovirus 1-3 | 1 0.02 7.34 Antisera, Cf, Rubella | 1 0.02 7.36 Antisera, Conjugated Fluorescent, Cyt.. | 1 0.02 7.38 Antisera, Control For Nontreponemal T.. | 1 0.02 7.40 Antisera, Fluorescent Antibody For Ft.. | 1 0.02 7.42 Antisera, Fluorescent, Adenovirus 1-33 | 1 0.02 7.43 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins,.. | 1 0.02 7.45 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins,.. | 1 0.02 7.47 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins,.. | 1 0.02 7.49 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Groups, N... | 1 0.02 7.50 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Groups, St.. | 1 0.02 7.52 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Esc.. | 1 0.02 7.54 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Hem.. | 1 0.02 7.56 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Kle.. | 1 0.02 7.57 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Lis.. | 1 0.02 7.59 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Sta.. | 1 0.02 7.61 Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Str.. | 1 0.02 7.63 Antisera, Fluorescent, All, Mycoplasm.. | 1 0.02 7.64 Antisera, Fluorescent, B. Parapertussis | 1 0.02 7.66 Antisera, Fluorescent, B. Pertussis | 1 0.02 7.68 Antisera, Fluorescent, Brucella Spp. | 1 0.02 7.70 Antisera, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Spp. | 1 0.02 7.71 Antisera, Fluorescent, Coxsackievirus.. | 1 0.02 7.73 Antisera, Fluorescent, Cryptococcus N.. | 1 0.02 7.75 Antisera, Fluorescent, Echovirus 1-34 | 1 0.02 7.77 Antisera, Fluorescent, Herpesvirus Ho.. | 1 0.02 7.78 Antisera, Fluorescent, Histoplasma Ca.. | 1 0.02 7.80 Antisera, Fluorescent, Human Metapneu.. | 1 0.02 7.82 Antisera, Fluorescent, Poliovirus 1-3 | 1 0.02 7.84 Antisera, Fluorescent, Pseudomonas Ae.. | 1 0.02 7.85 Antisera, Fluorescent, Pseudomonas Ps.. | 1 0.02 7.87 Antisera, Fluorescent, Sporothrix Sch.. | 1 0.02 7.89 Antisera, Hai (Including Hai Control).. | 1 0.02 7.91 Antisera, Hai, Adenovirus 1-33 | 1 0.02 7.92 Antisera, Hai, Influenza Virus A, B, C | 1 0.02 7.94 Antisera, Hai, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4 | 1 0.02 7.96 Antisera, Hai, Reovirus 1-3 | 1 0.02 7.98 Antisera, If, Toxoplasma Gondii | 1 0.02 8.00 Antisera, Immunoperoxidase, Chlamydia.. | 1 0.02 8.01 Antisera, Latex Agglutination, Crypto.. | 1 0.02 8.03 Antisera, Neutralization, Adenovirus .. | 1 0.02 8.05 Antisera, Neutralization, All Types, .. | 1 0.02 8.07 Antisera, Neutralization, Coxsackievi.. | 1 0.02 8.08 Antisera, Neutralization, Echovirus 1.. | 1 0.02 8.10 Antisera, Neutralization, Herpesvirus.. | 1 0.02 8.12 Antisera, Neutralization, Influenza V.. | 1 0.02 8.14 Antisera, Neutralization, Parainfluen.. | 1 0.02 8.15 Antisera, Neutralization, Poliovirus .. | 1 0.02 8.17 Antisera, Neutralization, Rubella | 1 0.02 8.19 Antisera, Neutralizion, Reovirus 1-3 | 1 0.02 8.21 Antisera, Positive Control, Echinococ.. | 1 0.02 8.22 Antiserum, Bentonite Flocculation, Tr.. | 1 0.02 8.24 Antiserum, Blastomyces Dermatitidis, .. | 1 0.02 8.26 Antiserum, Cf, Cytomegalovirus | 1 0.02 8.28 Antiserum, Cf, Epstein-Barr Virus | 1 0.02 8.29 Antiserum, Cf, Lymphocytic Choriomeni.. | 1 0.02 8.31 Antiserum, Cf, Mumps Virus | 1 0.02 8.33 Antiserum, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia.. | 1 0.02 8.35 Antiserum, Cf, Q Fever | 1 0.02 8.36 Antiserum, Cf, Rubeola | 1 0.02 8.38 Antiserum, Cf, Varicella-Zoster | 1 0.02 8.40 Antiserum, Coagglutination (Direct) N.. | 1 0.02 8.42 Antiserum, Digitoxin | 1 0.02 8.43 Antiserum, Digoxin | 1 0.02 8.45 Antiserum, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae | 1 0.02 8.47 Antiserum, Flavobacterium Meningosept.. | 1 0.02 8.49 Antiserum, Fluorescent (Direct Test),.. | 1 0.02 8.50 Antiserum, Fluorescent, C. Diphtheriae | 1 0.02 8.52 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Campylobacter.. | 1 0.02 8.54 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Tra.. | 1 0.02 8.56 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Epstein-Barr .. | 1 0.02 8.57 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Erysipelothri.. | 1 0.02 8.59 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Francisella T.. | 1 0.02 8.61 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mumps Virus | 1 0.02 8.63 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mycobacterium.. | 1 0.02 8.65 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Q Fever | 1 0.02 8.66 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Rabies Virus | 1 0.02 8.68 Antiserum, Fluorescent, Rubeola | 1 0.02 8.70 Antiserum, Francisella Tularensis | 1 0.02 8.72 Antiserum, Gentamicin | 1 0.02 8.73 Antiserum, Hai, Mumps Virus | 1 0.02 8.75 Antiserum, Hai, Rubeola | 1 0.02 8.77 Antiserum, Murine Typhus Fever | 1 0.02 8.79 Antiserum, Neutralization, Mumps Virus | 1 0.02 8.80 Antiserum, Neutralization, Respirator.. | 1 0.02 8.82 Antiserum, Neutralization, Rubeola | 1 0.02 8.84 Antiserum, Positive And Negative Febr.. | 1 0.02 8.86 Antiserum, Positive Control, Aspergil.. | 1 0.02 8.87 Antiserum, Positive Control, Blastomy.. | 1 0.02 8.89 Antiserum, Positive Control, Coccidio.. | 1 0.02 8.91 Antiserum, Positive Control, Histopla.. | 1 0.02 8.93 Antiserum, Pseudomonas Pseudomallei | 1 0.02 8.94 Antiserum, Rickettsial Pox | 1 0.02 8.96 Antiserum, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever | 1 0.02 8.98 Antiserum, Typhus Fever | 1 0.02 9.00 Antiserum, Vibrio Cholerae, All Varie.. | 1 0.02 9.01 Antismooth Muscle Antibody, Indirect .. | 1 0.02 9.03 Antistreptolysin - Titer/Streptolysin.. | 1 0.02 9.05 Antithrombin Iii Quantitation | 1 0.02 9.07 Antithrombin Iii, Two Stage Clotting .. | 1 0.02 9.08 Anvil, Skull Plate | 1 0.02 9.10 Aortic Annuloplasty Ring | 1 0.02 9.12 Aortic Heart Valve, More Than Minimal.. | 1 0.02 9.14 Aortic Stent | 1 0.02 9.15 Aortic Valve, Prosthesis, Percutaneou.. | 1 0.02 9.17 Apheresis For Focal Glomerulosclerosi.. | 1 0.02 9.19 Apical Closure Device | 1 0.02 9.21 Apolipoproteins | 1 0.02 9.23 Apparatus, Automated Blood Cell Dilut.. | 1 0.02 9.24 Apparatus, Autotransfusion | 1 0.02 9.26 Apparatus, Cautery, Radiofrequency, A.. | 1 0.02 9.28 Apparatus, Cautery, Radiofrequency, B.. | 1 0.02 9.30 Apparatus, Cell-Freezing And Reagents | 1 0.02 9.31 Apparatus, Cutting, Radiofrequency, E.. | 1 0.02 9.33 Apparatus, Cutting, Radiofrequency, E.. | 1 0.02 9.35 Apparatus, Electronanesthesia | 1 0.02 9.37 Apparatus, Electrophoresis, For Clini.. | 1 0.02 9.38 Apparatus, Electrosurgical | 1 0.02 9.40 Apparatus, Exhaust, Surgical | 1 0.02 9.42 Apparatus, Gas-Scavenging | 1 0.02 9.44 Apparatus, General Use, Thin Layer Ch.. | 1 0.02 9.45 Apparatus, Hemoperfusion, Sorbent | 1 0.02 9.47 Apparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chrom.. | 1 0.02 9.49 Apparatus, Nitric Oxide Delivery | 1 0.02 9.51 Apparatus, Nitric Oxide, Backup Deliv.. | 1 0.02 9.52 Apparatus, Perfusion | 1 0.02 9.54 Apparatus, Roller | 1 0.02 9.56 Apparatus, Suction, Operating-Room, W.. | 1 0.02 9.58 Apparatus, Suction, Patient Care | 1 0.02 9.59 Apparatus, Suction, Ward Use, Portabl.. | 1 0.02 9.61 Apparatus, Traction, Non-Powered | 1 0.02 9.63 Apparatus, Vestibular Analysis | 1 0.02 9.65 Apparatus, Visual Reinforcement Audio.. | 1 0.02 9.66 Appliance, Colostomy, Disposable | 1 0.02 9.68 Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate.. | 1 0.02 9.70 Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate.. | 1 0.02 9.72 Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate.. | 1 0.02 9.73 Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlami.. | 1 0.02 9.75 Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervert.. | 1 0.02 9.77 Appliance, Nail/Blade/Plate Combinati.. | 1 0.02 9.79 Appliances And Accessories, Fixation,.. | 1 0.02 9.80 Applicator (Laryngo-Tracheal), Topica.. | 1 0.02 9.82 Applicator For Rectal Suppository | 1 0.02 9.84 Applicator, Absorbent Tipped, Non-Ste.. | 1 0.02 9.86 Applicator, Absorbent Tipped, Sterile | 1 0.02 9.88 Applicator, Ent | 1 0.02 9.89 Applicator, Ent Drug | 1 0.02 9.91 Applicator, Ocular Pressure | 1 0.02 9.93 Applicator, Rapid Wax, Dental | 1 0.02 9.95 Applicator, Resin | 1 0.02 9.96 Applicator, Transurethral, Radio Freq.. | 1 0.02 9.98 Applicator, Vaginal | 1 0.02 10.00 Applier, Aneurysm Clip | 1 0.02 10.02 Applier, Cerclage | 1 0.02 10.03 Applier, Hemostatic Clip | 1 0.02 10.05 Aquaporin-4 Autoantibody | 1 0.02 10.07 Arterial Blood Sampling Kit | 1 0.02 10.09 Arthrometer | 1 0.02 10.10 Arthroscope | 1 0.02 10.12 Articulators | 1 0.02 10.14 Artificial Chordae Tendinae Delivery .. | 1 0.02 10.16 Artificial Heart | 1 0.02 10.17 Artificial Iris | 1 0.02 10.19 Aspiration Therapy System | 1 0.02 10.21 Aspiration Tray | 1 0.02 10.23 Aspirator, Endocervical | 1 0.02 10.24 Aspirator, Endometrial | 1 0.02 10.26 Aspirator, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 10.28 Assay To Measure Pct To Aid In The Ri.. | 1 0.02 10.30 Assay, 1,5-Anhydroglucitol (15ag) | 1 0.02 10.31 Assay, Alpha-2-Antiplasmin | 1 0.02 10.33 Assay, B Lymphocyte Marker | 1 0.02 10.35 Assay, Bart'S, Hemoglobin | 1 0.02 10.37 Assay, Carboxyhemoglobin | 1 0.02 10.38 Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplifica.. | 1 0.02 10.40 Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplifica.. | 1 0.02 10.42 Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplifica.. | 1 0.02 10.44 Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplifica.. | 1 0.02 10.46 Assay, Endotoxin Activity, Chemilumin.. | 1 0.02 10.47 Assay, Enterovirus Nucleic Acid | 1 0.02 10.49 Assay, Erythrocytic Glucose-6-Phospha.. | 1 0.02 10.51 Assay, Erythropoietin | 1 0.02 10.53 Assay, Fetal Hemoglobin | 1 0.02 10.54 Assay, Genotype, Hiv Drug Resistance,.. | 1 0.02 10.56 Assay, Genotyping, Hepatitis C Virus | 1 0.02 10.58 Assay, Glutathione Reductase | 1 0.02 10.60 Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin | 1 0.02 10.61 Assay, Heparin | 1 0.02 10.63 Assay, Interleukin | 1 0.02 10.65 Assay, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Ba.. | 1 0.02 10.67 Assay, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Gr.. | 1 0.02 10.68 Assay, Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitor | 1 0.02 10.70 Assay, Porphyrin, Spectrophotometry, .. | 1 0.02 10.72 Assay, Proliferation, In Vitro, T Lym.. | 1 0.02 10.74 Assay, Sulfhemoglobin | 1 0.02 10.75 Assay, T Lymphocyte Surface Marker | 1 0.02 10.77 Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Hep.. | 1 0.02 10.79 Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Par.. | 1 0.02 10.81 Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Par.. | 1 0.02 10.82 Assay,Hybridization And/Or Nucleic Ac.. | 1 0.02 10.84 Assayed External Control Material For.. | 1 0.02 10.86 Assayed Quality Control Material For .. | 1 0.02 10.88 Ataxiagraph | 1 0.02 10.89 Ataxiagraph With Interpretive Software | 1 0.02 10.91 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, .. | 1 0.02 10.93 Atomic Absorption, Antimony | 1 0.02 10.95 Atomic Absorption, Arsenic | 1 0.02 10.96 Atomic Absorption, Calcium | 1 0.02 10.98 Atomic Absorption, Iron (Non-Heme) | 1 0.02 11.00 Atomic Absorption, Lithium | 1 0.02 11.02 Atomic Absorption, Magnesium | 1 0.02 11.03 Atomizer, Tlc | 1 0.02 11.05 Atp And Creatine Kinase (Enzymatic), .. | 1 0.02 11.07 Atp Release (Luminescence) | 1 0.02 11.09 Atrial Defibrillator | 1 0.02 11.11 Attachment, Binocular, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 11.12 Attachment, Breathing, Positive End E.. | 1 0.02 11.14 Attachment, Eyepiece, For Insertion O.. | 1 0.02 11.16 Attachment, Intermittent Mandatory Ve.. | 1 0.02 11.18 Attachment, Precision, All | 1 0.02 11.19 Attachment, Teaching, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 11.21 Audio System/Radio | 1 0.02 11.23 Audiometer | 1 0.02 11.25 Auramine O | 1 0.02 11.26 Auto Focus Camera | 1 0.02 11.28 Auto-Antibodies; Phosphatidylserine, .. | 1 0.02 11.30 Autoantibodies, Acetylcholine Recepto.. | 1 0.02 11.32 Autoantibodies, Anti-Ribonucleic Acid.. | 1 0.02 11.33 Autoantibodies, Anti-Soluble Liver An.. | 1 0.02 11.35 Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Tra.. | 1 0.02 11.37 Autoantibodies, Glutamic Acid Decarbo.. | 1 0.02 11.39 Autoantibodies, Lkm-1 (Liver/Kidney M.. | 1 0.02 11.40 Autoantibodies, Nuclear Body Protein,.. | 1 0.02 11.42 Autoantibodies, Nuclear Pore Glycopro.. | 1 0.02 11.44 Autoantibodies, Skin (Bullous Pemphig.. | 1 0.02 11.46 Autoantibodies, Skin (Desmoglein 1 An.. | 1 0.02 11.47 Automated Colony Counter | 1 0.02 11.49 Automated External Defibrillators (No.. | 1 0.02 11.51 Automated Indirect Immunofluorescence.. | 1 0.02 11.53 Automated Insulin Dosing Device Syst.. | 1 0.02 11.54 Automated Insulin Dosing , Threshold .. | 1 0.02 11.56 Automated Insulin Dosing Device Syste.. | 1 0.02 11.58 Automated Multicolor Fluorescent Imag.. | 1 0.02 11.60 Automated Occult Blood Analyzer | 1 0.02 11.61 Automated Pipetting, Diluting And Spe.. | 1 0.02 11.63 Automated Platform Consisting Of Soft.. | 1 0.02 11.65 Automated Radioimmunoassay Systems, F.. | 1 0.02 11.67 Automated Urinalysis System | 1 0.02 11.69 Automatic Event Detection Software Fo.. | 1 0.02 11.70 Automatic Event Detection Software Fo.. | 1 0.02 11.72 Automotive Accessory, Automobile Or T.. | 1 0.02 11.74 Automotive Radar | 1 0.02 11.76 Autonomous Extracorporeal Blood Leak .. | 1 0.02 11.77 Auxiliary Power Supply (Ac Or Dc) For.. | 1 0.02 11.79 Auxiliary Power Supply (Acor Dc) For .. | 1 0.02 11.81 Awl | 1 0.02 11.83 Azan Counterstain | 1 0.02 11.84 Azo Dye, Calcium | 1 0.02 11.86 Azo-Dyes, Colorimetric, Bilirubin & I.. | 1 0.02 11.88 Azocarmine B | 1 0.02 11.90 Azocarmine G | 1 0.02 11.91 Azure A | 1 0.02 11.93 Azure C | 1 0.02 11.95 Baby Care Kit | 1 0.02 11.97 Bacillus Subtlis Microbiology Assay, .. | 1 0.02 11.98 Bacillus Subtlis, Microbiological Ass.. | 1 0.02 12.00 Bacteriophage And Controls, B. Anthra.. | 1 0.02 12.02 Bag, Bile Collecting | 1 0.02 12.04 Bag, Drainage, With Adhesive, Ostomy | 1 0.02 12.05 Bag, Hemostatic | 1 0.02 12.07 Bag, Ice | 1 0.02 12.09 Bag, Intestine | 1 0.02 12.11 Bag, Polymeric Mesh, Pacemaker | 1 0.02 12.12 Bag, Reservoir | 1 0.02 12.14 Bag, Stomal | 1 0.02 12.16 Bag, Urinary, Ileostomy | 1 0.02 12.18 Bag, Urine Collecting, Ureterostomy | 1 0.02 12.19 Bag, Urine Collection, Leg, For Exter.. | 1 0.02 12.21 Bag, Urine Collection, Leg, For Exter.. | 1 0.02 12.23 Bag, Urine Collection, Newborn | 1 0.02 12.25 Balance, Analytical | 1 0.02 12.26 Ballistocardiograph | 1 0.02 12.28 Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty | 1 0.02 12.30 Balloon Gastrostomy Tube Kit | 1 0.02 12.32 Balloon, Epistaxis | 1 0.02 12.34 Band, Elastic, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 12.35 Band, Material, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 12.37 Band, Preformed, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 12.39 Band, Tubal Occlusion | 1 0.02 12.41 Bandage, Elastic | 1 0.02 12.42 Bar, Preformed | 1 0.02 12.44 Bariatric Bed | 1 0.02 12.46 Barrier, Absorbable, Adhesion | 1 0.02 12.48 Barrier, Adhesion, Cardiovascular | 1 0.02 12.49 Barrier, Animal Source, Intraoral | 1 0.02 12.51 Barrier, Std, Oral Sex | 1 0.02 12.53 Barrier, Synthetic, Intraoral | 1 0.02 12.55 Basic Fuchsin | 1 0.02 12.56 Basic Set-Up Tray | 1 0.02 12.58 Basin For Endoscope Reprocessing | 1 0.02 12.60 Basin, Emesis | 1 0.02 12.62 Bassinet, Hospital | 1 0.02 12.63 Bath, Incubators/Water, All | 1 0.02 12.65 Bathophenanthroline, Colorimetry, Iro.. | 1 0.02 12.67 Bathophenanthroline, Iron Binding Cap.. | 1 0.02 12.69 Batteries, Rechargeable, For Class 2 .. | 1 0.02 12.70 Batteries, Rechargeable, For Class 3 .. | 1 0.02 12.72 Battery, Replacement, Rechargeable | 1 0.02 12.74 Beads, Hydrophilic, For Wound Exudate.. | 1 0.02 12.76 Bed, Ac-Powered Adjustable Hospital | 1 0.02 12.77 Bed, Hydraulic, Adjustable Hospital | 1 0.02 12.79 Bed, Manual | 1 0.02 12.81 Bed, Pediatric Open Hospital | 1 0.02 12.83 Bed, Rocking, Breathing Assist | 1 0.02 12.84 Bed, Therapeutic, Ac-Powered, Adjusta.. | 1 0.02 12.86 Bedding, Disposable, Medical | 1 0.02 12.88 Bedpan | 1 0.02 12.90 Bell, Circumcision | 1 0.02 12.92 Belt, Pelvic, Traction | 1 0.02 12.93 Bence-Jones Protein, Antigen, Antiser.. | 1 0.02 12.95 Bender | 1 0.02 12.97 Berthelot Indophenol, Urea Nitrogen | 1 0.02 12.99 Best'S Carmine | 1 0.02 13.00 Beta 2-Microglobulin Apheresis Column | 1 0.02 13.02 Beta Glycerophosphate, Alkaline Phosp.. | 1 0.02 13.04 Beta-2-Glycoprotein I, Antigen, Antis.. | 1 0.02 13.06 Beta-2-Glycoprotein Iii, Antigen, Ant.. | 1 0.02 13.07 Beta-D-Fructose & Nadh Oxidation (U.V.. | 1 0.02 13.09 Beta-Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 13.11 Betatron, Non-Medical | 1 0.02 13.13 Biebrich Scarlet | 1 0.02 13.14 Biliary Catheter For Irrigation And C.. | 1 0.02 13.16 Biliary Catheter For Stone Removal Th.. | 1 0.02 13.18 Biliary Stent System For Benign Stric.. | 1 0.02 13.20 Bilirubin (Total And Unbound) In The .. | 1 0.02 13.21 Binder, Abdominal | 1 0.02 13.23 Binder, Breast | 1 0.02 13.25 Binder, Elastic | 1 0.02 13.27 Binder, Medical, Therapeutic | 1 0.02 13.28 Binder, Perineal | 1 0.02 13.30 Biologic Material, Dental | 1 0.02 13.32 Biological Sterilization Process Indi.. | 1 0.02 13.34 Biomicroscope, Slit-Lamp, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 13.35 Biomicroscope, Slit-Lamp, Ac-Powered,.. | 1 0.02 13.37 Biopsy Device, Percutaneous, Reproces.. | 1 0.02 13.39 Biopsy Needle | 1 0.02 13.41 Biopsy Needle Kit | 1 0.02 13.42 Biosensor, Immunoassay, Cpk Or Isoenz.. | 1 0.02 13.44 Biosensor, Immunoassay, Myoglobin | 1 0.02 13.46 Bismarck Brown Y | 1 0.02 13.48 Bistoury, Tracheal | 1 0.02 13.49 Bit, Drill | 1 0.02 13.51 Bit, Surgical | 1 0.02 13.53 Biuret (Colorimetric), Total Protein | 1 0.02 13.55 Black Light | 1 0.02 13.57 Bladder Irrigation Kit | 1 0.02 13.58 Bladder System | 1 0.02 13.60 Blade, Keratome, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 13.62 Blade, Saw, General & Plastic Surgery.. | 1 0.02 13.64 Blade-Form Endosseous Dental Implant | 1 0.02 13.65 Blanket, Fire | 1 0.02 13.67 Blanket, Neonatal Phototherapy | 1 0.02 13.69 Blender/Mixer | 1 0.02 13.71 Block, Bite | 1 0.02 13.72 Block, Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 13.74 Block, Cutting, Ent, Sterile | 1 0.02 13.76 Block, Heating | 1 0.02 13.78 Block, Test, Ultrasonic Scanner Calib.. | 1 0.02 13.79 Blood Administration Kit | 1 0.02 13.81 Blood Alcohol Kit (Excludes Hiv Testi.. | 1 0.02 13.83 Blood And Urine Collection Kit (Exclu.. | 1 0.02 13.85 Blood Borne Pathogen Response Kit | 1 0.02 13.86 Blood Establishment Computer Software.. | 1 0.02 13.88 Blood Establishment Computer Software.. | 1 0.02 13.90 Blood Pressure Cuff | 1 0.02 13.92 Blood Specimen Collection Convenience.. | 1 0.02 13.93 Blood Specimen Collection Kit (Exclud.. | 1 0.02 13.95 Blood Transfusion Kit | 1 0.02 13.97 Blood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine | 1 0.02 13.99 Blood, Occult, Enzymatic Method, In U.. | 1 0.02 14.00 Blood/Plasma Collection Device For Dn.. | 1 0.02 14.02 Blower, Powder, Ent | 1 0.02 14.04 Board, Arm (Wtih Cover), Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 14.06 Board, Bed | 1 0.02 14.07 Board, Cardiopulmonary | 1 0.02 14.09 Body Fluid Clean Up Kit | 1 0.02 14.11 Body Fluid Disposal Kit | 1 0.02 14.13 Body Fluids Barrier Kit | 1 0.02 14.15 Bone Cement | 1 0.02 14.16 Bone Cement, Antibiotic | 1 0.02 14.18 Bone Cement, Posterior Screw Augmenta.. | 1 0.02 14.20 Bone Fixation Cerclage, Sublaminar | 1 0.02 14.22 Bone Grafting Material, Animal Source | 1 0.02 14.23 Bone Grafting Material, Dental, With .. | 1 0.02 14.25 Bone Grafting Material, For Dental Bo.. | 1 0.02 14.27 Bone Grafting Material, Human Source | 1 0.02 14.29 Bone Grafting Material, Synthetic | 1 0.02 14.30 Bone Marrow Biopsy Tray | 1 0.02 14.32 Bone Marrow Collection/Transfusion Kit | 1 0.02 14.34 Bone Marrow Processing Device For Cli.. | 1 0.02 14.36 Bone Marrow Processing Device To Supp.. | 1 0.02 14.37 Bone Mill | 1 0.02 14.39 Bone Particle Collector | 1 0.02 14.41 Bone Void Filler, Syringe | 1 0.02 14.43 Bone Wedge | 1 0.02 14.44 Bone, Heterograft | 1 0.02 14.46 Booth, Sun Tan | 1 0.02 14.48 Bordetella Pertussis Dna Assay System | 1 0.02 14.50 Bothrops Atrox Reagent | 1 0.02 14.51 Bottle Fill Checker | 1 0.02 14.53 Bottle, Blow | 1 0.02 14.55 Bottle, Collection And Trap, Breathin.. | 1 0.02 14.57 Bottle, Collection, Breathing System .. | 1 0.02 14.58 Bottle, Collection, Vacuum | 1 0.02 14.60 Bottle, Hot/Cold Water | 1 0.02 14.62 Bottle, Roller, Tissue Culture | 1 0.02 14.64 Bougie, Esophageal, And Gastrointesti.. | 1 0.02 14.65 Bougie, Esophageal, Ent | 1 0.02 14.67 Bougie, Eustachian | 1 0.02 14.69 Bougie, Urological | 1 0.02 14.71 Box, Battery, Pocket | 1 0.02 14.73 Box, Battery, Rechargeable | 1 0.02 14.74 Boxes, View, Blood Grouping | 1 0.02 14.76 Brace, Drill | 1 0.02 14.78 Brachial Plexus Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 14.80 Bracket, Ceramic, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 14.81 Bracket, Metal, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 14.83 Bracket, Metal, Orthodontic, Reproces.. | 1 0.02 14.85 Bracket, Plastic, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 14.87 Bracket, Plastic, Orthodontic, Reproc.. | 1 0.02 14.88 Brain Injury Adjunctive Interpretive .. | 1 0.02 14.90 Brain Trauma Assessment Test | 1 0.02 14.92 Breast Biopsy / Localization Tray | 1 0.02 14.94 Breast Milk, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 14.95 Breast Milk, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum.. | 1 0.02 14.97 Breast Milk, Rhodamine, Antigen, Anti.. | 1 0.02 14.99 Breast Milk-Alcohol Test System | 1 0.02 15.01 Breast Pump Accessory, Milk Expressio.. | 1 0.02 15.02 Breast Pump Kit | 1 0.02 15.04 Brilliant Cresyl Blue | 1 0.02 15.06 Brilliant Green | 1 0.02 15.08 Brilliant Yellow | 1 0.02 15.09 Broach | 1 0.02 15.11 Broach, Endodontic | 1 0.02 15.13 Bromcresol Green Dye-Binding, Albumin | 1 0.02 15.15 Bromcresol Purple Dye-Binding, Albumin | 1 0.02 15.16 Bronchial Thermoplasty System | 1 0.02 15.18 Bronchoscope (Flexible Or Rigid) | 1 0.02 15.20 Bronchoscope Accessory | 1 0.02 15.22 Brush, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid) | 1 0.02 15.23 Brush, Cleaning, Tracheal Tube | 1 0.02 15.25 Brush, Dermabrasion, Powered | 1 0.02 15.27 Brush, Endometrial | 1 0.02 15.29 Brush, Haidinger, (Including Macular .. | 1 0.02 15.30 Bulb, Inflation, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 15.32 Bur, Dental | 1 0.02 15.34 Bur, Diamond Coated, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 15.36 Bur, Ear, Nose And Throat | 1 0.02 15.38 Bur, Ent, Diamond Coated, Single Use,.. | 1 0.02 15.39 Bur, Surgical, General & Plastic Surg.. | 1 0.02 15.41 Buret Administration Intravenous Kit | 1 0.02 15.43 Burn Dressing Tray | 1 0.02 15.45 Burn Kit With Drug | 1 0.02 15.46 Burn Kit Without Drug | 1 0.02 15.48 Burnisher, Operative | 1 0.02 15.50 Burr, Corneal, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 15.52 Burr, Corneal, Ac-Powered, Rust Ring .. | 1 0.02 15.53 Burr, Corneal, Battery Powered, Rust .. | 1 0.02 15.55 Burr, Corneal, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 15.57 Burr, Corneal, Manual | 1 0.02 15.59 Burr, Orthopedic | 1 0.02 15.60 Burst Suppression Detection Software .. | 1 0.02 15.62 Button, Iris, Eye, Artificial | 1 0.02 15.64 Button, Nasal Septal | 1 0.02 15.66 C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiseru.. | 1 0.02 15.67 C. Difficile Nucleic Acid Amplificati.. | 1 0.02 15.69 C. Difficile Toxin Gene Amplification.. | 1 0.02 15.71 C. Trachomatis (Chlamydia Group) | 1 0.02 15.73 C3-Indirect Immunofluorescent Solid P.. | 1 0.02 15.74 Cabinet X-Ray Explosive Detection Sys.. | 1 0.02 15.76 Cabinet X-Ray, Industrial | 1 0.02 15.78 Cabinet X-Ray, Security (Includes Bag.. | 1 0.02 15.80 Cabinet X-Ray, Vehicle And Cargo | 1 0.02 15.81 Cabinet, Ethylene-Oxide Gas Aerator | 1 0.02 15.83 Cabinet, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Opht.. | 1 0.02 15.85 Cabinet, Phototherapy (Puva) | 1 0.02 15.87 Cabinet, Table And Tray, Anesthesia | 1 0.02 15.88 Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Pati.. | 1 0.02 15.90 Calcium Salt Bone Void Filler, Drilla.. | 1 0.02 15.92 Calculator, Drug Dose | 1 0.02 15.94 Calculator, Predicted Values, Pulmona.. | 1 0.02 15.96 Calculator, Pulmonary Function Data | 1 0.02 15.97 Calculator, Pulmonary Function Interp.. | 1 0.02 15.99 Calculator/Data Processing Module, Fo.. | 1 0.02 16.01 Calibrator For Alpha-Fetoprotein In M.. | 1 0.02 16.03 Calibrator For Cell Indices | 1 0.02 16.04 Calibrator For Hemoglobin And Hematoc.. | 1 0.02 16.06 Calibrator For Platelet Counting | 1 0.02 16.08 Calibrator For Red-Cell And White-Cel.. | 1 0.02 16.10 Calibrator, Hearing Aid / Earphone An.. | 1 0.02 16.11 Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture | 1 0.02 16.13 Calibrator, Pressure, Gas | 1 0.02 16.15 Calibrator, Primary | 1 0.02 16.17 Calibrator, Secondary | 1 0.02 16.18 Calibrator, Surrogate | 1 0.02 16.20 Calibrator, Tonometer | 1 0.02 16.22 Calibrator, Volume, Gas | 1 0.02 16.24 Calibrators, Drug Mixture | 1 0.02 16.25 Calibrators, Drug Specific | 1 0.02 16.27 Calibrators, Ethyl Alcohol | 1 0.02 16.29 Caliper | 1 0.02 16.31 Caliper, Fetal Head, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 16.32 Caliper, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 16.34 Calprotectin, Fecal | 1 0.02 16.36 Camera, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 16.38 Camera, Ophthalmic, General-Use | 1 0.02 16.39 Camera, Surgical And Accessories | 1 0.02 16.41 Campimeter, Stereo, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 16.43 Campylobacter Spp. | 1 0.02 16.45 Cancer Monitoring Test System, Solubl.. | 1 0.02 16.46 Cancer Monitoring Test System, Solubl.. | 1 0.02 16.48 Candida Species Nucleic Acid Detectio.. | 1 0.02 16.50 Candida Species, Antibody Detection | 1 0.02 16.52 Candida Spp., Direct Antigen, Id | 1 0.02 16.53 Canister, Coil | 1 0.02 16.55 Cannula And Trocar, Suprapubic, Non-D.. | 1 0.02 16.57 Cannula, A-V Shunt | 1 0.02 16.59 Cannula, Arterial, Cardiopulmonary By.. | 1 0.02 16.61 Cannula, Catheter | 1 0.02 16.62 Cannula, Ear | 1 0.02 16.64 Cannula, Injector, Uterine, Endometri.. | 1 0.02 16.66 Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination | 1 0.02 16.68 Cannula, Manipulator/Injector, Uterine | 1 0.02 16.69 Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen | 1 0.02 16.71 Cannula, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 16.73 Cannula, Ophthalmic, Posterior Capsul.. | 1 0.02 16.75 Cannula, Sinus | 1 0.02 16.76 Cannula, Suction, Uterine | 1 0.02 16.78 Cannula, Trocar, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 16.80 Cannula, Ventricular | 1 0.02 16.82 Cannulae, Bronchial | 1 0.02 16.83 Cap, Bone | 1 0.02 16.85 Cap, Cervical | 1 0.02 16.87 Cap, Cervical, Contraceptive | 1 0.02 16.89 Cap, Cooling (Infants) | 1 0.02 16.90 Cap, Device Disinfectant | 1 0.02 16.92 Capillary Blood Collection Device For.. | 1 0.02 16.94 Capsule, Dental, Amalgam | 1 0.02 16.96 Carbol Fuchsin | 1 0.02 16.97 Carbol Night Blue | 1 0.02 16.99 Carbon Dioxide Gas Controlled Tissue .. | 1 0.02 17.01 Carbonic Anhydrase B, Antigen, Antise.. | 1 0.02 17.03 Carbonic Anhydrase C, Antigen, Antise.. | 1 0.02 17.04 Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Or Poly.. | 1 0.02 17.06 Cardiac Ablation Percutaneous Catheter | 1 0.02 17.08 Cardiac Allograft Gene Expression Pro.. | 1 0.02 17.10 Cardiac C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, .. | 1 0.02 17.11 Cardiac Catheterization Kit | 1 0.02 17.13 Cardiac Support Mesh Wrap | 1 0.02 17.15 Cardiograph, Apex (Vibrocardiograph) | 1 0.02 17.17 Cardioplegia Solution Administration .. | 1 0.02 17.19 Cardiopulmonary Bypass Catheter Kit | 1 0.02 17.20 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Aid Kit | 1 0.02 17.22 Cardiovascular Catheter Sheath Introd.. | 1 0.02 17.24 Cardiovascular Procedure Kit | 1 0.02 17.26 Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments T.. | 1 0.02 17.27 Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmi.. | 1 0.02 17.29 Carmine | 1 0.02 17.31 Carrier, Amalgam, Operative | 1 0.02 17.33 Carrier, Sponge, Endoscopic | 1 0.02 17.34 Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Exc.. | 1 0.02 17.36 Carver, Dental Amalgam, Operative | 1 0.02 17.38 Carver, Wax, Dental | 1 0.02 17.40 Case, Contact Lens | 1 0.02 17.41 Cassette, Audio Tape | 1 0.02 17.43 Catalytic Methods, Amylase | 1 0.02 17.45 Catheter (Gastric, Colonic, Etc.), Ir.. | 1 0.02 17.47 Catheter And Tip, Suction | 1 0.02 17.48 Catheter And Tube, Suprapubic | 1 0.02 17.50 Catheter Care Tray | 1 0.02 17.52 Catheter For Crossing Total Occlusions | 1 0.02 17.54 Catheter Guide Wire Kit | 1 0.02 17.55 Catheter Introducer | 1 0.02 17.57 Catheter Introducer Kit | 2 0.04 17.61 Catheter Remote Control System | 1 0.02 17.62 Catheter Repair Kit | 1 0.02 17.64 Catheter, Angiography, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 17.66 Catheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Tr.. | 1 0.02 17.68 Catheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Tr.. | 1 0.02 17.69 Catheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Tr.. | 1 0.02 17.71 Catheter, Assisted Reproduction | 1 0.02 17.73 Catheter, Balloon For Retinal Reattac.. | 1 0.02 17.75 Catheter, Balloon, Dilation Of Cervic.. | 1 0.02 17.76 Catheter, Balloon, Dilation Of Cervic.. | 1 0.02 17.78 Catheter, Balloon, Transcervical | 1 0.02 17.80 Catheter, Biliary, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 17.82 Catheter, Cannula And Tubing, Vascula.. | 1 0.02 17.84 Catheter, Conduction, Anesthetic | 1 0.02 17.85 Catheter, Continuous Flush | 1 0.02 17.87 Catheter, Coronary, Atherectomy | 1 0.02 17.89 Catheter, Coude | 1 0.02 17.91 Catheter, Double Lumen Female Urethro.. | 1 0.02 17.92 Catheter, Drainage, Intraoral/Extraoral | 1 0.02 17.94 Catheter, Electrode Recording, Or Pro.. | 1 0.02 17.96 Catheter, Embolectomy | 1 0.02 17.98 Catheter, Femoral | 1 0.02 17.99 Catheter, Flow Directed | 1 0.02 18.01 Catheter, Hemodialysis, Implanted | 1 0.02 18.03 Catheter, Hemodialysis, Implanted, Co.. | 1 0.02 18.05 Catheter, Hemodialysis, Non-Implanted | 1 0.02 18.06 Catheter, Hemodialysis, Non-Implanted.. | 1 0.02 18.08 Catheter, Hemodialysis, Triple Lumen,.. | 1 0.02 18.10 Catheter, Hemodialysis, Triple Lumen,.. | 1 0.02 18.12 Catheter, Infusion | 1 0.02 18.13 Catheter, Intracardiac Mapping, High-.. | 1 0.02 18.15 Catheter, Intracardiac Mapping, High-.. | 1 0.02 18.17 Catheter, Intrauterine And Introducer | 1 0.02 18.19 Catheter, Intravascular Occluding | 1 0.02 18.20 Catheter, Intravascular Occluding, Te.. | 1 0.02 18.22 Catheter, Intravascular, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 18.24 Catheter, Intravascular, Plaque Morph.. | 1 0.02 18.26 Catheter, Intravascular, Therapeutic,.. | 1 0.02 18.27 Catheter, Intravascular, Therapeutic,.. | 1 0.02 18.29 Catheter, Malecot | 1 0.02 18.31 Catheter, Nasal, Oxygen | 1 0.02 18.33 Catheter, Nasopharyngeal | 1 0.02 18.34 Catheter, Nephrostomy | 1 0.02 18.36 Catheter, Neuro-Vasculature, Occludin.. | 1 0.02 18.38 Catheter, Neurovasculature, Occluding.. | 1 0.02 18.40 Catheter, Oximeter, Fiber Optic, Repr.. | 1 0.02 18.42 Catheter, Oximeter, Fiber-Optic | 1 0.02 18.43 Catheter, Percutaneous | 1 0.02 18.45 Catheter, Percutaneous (Valvuloplasty) | 1 0.02 18.47 Catheter, Percutaneous Transluminal C.. | 1 0.02 18.49 Catheter, Percutaneous, Cardiac Ablat.. | 1 0.02 18.50 Catheter, Percutaneous, Cardiac Ablat.. | 1 0.02 18.52 Catheter, Percutaneous, Cutting/Scoring | 1 0.02 18.54 Catheter, Percutaneous, Intraspinal, .. | 1 0.02 18.56 Catheter, Percutaneous, Long Term, In.. | 1 0.02 18.57 Catheter, Peripheral, Atherectomy | 1 0.02 18.59 Catheter, Peritoneal Dialysis, Single.. | 1 0.02 18.61 Catheter, Peritoneal Dialysis, Single.. | 1 0.02 18.63 Catheter, Peritoneal, Long-Term Indwe.. | 1 0.02 18.64 Catheter, Peritoneal, Long-Term Indwe.. | 1 0.02 18.66 Catheter, Pressure Monitoring, Cardiac | 1 0.02 18.68 Catheter, Recording, Electrode, Repro.. | 1 0.02 18.70 Catheter, Rectal | 1 0.02 18.71 Catheter, Rectal For Continent Ileost.. | 1 0.02 18.73 Catheter, Retention Type | 1 0.02 18.75 Catheter, Retention Type, Balloon | 1 0.02 18.77 Catheter, Retention, Barium Enema Wit.. | 1 0.02 18.78 Catheter, Sampling, Chorionic Villus | 1 0.02 18.80 Catheter, Septostomy | 1 0.02 18.82 Catheter, Steerable | 1 0.02 18.84 Catheter, Steerable, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 18.85 Catheter, Straight | 1 0.02 18.87 Catheter, Subclavian | 1 0.02 18.89 Catheter, Suction, Tracheobronchial, .. | 1 0.02 18.91 Catheter, Suprapubic (And Accessories) | 1 0.02 18.92 Catheter, Thrombus Retriever | 1 0.02 18.94 Catheter, Ultrasound, Intravascular | 1 0.02 18.96 Catheter, Umbilical Artery | 1 0.02 18.98 Catheter, Upper Urinary Tract | 1 0.02 18.99 Catheter, Ureteral Disposable (X-Ray) | 1 0.02 19.01 Catheter, Ureteral, Gastro-Urology | 1 0.02 19.03 Catheter, Ureteral, General & Plastic.. | 1 0.02 19.05 Catheter, Urethral | 1 0.02 19.07 Catheter, Urethrographic, Male | 1 0.02 19.08 Catheter, Urological | 1 0.02 19.10 Catheter, Urological (Antimicrobial) .. | 1 0.02 19.12 Catheter, Ventricular | 1 0.02 19.14 Catheter, Ventricular (Containing Ant.. | 1 0.02 19.15 Catheters, Salpingography | 1 0.02 19.17 Catheters, Suction, Tracheobronchial | 1 0.02 19.19 Catheters, Transluminal Coronary Angi.. | 1 0.02 19.21 Cathode Ray Tubes | 1 0.02 19.22 Caudal Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 19.24 Cb Amateur Radio | 1 0.02 19.26 Cd, Cd-Rom Player | 1 0.02 19.28 Cd-R, Cd-Rw Recorder | 1 0.02 19.29 Cell Enzymes (Erythrocytic And Leukoc.. | 1 0.02 19.31 Cells, Animal And Human, Cultured | 1 0.02 19.33 Cement And Bone Removal Kit | 1 0.02 19.35 Cement Obturator | 1 0.02 19.36 Cement, Bone, Pre-Formed, Modular, Po.. | 1 0.02 19.38 Cement, Bone, Vertebroplasty | 1 0.02 19.40 Cement, Bone, Vertebroplasty, Pre-For.. | 1 0.02 19.42 Cement, Dental | 1 0.02 19.43 Cement, Ear, Nose And Throat | 1 0.02 19.45 Cement, Stomal Appliance, Ostomy | 1 0.02 19.47 Central Venous Blood Pressure Kit | 1 0.02 19.49 Central Venous Catheter Dressing Chan.. | 1 0.02 19.50 Central Venous Catheter Tray | 1 0.02 19.52 Centrifuge For Preparation Of Cell Co.. | 1 0.02 19.54 Centrifuge, Blood-Bank For In Vitro D.. | 1 0.02 19.56 Centrifuge, Cell-Washing, Automated F.. | 1 0.02 19.57 Centrifuge, Hematocrit | 1 0.02 19.59 Centrifuge, Microsedimentation | 1 0.02 19.61 Centrifuges (Micro, Ultra, Refrigerat.. | 1 0.02 19.63 Cephalometric Devices | 1 0.02 19.65 Ceramics, Calcium Triphosphate/Hydrox.. | 1 0.02 19.66 Cerclage, Fixation | 1 0.02 19.68 Cerclage, Fixation, Metallic | 1 0.02 19.70 Ceruloplasmin, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 19.72 Ceruloplasmin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiser.. | 1 0.02 19.73 Ceruloplasmin, Rhodamine, Antigen, An.. | 1 0.02 19.75 Cesarean Section Tray | 1 0.02 19.77 Chair And Table, Medical | 1 0.02 19.79 Chair, Blood Donor | 1 0.02 19.80 Chair, Dental, With Operative Unit | 1 0.02 19.82 Chair, Dental, Without Operative Unit | 1 0.02 19.84 Chair, Dialysis, Unpowered, Without S.. | 1 0.02 19.86 Chair, Examination And Treatment | 1 0.02 19.87 Chair, Geriatric | 1 0.02 19.89 Chair, Neurosurgical | 1 0.02 19.91 Chair, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 19.93 Chair, Ophthalmic, Manual | 1 0.02 19.94 Chair, Posture, For Cardiac And Pulmo.. | 1 0.02 19.96 Chamber, Acoustic (For Audiometric Te.. | 1 0.02 19.98 Chamber, Decompression, Abdominal | 1 0.02 20.00 Chamber, Environmental For The Storag.. | 1 0.02 20.01 Chamber, Hyperbaric | 1 0.02 20.03 Chamber, Oxygen, Topical, Extremity | 1 0.02 20.05 Chamber, Patient Isolation | 1 0.02 20.07 Chamber, Patient Transport Isolation | 1 0.02 20.08 Chamber, Reverse Isolation, Patient C.. | 1 0.02 20.10 Chamber, Slide Culture | 1 0.02 20.12 Changer, Tube, Endotracheal | 1 0.02 20.14 Charger, Pacemaker | 1 0.02 20.15 Chart, Visual Acuity | 1 0.02 20.17 Check Valve, Retrograde Flow (In-Line) | 1 0.02 20.19 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay System | 1 0.02 20.21 Chemotherapy Administration Kit | 1 0.02 20.22 Chemotherapy Spill Clean-Up Kit | 1 0.02 20.24 Chest Drainage Kit | 1 0.02 20.26 Chisel (Osteotome) | 1 0.02 20.28 Chisel, Bone, Surgical | 1 0.02 20.30 Chisel, Mastoid | 1 0.02 20.31 Chisel, Middle-Ear | 1 0.02 20.33 Chisel, Nasal | 1 0.02 20.35 Chisel, Osteotome, Surgical | 1 0.02 20.37 Chlamydophila Pneumoniae Dna Assay Sy.. | 1 0.02 20.38 Chlorazol Black E | 1 0.02 20.40 Chlorine Meter | 1 0.02 20.42 Cholecystectomy Kit | 1 0.02 20.44 Choledochoscope And Accessories, Flex.. | 1 0.02 20.45 Cholinesterase Test Paper | 1 0.02 20.47 Chromatographic Derivative, Total Lip.. | 1 0.02 20.49 Chromatographic Separation, Cpk Isoen.. | 1 0.02 20.51 Chromatographic Separation, Lactate D.. | 1 0.02 20.52 Chromatographic Separation, Lecithin/.. | 1 0.02 20.54 Chromatographic Separation/Radioimmun.. | 1 0.02 20.56 Chromatographic Separation/Zimmerman,.. | 1 0.02 20.58 Chromatographic, Cystine | 1 0.02 20.59 Chromatographic, Glutathione | 1 0.02 20.61 Chromatographic, Histidine | 1 0.02 20.63 Chromatographic, Phospholipids | 1 0.02 20.65 Chromatographic/Fluorometric Method, .. | 1 0.02 20.66 Chromatography (Liquid, Gel), Clinica.. | 1 0.02 20.68 Chromatography (Thin Layer), Clinical.. | 1 0.02 20.70 Chromatography For Bacterial Identifi.. | 1 0.02 20.72 Chromatography Separation/Zimmerman 1.. | 1 0.02 20.73 Chromatography(Gas), Clinical Use | 1 0.02 20.75 Chromium-51, Blood Volume | 1 0.02 20.77 Chromogenesis, Phenylketones (Urinary.. | 1 0.02 20.79 Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization, Nu.. | 1 0.02 20.80 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Fish Pro.. | 1 0.02 20.82 Circuit, Breathing (W Connector, Adap.. | 1 0.02 20.84 Circulator, Breathing-Circuit | 1 0.02 20.86 Circumcision Tray | 1 0.02 20.88 Citrulline, Arsenate, Nessler (Colori.. | 1 0.02 20.89 Clamp | 1 0.02 20.91 Clamp And Cutter, Umbilical | 1 0.02 20.93 Clamp, Cannula | 1 0.02 20.95 Clamp, Carotid Artery | 1 0.02 20.96 Clamp, Circumcision | 1 0.02 20.98 Clamp, Dialysis Arm | 1 0.02 21.00 Clamp, Electrical | 1 0.02 21.02 Clamp, Eyelid, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 21.03 Clamp, Line | 1 0.02 21.05 Clamp, Muscle, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 21.07 Clamp, Non-Electrical | 1 0.02 21.09 Clamp, Ossicle Holding | 1 0.02 21.10 Clamp, Penile | 1 0.02 21.12 Clamp, Rubber Dam | 1 0.02 21.14 Clamp, Tubing, Blood, Automatic | 1 0.02 21.16 Clamp, Umbilical | 1 0.02 21.17 Clamp, Uterine | 1 0.02 21.19 Clamp, Vascular | 1 0.02 21.21 Clamp, Vascular, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 21.23 Clamp, Wire, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 21.24 Clasp, Preformed | 1 0.02 21.26 Clasp, Wire | 1 0.02 21.28 Claw, Foreign Body, Bronchoscope (Non.. | 1 0.02 21.30 Clean-Up Kit | 1 0.02 21.31 Cleaner | 1 0.02 21.33 Cleaner, Air, Medical Recirculating | 1 0.02 21.35 Cleaner, Denture, Mechanical | 1 0.02 21.37 Cleaner, Ultrasonic, Medical Instrument | 1 0.02 21.38 Cleaners, Medical Devices | 1 0.02 21.40 Cleanser, Denture, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 21.42 Cleanser, Denture, Prescription | 1 0.02 21.44 Cleanser, Root Canal | 1 0.02 21.45 Cleidoclast | 1 0.02 21.47 Clinical Sample Concentrator | 1 0.02 21.49 Clip, Aneurysm | 1 0.02 21.51 Clip, Drape, Lithotomy | 1 0.02 21.53 Clip, Hemostatic | 1 0.02 21.54 Clip, Implantable, For Coronary Arter.. | 1 0.02 21.56 Clip, Implantable, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 21.58 Clip, Implanted Malleable | 1 0.02 21.60 Clip, Iris Retractor | 1 0.02 21.61 Clip, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 21.63 Clip, Nose | 1 0.02 21.65 Clip, Scalp | 1 0.02 21.67 Clip, Tantalum, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 21.68 Clip, Tubal Occlusion | 1 0.02 21.70 Clip, Vas Deferens | 1 0.02 21.72 Clip, Vascular | 1 0.02 21.74 Clip, Vena-Cava | 1 0.02 21.75 Closed Antineoplastic And Hazardous D.. | 1 0.02 21.77 Closed Loop Auto Titration Device For.. | 1 0.02 21.79 Closure, Wound, Adhesive | 1 0.02 21.81 Clothes Dryer | 1 0.02 21.82 Clothing, Protective, Sun | 1 0.02 21.84 Coagulator, Culdoscopic (And Accessor.. | 1 0.02 21.86 Coagulator, Hysteroscopic (And Access.. | 1 0.02 21.88 Coagulator, Laparoscopic, Unipolar (A.. | 1 0.02 21.89 Coagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Bipola.. | 1 0.02 21.91 Coagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Unipol.. | 1 0.02 21.93 Coating, Denture Hydrophilic, Resin | 1 0.02 21.95 Coating, Filling Material, Resin | 1 0.02 21.96 Coating, Liquid, Glc | 1 0.02 21.98 Coccidioides Spp. Nucleic Acid Detect.. | 1 0.02 22.00 Cochlear Implant With Combined Electr.. | 1 0.02 22.02 Cohn Fraction Ii, Antigen, Antiserum,.. | 1 0.02 22.03 Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes | 1 0.02 22.05 Collagen Corneal Shield | 1 0.02 22.07 Collagen Surgical Mesh Containing Drugs | 1 0.02 22.09 Collector, Ostomy | 1 0.02 22.11 Collector, Urine, (And Accessories) F.. | 1 0.02 22.12 Collector, Urine, Pediatric, For Indw.. | 1 0.02 22.14 Collector, Urine, Powered, Non Indwel.. | 1 0.02 22.16 Collision-Avoidance Laser System | 1 0.02 22.18 Colon Capsule Imaging System | 1 0.02 22.19 Colonic Irrigation System | 1 0.02 22.21 Colonic Irrigation System, General We.. | 1 0.02 22.23 Colonoscope And Accessories, Flexible.. | 1 0.02 22.25 Colonoscope, General & Plastic Surgery | 1 0.02 22.26 Colorimeter, Photometer, Spectrophoto.. | 1 0.02 22.28 Colorimetric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes | 1 0.02 22.30 Colorimetric Method, Galactose | 1 0.02 22.32 Colorimetric Method, Gamma-Glutamyl T.. | 1 0.02 22.33 Colorimetric Method, Lecithin/Sphingo.. | 1 0.02 22.35 Colorimetric Method, Lipoproteins | 1 0.02 22.37 Colorimetric Method, Triglycerides | 1 0.02 22.39 Colorimetric, Mucopolysaccharides | 1 0.02 22.40 Colorimetric, Xylose | 1 0.02 22.42 Colorimetry, Acetaminophen | 1 0.02 22.44 Colorimetry, Cholinesterase | 1 0.02 22.46 Colorimetry, Salicylate | 1 0.02 22.47 Colostrum, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 22.49 Colposcope (And Colpomicroscope) | 1 0.02 22.51 Colposcope (And Colpomicroscope), Exe.. | 1 0.02 22.53 Column Chromatography & Color Develop.. | 1 0.02 22.54 Column Or Paper Chromatography Plus N.. | 1 0.02 22.56 Column Supports, Glc | 1 0.02 22.58 Column, Adsorption, Low Density, Lipo.. | 1 0.02 22.60 Columns, Glc | 1 0.02 22.61 Columns, Immunoadsorption In Extracor.. | 1 0.02 22.63 Columns, Liquid Chromatography | 1 0.02 22.65 Combination Compression/Decompression.. | 1 0.02 22.67 Comparison Of Freezing Points & Stds... | 1 0.02 22.68 Complement 4d (C4d) And Complement Re.. | 1 0.02 22.70 Complement C1 Inhibitor (Inactivator).. | 1 0.02 22.72 Complement C1q, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 22.74 Complement C1r, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 22.76 Complement C1s, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 22.77 Complement C3, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 22.79 Complement C3b Activator Immunoassay .. | 1 0.02 22.81 Complement C3b Activator, Antigen, An.. | 1 0.02 22.83 Complement C4, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 22.84 Complement C5, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 22.86 Complement C8, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 22.88 Complement C9, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 22.90 Complete Gene Expression Profiling Ac.. | 1 0.02 22.91 Component, Cast | 1 0.02 22.93 Component, Traction, Invasive | 1 0.02 22.95 Component, Traction, Non-Invasive | 1 0.02 22.97 Composite Cultured Skin | 1 0.02 22.98 Compressor, Air, Portable | 1 0.02 23.00 Compressor, Cardiac, External | 1 0.02 23.02 Compressor, Orbital | 1 0.02 23.04 Computer, Blood-Pressure | 1 0.02 23.05 Computer, Diagnostic, Pre-Programmed,.. | 1 0.02 23.07 Computer, Diagnostic, Programmable | 1 0.02 23.09 Computer, Oxygen-Uptake | 1 0.02 23.11 Computer-Assisted Personalized Sedati.. | 1 0.02 23.12 Computerized Behavioral Therapy Devic.. | 1 0.02 23.14 Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid | 1 0.02 23.16 Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid.. | 1 0.02 23.18 Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid.. | 1 0.02 23.19 Condenser, Amalgam And Foil, Operative | 1 0.02 23.21 Condenser, Heat And Moisture (Artific.. | 1 0.02 23.23 Conditioner, Signal, Physiological | 1 0.02 23.25 Condom | 1 0.02 23.26 Condom With Nonoxynol-9 | 1 0.02 23.28 Condom, Female, Animal Tissue | 1 0.02 23.30 Condom, Female, Single-Use | 1 0.02 23.32 Condom, Synthetic | 1 0.02 23.34 Conductivity Rate, Urea Nitrogen | 1 0.02 23.35 Condylar Plate Fixation Implant | 1 0.02 23.37 Conformer, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 23.39 Conformer, Ophthalmic, Biological Tis.. | 1 0.02 23.41 Congo Red | 1 0.02 23.42 Connector, Airway (Extension) | 1 0.02 23.44 Connector, Blood Tubing, Infusion T | 1 0.02 23.46 Connector, Shunt | 1 0.02 23.48 Connector, Tubing, Dialysate | 1 0.02 23.49 Connector, Ureteral Catheter | 1 0.02 23.51 Conserver, Oxygen | 1 0.02 23.53 Console, Heart-Lung Machine, Cardiopu.. | 1 0.02 23.55 Container, Empty, For Collection & Pr.. | 1 0.02 23.56 Container, Frozen Donor Tissue Storage | 1 0.02 23.58 Container, I.V. | 1 0.02 23.60 Container, Liquid Medication, Graduated | 1 0.02 23.62 Container, Sharps | 1 0.02 23.63 Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 23.65 Container, Specimen, Sterile | 1 0.02 23.67 Container, Specimen, Urine, Drugs Of .. | 1 0.02 23.69 Container, Supplementary Nitroglycerin | 1 0.02 23.70 Container, Transport, Kidney | 1 0.02 23.72 Containment System, Laparoscopic Powe.. | 1 0.02 23.74 Continuous Brachial Plexus Block Tray | 1 0.02 23.76 Continuous Glucose Monitor Retrospect.. | 1 0.02 23.77 Continuous Glucose Monitor Secondary .. | 1 0.02 23.79 Continuous Glucose Monitor, Implanted.. | 1 0.02 23.81 Continuous, Ventilator, Home Use | 1 0.02 23.83 Contraception Calculator | 1 0.02 23.84 Control Material, Blood Circulating E.. | 1 0.02 23.86 Control, Cell Counter, Normal And Abn.. | 1 0.02 23.88 Control, Fecal Occult Blood | 1 0.02 23.90 Control, Hematocrit | 1 0.02 23.91 Control, Hemoglobin | 1 0.02 23.93 Control, Hemoglobin, Abnormal | 1 0.02 23.95 Control, Plasma, Abnormal | 1 0.02 23.97 Control, Platelet | 1 0.02 23.99 Control, Pump Speed, Cardiopulmonary .. | 1 0.02 24.00 Control, Red-Cell | 1 0.02 24.02 Control, White-Cell | 1 0.02 24.04 Controller, Abortion Unit, Vacuum | 1 0.02 24.06 Controller, Closed-Loop Blood Glucose | 1 0.02 24.07 Controller, Closed-Loop, Blood-Pressure | 1 0.02 24.09 Controller, Foot, Handpiece And Cord | 1 0.02 24.11 Controller, Infusion, Intravascular, .. | 1 0.02 24.13 Controller, Temperature, Cardiopulmon.. | 1 0.02 24.14 Controls For Blood-Gases, (Assayed An.. | 1 0.02 24.16 Conversion To Creatinine, Creatine | 1 0.02 24.18 Conversion To Ferric Hydroxymates (Co.. | 1 0.02 24.20 Cooler, Esophageal And Gastric | 1 0.02 24.21 Cooler, Prostatic | 1 0.02 24.23 Copper Reduction, Glucose | 1 0.02 24.25 Cord Blood Processing System And Stor.. | 1 0.02 24.27 Cord, Electric For Transurethral Surg.. | 1 0.02 24.28 Cord, Electric, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 24.30 Cord, Retraction | 1 0.02 24.32 Corkscrew | 1 0.02 24.34 Coronary Covered Stent | 1 0.02 24.35 Coronary Drug-Eluting Stent | 1 0.02 24.37 Coronary Vascular Physiologic Simulat.. | 1 0.02 24.39 Cosmetology Uv Lamp | 1 0.02 24.41 Cotton, Roll | 1 0.02 24.42 Coulometric Method, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 24.44 Coulometric, Chloride | 1 0.02 24.46 Counter (Beta, Gamma) For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 24.48 Counter, Cell, Automated (Particle Co.. | 1 0.02 24.49 Counter, Differential Cell | 1 0.02 24.51 Counter, Urine Particle | 1 0.02 24.53 Counterfeit Detection | 1 0.02 24.55 Countersink | 1 0.02 24.57 Countertop Sanitizer | 1 0.02 24.58 Cover, Barrier, Protective | 1 0.02 24.60 Cover, Biopsy Forceps | 1 0.02 24.62 Cover, Burr Hole | 1 0.02 24.64 Cover, Cast | 1 0.02 24.65 Cover, Mattress (Medical Purposes) | 1 0.02 24.67 Cover, Shoe, Operating-Room | 1 0.02 24.69 Cpb Check Valve, Retrograde Flow, In-.. | 1 0.02 24.71 Cpr Aid Device Without Feedback | 1 0.02 24.72 Cpr Aid Feedback Device (No Software) | 1 0.02 24.74 Cranial Distraction System | 1 0.02 24.76 Cranial Motion Measurement Device | 1 0.02 24.78 Cranial Sound Monitor | 1 0.02 24.79 Cranial Surgical Planning And Instrum.. | 1 0.02 24.81 Cranioclast | 1 0.02 24.83 Craniotribe | 1 0.02 24.85 Cream, Gloving, Surgeon'S | 1 0.02 24.86 Cream, Nasal, Topical, Mechanical All.. | 1 0.02 24.88 Cresol Red Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 24.90 Cresolphthalein Complexone, Calcium | 1 0.02 24.92 Cresyl Violet Acetate | 1 0.02 24.93 Cricothyrotomy Kit | 1 0.02 24.95 Crimper, Pin | 1 0.02 24.97 Crimper, Wire, Ent, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 24.99 Crimper, Wire, Ent, Sterile | 1 0.02 25.00 Crown & Bridge Material, Resin Based | 1 0.02 25.02 Crown And Bridge, Long-Term Temporary.. | 1 0.02 25.04 Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin | 1 0.02 25.06 Crown, Preformed | 1 0.02 25.07 Crusher, Spur, Colostomy | 1 0.02 25.09 Crutch, Ptosis | 1 0.02 25.11 Cryogenic Cord Blood Storage Container | 1 0.02 25.13 Cryogenic, Skin Tag Removal, Otc | 1 0.02 25.14 Cryptosporidium Spp. | 1 0.02 25.16 Crystal Violet For Histology | 1 0.02 25.18 Ct Biopsy Tray | 1 0.02 25.20 Cuff, Nerve | 1 0.02 25.22 Cuff, Tracheal Tube, Inflatable | 1 0.02 25.23 Culdocentesis Kit | 1 0.02 25.25 Culdoscope (And Accessories) | 1 0.02 25.27 Culture Media, Anaerobic Transport | 1 0.02 25.29 Culture Media, Antibiotic Assay | 1 0.02 25.30 Culture Media, Antifungal, Susceptibi.. | 1 0.02 25.32 Culture Media, Antimicrobial Suscepti.. | 1 0.02 25.34 Culture Media, Antimicrobial Suscepti.. | 1 0.02 25.36 Culture Media, Antimicrobial Suscepti.. | 1 0.02 25.37 Culture Media, Antimycobacteria, Susc.. | 1 0.02 25.39 Culture Media, Enriched | 1 0.02 25.41 Culture Media, For Isolation Of Patho.. | 1 0.02 25.43 Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth | 1 0.02 25.44 Culture Media, Multiple Biochemical T.. | 1 0.02 25.46 Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transp.. | 1 0.02 25.48 Culture Media, Non-Selective And Diff.. | 1 0.02 25.50 Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-.. | 1 0.02 25.51 Culture Media, Propagating Transport | 1 0.02 25.53 Culture Media, Selective And Differen.. | 1 0.02 25.55 Culture Media, Selective And Non-Diff.. | 1 0.02 25.57 Culture Media, Selective Broth | 1 0.02 25.58 Culture Media, Single Biochemical Test | 1 0.02 25.60 Culture Media, Vitamin Assay | 1 0.02 25.62 Culture, Intravaginal, Assisted Repro.. | 1 0.02 25.64 Cultured Epithelial Autograft | 1 0.02 25.65 Cultured Human Cell Skin Dressing | 1 0.02 25.67 Cup, Eye | 1 0.02 25.69 Cup, Menstrual | 1 0.02 25.71 Cup, Prophylaxis | 1 0.02 25.72 Curette | 1 0.02 25.74 Curette, Adenoid | 1 0.02 25.76 Curette, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Ri.. | 1 0.02 25.78 Curette, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Rigid) | 1 0.02 25.80 Curette, Ear | 1 0.02 25.81 Curette, Endodontic | 1 0.02 25.83 Curette, Ethmoid | 1 0.02 25.85 Curette, Nasal | 1 0.02 25.87 Curette, Operative | 1 0.02 25.88 Curette, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 25.90 Curette, Periodontic | 1 0.02 25.92 Curette, Salpingeal | 1 0.02 25.94 Curette, Suction, Endometrial (And Ac.. | 1 0.02 25.95 Curette, Surgical, Dental | 1 0.02 25.97 Curette, Uterine | 1 0.02 25.99 Curvette, Thermostated | 1 0.02 26.01 Cushion, Denture, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 26.02 Cushion, Earphone (For Audiometric Te.. | 1 0.02 26.04 Cushion, Hemorrhoid | 1 0.02 26.06 Cushion, Pad, Denture, Wax Impregnate.. | 1 0.02 26.08 Cusp, Gold And Stainless Steel | 1 0.02 26.09 Cusp, Preformed | 1 0.02 26.11 Custom Anesthesia Tray | 1 0.02 26.13 Cutaneous Tissue Adhesive With Mesh | 1 0.02 26.15 Cutter, Wire | 1 0.02 26.16 Cyanomethemoglobin | 1 0.02 26.18 Cyanomethemoglobin Reagent And Standa.. | 1 0.02 26.20 Cyclosporine | 1 0.02 26.22 Cyclosporine And Metabolites Serum As.. | 1 0.02 26.23 Cyclosporine Radioimmunoassay | 1 0.02 26.25 Cyclotron,Non-Medical | 1 0.02 26.27 Cylinder, Compressed Gas, And Valve | 1 0.02 26.29 Cystometer, Electrical Recording | 1 0.02 26.30 Cystometric Gas (Carbon-Dioxide) On H.. | 1 0.02 26.32 Cystoscope And Accessories, Flexible/.. | 1 0.02 26.34 Cystotome | 1 0.02 26.36 Cystourethroscope | 1 0.02 26.37 Cytochrome P450 2c9 (Cyp450 2c9) Drug.. | 1 0.02 26.39 Cytokeratin Fragments 21-1 Eia Kit | 1 0.02 26.41 Cytology Kit | 1 0.02 26.43 Cytomegalovirus (Cmv) Dna Quantitativ.. | 1 0.02 26.45 D And C Tray | 1 0.02 26.46 D&C Tray | 1 0.02 26.48 Dam, Rubber | 1 0.02 26.50 Darrow Red | 1 0.02 26.52 Data Acquisition Software | 1 0.02 26.53 Dc-Defibrillator, High Energy, (Inclu.. | 1 0.02 26.55 Dc-Defibrillator, Low-Energy, (Includ.. | 1 0.02 26.57 Declotting Tray, Kit (Including Conte.. | 1 0.02 26.59 Decontamination Kit | 1 0.02 26.60 Deep Brain Stimulator For Obsessive C.. | 1 0.02 26.62 Defibrillator, Automatic Implantable .. | 1 0.02 26.64 Defibrillator, Implantable, Dual-Cham.. | 1 0.02 26.66 Defoamer, Cardiopulmonary Bypass | 1 0.02 26.67 Degreaser, Skin, Surgical | 1 0.02 26.69 Delayed Analysis, Alcohol | 1 0.02 26.71 Delivery Room Apparel Kit | 1 0.02 26.73 Dengue Nucleic Acid Amplification Ass.. | 1 0.02 26.74 Dengue Serological Reagents | 1 0.02 26.76 Dengue Virus Antigen Assay | 1 0.02 26.78 Densitometer | 1 0.02 26.80 Densitometer/Scanner (Integrating, Re.. | 1 0.02 26.81 Densitometeric, Protein Fractionation | 1 0.02 26.83 Dental Abutment Design Software For D.. | 1 0.02 26.85 Dental Amalgam | 1 0.02 26.87 Dental Barriers And Sleeves | 1 0.02 26.88 Dental Cement W/Out Zinc-Oxide Eugeno.. | 1 0.02 26.90 Dental Hygiene Kit | 1 0.02 26.92 Dental Implant Surgical Tray | 1 0.02 26.94 Dental Prophylaxis Kit | 1 0.02 26.95 Dental Stereotaxic Instrument | 1 0.02 26.97 Denture Preformed (Partially Prefabri.. | 1 0.02 26.99 Denture Repair Kit | 1 0.02 27.01 Denture, Cosmetic Only | 1 0.02 27.03 Denture, Plastic, Teeth | 1 0.02 27.04 Dentures, Full | 1 0.02 27.06 Dentures, Partial | 1 0.02 27.08 Depressor, Metal Tongue, Surgical | 1 0.02 27.10 Depressor, Orbital | 1 0.02 27.11 Depressor, Tongue, Non-Surgical | 1 0.02 27.13 Dermal Cooling Pack/Vacuum/Massager | 1 0.02 27.15 Dermatome | 1 0.02 27.17 Des-Gamma-Carboxy-Prothrombin (Dcp), .. | 1 0.02 27.18 Desiccator, Transurethral | 1 0.02 27.20 Detector And Alarm, Arrhythmia | 1 0.02 27.22 Detector, Air Bubble | 1 0.02 27.24 Detector, Air Or Foam | 1 0.02 27.25 Detector, Blood Level | 1 0.02 27.27 Detector, Bubble, Cardiopulmonary Byp.. | 1 0.02 27.29 Detector, Dialysate Level | 1 0.02 27.31 Detector, Leak, Blood | 1 0.02 27.32 Detector, Ultraviolet | 1 0.02 27.34 Detectors And Removers, Lice, (Includ.. | 1 0.02 27.36 Detectors, Electrochemical, Liquid Ch.. | 1 0.02 27.38 Device Indicating An Exhalation Event | 1 0.02 27.39 Device To Detect And Measure Procalci.. | 1 0.02 27.41 Device, Accessory, Cooling Plate For .. | 1 0.02 27.43 Device, Acupressure | 1 0.02 27.45 Device, Ahf, Automated Cryoprecipitat.. | 1 0.02 27.46 Device, Analysis, Anterior Segment | 1 0.02 27.48 Device, Anastomotic, Microvascular | 1 0.02 27.50 Device, Angioplasty, Laser, Coronary | 1 0.02 27.52 Device, Anti-Snoring | 1 0.02 27.53 Device, Anti-Stammering | 1 0.02 27.55 Device, Antichoke, Suction | 1 0.02 27.57 Device, Antichoke, Tongs | 1 0.02 27.59 Device, Antimicrobial Drug Removal | 1 0.02 27.60 Device, Assistive Listening | 1 0.02 27.62 Device, Automated Cell-Locating | 1 0.02 27.64 Device, Automated Sedimentation Rate | 1 0.02 27.66 Device, Aversive Conditioning | 1 0.02 27.68 Device, Biofeedback | 1 0.02 27.69 Device, Biopsy, Endomyocardial | 1 0.02 27.71 Device, Bleeding Time | 1 0.02 27.73 Device, Blood Mixing And Blood Weighing | 1 0.02 27.75 Device, Blood Volume Measuring | 1 0.02 27.76 Device, Caries Detection | 1 0.02 27.78 Device, Communications, Images, Ophth.. | 1 0.02 27.80 Device, Counter-Pulsating, External | 1 0.02 27.82 Device, Cpr Assist | 1 0.02 27.83 Device, Cystometric, Air | 1 0.02 27.85 Device, Cystometric, Hydraulic | 1 0.02 27.87 Device, Dental Sonography, For Diagno.. | 1 0.02 27.89 Device, Dental Sonography, For Monito.. | 1 0.02 27.90 Device, Dermal Replacement | 1 0.02 27.92 Device, Detection, Sulfide | 1 0.02 27.94 Device, Discharge, Electrostatic (For.. | 1 0.02 27.96 Device, Electrical Dental Anesthesia | 1 0.02 27.97 Device, Electroconvulsive Therapy | 1 0.02 27.99 Device, Engorgement, Clitoral | 1 0.02 28.01 Device, Erectile Dysfunction | 1 0.02 28.03 Device, External Penile Rigidity | 1 0.02 28.04 Device, Fertility Diagnostic, Contrac.. | 1 0.02 28.06 Device, Fertility Diagnostic, Procept.. | 1 0.02 28.08 Device, Finger-Sucking | 1 0.02 28.10 Device, Fixation, Ac-Powered, Ophthal.. | 1 0.02 28.11 Device, Fixation, Proximal Femoral, I.. | 1 0.02 28.13 Device, Fixation, Tracheal Tube | 1 0.02 28.15 Device, Galvanic Skin Response Measur.. | 1 0.02 28.17 Device, Gas Generating | 1 0.02 28.18 Device, General Purpose, Hematology | 1 0.02 28.20 Device, General Purpose, Microbiology.. | 1 0.02 28.22 Device, Germicidal, Ultraviolet | 1 0.02 28.24 Device, Hardcopy, Images, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 28.26 Device, Heat-Sealing | 1 0.02 28.27 Device, Heimlich Maneuver Assist | 1 0.02 28.29 Device, Hematocrit Measuring | 1 0.02 28.31 Device, Hemostasis, Vascular | 1 0.02 28.33 Device, Impotence, Mechanical/Hydraulic | 1 0.02 28.34 Device, Incontinence, Mechanical/Hydr.. | 1 0.02 28.36 Device, Incontinence, Urosheath Type,.. | 1 0.02 28.38 Device, Incontinence, Urosheath Type,.. | 1 0.02 28.40 Device, Inflation, Middle Ear | 1 0.02 28.41 Device, Intrauterine, Contraceptive A.. | 1 0.02 28.43 Device, Intravascular Catheter Secure.. | 1 0.02 28.45 Device, Irrigation, Ocular Surgery | 1 0.02 28.47 Device, Jaw Repositioning | 1 0.02 28.48 Device, Jaw Tracking, For Diagnosis O.. | 1 0.02 28.50 Device, Jaw Tracking, For Monitoring .. | 1 0.02 28.52 Device, Locking, For Intestinal Clamp | 1 0.02 28.54 Device, Measuring, For Panendoscope | 1 0.02 28.55 Device, Measuring, Lens Radius, Ophth.. | 1 0.02 28.57 Device, Media Dispensing/Stacking | 1 0.02 28.59 Device, Medical Examination, Ac Powered | 1 0.02 28.61 Device, Microtiter Diluting/Dispensing | 1 0.02 28.62 Device, Mixing And Weighing, Semi-Aut.. | 1 0.02 28.64 Device, Monitoring, Intracranial Pres.. | 1 0.02 28.66 Device, Muscle Monitoring | 1 0.02 28.68 Device, Nerve Conduction Velocity Mea.. | 1 0.02 28.69 Device, Neurosurgical Fragmentation A.. | 1 0.02 28.71 Device, Neurovascular Embolization | 1 0.02 28.73 Device, Occlusion, Umbilical | 1 0.02 28.75 Device, Oxidase Test For Gonorrhea | 1 0.02 28.76 Device, Parasite Concentration | 1 0.02 28.78 Device, Paste-On For Incontinence, No.. | 1 0.02 28.80 Device, Paste-On For Incontinence, St.. | 1 0.02 28.82 Device, Pasteurization, Hot Water | 1 0.02 28.84 Device, Patient Transfer, Powered | 1 0.02 28.85 Device, Percutaneous Retrieval | 1 0.02 28.87 Device, Percutaneous, Biopsy | 1 0.02 28.89 Device, Peritoneal Access, Subcutaneo.. | 1 0.02 28.91 Device, Positive Pressure Breathing, .. | 1 0.02 28.92 Device, Rebreathing | 1 0.02 28.94 Device, Removal, Pacemaker Electrode,.. | 1 0.02 28.96 Device, Semen Analysis | 1 0.02 28.98 Device, Skin Potential Measurement | 1 0.02 28.99 Device, Sleep Assessment | 1 0.02 29.01 Device, Specimen Collection | 1 0.02 29.03 Device, Storage, Images, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 29.05 Device, Surgical, Cryogenic | 1 0.02 29.06 Device, Temperature Measurement, Dire.. | 1 0.02 29.08 Device, Testicular Hypothermia | 1 0.02 29.10 Device, Thermal Ablation, Endometrial | 1 0.02 29.12 Device, Thermal, Hemorrhoids | 1 0.02 29.13 Device, Transfer, Patient, Manual | 1 0.02 29.15 Device, Ultrasonic, Thermal Ablation | 1 0.02 29.17 Device, Urine Flow Rate Measuring, No.. | 1 0.02 29.19 Device, Vascular, For Promoting Embol.. | 1 0.02 29.20 Device, Vein Location, Liquid Crystal | 1 0.02 29.22 Device, Vein Stabilization | 1 0.02 29.24 Device, Voice Amplification | 1 0.02 29.26 Device, Warming. Blood And Plasma | 1 0.02 29.27 Device. Laser Peripheral Angioplasty | 1 0.02 29.29 Devices Detecting Influenza A, B, And.. | 1 0.02 29.31 Devices, Breath Trapping, Alcohol | 1 0.02 29.33 Devices, Measure, Antibodies To Glome.. | 1 0.02 29.34 Di (O-Hydroxyphenylimine) Ethane, Cal.. | 1 0.02 29.36 Diabetes Take Home Kit | 1 0.02 29.38 Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Device | 1 0.02 29.40 Diacetyl-Monoxime, Urea Nitrogen | 1 0.02 29.41 Diagnostic Light, Soft Tissue Detector | 1 0.02 29.43 Diagnostic Low Electric Field | 1 0.02 29.45 Diagnostic Software, K-Nearest Neighb.. | 1 0.02 29.47 Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment (Noncertif.. | 1 0.02 29.49 Dialysate Concentrate For Hemodialysi.. | 1 0.02 29.50 Dialysis Administration Kit | 1 0.02 29.52 Dialyzer | 1 0.02 29.54 Dialyzer Reprocessing System | 1 0.02 29.56 Dialyzer, Capillary, Hollow Fiber | 1 0.02 29.57 Dialyzer, Disposable | 1 0.02 29.59 Dialyzer, High Permeability With Or W.. | 1 0.02 29.61 Dialyzer, Parallel Flow | 1 0.02 29.63 Dialyzer, Single Coil | 1 0.02 29.64 Dialyzer, Twin Coil | 1 0.02 29.66 Diammine Silver Fluoride Dental Hyper.. | 1 0.02 29.68 Diaphragm, Contraceptive (And Accesso.. | 1 0.02 29.70 Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Laparosco.. | 1 0.02 29.71 Diazo (Colorimetric), Nitrite (Urinar.. | 1 0.02 29.73 Diazo Colorimetry, Bilirubin | 1 0.02 29.75 Diazo, Alt/Sgpt | 1 0.02 29.77 Diazo, Ast/Sgot | 1 0.02 29.78 Diazonium Colorimetry, Urobilinogen (.. | 1 0.02 29.80 Die, Wire Bending, Ent, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 29.82 Die, Wire Bending, Ent, Sterile | 1 0.02 29.84 Dielectric Heaters, Induction Heaters.. | 1 0.02 29.85 Diethyldithiocarbamate (Colorimetric).. | 1 0.02 29.87 Differential Rate Kinetic Method, Cpk.. | 1 0.02 29.89 Differential Rate Kinetic Method, Lac.. | 1 0.02 29.91 Digital Angiography Tray | 1 0.02 29.92 Digital Display Monitor | 1 0.02 29.94 Digital Image, Storage And Communicat.. | 1 0.02 29.96 Digitizer, Images, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 29.98 Digitoxin Control Serum, Ria | 1 0.02 29.99 Digoxin Control Serum, Ria | 1 0.02 30.01 Dilator, Catheter, Ureteral | 1 0.02 30.03 Dilator, Cervical, Expandable | 1 0.02 30.05 Dilator, Cervical, Fixed Size | 1 0.02 30.07 Dilator, Cervical, Hygroscopic-Lamina.. | 1 0.02 30.08 Dilator, Cervical, Synthetic, Osmotic | 1 0.02 30.10 Dilator, Cervical, Synthetic, Osmotic.. | 1 0.02 30.12 Dilator, Cervical, Vibratory | 1 0.02 30.14 Dilator, Esophageal | 1 0.02 30.15 Dilator, Esophageal (Metal Olive) Gas.. | 1 0.02 30.17 Dilator, Esophageal, Ent | 1 0.02 30.19 Dilator, Expansive Iris (Accessory) | 1 0.02 30.21 Dilator, Lachrymal | 1 0.02 30.22 Dilator, Nasal | 1 0.02 30.24 Dilator, Rectal | 1 0.02 30.26 Dilator, Tracheal | 1 0.02 30.28 Dilator, Urethral | 1 0.02 30.29 Dilator, Urethral, Mechanical | 1 0.02 30.31 Dilator, Vaginal | 1 0.02 30.33 Dilator, Vessel | 1 0.02 30.35 Dilator, Vessel, For Percutaneous Cat.. | 1 0.02 30.36 Dilator, Vessel, Surgical | 1 0.02 30.38 Diluent, Blood Cell | 1 0.02 30.40 Dinitrophenyl Hydrazone Measurement (.. | 1 0.02 30.42 Direct Agglutination Test, Toxoplasma.. | 1 0.02 30.43 Direct Blood Bacterial Nucleic Acid D.. | 1 0.02 30.45 Discriminator, Two-Point | 1 0.02 30.47 Discs, Elution | 1 0.02 30.49 Discs, Strips And Reagents, Microorga.. | 1 0.02 30.50 Dish, Tissue Culture | 1 0.02 30.52 Disinfectant, Dialysate Delivery System | 1 0.02 30.54 Disinfectant, Medical Devices | 1 0.02 30.56 Disinfectant, Subsystem, Water Purifi.. | 1 0.02 30.57 Disinfector, Medical Devices | 1 0.02 30.59 Disk, Abrasive | 1 0.02 30.61 Dislodger, Stone, Basket, Ureteral, M.. | 1 0.02 30.63 Dislodger, Stone, Basket, Ureteral, M.. | 1 0.02 30.64 Dislodger, Stone, Biliary | 1 0.02 30.66 Dislodger, Stone, Flexible | 1 0.02 30.68 Dislodger, Stone, Flexible, Ureteral,.. | 1 0.02 30.70 Disodium Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Ph.. | 1 0.02 30.72 Dispenser, Cement | 1 0.02 30.73 Dispenser, Liquid Medication | 1 0.02 30.75 Dispenser, Mercury And/Or Alloy | 1 0.02 30.77 Dispenser, Solid Medication | 1 0.02 30.79 Display, Cathode-Ray Tube, Medical | 1 0.02 30.80 Disposable Joint Aspiration/Injection.. | 1 0.02 30.82 Dissector, Tonsil | 1 0.02 30.84 Dissolvable Gel For Preventing Ureter.. | 1 0.02 30.86 Distometer | 1 0.02 30.87 Dna Genetic Analyzer | 1 0.02 30.89 Dna Probe, Gardnerella Vaginalis | 1 0.02 30.91 Dna Probe, Nucleic Acid Amplification.. | 1 0.02 30.93 Dna Probe, Trichomonas Vaginalis | 1 0.02 30.94 Dna Probe, Yeast | 1 0.02 30.96 Dna Specimen Collection, Saliva | 1 0.02 30.98 Dna-Probe - Blastomyces Dermatitidis | 1 0.02 31.00 Dna-Probe Kit, Human Chromosome | 1 0.02 31.01 Dna-Probe Kit, Human Chromosome X And.. | 1 0.02 31.03 Dna-Probe, Agent, Listeria | 1 0.02 31.05 Dna-Probe, B And T Lymphocyte | 1 0.02 31.07 Dna-Probe, Haemophilus Spp. | 1 0.02 31.08 Dna-Probe, Reagent, Histoplasma Capsu.. | 1 0.02 31.10 Dna-Probe, Reagents, Coccidioides Imm.. | 1 0.02 31.12 Dna-Probe, Reagents, Cryptococcal | 1 0.02 31.14 Dna-Probe, Reagents, Streptococcal | 1 0.02 31.15 Dna-Probe, Staphylococcus Aureus | 1 0.02 31.17 Dna-Probe, Strep Pneumoniae | 1 0.02 31.19 Dna-Reagents, Campylobacter Spp. | 1 0.02 31.21 Dna-Reagents, Chlamydia | 1 0.02 31.22 Dna-Reagents, Cytomegalovirus | 1 0.02 31.24 Dna-Reagents, Epstein-Barr Virus | 1 0.02 31.26 Dna-Reagents, Legionella | 1 0.02 31.28 Dna-Reagents, Mycobacterium Spp. | 1 0.02 31.30 Dna-Reagents, Mycoplasma Spp. | 1 0.02 31.31 Dna-Reagents, Neisseria | 1 0.02 31.33 Dna-Reagents, Salmonella Spp. | 1 0.02 31.35 Dna-Reagents, Shigella Spp. | 1 0.02 31.37 Docetaxel / Paclitaxel Assay | 1 0.02 31.38 Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulator For P.. | 1 0.02 31.40 Douche Apparatus, Vaginal, Therapeutic | 1 0.02 31.42 Drain, Cervical | 1 0.02 31.44 Drain, Tee (Water Trap) | 1 0.02 31.45 Drainage Catheter With Antibiotic | 1 0.02 31.47 Drape, Adhesive, Aerosol | 1 0.02 31.49 Drape, Microscope, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 31.51 Drape, Patient, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 31.52 Drape, Pure Latex Sheet, With Self-Re.. | 1 0.02 31.54 Drape, Surgical | 1 0.02 31.56 Drape, Surgical, Ent | 1 0.02 31.58 Drape, Surgical, Exempt | 1 0.02 31.59 Drape, Urological, Disposable | 1 0.02 31.61 Dressing, Wound And Burn, Hydrogel W/.. | 1 0.02 31.63 Dressing, Wound And Burn, Interactive | 1 0.02 31.65 Dressing, Wound And Burn, Occlusive | 1 0.02 31.66 Dressing, Wound, Collagen | 1 0.02 31.68 Dressing, Wound, Drug | 1 0.02 31.70 Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Dru.. | 1 0.02 31.72 Dressing, Wound, Hydrophilic | 1 0.02 31.73 Dressing, Wound, Occlusive | 1 0.02 31.75 Dressing,Wound And Burn,Occlusive,Hea.. | 1 0.02 31.77 Drill, Battery Powered, Subungual Hem.. | 1 0.02 31.79 Drill, Bone, Powered | 1 0.02 31.80 Drill, Dental, Intraoral | 1 0.02 31.82 Drill, Surgical, Ent (Electric Or Pne.. | 1 0.02 31.84 Drills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessorie.. | 1 0.02 31.86 Drills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessorie.. | 1 0.02 31.87 Drills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessorie.. | 1 0.02 31.89 Drills, Burrs, Trephines And Accessor.. | 1 0.02 31.91 Drills, Burrs, Trephines And Accessor.. | 1 0.02 31.93 Drills, Burrs, Trephines, And Accesso.. | 1 0.02 31.95 Drink, Glucose Tolerance | 1 0.02 31.96 Driver, Band, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 31.98 Driver, Prosthesis | 1 0.02 32.00 Driver, Surgical, Pin | 1 0.02 32.02 Driver, Wire, And Bone Drill, Manual | 1 0.02 32.03 Droplet Digital Pcr System | 1 0.02 32.05 Dropper, Ent | 1 0.02 32.07 Dropper, Ether | 1 0.02 32.09 Drug Eluting Permanent Left Ventricul.. | 1 0.02 32.10 Drug Eluting Permanent Right Ventricu.. | 1 0.02 32.12 Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping S.. | 1 0.02 32.14 Drug Mixture Control Materials | 1 0.02 32.16 Drug Specific Control Materials | 1 0.02 32.17 Drug-Coated Peripheral Transluminal A.. | 1 0.02 32.19 Drug-Eluting Peripheral Transluminal .. | 1 0.02 32.21 Drug-Eluting Sinus Stent | 1 0.02 32.23 Drum, Eye Knife Test | 1 0.02 32.24 Drum, Opticokinetic | 1 0.02 32.26 Dry Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine | 1 0.02 32.28 Dual Lumen Ecmo Cannula | 1 0.02 32.30 Duodenoscope And Accessories, Flexibl.. | 1 0.02 32.31 Dura Substitute | 1 0.02 32.33 Dvd, Bluray, Or Hd Recorder | 1 0.02 32.35 Dvd, Dvd-Rom, Bluray, Hd Player | 1 0.02 32.37 Dye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quant.. | 1 0.02 32.38 Dynamic Rectal Control System | 1 0.02 32.40 Dynamometer, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 32.42 Dynamometer, Nonpowered | 1 0.02 32.44 Ear Irrigation Kit | 1 0.02 32.45 Ear Wick | 1 0.02 32.47 Ear, Nose, And Throat Stereotaxic Ins.. | 1 0.02 32.49 Ear, Nose, And Throat Surgical Tray | 1 0.02 32.51 Early Growth Response 1 (Egr) Fish Pr.. | 1 0.02 32.53 Eas Chromatography, Quinine | 1 0.02 32.54 Eating Disorder Conditioning Tool | 1 0.02 32.56 Ecarin Clotting Time | 1 0.02 32.58 Echocardiograph | 1 0.02 32.60 Echoencephalograph | 1 0.02 32.61 Eia, Blastomyces Dermatitidis | 1 0.02 32.63 Elastomer, Silicone, For Scar Managem.. | 1 0.02 32.65 Elbow Joint Metal/Polymer, Constraine.. | 1 0.02 32.67 Electric Blanket | 1 0.02 32.68 Electrical Impedance Spectrometer | 1 0.02 32.70 Electrical Stimulation Bladder System | 1 0.02 32.72 Electrocardiograph | 1 0.02 32.74 Electrocardiograph Software For Over-.. | 1 0.02 32.75 Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Witho.. | 1 0.02 32.77 Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory, With .. | 1 0.02 32.79 Electrocautery, Endoscopic And Access.. | 1 0.02 32.81 Electrocautery, Gynecologic (And Acce.. | 1 0.02 32.82 Electrode Measurement, Blood-Gases (P.. | 1 0.02 32.84 Electrode, Circular (Spiral), Scalp A.. | 1 0.02 32.86 Electrode, Clip, Fetal Scalp (And App.. | 1 0.02 32.88 Electrode, Corneal | 1 0.02 32.89 Electrode, Cortical | 1 0.02 32.91 Electrode, Cutaneous | 1 0.02 32.93 Electrode, Depth | 1 0.02 32.95 Electrode, Electrocardiograph | 1 0.02 32.96 Electrode, Electrocardiograph, Multi-.. | 1 0.02 32.98 Electrode, Electrosurgical | 1 0.02 33.00 Electrode, Electrosurgical, Active, U.. | 1 0.02 33.02 Electrode, Electrosurgical, Active, U.. | 1 0.02 33.03 Electrode, Flexible Suction Coagulator | 1 0.02 33.05 Electrode, Flexible Suction Coagulato.. | 1 0.02 33.07 Electrode, Gel, Electrosurgical | 1 0.02 33.09 Electrode, In Vivo Calcium Ion Select.. | 1 0.02 33.10 Electrode, Ion Based, Enzymatic, Crea.. | 1 0.02 33.12 Electrode, Ion Selective (Non-Specifi.. | 1 0.02 33.14 Electrode, Ion Specific, Calcium | 1 0.02 33.16 Electrode, Ion Specific, Magnesium | 1 0.02 33.18 Electrode, Ion Specific, Potassium | 1 0.02 33.19 Electrode, Ion Specific, Sodium | 1 0.02 33.21 Electrode, Ion Specific, Urea Nitrogen | 1 0.02 33.23 Electrode, Ion-Specific Method, Ammonia | 1 0.02 33.25 Electrode, Ion-Specific, Chloride | 1 0.02 33.26 Electrode, Nasopharyngeal | 1 0.02 33.28 Electrode, Needle | 1 0.02 33.30 Electrode, Needle, Diagnostic Electro.. | 1 0.02 33.32 Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary | 1 0.02 33.33 Electrode, Pacing And Cardioversion, .. | 1 0.02 33.35 Electrode, Ph, Stomach | 1 0.02 33.37 Electrode, Stabilized Epidural Spinal | 1 0.02 33.39 Electroglottograph | 1 0.02 33.40 Electrolyte Controls (Assayed And Una.. | 1 0.02 33.42 Electrometry, Cholinesterase | 1 0.02 33.44 Electromyograph, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 33.46 Electronic Article Surveillance (Eas) | 1 0.02 33.47 Electronic Depth Gauge | 1 0.02 33.49 Electronic Media, Hyperacusis | 1 0.02 33.51 Electronic Media, Nausea | 1 0.02 33.53 Electrophoresis Instrumentation | 1 0.02 33.54 Electrophoresis, Cholesterol Via Este.. | 1 0.02 33.56 Electrophoretic Method, Catecholamines | 1 0.02 33.58 Electrophoretic Method, Lecithin/Sphi.. | 1 0.02 33.60 Electrophoretic Separation, Alkaline .. | 1 0.02 33.61 Electrophoretic Separation, Lipoprote.. | 1 0.02 33.63 Electrophoretic, Gamma-Glutamyl Trans.. | 1 0.02 33.65 Electrophoretic, Globulin | 1 0.02 33.67 Electrophoretic, Lactate Dehydrogenas.. | 1 0.02 33.68 Electrophoretic, Protein Fractionation | 1 0.02 33.70 Electrosurgical Coagulation For Aesth.. | 1 0.02 33.72 Electrosurgical Electrode Kit | 1 0.02 33.74 Electrosurgical Patient Return Electr.. | 1 0.02 33.76 Electrosurgical Radiofrequency System.. | 1 0.02 33.77 Electrosurgical Vessel And/Or Tissue .. | 1 0.02 33.79 Electrosurgical, Cutting & Coagulatio.. | 1 0.02 33.81 Electrosurgical, Radio Frequency, Ref.. | 1 0.02 33.83 Elevator | 1 0.02 33.84 Elevator, Ent | 1 0.02 33.86 Elevator, Surgical, Dental | 1 0.02 33.88 Elevator, Uterine | 1 0.02 33.90 Elisa, Antibody, West Nile Virus | 1 0.02 33.91 Elisa, Trichinella Spiralis | 1 0.02 33.93 Embryo Image Assessment System, Assis.. | 1 0.02 33.95 Emergency Obstetrical Kit | 1 0.02 33.97 Emergency Response Safety Kit | 1 0.02 33.98 Encephalogram Telemetry System | 1 0.02 34.00 Endodontic Kit | 1 0.02 34.02 Endoilluminator | 1 0.02 34.04 Endoilluminator, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 34.05 Endometrial Sampling Kit | 1 0.02 34.07 Endoscope Channel Accessory | 1 0.02 34.09 Endoscope Holder | 1 0.02 34.11 Endoscope Introducer Kit | 1 0.02 34.12 Endoscope Maintenance System | 1 0.02 34.14 Endoscope, Ac-Powered And Accessories | 1 0.02 34.16 Endoscope, Accessories, Image Post-Pr.. | 1 0.02 34.18 Endoscope, Accessories, Narrow Band S.. | 1 0.02 34.19 Endoscope, Battery-Powered And Access.. | 1 0.02 34.21 Endoscope, Fetal Blood Sampling (And .. | 1 0.02 34.23 Endoscope, Fiber Optic | 1 0.02 34.25 Endoscope, Flexible | 1 0.02 34.26 Endoscope, Mirror | 1 0.02 34.28 Endoscope, Neurological | 1 0.02 34.30 Endoscope, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 34.32 Endoscope, Prism | 1 0.02 34.33 Endoscope, Rigid | 1 0.02 34.35 Endoscope, Transcervical (Amnioscope).. | 1 0.02 34.37 Endoscopic Access Overtube, Gastroent.. | 1 0.02 34.39 Endoscopic Bite Block | 1 0.02 34.41 Endoscopic Central Control Unit | 1 0.02 34.42 Endoscopic Cholangiogram Kit | 1 0.02 34.44 Endoscopic Contamination Prevention S.. | 1 0.02 34.46 Endoscopic Cytology Brush | 1 0.02 34.48 Endoscopic Electrosurgical Clip Cutti.. | 1 0.02 34.49 Endoscopic Grasping/Cutting Instrumen.. | 1 0.02 34.51 Endoscopic Grasping/Cutting Instrumen.. | 1 0.02 34.53 Endoscopic Guidewire, Gastroenterolog.. | 1 0.02 34.55 Endoscopic Injection Needle, Gastroen.. | 1 0.02 34.56 Endoscopic Irrigation/Suction System | 1 0.02 34.58 Endoscopic Leak Tester | 1 0.02 34.60 Endoscopic Magnetic Retriever, Exempt | 1 0.02 34.62 Endoscopic Morcellator Gastroenterology | 1 0.02 34.63 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancre.. | 1 0.02 34.65 Endoscopic Shunt Placement Kit | 1 0.02 34.67 Endoscopic Storage Cover | 1 0.02 34.69 Endoscopic Suture/Plication System, G.. | 1 0.02 34.70 Endoscopic Tissue Approximation Device | 1 0.02 34.72 Endoscopic Ultrasound System, Gastroe.. | 1 0.02 34.74 Endoscopic Ventricular Catheter Place.. | 1 0.02 34.76 Endoscopic Video Imaging System/Compo.. | 2 0.04 34.79 Endothelial Cell Harvesting Kit | 1 0.02 34.81 Endovascular Suturing System | 1 0.02 34.83 Endscopic Magnetic Retriever | 1 0.02 34.84 Enema Kit | 1 0.02 34.86 Engine, Trephine, Accessories, Ac-Pow.. | 1 0.02 34.88 Engine, Trephine, Accessories, Batter.. | 1 0.02 34.90 Engine, Trephine, Accessories, Gas-Po.. | 1 0.02 34.91 Enteral Administration Kit (Adult & P.. | 1 0.02 34.93 Enteral Specific Transition Connectors | 1 0.02 34.95 Enteral Syringes With Enteral Specifi.. | 1 0.02 34.97 Enteroscope And Accessories | 1 0.02 34.99 Enzymatic (Glutathione Reductase), Gl.. | 1 0.02 35.00 Enzymatic Esterase--Oxidase, Choleste.. | 1 0.02 35.02 Enzymatic Method, Alcohol Dehydrogena.. | 1 0.02 35.04 Enzymatic Method, Ammonia | 1 0.02 35.06 Enzymatic Method, Bilirubin | 1 0.02 35.07 Enzymatic Method, Creatinine | 1 0.02 35.09 Enzymatic Methods, Galactose | 1 0.02 35.11 Enzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Amikacin | 1 0.02 35.13 Enzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Gentam.. | 1 0.02 35.14 Enzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Tobram.. | 1 0.02 35.16 Enzymatic, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 35.18 Enzyme Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) | 1 0.02 35.20 Enzyme Immunoassasy, Nocotine And Nic.. | 1 0.02 35.21 Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine | 1 0.02 35.23 Enzyme Immunoassay, Antiparietal Cell.. | 1 0.02 35.25 Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate | 1 0.02 35.27 Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine | 1 0.02 35.28 Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids | 1 0.02 35.30 Enzyme Immunoassay, Carbamazepine | 1 0.02 35.32 Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine | 1 0.02 35.34 Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocai.. | 1 0.02 35.35 Enzyme Immunoassay, Cortisol, Salivary | 1 0.02 35.37 Enzyme Immunoassay, Digitoxin | 1 0.02 35.39 Enzyme Immunoassay, Digoxin | 1 0.02 35.41 Enzyme Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin | 1 0.02 35.42 Enzyme Immunoassay, Ethosuximide | 1 0.02 35.44 Enzyme Immunoassay, Fetal Fibronectin | 1 0.02 35.46 Enzyme Immunoassay, Gentamicin | 1 0.02 35.48 Enzyme Immunoassay, Inhibin-A | 1 0.02 35.49 Enzyme Immunoassay, Lidocaine | 1 0.02 35.51 Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone | 1 0.02 35.53 Enzyme Immunoassay, Methotrexate | 1 0.02 35.55 Enzyme Immunoassay, N-Acetylprocainam.. | 1 0.02 35.56 Enzyme Immunoassay, Non-Radiolabeled,.. | 1 0.02 35.58 Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates | 1 0.02 35.60 Enzyme Immunoassay, Oxcarbazepine Met.. | 1 0.02 35.62 Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine | 1 0.02 35.64 Enzyme Immunoassay, Phenobarbital | 1 0.02 35.65 Enzyme Immunoassay, Primidone | 1 0.02 35.67 Enzyme Immunoassay, Procainamide | 1 0.02 35.69 Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene | 1 0.02 35.71 Enzyme Immunoassay, Quinidine | 1 0.02 35.72 Enzyme Immunoassay, Theophylline | 1 0.02 35.74 Enzyme Immunoassay, Tracrolimus | 1 0.02 35.76 Enzyme Immunoassay, Valproic Acid | 1 0.02 35.78 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.79 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.81 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.83 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.85 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.86 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.88 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.90 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.92 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.93 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.95 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.97 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 35.99 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, .. | 1 0.02 36.00 Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorption Assay,.. | 1 0.02 36.02 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay For.. | 1 0.02 36.04 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Co.. | 1 0.02 36.06 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, He.. | 1 0.02 36.07 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, He.. | 1 0.02 36.09 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, T... | 1 0.02 36.11 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Th.. | 1 0.02 36.13 Enzyme Packed Cartridge | 1 0.02 36.14 Eosin B | 1 0.02 36.16 Eosin Y | 1 0.02 36.18 Epidural Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 36.20 Epilator, High Frequency, Needle-Type | 1 0.02 36.22 Epilator, High Frequency, Tweezer-Type | 1 0.02 36.23 Epinephrine Syringe | 1 0.02 36.25 Epstein-Barr Virus, Other | 1 0.02 36.27 Equipment, Laboratory, General Purpos.. | 1 0.02 36.29 Equipment, Photographic, For Physiolo.. | 1 0.02 36.30 Equipment, Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis | 1 0.02 36.32 Eraser, Dental Stain | 1 0.02 36.34 Erisophake | 1 0.02 36.36 Erythrocyte Suspension, Multi Species.. | 1 0.02 36.37 Erythrosin B | 1 0.02 36.39 Esophageal Dilator Balloon With Or Wi.. | 1 0.02 36.41 Esophageal Dilator Kit | 1 0.02 36.43 Esophageal Dilator With Balloon And E.. | 1 0.02 36.44 Esophageal Thermal Regulation And Gas.. | 1 0.02 36.46 Esophagoscope (Flexible Or Rigid) | 1 0.02 36.48 Esophagoscope, General & Plastic Surg.. | 1 0.02 36.50 Esophagoscope, Rigid, Gastro-Urology | 1 0.02 36.51 Esterase | 1 0.02 36.53 Esthesiometer | 1 0.02 36.55 Esthesiometer, Ocular | 1 0.02 36.57 Ethyl Eosin | 1 0.02 36.58 Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation Device | 1 0.02 36.60 Euthyscope, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 36.62 Euthyscope, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 36.64 Evacuator, Bladder, Manually Operated | 1 0.02 36.65 Evacuator, Gastro-Urology | 1 0.02 36.67 Evacuator, Oral Cavity | 1 0.02 36.69 Evacuator, Vapor, Cement Monomer | 1 0.02 36.71 Evaporator | 1 0.02 36.72 Everolimus Immunoassay | 1 0.02 36.74 Evoked Photon Image Capture Device | 1 0.02 36.76 Evoked Potential Stimulator, Thermal | 1 0.02 36.78 Excavator, Dental, Operative | 1 0.02 36.79 Excavator, Ear | 1 0.02 36.81 Excimer Laser System | 1 0.02 36.83 Exoenzymes, Multiple, Streptococcal | 1 0.02 36.85 Exophthalmometer | 1 0.02 36.87 Expander, Skin, Inflatable | 1 0.02 36.88 Expander, Tissue, Orbital | 1 0.02 36.90 Expander,Breast,External | 1 0.02 36.92 Expiratory Resistance Valve, Intranas.. | 1 0.02 36.94 Explorer, Operative | 1 0.02 36.95 Expressor | 1 0.02 36.97 Extended Depth Of Focus Intraocular L.. | 1 0.02 36.99 External Airway | 1 0.02 37.01 External Cerebrospinal Fluid (Csf) Di.. | 1 0.02 37.02 External Cleaning Solution | 1 0.02 37.04 External Mandibular Fixator And/Or Di.. | 1 0.02 37.06 External Upper Esophageal Sphincter (.. | 1 0.02 37.08 External Upper Limb Tremor Stimulator | 1 0.02 37.09 External Urethral Occluder, Urinary I.. | 1 0.02 37.11 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Device For .. | 1 0.02 37.13 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment | 1 0.02 37.15 Extractable Antinuclear Antibody, Ant.. | 1 0.02 37.16 Extraction Plus Chromatography With C.. | 1 0.02 37.18 Extractor | 1 0.02 37.20 Extractor, Vacuum, Fetal | 1 0.02 37.22 Extractor, Vein | 1 0.02 37.23 Eye Tray | 1 0.02 37.25 Eye, Artificial, Non-Custom | 1 0.02 37.27 Eyelid Thermal Pulsation System | 1 0.02 37.29 Fab, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 37.30 Fab, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 37.32 Fab, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 37.34 Face Plate Hearing Aid | 1 0.02 37.36 Facebow | 1 0.02 37.37 Facial Implant | 1 0.02 37.39 Factor B, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 37.41 Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum,.. | 1 0.02 37.43 Fall Prevention Alarm/Sensor Attached.. | 1 0.02 37.45 Fall Prevention Alarm/Sensor Combinat.. | 1 0.02 37.46 Falloposcope | 1 0.02 37.48 Fast Green | 1 0.02 37.50 Fast Red Salt B | 1 0.02 37.52 Fastener, Fixation, Biodegradable, Ha.. | 1 0.02 37.53 Fastener, Fixation, Biodegradable, So.. | 1 0.02 37.55 Fastener, Fixation, Nondegradable, So.. | 1 0.02 37.57 Fastener, Plate, Cranioplasty | 1 0.02 37.59 Fat Reducing Low Level Laser | 1 0.02 37.60 Fc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 37.62 Fc, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 37.64 Fc, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 37.66 Feeding Tube Kit | 1 0.02 37.67 Femtosecond Laser System For Refracti.. | 1 0.02 37.69 Ferric Chloride, Phenylketones (Urina.. | 1 0.02 37.71 Ferricyanide, Glucose | 1 0.02 37.73 Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 37.74 Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding.. | 1 0.02 37.76 Fetal Blood Sampling Kit (Excludes Hi.. | 1 0.02 37.78 Fetal Head Elevator | 1 0.02 37.80 Fever Monitoring Kit | 1 0.02 37.81 Fiber Optic Communication And Data Tr.. | 1 0.02 37.83 Fiber Optic Instrument For Testing Op.. | 1 0.02 37.85 Fiber, Medical, Absorbent | 1 0.02 37.87 Fibrin Monomer Paracoagulation | 1 0.02 37.88 Fibrin Sealant Preparation Device | 1 0.02 37.90 Fibrin Split Products | 1 0.02 37.92 Fibrinogen And Fibrin Split Products,.. | 1 0.02 37.94 Fibrinogen And Split Products, Antige.. | 1 0.02 37.95 Fibrinogen And Split Products, Fitc, .. | 1 0.02 37.97 Fibrinogen And Split Products, Peroxi.. | 1 0.02 37.99 Fibrinogen And Split Products, Rhodam.. | 1 0.02 38.01 Fibrinogen Determination Standards An.. | 1 0.02 38.02 Fibrinogen Standard | 1 0.02 38.04 Fibrinopeptide A, Antigen, Antiserum,.. | 1 0.02 38.06 Fibrometer | 1 0.02 38.08 File | 1 0.02 38.10 File, Bone, Surgical | 1 0.02 38.11 File, Margin Finishing, Operative | 1 0.02 38.13 File, Periodontic | 1 0.02 38.15 File, Pulp Canal, Endodontic | 1 0.02 38.17 Filiform And Filiform Follower | 1 0.02 38.18 Filler, Bone Void, Alterable Compound.. | 1 0.02 38.20 Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound | 1 0.02 38.22 Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound, .. | 1 0.02 38.24 Filler, Bone Void, Non-Alterable Comp.. | 1 0.02 38.25 Filler, Bone Void, Non-Osteoinduction | 1 0.02 38.27 Filler, Bone Void, Osteoinduction (W/.. | 1 0.02 38.29 Filler, Bone Void, Recombinant Platel.. | 1 0.02 38.31 Filler, Bone Void, Synthetic Peptide | 1 0.02 38.32 Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morpho.. | 1 0.02 38.34 Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morpho.. | 1 0.02 38.36 Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morpho.. | 1 0.02 38.38 Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morpho.. | 1 0.02 38.39 Filter, Bacterial, Breathing-Circuit | 1 0.02 38.41 Filter, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass.. | 1 0.02 38.43 Filter, Blood, Cardiotomy Suction Lin.. | 1 0.02 38.45 Filter, Blood, Dialysis | 1 0.02 38.46 Filter, Conduction, Anesthetic | 1 0.02 38.48 Filter, Infusion Line | 1 0.02 38.50 Filter, Intravascular, Cardiovascular | 1 0.02 38.52 Filter, Prebypass, Cardiopulmonary By.. | 1 0.02 38.53 Finger Cot | 1 0.02 38.55 Finger Semi-Constrained Pyrolytic Car.. | 1 0.02 38.57 First Aid Kit With Drug | 1 0.02 38.59 First Aid Kit Without Drug | 1 0.02 38.60 Fish (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridizat.. | 1 0.02 38.62 Fish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridizati.. | 1 0.02 38.64 Fish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridizati.. | 1 0.02 38.66 Fish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridizati.. | 1 0.02 38.68 Fixation Accessory | 1 0.02 38.69 Fixation, Non-Absorbable Or Absorbabl.. | 1 0.02 38.71 Fixation, Vision Training, Binocular | 1 0.02 38.73 Fixture Mount Kit | 1 0.02 38.75 Flame Emission Photometer For Clinica.. | 1 0.02 38.76 Flame Photometry, Lithium | 1 0.02 38.78 Flame Photometry, Potassium | 1 0.02 38.80 Flame Photometry, Sodium | 1 0.02 38.82 Flasher, Afterimage, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 38.83 Flask, Tissue Culture | 1 0.02 38.85 Floss, Dental | 1 0.02 38.87 Flow Cytometric Reagents And Accessor.. | 1 0.02 38.89 Flow Cytometric Test System For Hemat.. | 1 0.02 38.90 Flow Cytometry Calibrator | 1 0.02 38.92 Flowmeter, Blood, Cardiovascular | 1 0.02 38.94 Flowmeter, Calibration, Gas | 1 0.02 38.96 Flowmeter, Dialysate | 1 0.02 38.97 Flowmeter, Nonback-Pressure Compensat.. | 1 0.02 38.99 Flowmeter, Tube, Thorpe, Back-Pressur.. | 1 0.02 39.01 Fluid Drainage Tray | 1 0.02 39.03 Fluid Jet Removal System | 1 0.02 39.04 Fluid, Cytological Collection | 1 0.02 39.06 Fluid, Diluting, Manual Cell | 1 0.02 39.08 Fluid, Diluting, Red-Cell | 1 0.02 39.10 Fluid, Diluting, White-Cell | 1 0.02 39.11 Fluid, Hysteroscopy | 1 0.02 39.13 Fluid, Intraocular | 1 0.02 39.15 Fluidic, Phacoemulsification/Phacofra.. | 1 0.02 39.17 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, C.. | 1 0.02 39.18 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, P.. | 1 0.02 39.20 Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 39.22 Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 39.24 Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 39.25 Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 39.27 Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 39.29 Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 39.31 Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 39.33 Fluorescence, Visual Observation (Qua.. | 1 0.02 39.34 Fluorescent Immunoassay Gentamicin | 1 0.02 39.36 Fluorescent Immunoassay, Diphenylhyda.. | 1 0.02 39.38 Fluorescent Immunoassay, Phenobarbital | 1 0.02 39.40 Fluorescent Immunoassay, Primidone | 1 0.02 39.41 Fluorescent Immunoassay, Theophylline | 1 0.02 39.43 Fluorescent Immunoassay, Tobramycin | 1 0.02 39.45 Fluorescent Lamp | 1 0.02 39.47 Fluorescent Proc. (Qual.), Galactose-.. | 1 0.02 39.48 Fluorometer | 1 0.02 39.50 Fluorometer, For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 39.52 Fluorometer, Lead (Dedicated Instrume.. | 1 0.02 39.54 Fluorometric Measurement, Porphyrins | 1 0.02 39.55 Fluorometric Method, 17-Hydroxycortic.. | 1 0.02 39.57 Fluorometric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes | 1 0.02 39.59 Fluorometric Method, Triglycerides | 1 0.02 39.61 Fluorometric, Calcium | 1 0.02 39.62 Fluorometric, Cortisol | 1 0.02 39.64 Fluorometric, Uroporphyrin | 1 0.02 39.66 Fluorometry, Morphine | 1 0.02 39.68 Fluroesence Polorization Immunoassay .. | 1 0.02 39.69 Focused Ultrasound For Tissue Heat Or.. | 1 0.02 39.71 Folders And Injectors, Intraocular Le.. | 1 0.02 39.73 Foley Catheter Kit (Excludes Hiv Test.. | 1 0.02 39.75 Food Processing | 1 0.02 39.76 Foot Examination Tool For Inflammator.. | 1 0.02 39.78 Foot Wrap For Treating Restless Leg S.. | 1 0.02 39.80 For Export Only - Antigen, Anti-Cardi.. | 1 0.02 39.82 For Export Only - Antigen, Anti-Skele.. | 1 0.02 39.83 Forceps | 1 0.02 39.85 Forceps, Articulation Paper | 1 0.02 39.87 Forceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Ri.. | 1 0.02 39.89 Forceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Ri.. | 1 0.02 39.91 Forceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Rigid) | 1 0.02 39.92 Forceps, Biopsy, Electric | 1 0.02 39.94 Forceps, Biopsy, Electric, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 39.96 Forceps, Biopsy, Gynecological | 1 0.02 39.98 Forceps, Biopsy, Gynecological, Repro.. | 1 0.02 39.99 Forceps, Biopsy, Non-Electric | 1 0.02 40.01 Forceps, Biopsy, Non-Electric, Reproc.. | 1 0.02 40.03 Forceps, Disconnect | 1 0.02 40.05 Forceps, Dressing, Dental | 1 0.02 40.06 Forceps, Ent | 1 0.02 40.08 Forceps, Obstetrical | 1 0.02 40.10 Forceps, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 40.12 Forceps, Rongeur, Surgical | 1 0.02 40.13 Forceps, Rubber Dam Clamp | 1 0.02 40.15 Forceps, Surgical, Gynecological | 1 0.02 40.17 Forceps, Tooth Extractor, Surgical | 1 0.02 40.19 Forceps, Tube Introduction | 1 0.02 40.20 Forceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 40.22 Forceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Sterile | 1 0.02 40.24 Forceps, Wire Holding | 1 0.02 40.26 Forensic Evidence Sexual Assault Kit | 1 0.02 40.27 Forensics | 1 0.02 40.29 Forensics Laser | 1 0.02 40.31 Fork | 1 0.02 40.33 Fork, Tuning | 1 0.02 40.34 Formulations, Balanced Salt Solutions | 1 0.02 40.36 Fornixscope | 1 0.02 40.38 Fraction Iv-5, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 40.40 Fraction V, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 40.41 Frame, Rubber Dam | 1 0.02 40.43 Frame, Spectacle | 1 0.02 40.45 Frame, Trial, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 40.47 Free Radical Assay, Amphetamine | 1 0.02 40.48 Free Radical Assay, Cocaine | 1 0.02 40.50 Free Radical Assay, Lsd | 1 0.02 40.52 Free Radical Assay, Methadone | 1 0.02 40.54 Free Radical Assay, Morphine | 1 0.02 40.56 Free Radical Assay, Opiates | 1 0.02 40.57 Free Radical, Benzoylecgnonine | 1 0.02 40.59 Free Secretory Component, Antigen, An.. | 1 0.02 40.61 Freezer | 1 0.02 40.63 Fructose-1, 6-Diphosphate And Nadh (U.. | 1 0.02 40.64 Full-Montage Standard Electroencephal.. | 1 0.02 40.66 Fully Subcutaneous Implanted Hemodial.. | 1 0.02 40.68 Fungal Organisms, Nucleic Acid-Based .. | 1 0.02 40.70 Gabapentin Assay | 1 0.02 40.71 Gag, Mouth | 1 0.02 40.73 Galectin-3 In Vitro Diagnostic Assay | 1 0.02 40.75 Gamma Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 40.77 Gamma Globulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antise.. | 1 0.02 40.78 Garment, Protective, For Incontinence | 1 0.02 40.80 Garment, Storage, Peritoneal Dialysis.. | 1 0.02 40.82 Gas Chromatograph, Alcohol (Dedicated.. | 1 0.02 40.84 Gas Chromatograph, Carbon-Monoxide | 1 0.02 40.85 Gas Chromatography, Alcohol | 1 0.02 40.87 Gas Chromatography, Amphetamine | 1 0.02 40.89 Gas Chromatography, Bacillus Anthraci.. | 1 0.02 40.91 Gas Chromatography, Benzodiazipine | 1 0.02 40.92 Gas Chromatography, Cocaine | 1 0.02 40.94 Gas Chromatography, Codeine | 1 0.02 40.96 Gas Chromatography, Diphenylhydantoin | 1 0.02 40.98 Gas Chromatography, Ethosuximide | 1 0.02 40.99 Gas Chromatography, Methadone | 1 0.02 41.01 Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine | 1 0.02 41.03 Gas Chromatography, Morphine | 1 0.02 41.05 Gas Chromatography, Opiates | 1 0.02 41.06 Gas Chromatography, Phenobarbital | 1 0.02 41.08 Gas Chromatography, Pregnanetriol | 1 0.02 41.10 Gas Chromatography, Primidone | 1 0.02 41.12 Gas Chromatography, Propoxyphene | 1 0.02 41.14 Gas Chromatography, Salicylate | 1 0.02 41.15 Gas Control Unit, Cardiopulmonary Byp.. | 1 0.02 41.17 Gas Liquid Chromatography, Barbiturate | 1 0.02 41.19 Gas, Calibration (Specified Concentra.. | 1 0.02 41.21 Gas, Collecting Vessel | 1 0.02 41.22 Gas, Laser Generating | 1 0.02 41.24 Gas-Machine, Anesthesia | 1 0.02 41.26 Gases Used Within Eye To Place Pressu.. | 1 0.02 41.28 Gases, Glc | 1 0.02 41.29 Gastric Colonic Catheter Irrigation Kit | 1 0.02 41.31 Gastric Emptying Breath Test | 1 0.02 41.33 Gastric Irrigation And Aspiration Kit | 1 0.02 41.35 Gastric Lavage Kit (Adult Or Pediatri.. | 1 0.02 41.36 Gastro-Urology Biopsy Kit | 1 0.02 41.38 Gastrointestinal Bacterial Panel Mult.. | 1 0.02 41.40 Gastrointestinal Liner System | 1 0.02 41.42 Gastrointestinal Motility System, Cap.. | 1 0.02 41.43 Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel Multi.. | 1 0.02 41.45 Gastrointestinal Tube Kit | 1 0.02 41.47 Gastrointestinal Tubes With Enteral S.. | 1 0.02 41.49 Gastroscope And Accessories, Flexible.. | 1 0.02 41.50 Gastroscope, General & Plastic Surgery | 1 0.02 41.52 Gastrostomy Guide Wire Placement Kit | 1 0.02 41.54 Gastrostomy Jejunostomy Feeding Tube .. | 1 0.02 41.56 Gastrostomy Tube Holder | 1 0.02 41.57 Gastrostomy Tube Kit | 1 0.02 41.59 Gauge, Depth | 1 0.02 41.61 Gauge, Depth, Instrument, Dental | 1 0.02 41.63 Gauge, Gas Pressure, Cylinder/Pipeline | 1 0.02 41.64 Gauge, Lens, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 41.66 Gauge, Mastoid | 1 0.02 41.68 Gauge, Measuring | 1 0.02 41.70 Gauge, Pressure, Coronary, Cardiopulm.. | 1 0.02 41.71 Gauging | 1 0.02 41.73 Gauze / Sponge,Nonresorbable For Exte.. | 1 0.02 41.75 Gauze, External (With Drug/Biologic/A.. | 1 0.02 41.77 Gauze/Sponge, Internal | 1 0.02 41.79 Gauze/Sponge, Internal, With Drug/Bio.. | 1 0.02 41.80 Gbs Culture Media, Selective And Diff.. | 1 0.02 41.82 Gel, Electrode, For Pulp Tester | 1 0.02 41.84 General Laparoscopic Power Morcellati.. | 1 0.02 41.86 General Purpose Dental Tray | 1 0.02 41.87 General Purpose Instrument Tray | 1 0.02 41.89 General Purpose Laser Products | 1 0.02 41.91 General Surgery Tray | 1 0.02 41.93 General Wellness Product | 1 0.02 41.94 Generator, Electroencephalograph Test.. | 1 0.02 41.96 Generator, Electronic Noise (For Audi.. | 1 0.02 41.98 Generator, Electrosurgical, Coagulati.. | 1 0.02 42.00 Generator, Lesion, Radiofrequency | 1 0.02 42.01 Generator, Oxygen, Portable | 1 0.02 42.03 Generator, Pulsatile Flow, Cardiopulm.. | 1 0.02 42.05 Generator, Pulse, Pacemaker, External.. | 1 0.02 42.07 Generator, Shock-Wave, For Pain Relief | 1 0.02 42.08 Genetic Variant Detection And Health .. | 1 0.02 42.10 Giardia Spp. | 1 0.02 42.12 Giemsa Stain | 1 0.02 42.14 Gingival Retraction Kit | 1 0.02 42.15 Glenner'S Stain | 1 0.02 42.17 Glenoid Fossa Prosthesis | 1 0.02 42.19 Glossopharyngeal Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 42.21 Glucose Dehydrogenase, Glucose | 1 0.02 42.22 Glucose Oxidase, Glucose | 1 0.02 42.24 Glucose-6-Phosphate (Colorimetric), P.. | 1 0.02 42.26 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.28 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.29 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.31 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.33 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.35 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.37 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.38 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Er.. | 1 0.02 42.40 Glue, Surgical, Arteries | 1 0.02 42.42 Glutathione, Red-Cell | 1 0.02 42.44 Glyceralde-3-Phosphate, Nadh (Enzymat.. | 1 0.02 42.45 Gold Chloride | 1 0.02 42.47 Gold Chloride (Colorimetric), Bromide | 1 0.02 42.49 Goniometer With Electrodes | 1 0.02 42.51 Goniometer, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 42.52 Goniometer, Nonpowered | 1 0.02 42.54 Gonococcal Antibody Tests | 1 0.02 42.56 Gouge, Nasal, Ent | 1 0.02 42.58 Gown, Examination | 1 0.02 42.59 Gown, Isolation, Surgical | 1 0.02 42.61 Gown, Patient | 1 0.02 42.63 Gown, Surgical | 1 0.02 42.65 Graft Insertion Instrument For Endoth.. | 1 0.02 42.66 Graft, Bypass, Coronary Artery | 1 0.02 42.68 Graft, Sclera, Reinforcement | 1 0.02 42.70 Graft, Vascular, Hemodialysis Access,.. | 1 0.02 42.72 Graft, Vascular, Stainless Steel Tunn.. | 1 0.02 42.73 Graft, Vascular, Synthetic/Biologic C.. | 1 0.02 42.75 Gram Negative Identification Panel | 1 0.02 42.77 Gram Positive Identification Panel | 1 0.02 42.79 Gram-Negative Bacteria And Associated.. | 1 0.02 42.80 Gram-Positive Bacteria And Their Resi.. | 1 0.02 42.82 Grid, Amsler | 1 0.02 42.84 Group A Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Am.. | 1 0.02 42.86 Groups A, C And G Beta-Hemolytic Stre.. | 1 0.02 42.87 Growing Rod System | 1 0.02 42.89 Growing Rod System- Magnetic Actuation | 1 0.02 42.91 Guaiac Reagent | 1 0.02 42.93 Guard, Disk | 1 0.02 42.95 Guard, Instrument | 1 0.02 42.96 Guard, Shunt | 1 0.02 42.98 Guard, Skin Graft | 1 0.02 43.00 Guide, Drill, Ligament | 1 0.02 43.02 Guide, Wire, Catheter, Neurovasculature | 1 0.02 43.03 Guide-Star Laser System | 1 0.02 43.05 Guidewire, Catheter, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 43.07 Guillotine, Tonsil | 1 0.02 43.09 Gun, Tie, Dialysis | 1 0.02 43.10 Gustometer, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 43.12 Gustometer, Sterile | 1 0.02 43.14 Gutta-Percha | 1 0.02 43.16 Gynecological Laparoscopic Kit | 1 0.02 43.17 Hair Dryer | 1 0.02 43.19 Hand Washing Sanitizer | 1 0.02 43.21 Hand-Tally, Differential | 1 0.02 43.23 Handle, Instrument, Dental | 1 0.02 43.24 Handpiece (Brace), Drill | 1 0.02 43.26 Handpiece, Air-Powered, Dental | 1 0.02 43.28 Handpiece, Air-Powered, Root Canal Ir.. | 1 0.02 43.30 Handpiece, Belt And/Or Gear Driven, D.. | 1 0.02 43.31 Handpiece, Contra- And Right-Angle At.. | 1 0.02 43.33 Handpiece, Direct Drive, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 43.35 Handpiece, Rotary Bone Cutting | 1 0.02 43.37 Handpiece, Water-Powered | 1 0.02 43.38 Haploscope | 1 0.02 43.40 Haptoglobin, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 43.42 Haptoglobin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum.. | 1 0.02 43.44 Haptoglobin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Anti.. | 1 0.02 43.45 Head, Surgical, Hammer | 1 0.02 43.47 Headframe | 1 0.02 43.49 Headgear, Extraoral, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 43.51 Headlamp, Operating, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 43.52 Headlamp, Operating, Battery-Operated | 1 0.02 43.54 Headlight, Fiberoptic Focusing | 1 0.02 43.56 Headrest, Neurosurgical | 1 0.02 43.58 Hearing Aid, Air Conduction | 1 0.02 43.60 Hearing Aid, Air Conduction With Wire.. | 1 0.02 43.61 Hearing Aid, Air Conduction, Transcut.. | 1 0.02 43.63 Hearing Aid, Bone Conduction | 1 0.02 43.65 Hearing Aid, Bone Conduction, Implanted | 1 0.02 43.67 Hearing Aid, Group And Auditory Trainer | 1 0.02 43.68 Hearing Aid, Master | 1 0.02 43.70 Hearing Aid, Tactile | 1 0.02 43.72 Heart Valve, More Than Minimally Mani.. | 1 0.02 43.74 Heart-Valve, Allograft | 1 0.02 43.75 Heart-Valve, Mechanical | 1 0.02 43.77 Heart-Valve, Non-Allograft Tissue | 1 0.02 43.79 Heat Source For Bleaching Teeth | 1 0.02 43.81 Heat-Exchanger, Cardiopulmonary Bypass | 1 0.02 43.82 Heater, Breathing System W/Wo Control.. | 1 0.02 43.84 Heater, Perineal | 1 0.02 43.86 Heater, Perineal, Direct Contact | 1 0.02 43.88 Heater, Perineal, Radiant, Non-Contact | 1 0.02 43.89 Heavy Metals Control Materials | 1 0.02 43.91 Helicobacter Pylori | 1 0.02 43.93 Helmet, Surgical | 1 0.02 43.95 Hemagglutination Inhibition, Barbitur.. | 1 0.02 43.96 Hemagglutination Inhibition, Gentamicin | 1 0.02 43.98 Hemagglutination Inhibition, Methadone | 1 0.02 44.00 Hemagglutination Inhibition, Morphine | 1 0.02 44.02 Hemagglutination, Cocaine Metabolites.. | 1 0.02 44.03 Hemagglutination, Opiates | 1 0.02 44.05 Hematocrit, Tube, Rack, Sealer, Holder | 1 0.02 44.07 Hematoxylin | 1 0.02 44.09 Hematoxylin Harris'S | 1 0.02 44.10 Hematoxylin Mayer'S | 1 0.02 44.12 Hematoxylin Weigert'S | 1 0.02 44.14 Hematoxylin, Acid, Phosphotungstic | 1 0.02 44.16 Hematoxylin, Chrome Alum | 1 0.02 44.18 Hematoxylin, Ehrlich'S | 1 0.02 44.19 Hematoxylin, Iron, Weigert'S | 1 0.02 44.21 Hemibridge System | 1 0.02 44.23 Hemocytometer | 1 0.02 44.25 Hemodialysis Catheter Luer End Cap | 1 0.02 44.26 Hemodialysis System For Home Use | 1 0.02 44.28 Hemodialysis Tray (Not A Start/Stop K.. | 1 0.02 44.30 Hemodialyzer, High Cut-Off | 1 0.02 44.32 Hemodialyzer, Re-Use, High Flux | 1 0.02 44.33 Hemodialyzer, Re-Use, Low Flux | 1 0.02 44.35 Hemoglobin A1c Test System | 1 0.02 44.37 Hemoglobin A2 Quantitation | 1 0.02 44.39 Hemoglobin C (Abnormal Hemoglobin Var.. | 1 0.02 44.40 Hemoglobin F Quantitation | 1 0.02 44.42 Hemoglobin M | 1 0.02 44.44 Hemoglobin S | 1 0.02 44.46 Hemoglobin, Alkali Resistant | 1 0.02 44.47 Hemoglobin, Chain Specific, Antigen, .. | 1 0.02 44.49 Hemoglobinometer | 1 0.02 44.51 Hemopexin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 44.53 Hemopexin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, .. | 1 0.02 44.54 Hemopexin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antise.. | 1 0.02 44.56 Hemorrhoid Prevention Pressure Wedge | 1 0.02 44.58 Hemostat | 1 0.02 44.60 Hemostat, Surgical | 1 0.02 44.61 Hemostatic Device For Endoscopic Gast.. | 1 0.02 44.63 Hemostatic Metal Clip For The Gi Tract | 1 0.02 44.65 Heparin | 1 0.02 44.67 Heparin Flush In 0.45% Sodium Chloride | 1 0.02 44.68 Heparin, Vascular Access Flush | 1 0.02 44.70 Hepatitis A Test (Antibody And Igm An.. | 1 0.02 44.72 Hepatitis Delta Serological Reagents | 1 0.02 44.74 Hepatitis Viral B Dna Detection | 1 0.02 44.75 Herniorraphy Kit | 1 0.02 44.77 Herpes Simplex Virus Nucleic Acid Amp.. | 1 0.02 44.79 Herpes Virus (Vzv, Hsv1, Hsv2), Dna D.. | 1 0.02 44.81 Hexane Extraction, Fluorescence, Vita.. | 1 0.02 44.83 Hexokinase, Glucose | 1 0.02 44.84 High Demand, Revision, Semi-Constrain.. | 1 0.02 44.86 High Flow/High Velocity Humidified Ox.. | 1 0.02 44.88 High Intensity Lamp | 1 0.02 44.90 High Intensity Ultrasound System For .. | 1 0.02 44.91 High Level Disinfection Reprocessing .. | 1 0.02 44.93 High Level Disinfection Reprocessing .. | 1 0.02 44.95 High Performance Liquid Chromatograph.. | 1 0.02 44.97 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 44.98 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.00 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.02 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.04 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.05 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.07 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.09 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.11 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, .. | 1 0.02 45.12 High Pressure Mercury, Metal Halide, .. | 1 0.02 45.14 High Throughput Dna Sequence Analyzer | 1 0.02 45.16 High Voltage Tubes | 1 0.02 45.18 High Voltage Vacuum Switches | 1 0.02 45.19 High-Power Laser Light Show | 1 0.02 45.21 High-Power Laser Light Show Projector | 1 0.02 45.23 Hip Prosthesis, Semi-Constrained, Cem.. | 1 0.02 45.25 Hip, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Meta.. | 1 0.02 45.26 Hip, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Meta.. | 1 0.02 45.28 Hoe, Periodontic | 1 0.02 45.30 Holder, Ear Speculum | 1 0.02 45.32 Holder, Film, X-Ray | 1 0.02 45.33 Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Cl.. | 1 0.02 45.35 Holder, Heart-Valve, Prosthesis | 1 0.02 45.37 Holder, Infant Position | 1 0.02 45.39 Holder, Needle, Gastroenterologic | 1 0.02 45.41 Holder, Needle; Orthopedic | 1 0.02 45.42 Holder, Speculum, Ent | 1 0.02 45.44 Holder, Ureteral Catheter | 1 0.02 45.46 Holding Chambers, Direct Patient Inte.. | 1 0.02 45.48 Hologram Displaying Or Creating Laser.. | 1 0.02 45.49 Holograph, Fetal, Acoustical | 1 0.02 45.51 Home Uterine Activity Monitor | 1 0.02 45.53 Hood, Oxygen, Infant | 1 0.02 45.55 Hood, Surgical | 1 0.02 45.56 Hook, Bone | 1 0.02 45.58 Hook, Destructive, Obstetrical | 1 0.02 45.60 Hook, Ether | 1 0.02 45.62 Hook, Fibroid, Gynecological | 1 0.02 45.63 Hook, Gastro-Urology | 1 0.02 45.65 Hook, Microsurgical Ear | 1 0.02 45.67 Hook, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 45.69 Hook, Tonsil Suturing | 1 0.02 45.70 Hook, Tracheal | 1 0.02 45.72 Hospital Continuous Glucose Monitorin.. | 1 0.02 45.74 Hsv-1 And Hsv-2 Cns Nucleic-Acid Base.. | 1 0.02 45.76 Human Lyophilized Dura Mater | 1 0.02 45.77 Human Metapneumovirus (Hmpv) Rna Assa.. | 1 0.02 45.79 Humidifier | 1 0.02 45.81 Humidifier Nebulizer Kit | 1 0.02 45.83 Humidifier, Non-Direct Patient Interf.. | 1 0.02 45.84 Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct .. | 1 0.02 45.86 Humidifier, Respiratory, Mask (Direct.. | 1 0.02 45.88 Hyaline Membrane Disease Assay | 1 0.02 45.90 Hydrazone Colorimetry, Aldolase | 1 0.02 45.91 Hydrazone Colorimetry, Alt/Sgpt | 1 0.02 45.93 Hydrazone Colorimetry, Ast/Sgot | 1 0.02 45.95 Hydrazone Deriv. Of Alpha-Ketoglutera.. | 1 0.02 45.97 Hyperthermia Monitor | 1 0.02 45.98 Hyperthermia System, Bladder Cancer T.. | 1 0.02 46.00 Hysterectomy Kit | 1 0.02 46.02 Hysteroscope (And Accessories) | 1 0.02 46.04 Hysteroscope Accessories | 1 0.02 46.06 Iga, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.07 Iga, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 46.09 Iga, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.11 Iga, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, .. | 1 0.02 46.13 Iga, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 46.14 Igal Heavy & Light Chain Combined | 1 0.02 46.16 Igd, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.18 Igd, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.20 Igd, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 46.21 Ige, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.23 Ige, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 46.25 Ige, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.27 Ige, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 46.28 Igg (Fab Fragment Specific), Antigen,.. | 1 0.02 46.30 Igg (Fc Fragment Specific), Antigen, .. | 1 0.02 46.32 Igg (Fd Fragment Specific), Antigen, .. | 1 0.02 46.34 Igg (Gamma Chain Specific), Antigen, .. | 1 0.02 46.35 Igg, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.37 Igg, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 46.39 Igg, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.41 Igg, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 46.42 Igm (Mu Chain Specific), Antigen, Ant.. | 1 0.02 46.44 Igm, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.46 Igm, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 46.48 Igm, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 46.49 Igm, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, C.. | 1 0.02 46.51 Iliac Covered Stent, Arterial | 1 0.02 46.53 Illuminator System For Blood Products | 1 0.02 46.55 Illuminator, Color Vision Plate | 1 0.02 46.56 Illuminator, Fiberoptic, Surgical Field | 1 0.02 46.58 Image Digitizer | 1 0.02 46.60 Image, Illumination, Fiberoptic, For .. | 1 0.02 46.62 Imager, Ultrasonic Obstetric-Gynecolo.. | 1 0.02 46.64 Immunoassay For Blood Tacrolimus | 1 0.02 46.65 Immunoassay For Detection Of Amniotic.. | 1 0.02 46.67 Immunoassay Method, Troponin Subunit | 1 0.02 46.69 Immunoassay, Anti-Seizure Drug | 1 0.02 46.71 Immunoassay, Insulin-Like Growth Fact.. | 1 0.02 46.72 Immunochemical, Bence-Jones Protein | 1 0.02 46.74 Immunochemical, Ceruloplasmin | 1 0.02 46.76 Immunochemical, Lysozyme (Muramidase) | 1 0.02 46.78 Immunochemical, Thyroglobulin Autoant.. | 1 0.02 46.79 Immunochemical, Transferrin | 1 0.02 46.81 Immunodiffusion, Protein Fractionation | 1 0.02 46.83 Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulin.. | 1 0.02 46.85 Immunofluorescent Assay, T. Cruzi | 1 0.02 46.86 Immunoglobulin A Kappa Heavy & Light .. | 1 0.02 46.88 Immunoglobulin G (Igg) Infusion System | 1 0.02 46.90 Immunoglobulin G Kappa Heavy And Ligh.. | 1 0.02 46.92 Immunoglobulin G Lambda Heavy And Lig.. | 1 0.02 46.93 Immunoglobulin M Kappa Heavy And Ligh.. | 1 0.02 46.95 Immunoglobulin M Lambda Heavy And Lig.. | 1 0.02 46.97 Immunohistochemical Assay, Helicobact.. | 1 0.02 46.99 Immunohistochemistry Antibody Assay, .. | 1 0.02 47.00 Immunohistochemistry Assay, Antibody,.. | 1 0.02 47.02 Immunohistochemistry Reagents And Kits | 1 0.02 47.04 Impactor | 1 0.02 47.06 Impedance Measuring Device Utilizing .. | 1 0.02 47.07 Impedance Plethysmograph, Cranial | 1 0.02 47.09 Implant, Absorbable, (Scleral Bucklin.. | 1 0.02 47.11 Implant, Anti-Gastroesophageal Reflux | 1 0.02 47.13 Implant, Auditory Brainstem | 1 0.02 47.14 Implant, Cartilage, For Articular Car.. | 1 0.02 47.16 Implant, Cochlear | 1 0.02 47.18 Implant, Collagen For Non-Aesthetic Use | 1 0.02 47.20 Implant, Corneal, Refractive | 1 0.02 47.21 Implant, Dermal, For Aesthetic Use | 1 0.02 47.23 Implant, Dermal, For Aesthetic Use In.. | 1 0.02 47.25 Implant, Endosseous, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 47.27 Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form | 1 0.02 47.29 Implant, Eye Sphere | 1 0.02 47.30 Implant, Eye Valve | 1 0.02 47.32 Implant, Fixation Device, Spinal | 1 0.02 47.34 Implant, Hearing, Active, Middle Ear,.. | 1 0.02 47.36 Implant, Hearing, Active, Middle Ear,.. | 1 0.02 47.37 Implant, Intragastric For Morbid Obes.. | 1 0.02 47.39 Implant, Malar | 1 0.02 47.41 Implant, Orbital, Extra-Ocular | 1 0.02 47.43 Implant, Subperiosteal | 1 0.02 47.44 Implant, Temporal | 1 0.02 47.46 Implant, Transmandibular | 1 0.02 47.48 Implantable Bladder-Evacuation Electr.. | 1 0.02 47.50 Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillato.. | 1 0.02 47.51 Implantable Pacemaker Pulse-Generator | 1 0.02 47.53 Implantable Pulse Generator, Pacemake.. | 1 0.02 47.55 Implantable Pulse Generator, Programm.. | 1 0.02 47.57 Implantable Radio Frequency Transpond.. | 1 0.02 47.58 Implantable Transprostatic Tissue Ret.. | 1 0.02 47.60 Implanted Brain Stimulator For Epilepsy | 1 0.02 47.62 Implanted Cerebellar Stimulator | 1 0.02 47.64 Implanted Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve.. | 1 0.02 47.65 Implanted Fecal Incontinence Device | 1 0.02 47.67 Implanted Phrenic Nerve Stimulator Fo.. | 1 0.02 47.69 Implanted Subcortical Electrical Stim.. | 1 0.02 47.71 Implanted Subcutaneous Securement Cat.. | 1 0.02 47.72 Incision Tray | 1 0.02 47.74 Incubator, Neonatal | 1 0.02 47.76 Incubator, Neonatal Transport | 1 0.02 47.78 Index-Generating Electroencephalograp.. | 1 0.02 47.79 Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin .. | 1 0.02 47.81 Indicator, Alumina Fluorescent, Tlc | 1 0.02 47.83 Indicator, Biological Sterilization P.. | 1 0.02 47.85 Indicator, Biological, Liquid Chemica.. | 1 0.02 47.87 Indicator, Cellulose Fluorescent, Tlc | 1 0.02 47.88 Indicator, Chemical, Enzymatic, Steri.. | 1 0.02 47.90 Indicator, Physical/Chemical Steriliz.. | 1 0.02 47.92 Indicator, Physical/Chemical, Storage.. | 1 0.02 47.94 Indicator, Silica Gel Fluorescent, Tlc | 1 0.02 47.95 Indicator, Sterilization | 1 0.02 47.97 Indigocarmine | 1 0.02 47.99 Indirect Copper Assay, Ceruloplasmin | 1 0.02 48.01 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test, E.. | 1 0.02 48.02 Industrial Accelerator | 1 0.02 48.04 Industrial X-Ray | 1 0.02 48.06 Infant Positioner, Rx, Use In Highly .. | 1 0.02 48.08 Influenza A And Influenza B Multiplex.. | 1 0.02 48.09 Influenza A Virus Subtype Differentia.. | 1 0.02 48.11 Infrared Hematoma Detector | 1 0.02 48.13 Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement, Ur.. | 1 0.02 48.15 Infusion Safety Management Software | 1 0.02 48.16 Infusor, Pressure, For I.V. Bags | 1 0.02 48.18 Ingestible Event Marker | 1 0.02 48.20 Inhaler, Nasal | 1 0.02 48.22 Inhibitor, Peridural Fibrosis (Adhesi.. | 1 0.02 48.23 Inhibitor, Postoperative Fibrosis (Ad.. | 1 0.02 48.25 Inhibitor, Postoperative Fibrosis (Sp.. | 1 0.02 48.27 Injector And Syringe, Angiographic | 1 0.02 48.29 Injector And Syringe, Angiographic, B.. | 1 0.02 48.30 Injector And Syringe, Angiographic, R.. | 1 0.02 48.32 Injector, Capsular Tension Ring | 1 0.02 48.34 Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic | 1 0.02 48.36 Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic,.. | 1 0.02 48.37 Injector, Fluid, Non-Electrically Pow.. | 1 0.02 48.39 Injector, Indicator | 1 0.02 48.41 Injector, Jet, Gas-Powered | 1 0.02 48.43 Injector, Jet, Mechanical-Powered | 1 0.02 48.44 Injector, Pen | 1 0.02 48.46 Injector, Vertebroplasty (Does Not Co.. | 1 0.02 48.48 Ink, Arch Tracing | 1 0.02 48.50 Insect Sting Emergency Kit | 1 0.02 48.52 Insert, Pump, Blood | 1 0.02 48.53 Inserter, Myringotomy Tube | 1 0.02 48.55 Inserter, Sacculotomy Tack | 1 0.02 48.57 Inserter/Remover Contact Lens | 1 0.02 48.59 Insoles, Medical | 1 0.02 48.60 Instrument For Auto Reader & Interpre.. | 1 0.02 48.62 Instrument For Auto Reader Of Overnig.. | 1 0.02 48.64 Instrument For Treatment Of Hyperhidr.. | 1 0.02 48.66 Instrument, Automated Platelet Counting | 1 0.02 48.67 Instrument, Bending Or Contouring | 1 0.02 48.69 Instrument, Biopsy | 1 0.02 48.71 Instrument, Biopsy, Mechanical, Gastr.. | 1 0.02 48.73 Instrument, Biopsy, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 48.74 Instrument, Biopsy, Suction | 1 0.02 48.76 Instrument, Cast Application/Removal,.. | 1 0.02 48.78 Instrument, Cast Removal, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 48.80 Instrument, Catheter, Punch | 1 0.02 48.81 Instrument, Clip Forming/Cutting | 1 0.02 48.83 Instrument, Clip Removal | 1 0.02 48.85 Instrument, Clip, Forming/Cutting, Re.. | 1 0.02 48.87 Instrument, Coagulation | 1 0.02 48.88 Instrument, Coagulation, Automated | 1 0.02 48.90 Instrument, Compression | 1 0.02 48.92 Instrument, Contouring, Matrix, Opera.. | 1 0.02 48.94 Instrument, Cranioplasty Material For.. | 1 0.02 48.95 Instrument, Cutting, Operative | 1 0.02 48.97 Instrument, Cutting, Orthopedic | 1 0.02 48.99 Instrument, Destructive, Fetal, Obste.. | 1 0.02 49.01 Instrument, Diamond, Dental | 1 0.02 49.02 Instrument, Diamond, Dental, Reproces.. | 1 0.02 49.04 Instrument, Dowel Cutting | 1 0.02 49.06 Instrument, Ent Manual Surgical | 1 0.02 49.08 Instrument, Filling, Plastic, Dental | 1 0.02 49.10 Instrument, Glucose, Noninvasive Tech.. | 1 0.02 49.11 Instrument, Hand, Calculus Removal | 1 0.02 49.13 Instrument, Hematocrit, Automated | 1 0.02 49.15 Instrument, Ligature Passing And Knot.. | 1 0.02 49.17 Instrument, Ligature Tucking, Orthodo.. | 1 0.02 49.18 Instrument, Manual, General Obstetric.. | 1 0.02 49.20 Instrument, Manual, Specialized Obste.. | 1 0.02 49.22 Instrument, Manual, Surgical, General.. | 1 0.02 49.24 Instrument, Measuring, Corneal Radius | 1 0.02 49.25 Instrument, Measuring, Lens, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 49.27 Instrument, Measuring, Stereopsis | 1 0.02 49.29 Instrument, Microsurgical | 1 0.02 49.31 Instrument, Prosthesis Modification F.. | 1 0.02 49.32 Instrument, Prosthesis Modification F.. | 1 0.02 49.34 Instrument, Shunt System Implantation | 1 0.02 49.36 Instrument, Special Lens, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 49.38 Instrument, Surgical, Disposable | 1 0.02 49.39 Instrument, Surgical, Non-Powered | 1 0.02 49.41 Instrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Ac-.. | 1 0.02 49.43 Instrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Dc-.. | 1 0.02 49.45 Instrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Pne.. | 1 0.02 49.46 Instrument, Surgical, Sonic And Acces.. | 1 0.02 49.48 Instrument, Ultrasonic Surgical | 1 0.02 49.50 Instrument, Visual Field, Laser | 1 0.02 49.52 Instrument, Vitreous Aspiration And C.. | 1 0.02 49.53 Instrument, Vitreous Aspiration And C.. | 1 0.02 49.55 Instrumentation For Clinical Multiple.. | 1 0.02 49.57 Instrumentation, High Pressure Liquid.. | 1 0.02 49.59 Instrumentation, Surgical Mesh, Urogy.. | 1 0.02 49.60 Instrumentation, Surgical Mesh, Urogy.. | 1 0.02 49.62 Instrumentation, Surgical Mesh, Urogy.. | 1 0.02 49.64 Instruments Designed For Press-Fit Os.. | 1 0.02 49.66 Instruments, Dental Hand | 1 0.02 49.67 Instruments, Surgical, Cardiovascular | 1 0.02 49.69 Insufflator, Automatic Carbon-Dioxide.. | 1 0.02 49.71 Insufflator, Carbon-Dioxide, Uterotub.. | 1 0.02 49.73 Insufflator, Endoscopic Vessel Harves.. | 1 0.02 49.75 Insufflator, Hysteroscopic | 1 0.02 49.76 Insufflator, Hysteroscopic, Fluid, Cl.. | 1 0.02 49.78 Insufflator, Laparoscopic | 1 0.02 49.80 Insufflator, Vaginal | 1 0.02 49.82 Insulin Autoantibody Kit | 1 0.02 49.83 Insulin Pump Secondary Display | 1 0.02 49.85 Insulin Pump Therapy Adjustment Calcu.. | 1 0.02 49.87 Insulin Vial Protector/Holder | 1 0.02 49.89 Integrated Continuous Glucose Monitor.. | 1 0.02 49.90 Inter-Alpha Trypsin Inhibitor, Antige.. | 1 0.02 49.92 Inter-Alpha Trypsin Inhibitor, Fitc, .. | 1 0.02 49.94 Interarticular Disc Prosthesis (Inter.. | 1 0.02 49.96 Interferometric Position Measuring Pr.. | 1 0.02 49.97 Internal Polymerase Chain Reaction .. | 1 0.02 49.99 Internal Hinged Elbow Fixator | 1 0.02 50.01 Internal Tissue Marker | 1 0.02 50.03 Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bon.. | 1 0.02 50.04 Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bon.. | 1 0.02 50.06 Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bon.. | 1 0.02 50.08 Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bon.. | 1 0.02 50.10 Intervertebral Fusion Device With Int.. | 1 0.02 50.11 Intervertebral Fusion Device With Int.. | 1 0.02 50.13 Intestinal Splinting Tubes | 1 0.02 50.15 Intestinal Stimulator | 1 0.02 50.17 Intra-Abdominal Pressure Monitoring D.. | 1 0.02 50.18 Intracardiac Patch Or Pledget, Biolog.. | 1 0.02 50.20 Intracatheter, Dialysis | 1 0.02 50.22 Intracranial Aneurysm Flow Diverter | 1 0.02 50.24 Intracranial Coil-Assist Stent | 1 0.02 50.25 Intracranial Neurovascular Stent | 1 0.02 50.27 Intracranial Pressure & Temperature M.. | 1 0.02 50.29 Intranasal Electrostimulation Device | 1 0.02 50.31 Intranasal Electrostimulation Device .. | 1 0.02 50.33 Intraocular Lens | 1 0.02 50.34 Intraocular Pressure Lowering Implant | 1 0.02 50.36 Intraocular, Pressure Measuring Device | 1 0.02 50.38 Intraoperative Orthopedic Joint Asses.. | 1 0.02 50.40 Intraoral Pressure Gradient Device | 1 0.02 50.41 Intraoral, Dental Foam Protector | 1 0.02 50.43 Intrauterine Tamponade Balloon | 1 0.02 50.45 Intravascular Administration Set, Aut.. | 1 0.02 50.47 Intravascular Radiation Delivery System | 1 0.02 50.48 Intravenous Extension Tubing Set | 1 0.02 50.50 Introducer, Catheter | 1 0.02 50.52 Introducer, Sphere | 1 0.02 50.54 Introducer, Syringe Needle | 1 0.02 50.55 Intrusion Alarm/Security | 1 0.02 50.57 Investigational Use Only - Clinical C.. | 1 0.02 50.59 Investigational Use Only - Clinical T.. | 1 0.02 50.61 Investigational Use Only - Hematology | 1 0.02 50.62 Investigational Use Only - Immunology | 1 0.02 50.64 Investigational Use Only - Microbiology | 1 0.02 50.66 Iodinated Contrast Media Transfer Tub.. | 1 0.02 50.68 Iodine, Grams | 1 0.02 50.69 Ion Beam Implanter | 1 0.02 50.71 Ion-Exchange Chromatography | 1 0.02 50.73 Ion-Exchange Resin, Ehrlich'S Reagent.. | 1 0.02 50.75 Ir Data Transmit/Control | 1 0.02 50.76 Ir Free-Space Data Transmit/Control L.. | 1 0.02 50.78 Ir Intrusion Detector | 1 0.02 50.80 Ir Laser Illuminator Only/Night Visio.. | 1 0.02 50.82 Ir Laser Illuminator With Alignment A.. | 1 0.02 50.83 Ir Laser Intrusion Detection/Security.. | 1 0.02 50.85 Ir Remote Controller | 1 0.02 50.87 Ir Security | 1 0.02 50.89 Iron Chloride-Weigert | 1 0.02 50.90 Iron Stains | 1 0.02 50.92 Irradiation, Blood Indicators | 1 0.02 50.94 Irrigation Kit (Wounds) | 1 0.02 50.96 Irrigator, Ostomy | 1 0.02 50.98 Irrigator, Powered Nasal | 1 0.02 50.99 Irrigator, Sinus | 1 0.02 51.01 Isoenzymes, Electrophoretic, Glucose-.. | 1 0.02 51.03 Isometer | 1 0.02 51.05 Janus Green B | 1 0.02 51.06 Jelly, Contact, For Transurethral Sur.. | 1 0.02 51.08 Jelly, Lubricating, For Transurethral.. | 1 0.02 51.10 Jenner Stain | 1 0.02 51.12 Jewelry Cleaner | 1 0.02 51.13 Jig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 51.15 Jig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Sterile | 1 0.02 51.17 Joint Biological Agent Identification.. | 1 0.02 51.19 Joint, Temporomandibular, Implant | 1 0.02 51.20 Kappa, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 51.22 Kappa, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 51.24 Kappa, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum,.. | 1 0.02 51.26 Keratome, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 51.27 Keratome, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 51.29 Keratome, Water Jet | 1 0.02 51.31 Keratoprosthesis, Permanent Implant | 1 0.02 51.33 Keratoprosthesis, Temporary Implant, .. | 1 0.02 51.34 Keratoscope, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 51.36 Keratoscope, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 51.38 Kidney Perfusion Kit | 1 0.02 51.40 Kinetic Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transp.. | 1 0.02 51.41 Kit, Anaerobic Identification | 1 0.02 51.43 Kit, Antibody, Elution | 1 0.02 51.45 Kit, Assay, Estrogen Receptor | 1 0.02 51.47 Kit, Assay, Progesterone Receptor | 1 0.02 51.48 Kit, Balloon Repair, Catheter | 1 0.02 51.50 Kit, Catheter, External, Male (Exclud.. | 1 0.02 51.52 Kit, Catheter, Foley (Excludes Hiv Te.. | 1 0.02 51.54 Kit, Catheter, Urinary (Exludes Hiv T.. | 1 0.02 51.56 Kit, Chemical Snake-Bite | 1 0.02 51.57 Kit, Choledochoscope, Flexible And Ri.. | 1 0.02 51.59 Kit, Conception-Assist, Home Use | 1 0.02 51.61 Kit, Cord Blood Collection | 1 0.02 51.63 Kit, Culture, Chromosome | 1 0.02 51.64 Kit, Direct Antigen, Negative Control | 1 0.02 51.66 Kit, Direct Antigen, Positive Control | 1 0.02 51.68 Kit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determ.. | 1 0.02 51.70 Kit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determ.. | 1 0.02 51.71 Kit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determ.. | 1 0.02 51.73 Kit, Dna Detection, Human Papillomavi.. | 1 0.02 51.75 Kit, Earmold, Impression | 1 0.02 51.77 Kit, Fastidious Organisms | 1 0.02 51.78 Kit, First Aid, Talking | 1 0.02 51.80 Kit, Identification, Dermatophyte | 1 0.02 51.82 Kit, Identification, Enterobacteriaceae | 1 0.02 51.84 Kit, Identification, Glucose Nonferme.. | 1 0.02 51.85 Kit, Identification, Mycobacteria | 1 0.02 51.87 Kit, Identification, Neisseria Gonorr.. | 1 0.02 51.89 Kit, Identification, Pseudomonas | 1 0.02 51.91 Kit, Identification, Yeast | 1 0.02 51.92 Kit, Igg, Platelet Associated | 1 0.02 51.94 Kit, Immunochromatographic, Bacillus .. | 1 0.02 51.96 Kit, Mycoplasma Detection | 1 0.02 51.98 Kit, Nephroscope | 1 0.02 51.99 Kit, Quality Control For Blood Bankin.. | 1 0.02 52.01 Kit, Quality Control For Culture Media | 1 0.02 52.03 Kit, Repair, Catheter, Hemodialysis | 1 0.02 52.05 Kit, Rna Detection, Human Papillomavi.. | 1 0.02 52.06 Kit, Sample Collection, Hiv | 1 0.02 52.08 Kit, Screening, Staphylococcus Aureus | 1 0.02 52.10 Kit, Screening, Trichomonas | 1 0.02 52.12 Kit, Screening, Urine | 1 0.02 52.13 Kit, Screening, Yeast | 1 0.02 52.15 Kit, Serological, Negative Control | 1 0.02 52.17 Kit, Serological, Positive Control | 1 0.02 52.19 Kit, Surgical Instrument, Disposable | 1 0.02 52.21 Kit, Test (Donors), For Bloodborne Pa.. | 1 0.02 52.22 Kit, Test For Nuclear Matrix (Numa) P.. | 1 0.02 52.24 Kit, Test, Alpha-Fetoprotein For Neur.. | 1 0.02 52.26 Kit, Test, In Vitro Periodontal | 1 0.02 52.28 Kit, Test, Multiple, Drugs Of Abuse, .. | 1 0.02 52.29 Kit, Test, Olfactory | 1 0.02 52.31 Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The C.. | 1 0.02 52.33 Kit, Test, Quality Control For Endoto.. | 1 0.02 52.35 Kit, Test, Saliva, Hiv-1&2 | 1 0.02 52.36 Kit, Test,Alpha-Fetoprotein For Testi.. | 1 0.02 52.38 Kit, Typing, Hla-Dqb | 1 0.02 52.40 Kit, Western Blot, Hiv-1 | 1 0.02 52.42 Knee Arthroplasty Implantation System | 1 0.02 52.43 Knife, Cervical Cone | 1 0.02 52.45 Knife, Ear | 1 0.02 52.47 Knife, Ent | 1 0.02 52.49 Knife, Laryngeal | 1 0.02 52.50 Knife, Margin Finishing, Operative | 1 0.02 52.52 Knife, Myringotomy | 1 0.02 52.54 Knife, Nasal | 1 0.02 52.56 Knife, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 52.57 Knife, Ophthalmic, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 52.59 Knife, Orthopedic | 1 0.02 52.61 Knife, Periodontic | 1 0.02 52.63 Knife, Tonsil | 1 0.02 52.64 L-Isocitrate And Nadp (U.V.), Isocitr.. | 1 0.02 52.66 L-Leucine-4-Nitroanilide (Colorimetri.. | 1 0.02 52.68 L-Leucyl B-Naphthylamide, Leucine Ami.. | 1 0.02 52.70 L.E.D. Mouse, Trackball, Or Similar | 1 0.02 52.71 Label Or Tag, Sterile | 1 0.02 52.73 Labor And Delivery Kit | 1 0.02 52.75 Labware, Assisted Reproduction | 1 0.02 52.77 Labware, Assisted Reproduction, Exempt | 1 0.02 52.79 Laceration Tray | 1 0.02 52.80 Lacrimal Stents And Intubation Sets | 1 0.02 52.82 Lactic Dehydrogenase, Antigen, Antise.. | 1 0.02 52.84 Lactoferrin, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 52.86 Lambda, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 52.87 Lambda, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Con.. | 1 0.02 52.89 Lambda, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum.. | 1 0.02 52.91 Lamotrigine Assay | 1 0.02 52.93 Lamp, Endoscope, Incandescent | 1 0.02 52.94 Lamp, Fluorescein, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 52.96 Lamp, Uvc, (For Treating Skin And Wou.. | 1 0.02 52.98 Laparascopic Sphincterotomy Kit | 1 0.02 53.00 Laparoscope And Accessories, Gynecolo.. | 1 0.02 53.01 Laparoscope, General & Plastic Surger.. | 1 0.02 53.03 Laparoscope, Gynecologic (And Accesso.. | 1 0.02 53.05 Laparoscopic Accessories, Gynecologic | 1 0.02 53.07 Laparoscopic Bladder-Neck Suspension .. | 1 0.02 53.08 Laparoscopic Bone Anchor Urethropexy .. | 1 0.02 53.10 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Kit | 1 0.02 53.12 Laparoscopic Contraceptive Tubal Occl.. | 1 0.02 53.14 Laparoscopic Gastrostomy Kit | 1 0.02 53.15 Laparoscopic Insufflator And Accessor.. | 1 0.02 53.17 Laparoscopic Jejunostomy Kit | 1 0.02 53.19 Laparoscopy Kit | 1 0.02 53.21 Lapping Tool Kit | 1 0.02 53.22 Laryngoscope Kit | 1 0.02 53.24 Laryngoscope, Nasopharyngoscope | 1 0.02 53.26 Laryngoscope, Non-Rigid | 1 0.02 53.28 Laryngoscope, Rigid | 1 0.02 53.29 Laryngostroboscope | 1 0.02 53.31 Larynx, Artificial (Battery-Powered) | 1 0.02 53.33 Laser Advertising Display System | 1 0.02 53.35 Laser Aiming Product, Non-Visible | 1 0.02 53.36 Laser Aiming Product, Visible | 1 0.02 53.38 Laser Assisted Lipolysis | 1 0.02 53.40 Laser Automotive Lighting & Signals | 1 0.02 53.42 Laser Blood Flow Kit | 1 0.02 53.44 Laser Cutter | 1 0.02 53.45 Laser Fax Machine | 1 0.02 53.47 Laser For Disruption Of Adipocyte Cel.. | 1 0.02 53.49 Laser For Gastro-Urology Use | 1 0.02 53.51 Laser Holographic System | 1 0.02 53.52 Laser Holographic System For Experime.. | 1 0.02 53.54 Laser Illuminated Projector | 1 0.02 53.56 Laser Light Distance (Or Detection) A.. | 1 0.02 53.58 Laser Marker Or Engraver | 1 0.02 53.59 Laser Micrometer | 1 0.02 53.61 Laser Mouse, Trackball, Or Similar | 1 0.02 53.63 Laser Pointer | 1 0.02 53.65 Laser Printer | 1 0.02 53.66 Laser Products (Pre-Standard) | 1 0.02 53.68 Laser Science Education Products | 1 0.02 53.70 Laser Sensing System | 1 0.02 53.72 Laser Target Designator | 1 0.02 53.73 Laser Therapy Product | 1 0.02 53.75 Laser Time-Of-Flight Speed Measuremen.. | 1 0.02 53.77 Laser Toy/Novelty Product | 1 0.02 53.79 Laser Traffic Signal | 1 0.02 53.80 Laser Video Projector | 1 0.02 53.82 Laser Vision | 1 0.02 53.84 Laser Visual Display - Display Retina.. | 1 0.02 53.86 Laser Weapon (Military Or Police) | 1 0.02 53.87 Laser Welder | 1 0.02 53.89 Laser, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia | 1 0.02 53.91 Laser, Cellulite Appearance | 1 0.02 53.93 Laser, Dental | 1 0.02 53.94 Laser, Dental, Soft Tissue | 1 0.02 53.96 Laser, Ent Microsurgical Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 53.98 Laser, Fluorescence Caries Detection | 1 0.02 54.00 Laser, Microsurgical Argon, For Use I.. | 1 0.02 54.02 Laser, Microsurgical Argon, For Uses .. | 1 0.02 54.03 Laser, Neodymium:Yag For Gynecologic .. | 1 0.02 54.05 Laser, Neodymium:Yag, Ophthalmic For .. | 1 0.02 54.07 Laser, Neodymium:Yag, Ophthalmic For .. | 1 0.02 54.09 Laser, Neodymium:Yag, Pulmonary Surgery | 1 0.02 54.10 Laser, Neurosurgical | 1 0.02 54.12 Laser, Neurosurgical, Argon | 1 0.02 54.14 Laser, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 54.16 Laser, Surgical, Gynecologic | 1 0.02 54.17 Laser, System, Phacolysis | 1 0.02 54.19 Laser-Based Material Positioning System | 1 0.02 54.21 Lasers For Temporary Increase Of Clea.. | 1 0.02 54.23 Latex Agglutination Assay, Rubella | 1 0.02 54.24 Latex Patient Examination Glove | 1 0.02 54.26 Lavage, Jet | 1 0.02 54.28 Ldl & Vldl Precipitation, Cholesterol.. | 1 0.02 54.30 Ldl & Vldl Precipitation, Hdl | 1 0.02 54.31 Lead Introducer Kit | 1 0.02 54.33 Lead, Atomic Absorption | 1 0.02 54.35 Lead, Delta Amino Levulinic Acid | 1 0.02 54.37 Lead, Protoporphyrin Zinc Method, Flu.. | 1 0.02 54.38 Lead, Protoporphyrin, Fluorometric | 1 0.02 54.40 Leadless Pacemaker | 1 0.02 54.42 Lectins And Protectins | 1 0.02 54.44 Led Light | 1 0.02 54.45 Led Light Source | 1 0.02 54.47 Leeches, Medicinal | 1 0.02 54.49 Left Atrial Appendage Clip, Implantable | 1 0.02 54.51 Legging, Compression, Non-Inflatable | 1 0.02 54.52 Legionella, Spp., Elisa | 1 0.02 54.54 Leishmania Spp. Antigen Detection Assay | 1 0.02 54.56 Lens, Bagolini | 1 0.02 54.58 Lens, Condensing, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 54.59 Lens, Contact (Orthokeratology) | 1 0.02 54.61 Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily | 1 0.02 54.63 Lens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate) | 1 0.02 54.65 Lens, Contact (Rigid Gas Permeable), .. | 1 0.02 54.67 Lens, Contact, (Disposable) | 1 0.02 54.68 Lens, Contact, For Color Vision Defic.. | 1 0.02 54.70 Lens, Contact, For Reading Discomfort | 1 0.02 54.72 Lens, Contact, Orthokeratology, Overn.. | 1 0.02 54.74 Lens, Contact, Polymethylmethacrylate.. | 1 0.02 54.75 Lens, Fresnel, Flexible, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 54.77 Lens, Fundus, Hruby, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 54.79 Lens, Guide, Intraocular | 1 0.02 54.81 Lens, Intraocular, Accommodative | 1 0.02 54.82 Lens, Intraocular, Phakic | 1 0.02 54.84 Lens, Intraocular, Toric Optics | 1 0.02 54.86 Lens, Iris Reconstruction | 1 0.02 54.88 Lens, Maddox | 1 0.02 54.89 Lens, Multifocal Intraocular | 1 0.02 54.91 Lens, Prescription, Color Deficiency | 1 0.02 54.93 Lens, Spectacle (Prescription), For R.. | 1 0.02 54.95 Lens, Spectacle, Non-Custom (Prescrip.. | 1 0.02 54.96 Lens, Surgical, Laser, Accesssory, Op.. | 1 0.02 54.98 Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear | 1 0.02 55.00 Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear | 1 0.02 55.02 Leuco-Patent Blue | 1 0.02 55.03 Leukemia Translocation Panel Multiple.. | 1 0.02 55.05 Leukotome | 1 0.02 55.07 Levetiracetam Assay | 1 0.02 55.09 Lice Removal Kit Containing A Solution | 1 0.02 55.10 Lidocaine Control Materials | 1 0.02 55.12 Lieberman-Burchard/Abell-Kendall, Col.. | 1 0.02 55.14 Lift, Patient, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 55.16 Lift, Patient, Non-Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 55.17 Ligaments And Tendons, Synthetic | 1 0.02 55.19 Ligator, Esophageal | 1 0.02 55.21 Ligator, Hemorrhoidal | 1 0.02 55.23 Light Adjustable Lens (Lal) And Light.. | 1 0.02 55.25 Light Based Imaging | 1 0.02 55.26 Light Based Over The Counter Wrinkle .. | 1 0.02 55.28 Light Based Over-The-Counter Hair Rem.. | 1 0.02 55.30 Light Based Treatment For Cold Sores .. | 1 0.02 55.32 Light Green | 1 0.02 55.33 Light Source System, Diagnostic Endos.. | 1 0.02 55.35 Light Source, Endoscope, Xenon Arc | 1 0.02 55.37 Light Source, Fiberoptic, Routine | 1 0.02 55.39 Light Source, Incandescent, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 55.40 Light Source, Photographic, Fiberoptic | 1 0.02 55.42 Light, Catheter, Fiberoptic, Glass, U.. | 1 0.02 55.44 Light, Examination, Medical, Battery .. | 1 0.02 55.46 Light, Fiber Optic, Dental | 1 0.02 55.47 Light, Headband, Surgical | 1 0.02 55.49 Light, Operating, Dental | 1 0.02 55.51 Light, Spectrum, Broad (Non-Medical) | 1 0.02 55.53 Light, Surgical Headlight | 1 0.02 55.54 Light, Wood'S, Fluorescence | 1 0.02 55.56 Liner, Cavity, Calcium Hydroxide | 1 0.02 55.58 Lipase Hydrolysis/Glycerol Kinase Enz.. | 1 0.02 55.60 Lipase-Esterase, Enzymatic, Photometr.. | 1 0.02 55.61 Lipoprotein X, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 55.63 Lipoprotein, High Density, Hdl, Over .. | 1 0.02 55.65 Lipoprotein, Low Density, Removal | 1 0.02 55.67 Lipoprotein, Low-Density, Antigen, An.. | 1 0.02 55.68 Liquid Chemical Processing System | 1 0.02 55.70 Liquid Chromatography, Adsorbent | 1 0.02 55.72 Liquid Chromatography, Amphetamine | 1 0.02 55.74 Liquid Chromatography, Diphenylhydant.. | 1 0.02 55.75 Liquid Chromatography, Ethosuximide | 1 0.02 55.77 Liquid Chromatography, Methadone | 1 0.02 55.79 Liquid Chromatography, Morphine | 1 0.02 55.81 Liquid Chromatography, Phenobarbital | 1 0.02 55.82 Liquid Chromatography, Primidone | 1 0.02 55.84 Liquid Chromatography, Salicylate | 1 0.02 55.86 Liquid Crystal Display (Lcd) | 1 0.02 55.88 Lithotripter, Shockwave (For Treating.. | 1 0.02 55.90 Lithotriptor, Biliary Mechanical | 1 0.02 55.91 Lithotriptor, Electro-Hydraulic | 1 0.02 55.93 Lithotriptor, Extracorporeal Shock-Wa.. | 1 0.02 55.95 Lithotriptor, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 55.97 Liver Biopsy Kit | 1 0.02 55.98 Locator, Acupuncture Point | 1 0.02 56.00 Locator, Intracorporeal Device, Ultra.. | 1 0.02 56.02 Locator, Magnetic | 1 0.02 56.04 Locator, Metal, Electronic | 1 0.02 56.05 Locator, Root Apex | 1 0.02 56.07 Lock, Wire, And Ligature, Intraoral | 1 0.02 56.09 Lockbox | 1 0.02 56.11 Loop, Wire | 1 0.02 56.12 Loupe, Binocular, Low Power | 1 0.02 56.14 Low Energy Direct Current Thermal Abl.. | 1 0.02 56.16 Low Patient Acuity Monitoring System | 1 0.02 56.18 Low-Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) Cholest.. | 1 0.02 56.19 Low-Power Laser Light Show Projector | 1 0.02 56.21 Lower Respiratory Microbial Nucleic A.. | 1 0.02 56.23 Lowry (Colorimetric), Total Protein | 1 0.02 56.25 Lubricant, Patient | 1 0.02 56.26 Lubricant, Personal | 1 0.02 56.28 Lubricant, Personal, Gamete, Fertiliz.. | 1 0.02 56.30 Lubricant, Vaginal, Patient | 1 0.02 56.32 Lumbar Drainage Catheter Kit | 1 0.02 56.33 Lumbar Puncture Tray (Adult & Pediatr.. | 1 0.02 56.35 Lung Sound Monitor | 1 0.02 56.37 Lung Tissue Sealant For Lung Volume R.. | 1 0.02 56.39 Luxol Fast Blue | 1 0.02 56.40 Lymph Node Location System During Sen.. | 1 0.02 56.42 Lymphocyte Separation Medium | 1 0.02 56.44 M. Lysodeikticus Cells (Spectrophotom.. | 1 0.02 56.46 Maggots, Medical | 1 0.02 56.48 Magnet, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 56.49 Magnet, Permanent | 1 0.02 56.51 Magnet, Test, Pacemaker | 1 0.02 56.53 Magnetic Cell Selection System For Cd.. | 1 0.02 56.55 Magnetic Surgical System | 1 0.02 56.56 Magnetoencephalograph | 1 0.02 56.58 Magnifier, Hand-Held, Low-Vision | 1 0.02 56.60 Maintainer, Space Preformed, Orthodon.. | 1 0.02 56.62 Malachite Green | 1 0.02 56.63 Male External Catheterization Kit (Ex.. | 1 0.02 56.65 Mallet | 1 0.02 56.67 Mallet, Surgical, General & Plastic S.. | 1 0.02 56.69 Mandibular Condyle Prosthesis | 1 0.02 56.70 Manometer, Blood-Pressure, Venous | 1 0.02 56.72 Manometer, Spinal-Fluid | 1 0.02 56.74 Manometer, Water | 1 0.02 56.76 Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility T.. | 1 0.02 56.77 Manual Blood Grouping And Antibody Te.. | 1 0.02 56.79 Manual Colony Counter | 1 0.02 56.81 Marker, Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Vein .. | 1 0.02 56.83 Marker, Ocular | 1 0.02 56.84 Marker, Ostia, Aorto-Saphenous Vein | 1 0.02 56.86 Marker, Periodontic | 1 0.02 56.88 Marker, Radiographic, Implantable | 1 0.02 56.90 Marker, Sclera | 1 0.02 56.91 Marker, Suture Identification | 1 0.02 56.93 Marker,Colon | 1 0.02 56.95 Martius Yellow | 1 0.02 56.97 Mask, Gas, Anesthetic | 1 0.02 56.98 Mask, Oxygen | 1 0.02 57.00 Mask, Oxygen, Low Concentration, Vent.. | 1 0.02 57.02 Mask, Oxygen, Non-Rebreathing | 1 0.02 57.04 Mask, Scavenging | 1 0.02 57.05 Mask, Surgical | 1 0.02 57.07 Mask, Ventilator, Non-Continuous, Rep.. | 1 0.02 57.09 Masker, Tinnitus | 1 0.02 57.11 Mass Spectrometer For Clinical Multip.. | 1 0.02 57.13 Mass Spectrometer, Clinical Use | 1 0.02 57.14 Mass Spectrometry, Maldi Tof, Microor.. | 1 0.02 57.16 Massager | 1 0.02 57.18 Massager, Vacuum, Light Induced Heating | 1 0.02 57.20 Massager, Vacuum, Radio Frequency Ind.. | 1 0.02 57.21 Material, Dressing, Surgical, Polylac.. | 1 0.02 57.23 Material, Embolization, Neurovascular.. | 1 0.02 57.25 Material, External Aesthetic Restorat.. | 1 0.02 57.27 Material, Impression | 1 0.02 57.28 Material, Impression Tray, Resin | 1 0.02 57.30 Material, Polytetrafluoroethylene Vit.. | 1 0.02 57.32 Material, Quality Control, Semen Anal.. | 1 0.02 57.34 Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 1 0.02 57.35 Materials Processing | 1 0.02 57.37 Materials Processing, Laboratories | 1 0.02 57.39 Materials, Polytetrafluoroethylene Vi.. | 1 0.02 57.41 Materials, Repair Or Replacement, Pac.. | 1 0.02 57.42 Maternity Kit | 1 0.02 57.44 Mattress, Air Flotation, Alternating .. | 1 0.02 57.46 Mattress, Flotation Therapy, Non-Powe.. | 1 0.02 57.48 Mattress, Water, Temperature Regulated | 1 0.02 57.49 Maxwell Spot, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 57.51 Measurer, Gingival Fluid | 1 0.02 57.53 Mechanical Compression Device Fecal I.. | 1 0.02 57.55 Mechanical Ventilator | 1 0.02 57.56 Medevac Use Oxygen Generator | 1 0.02 57.58 Media And Components, Mycoplasma Dete.. | 1 0.02 57.60 Media And Components, Synthetic Cell .. | 1 0.02 57.62 Media, Corneal Storage | 1 0.02 57.63 Media, Culture, Amino Acid Assay | 1 0.02 57.65 Media, Culture, Ex Vivo, Tissue And C.. | 1 0.02 57.67 Media, Electroconductive | 1 0.02 57.69 Media, Mycoplasma Detection | 1 0.02 57.71 Media, Potentiating For In Vitro Diag.. | 1 0.02 57.72 Media, Reproductive | 1 0.02 57.74 Mediastinoscope, Surgical | 1 0.02 57.76 Medical Computers And Software | 1 0.02 57.78 Medical Computers And Software For Op.. | 1 0.02 57.79 Medical Device Data System | 1 0.02 57.81 Medical Gloves With Chemotherapy Labe.. | 1 0.02 57.83 Medical Waste/Sterilizer | 1 0.02 57.85 Medication Management System, Remote | 1 0.02 57.86 Membrane Osmometry, Plasma Oncometry | 1 0.02 57.88 Meningitis/Encephalitis Pathogen Mult.. | 1 0.02 57.90 Meprobamate Test System | 1 0.02 57.92 Mercuric Nitrate And Diphenyl Carbazo.. | 1 0.02 57.93 Mercuric Thiocyanate, Colorimetry, Ch.. | 1 0.02 57.95 Mercury | 1 0.02 57.97 Mercury Dithiazone, Colorimetry, Barb.. | 1 0.02 57.99 Mercury Vapor Lamp | 1 0.02 58.00 Mercury Vapor Lamp, Not Self-Extingui.. | 1 0.02 58.02 Mercury, Atomic Absorption | 1 0.02 58.04 Mercy Tape 2d And 3d Models | 1 0.02 58.06 Mers-Cov And Common Respiratory Patho.. | 1 0.02 58.07 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Abdominal.. | 1 0.02 58.09 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Fistula | 1 0.02 58.11 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Large Abd.. | 1 0.02 58.13 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Organ Sup.. | 1 0.02 58.14 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Orthopaed.. | 1 0.02 58.16 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Plastic A.. | 1 0.02 58.18 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Staple Li.. | 1 0.02 58.20 Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Thoracic,.. | 1 0.02 58.21 Mesh, Surgical, Acetabular, Hip, Pros.. | 1 0.02 58.23 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Diaphragmat.. | 1 0.02 58.25 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Fistula | 1 0.02 58.27 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Large Abdom.. | 1 0.02 58.29 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Orthopaedic.. | 1 0.02 58.30 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastic And.. | 1 0.02 58.32 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastics, F.. | 1 0.02 58.34 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Staple Line.. | 1 0.02 58.36 Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Thoracic, C.. | 1 0.02 58.37 Mesh, Surgical, Deployer | 1 0.02 58.39 Mesh, Surgical, Deployment Balloon | 1 0.02 58.41 Mesh, Surgical, For Stress Urinary In.. | 1 0.02 58.43 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Diaph.. | 1 0.02 58.44 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Facia.. | 1 0.02 58.46 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Large.. | 1 0.02 58.48 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Ortho.. | 1 0.02 58.50 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Plast.. | 1 0.02 58.51 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Stapl.. | 1 0.02 58.53 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Thora.. | 1 0.02 58.55 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogyn.. | 1 0.02 58.57 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogyn.. | 1 0.02 58.58 Mesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogyn.. | 1 0.02 58.60 Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecol.. | 1 0.02 58.62 Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecol.. | 1 0.02 58.64 Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecol.. | 1 0.02 58.65 Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecol.. | 1 0.02 58.67 Metabolic Neuromodulation System | 1 0.02 58.69 Metal Cemented Constrained Femorotibi.. | 1 0.02 58.71 Metal Deposition Laser Product | 1 0.02 58.72 Metal Halide Lamp | 1 0.02 58.74 Metal Halide Lamp, Other | 1 0.02 58.76 Metallic Cemented Glenoid Hemi-Should.. | 1 0.02 58.78 Metanil Yellow | 1 0.02 58.79 Meter, Airway Pressure (Inspiratory F.. | 1 0.02 58.81 Meter, Conductivity, Induction, Remot.. | 1 0.02 58.83 Meter, Conductivity, Non-Remote | 1 0.02 58.85 Meter, Peak Flow, Spirometry | 1 0.02 58.86 Methenamine Silver | 1 0.02 58.88 Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus .. | 1 0.02 58.90 Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, .. | 1 0.02 58.92 Method, Immunodiffusion, Immunoglobul.. | 1 0.02 58.94 Method, Ion-Exchange, Ammonia | 1 0.02 58.95 Method, Metallic Reduction, Glucose (.. | 1 0.02 58.97 Method, Nephelometric, Immunoglobulin.. | 1 0.02 58.99 Methotrexate Control Materials | 1 0.02 59.01 Methyl Green | 1 0.02 59.02 Methyl Methacrylate For Aneurysmorrha.. | 1 0.02 59.04 Methyl Methacrylate For Cranioplasty | 1 0.02 59.06 Methyl Orange | 1 0.02 59.08 Methyl Violet 2b | 1 0.02 59.09 Methylene Blue Thiocyanate | 1 0.02 59.11 Methylene Blue, Tissue Stain | 1 0.02 59.13 Methylene Violet | 1 0.02 59.15 Methylthymol Blue, Calcium | 1 0.02 59.16 Micro Mixer | 1 0.02 59.18 Micro Pipette | 1 0.02 59.20 Micro Total Analysis Instrument System | 1 0.02 59.22 Micro-Condom | 1 0.02 59.23 Microbial Colony Image Assessment Sys.. | 1 0.02 59.25 Microbiological, Histidine | 1 0.02 59.27 Microdebrider, Ent, High Speed, Singl.. | 1 0.02 59.29 Microdensitometry Method, Lipoproteins | 1 0.02 59.30 Microelectronic Mask Or Chip Processi.. | 1 0.02 59.32 Microfilter, Blood Transfusion | 1 0.02 59.34 Micromanipulators And Microinjectors,.. | 1 0.02 59.36 Microrule, Ent | 1 0.02 59.37 Microscope (Electron Beam), Non-Medical | 1 0.02 59.39 Microscope And Microscope Accessories.. | 1 0.02 59.41 Microscope, Operating & Accessories, .. | 1 0.02 59.43 Microscope, Operating, Non-Electric, .. | 1 0.02 59.44 Microscope, Specular | 1 0.02 59.46 Microscopy Laser Instrument Or Access.. | 1 0.02 59.48 Microsphere, Trace | 1 0.02 59.50 Microtitrator, For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 59.52 Microtool Fabrication, Assisted Repro.. | 1 0.02 59.53 Microtools, Assisted Reproduction (Pi.. | 1 0.02 59.55 Microtools, Assisted Reproduction (Pi.. | 1 0.02 59.57 Microtron, Non-Medical | 1 0.02 59.59 Microwave Lan | 1 0.02 59.60 Microwave Oven, Commercial | 1 0.02 59.62 Microwave Oven, Consumer | 1 0.02 59.64 Mid-Stream Collection Kit | 1 0.02 59.66 Midline Catheter | 1 0.02 59.67 Mini Endoscope, Gastroenterology-Urol.. | 1 0.02 59.69 Minor Surgical Procedures Tray | 1 0.02 59.71 Minoxidil Sulfotransferase Or Isoenzy.. | 1 0.02 59.73 Mirror, Ent | 1 0.02 59.74 Mirror, Headband, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 59.76 Mirror, Mouth | 1 0.02 59.78 Mitral Valve Repair Devices | 1 0.02 59.80 Mixer, Blood Tube | 1 0.02 59.81 Mixer, Breathing Gases, Anesthesia In.. | 1 0.02 59.83 Mixer, Cement, For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 59.85 Mixture, Control, White-Cell And Red-.. | 1 0.02 59.87 Mixture, Hematology Quality Control | 1 0.02 59.88 Mmp-9 Test System | 1 0.02 59.90 Mobilizer, Ent | 1 0.02 59.92 Mold, Middle-Ear | 1 0.02 59.94 Mold, Vaginal | 1 0.02 59.95 Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating Sys.. | 1 0.02 59.97 Molecular Erythrocyte Typing Test | 1 0.02 59.99 Molybdenum Blue Method, Phospholipids | 1 0.02 60.01 Monitor And/Or Control, Level Sensing.. | 1 0.02 60.02 Monitor, Air Embolism, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 60.04 Monitor, Airway Pressure (Includes Ga.. | 1 0.02 60.06 Monitor, Alpha | 1 0.02 60.08 Monitor, Apnea, Facility Use | 1 0.02 60.09 Monitor, Apnea, Home Use | 1 0.02 60.11 Monitor, Bed Patient | 1 0.02 60.13 Monitor, Blood-Flow, Cerebral, Therma.. | 1 0.02 60.15 Monitor, Blood-Flow, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 60.17 Monitor, Blood-Gas, On-Line, Cardiopu.. | 1 0.02 60.18 Monitor, Breathing Frequency | 1 0.02 60.20 Monitor, Carbon-Dioxide, Cutaneous | 1 0.02 60.22 Monitor, Cardiac (Incl. Cardiotachome.. | 1 0.02 60.24 Monitor, Cardiac, Fetal | 1 0.02 60.25 Monitor, Electric For Gravity Flow In.. | 1 0.02 60.27 Monitor, Electroencephalographic, Fet.. | 1 0.02 60.29 Monitor, Esophageal Motility, And Tube | 1 0.02 60.31 Monitor, Extracellular Fluid, Lymphed.. | 1 0.02 60.32 Monitor, Eye Movement | 1 0.02 60.34 Monitor, Eye Movement, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 60.36 Monitor, Fetal Ph | 1 0.02 60.38 Monitor, Heart Rate, Fetal, Non-Stres.. | 1 0.02 60.39 Monitor, Heart Rate, Fetal, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 60.41 Monitor, Heart Sound, Fetal, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 60.43 Monitor, Heart-Valve Movement, Fetal,.. | 1 0.02 60.45 Monitor, Hemic Sound, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 60.46 Monitor, Intracranial Pressure, Impla.. | 1 0.02 60.48 Monitor, Lesion Temperature | 1 0.02 60.50 Monitor, Line Isolation | 1 0.02 60.52 Monitor, Lung Water Measurement | 1 0.02 60.53 Monitor, Microbial Growth | 1 0.02 60.55 Monitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Infan.. | 1 0.02 60.57 Monitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Uses .. | 1 0.02 60.59 Monitor, Penile Tumescence | 1 0.02 60.60 Monitor, Phonocardiographic, Fetal | 1 0.02 60.62 Monitor, Physiological, Patient (With.. | 1 0.02 60.64 Monitor, Physiological, Patient(With .. | 1 0.02 60.66 Monitor, Pressure, Arterial, Fetal, U.. | 1 0.02 60.67 Monitor, Pressure, Intracompartmental | 1 0.02 60.69 Monitor, Pressure, Intrauterine | 1 0.02 60.71 Monitor, Skin Resistance/Skin Tempera.. | 1 0.02 60.73 Monitor, Spinal-Fluid Pressure, Elect.. | 1 0.02 60.75 Monitor, St Segment | 1 0.02 60.76 Monitor, St Segment With Alarm | 1 0.02 60.78 Monitor, Temperature, Dialysis | 1 0.02 60.80 Monitor, U.V., Glc | 1 0.02 60.82 Monitor, Ultrasonic, Fetal | 1 0.02 60.83 Monitor, Uterine Contraction, Externa.. | 1 0.02 60.85 Monitor,Test,Hiv-1 | 1 0.02 60.87 Monoclonal, Hiv-1 | 1 0.02 60.89 Motion Detector/Occupancy | 1 0.02 60.90 Motor | 1 0.02 60.92 Motor, Drill, Electric | 1 0.02 60.94 Motor, Drill, Pneumatic | 1 0.02 60.96 Motor, Surgical Instrument, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 60.97 Mouthguard, Migraine/Tension Headache | 1 0.02 60.99 Mouthguard, Over-The-Counter | 1 0.02 61.01 Mouthguard, Prescription | 1 0.02 61.03 Mouthpiece, Breathing | 1 0.02 61.04 Mouthpiece, Saliva Ejector | 1 0.02 61.06 Mr-Guided Focused Ultrasound System | 1 0.02 61.08 Mucicarmine | 1 0.02 61.10 Muller'S Colloidal Iron | 1 0.02 61.11 Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed | 1 0.02 61.13 Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (As.. | 1 0.02 61.15 Multi-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterizat.. | 1 0.02 61.17 Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Imm.. | 1 0.02 61.18 Multiplex Flow Immunoassay, T. Gondii.. | 1 0.02 61.20 Multiplex Flow Immunoassay, T.Gondii,.. | 1 0.02 61.22 Multiplex Immunoassay For Measles Vir.. | 1 0.02 61.24 Multiplex Immunoassay For T. Gondii, .. | 1 0.02 61.25 Multivariate Vital Signs Index | 1 0.02 61.27 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Cell Medi.. | 1 0.02 61.29 Mycophenolic Acid Test System | 1 0.02 61.31 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Dna Assay System | 1 0.02 61.32 Myeloperoxidase, Immunoassay, System,.. | 1 0.02 61.34 Myoglobin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 61.36 Myoglobin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, .. | 1 0.02 61.38 Myoglobin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antise.. | 1 0.02 61.40 Myringotomy Procedure Kit | 1 0.02 61.41 N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V... | 1 0.02 61.43 N-Acetylprocainamide Control Materials | 1 0.02 61.45 N-Benzoyl-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester (U.V.. | 1 0.02 61.47 N-Benzoyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V.. | 1 0.02 61.48 N95 Respirator With Antimicrobial/Ant.. | 1 0.02 61.50 N95 Respirator With Antimicrobial/Ant.. | 1 0.02 61.52 Nad Reduction (U.V.), Phosphohexose I.. | 1 0.02 61.54 Nad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Cpk Or .. | 1 0.02 61.55 Nad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Lactate.. | 1 0.02 61.57 Nad-Nadh, Specific Reagent For Alcoho.. | 1 0.02 61.59 Nadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Alt/Sgpt | 1 0.02 61.61 Nadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Ast/Sgot | 1 0.02 61.62 Nadh, Phosphoglycerate Mutase, Atp (U.. | 1 0.02 61.64 Nadp Reduction (U.V.), Glucose-6-Phos.. | 1 0.02 61.66 Nadp Reduction, 6-Phosphogluconate De.. | 1 0.02 61.68 Nail, Fixation, Bone | 1 0.02 61.69 Nail, Fixation, Bone, Metallic | 1 0.02 61.71 Nasal Endotracheal Tube Holder Kit | 1 0.02 61.73 Nasogastric Feed Tube Kit | 1 0.02 61.75 Nasogastric-Gastrojejunal Kit | 1 0.02 61.76 Nasopharyngoscope (Flexible Or Rigid) | 1 0.02 61.78 Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface) | 1 0.02 61.80 Nebulizer, Medicinal, Non-Ventilatory.. | 1 0.02 61.82 Needle And Needle Set, Gastro-Urology.. | 1 0.02 61.83 Needle Catheter Jejunostomy Kit | 1 0.02 61.85 Needle, Acupuncture, Single Use | 1 0.02 61.87 Needle, Aspiration And Needle, Reproc.. | 1 0.02 61.89 Needle, Assisted Reproduction | 1 0.02 61.90 Needle, Biopsy, Cardiovascular, Repro.. | 1 0.02 61.92 Needle, Catheter, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 61.94 Needle, Cerclage, Gynecological | 1 0.02 61.96 Needle, Conduction, Anesthesia, Repro.. | 1 0.02 61.98 Needle, Conduction, Anesthetic (W/Wo .. | 1 0.02 61.99 Needle, Dental | 1 0.02 62.01 Needle, Dental, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 62.03 Needle, Emergency Airway | 1 0.02 62.05 Needle, Endoscopic, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 62.06 Needle, Fistula | 1 0.02 62.08 Needle, Fistula, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 62.10 Needle, Gastro-Urology, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 62.12 Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen | 1 0.02 62.13 Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen, Rep.. | 1 0.02 62.15 Needle, Interosseous | 1 0.02 62.17 Needle, Neurosurgical Suture | 1 0.02 62.19 Needle, Ophthalmic Suturing | 1 0.02 62.20 Needle, Phacoemulsification, Reproces.. | 1 0.02 62.22 Needle, Pneumoperitoneum, Simple | 1 0.02 62.24 Needle, Pneumoperitoneum, Spring Load.. | 1 0.02 62.26 Needle, Reproduction, Assisted, Repro.. | 1 0.02 62.27 Needle, Spinal, Short Term | 1 0.02 62.29 Needle, Spinal, Short Term, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 62.31 Needle, Tonsil Suturing | 1 0.02 62.33 Needle, Tumor Localization | 1 0.02 62.34 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Non-P.. | 1 0.02 62.36 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Power.. | 1 0.02 62.38 Neisseria Controls | 1 0.02 62.40 Neonatal Blood Collection Kit And Scr.. | 1 0.02 62.41 Nephelometer | 1 0.02 62.43 Nephelometer, For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 62.45 Nephelometric Inhibition Immunoassay,.. | 1 0.02 62.47 Nephelometric Inhibition Immunoassay,.. | 1 0.02 62.48 Nephelometric Method, Globulin | 1 0.02 62.50 Nephelometric Method, Lipoproteins | 1 0.02 62.52 Nephelometric, Amylase | 1 0.02 62.54 Nephroscope Set | 1 0.02 62.55 Nerve Block Tray | 1 0.02 62.57 Neuraxial Administration Set - Intrat.. | 1 0.02 62.59 Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument | 1 0.02 62.61 Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument, .. | 1 0.02 62.63 Neurological Test Kit | 1 0.02 62.64 Neurological Tray | 1 0.02 62.66 Neuromodulator For Obesity | 1 0.02 62.68 Neurosurgical Laser With Mr Thermogra.. | 1 0.02 62.70 Neurosurgical Nerve Locator | 1 0.02 62.71 Neurosurgical Paddie | 1 0.02 62.73 Neurovascular Mechanical Thrombectomy.. | 1 0.02 62.75 Neutral Red | 1 0.02 62.77 Newborn Screening Specimen Collection.. | 1 0.02 62.78 Ng1m(A), Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 62.80 Ng3m(Bo), Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 62.82 Ng3m(G), Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 62.84 Ng4m(A), Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 62.85 Night Vision Scope | 1 0.02 62.87 Nigrosin | 1 0.02 62.89 Nile Blue | 1 0.02 62.91 Ninhydrin And L-Leucyl-L-Alanine (Flu.. | 1 0.02 62.92 Ninhydrin, Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen) | 1 0.02 62.94 Nipper, Malleus | 1 0.02 62.96 Nipple, Lambs Feeding | 1 0.02 62.98 Nitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosph.. | 1 0.02 62.99 Nitroprusside Reaction (Qualitative, .. | 1 0.02 63.01 Nitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-.. | 1 0.02 63.03 Nitrosalicylate Reduction, Amylase | 1 0.02 63.05 Non-Absorbable, Expandable, Hemostati.. | 1 0.02 63.06 Non-Balloon Replacement Gastrostomy S.. | 1 0.02 63.08 Non-Bronchoscopic Bronchoalveolar Lav.. | 1 0.02 63.10 Non-Coring (Huber) Needle | 1 0.02 63.12 Non-Invasive Central Venous Manometer | 1 0.02 63.13 Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulator -.. | 1 0.02 63.15 Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulator F.. | 1 0.02 63.17 Non-Normalizing Quantitative Electroe.. | 1 0.02 63.19 Non-Sars Coronavirus Multiplex Nuclei.. | 1 0.02 63.21 Non-Stainless Steel Needle | 1 0.02 63.22 Non-Surgical Isolation Gown | 1 0.02 63.24 Non-Variola Orthopoxvirus Real-Time P.. | 1 0.02 63.26 Nonabsorbable Expanded Polytetrafluor.. | 1 0.02 63.28 Nondestructive Tests | 1 0.02 63.29 Normalizing Quantitative Electroencep.. | 1 0.02 63.31 Normothermic Machine Perfusion System.. | 1 0.02 63.33 Normothermic Preservation System For .. | 1 0.02 63.35 Norovirus Serological Reagent | 1 0.02 63.36 Novel Influenza A Virus, A/H5 Ns1 Pro.. | 1 0.02 63.38 Nuclear Fast Red | 1 0.02 63.40 Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay Syst.. | 1 0.02 63.42 Nucleic Acid Amplification, Novel Inf.. | 1 0.02 63.43 Nucleic Acid Quantitation Kit | 1 0.02 63.45 Nucleic Amplification Assays For The .. | 1 0.02 63.47 Nursing Pad, Cohesive Gel | 1 0.02 63.49 Nursing Pad, Hydrogel | 1 0.02 63.50 Nursing Pad, Polyurethane Pad With St.. | 1 0.02 63.52 Nystagmograph | 1 0.02 63.54 O-Phthalaldehyde, Urea Nitrogen | 1 0.02 63.56 Obstetrical Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 63.57 Obstetrical Kit | 1 0.02 63.59 Obstetrical Vacuum Delivery Kit | 1 0.02 63.61 Obturator, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 63.63 Occluder, Balloon, Vena-Cava | 1 0.02 63.64 Occluder, Catheter Tip | 1 0.02 63.66 Occluder, Internal Vessel, Temporary | 1 0.02 63.68 Occluder, Patent Ductus, Arteriosus | 1 0.02 63.70 Ocular Pattern Recorder | 1 0.02 63.71 Ocular Peg | 1 0.02 63.73 Ocular Peg, Exempt | 1 0.02 63.75 Oil Emulsion/Thymolphthalein (Titrime.. | 1 0.02 63.77 Oil Red O | 1 0.02 63.78 Oil, Clearing | 1 0.02 63.80 Olive Oil Emulsion (Turbidimetric), L.. | 1 0.02 63.82 Oncometer, Plasma, For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 63.84 One-Way Air-Leak Valve | 1 0.02 63.86 Ophthalmic Femtosecond Laser | 1 0.02 63.87 Ophthalmic Sealant | 1 0.02 63.89 Ophthalmodynamometer, Diagnostic Cont.. | 1 0.02 63.91 Ophthalmoscope, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 63.93 Ophthalmoscope, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 63.94 Ophthalmoscope, Laser, Scanning | 1 0.02 63.96 Ophthalmoscopes, Replacement Batterie.. | 1 0.02 63.98 Optical Coherence Tomography, Intrava.. | 1 0.02 64.00 Optical Diagnostic Device For Melanom.. | 1 0.02 64.01 Oral Administration Set | 1 0.02 64.03 Oral Airway Assist | 1 0.02 64.05 Oral Electronic Vision Aid | 1 0.02 64.07 Oral Fluid Drugs Of Abuse And Alcohol.. | 1 0.02 64.08 Oral Irrigation Kit | 1 0.02 64.10 Oral Lubricant | 1 0.02 64.12 Oral Removable Retainer For Weight Ma.. | 1 0.02 64.14 Oral Surgery Tray | 1 0.02 64.15 Oral Wound Dressing | 1 0.02 64.17 Oral Wound Dressing W/Drug And/Or Bio.. | 1 0.02 64.19 Orange G | 1 0.02 64.21 Orange Ii | 1 0.02 64.22 Orcein | 1 0.02 64.24 Orcel-Composite Cultured Skin | 1 0.02 64.26 Orchidometer | 1 0.02 64.28 Organophosphate Test System | 1 0.02 64.29 Orotracheal Intubation Guide Kit | 1 0.02 64.31 Orthodontic Led Accessory | 1 0.02 64.33 Orthodontic Software | 1 0.02 64.35 Orthodontic Vibratory Accessory | 1 0.02 64.36 Orthopaedic Surgical Planning And Ins.. | 1 0.02 64.38 Orthopedic Computer Controlled Surgic.. | 1 0.02 64.40 Orthopedic Implant Material | 1 0.02 64.42 Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument | 1 0.02 64.44 Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument | 1 0.02 64.45 Orthopedic Tray | 1 0.02 64.47 Orthosis, Cervical Pedicle Screw Spin.. | 1 0.02 64.49 Orthosis, Cranial, Laser Scan | 1 0.02 64.51 Orthosis, Spinal Pedicle Fixation | 1 0.02 64.52 Orthosis, Spine, Plate, Laminoplasty,.. | 1 0.02 64.54 Orthosis, Spondylolisthesis Spinal Fi.. | 1 0.02 64.56 Orthotoluidine, Glucose | 1 0.02 64.58 Oscillometer | 1 0.02 64.59 Oscilloscope (Exempted) | 1 0.02 64.61 Osmolality Of Tears | 1 0.02 64.63 Osmometer For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 64.65 Osmotic Fragility Testing | 1 0.02 64.66 Osteotome | 1 0.02 64.68 Osteotome, Manual | 1 0.02 64.70 Ostomy Care Kit | 1 0.02 64.72 Otoscope | 1 0.02 64.73 Ovarian Adnexal Mass Assessment Score.. | 1 0.02 64.75 Over-The-Counter Automated External D.. | 1 0.02 64.77 Over-The-Counter Powered Light Based .. | 1 0.02 64.79 Over-The-Counter Radiofrequency Coagu.. | 1 0.02 64.80 Oxalydihydrazide (Spectroscopic), Cop.. | 1 0.02 64.82 Oximeter | 1 0.02 64.84 Oximeter To Measure Hemoglobin | 1 0.02 64.86 Oximeter, Ear | 1 0.02 64.87 Oximeter, Fetal Pulse | 1 0.02 64.89 Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation | 1 0.02 64.91 Oximeter, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 64.93 Oximeter, Tissue Saturation | 1 0.02 64.94 Oximeter, Tissue Saturation, Reproces.. | 1 0.02 64.96 Oximeter, Wellness | 1 0.02 64.98 Oxygen Administration Kit | 1 0.02 65.00 Oxygenator, Cardiopulmonary Bypass | 1 0.02 65.01 Oxygenator, Long Term Support Greater.. | 1 0.02 65.03 Oxyhemoglobin | 1 0.02 65.05 P-Bromoaniline, Xylose | 1 0.02 65.07 P-Phenyl-Enediamine/Edta (Spectrophot.. | 1 0.02 65.09 P-Toluenesulphonyl-L-Arginine Methyl .. | 1 0.02 65.10 P2psa | 1 0.02 65.12 Pacemaker Battery | 1 0.02 65.14 Pacemaker Lead Adaptor | 1 0.02 65.16 Pacemaker, Bladder | 1 0.02 65.17 Pacemaker, Cardiac, External Transcut.. | 1 0.02 65.19 Pacemaker/Icd/Crt Non-Implanted Compo.. | 1 0.02 65.21 Pacing System Analyzer | 1 0.02 65.23 Packer, Uterine | 1 0.02 65.24 Pad, Alcohol, Device Disinfectant | 1 0.02 65.26 Pad, Denture, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 65.28 Pad, Eye | 1 0.02 65.30 Pad, Interlabial | 1 0.02 65.31 Pad, Menstrual, Reusable | 1 0.02 65.33 Pad, Menstrual, Scented | 1 0.02 65.35 Pad, Menstrual, Unscented | 1 0.02 65.37 Pad, Neonatal Eye | 1 0.02 65.38 Pads, Menstrual, Scented-Deodorized | 1 0.02 65.40 Pancreatic Stent, Covered, Metallic, .. | 1 0.02 65.42 Panels, Test, Susceptibility, Antimic.. | 1 0.02 65.44 Panendoscope (Gastroduodenoscope) | 1 0.02 65.45 Panendoscope (Urethroscope) | 1 0.02 65.47 Pantograph | 1 0.02 65.49 Pap Smear Kit | 1 0.02 65.51 Paper, Articulation | 1 0.02 65.52 Paper, Obstetric Ph | 1 0.02 65.54 Papers, Ion | 1 0.02 65.56 Paracentesis Tray | 1 0.02 65.58 Paracervical Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 65.59 Paraformaldehyde | 1 0.02 65.61 Parainfluenza Multiplex Nucleic Acid .. | 1 0.02 65.63 Parallelometer | 1 0.02 65.65 Paraquat Assay | 1 0.02 65.67 Parenteral Administration Kit | 1 0.02 65.68 Particle-Size Measuring Instrument | 1 0.02 65.70 Passer | 1 0.02 65.72 Passer, Wire, Orthopedic | 1 0.02 65.74 Paste, Injectable For Vocal Cord Augm.. | 1 0.02 65.75 Patch, Pledget And Intracardiac, Petp.. | 1 0.02 65.77 Patient Bed With Canopy/Restraints | 1 0.02 65.79 Patient Examination Glove | 1 0.02 65.81 Patient Examination Glove, Specialty | 1 0.02 65.82 Patient Personal Hygiene Kit | 1 0.02 65.84 Patient Specific Manual Navigation Sy.. | 1 0.02 65.86 Patient Specific Manual Orthopedic St.. | 1 0.02 65.88 Pediatric Esophageal Atresia Anastomo.. | 1 0.02 65.89 Pediatric Position Holder | 1 0.02 65.91 Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device | 1 0.02 65.93 Pediatric/Child Facemask | 1 0.02 65.95 Pedicle Screw Placement Guide | 1 0.02 65.96 Pedicle Screw Spinal System, Adolesce.. | 1 0.02 65.98 Pelvic Exam Kit | 1 0.02 66.00 Pelvimeter, External | 1 0.02 66.02 Pelvimeter, Internal | 1 0.02 66.03 Pelviscopy Kit | 1 0.02 66.05 Pen, Marking, Surgical | 1 0.02 66.07 Percussor | 1 0.02 66.09 Percussor, Powered-Electric | 1 0.02 66.10 Percutaneous Atrial Catheter Kit | 1 0.02 66.12 Percutaneous Catheter For Creation Of.. | 1 0.02 66.14 Percutaneous Catheter, Ultrasound | 1 0.02 66.16 Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Kit | 1 0.02 66.17 Percutaneous Introducer Kit | 1 0.02 66.19 Percutaneous Nerve Stimulator For Opi.. | 1 0.02 66.21 Percutaneous Replacement Gastrostomy .. | 1 0.02 66.23 Percutaneous Sheath Introducer Kit | 1 0.02 66.24 Percutaneous Surgical Set With Attach.. | 1 0.02 66.26 Percutaneous, Implanted, Long-Term In.. | 1 0.02 66.28 Perforator, Antrum | 1 0.02 66.30 Perforator, Ear-Lobe | 1 0.02 66.32 Pericardial Patch To Facilitate Revis.. | 1 0.02 66.33 Perimeter, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 66.35 Perimeter, Automatic, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 66.37 Perimeter, Manual | 1 0.02 66.39 Perineal Irrigation Kit | 1 0.02 66.40 Perineometer | 1 0.02 66.42 Peripheral Blood Processing Device Fo.. | 1 0.02 66.44 Peripheral Blood Processing Device Fo.. | 1 0.02 66.46 Peripheral Blood Processing Device Fo.. | 1 0.02 66.47 Peripheral Catheter Insertion Kit | 1 0.02 66.49 Peripheral Intravenous (Piv) Infiltra.. | 1 0.02 66.51 Peritoneal Dialysate Filter | 1 0.02 66.53 Peritoneal Dialysis Administration Kit | 1 0.02 66.54 Peritoneal Dialysis Tubing Kit | 1 0.02 66.56 Peritoneal, Drainage Catheter For Ref.. | 1 0.02 66.58 Permanent Defibrillator Electrodes | 1 0.02 66.60 Permanent Pacemaker Electrode | 1 0.02 66.61 Personal Protection Kit | 1 0.02 66.63 Personnel Security Backscatter X-Ray .. | 1 0.02 66.65 Personnel Security Transmission X-Ray.. | 1 0.02 66.67 Pessary, Vaginal | 1 0.02 66.68 Pest Controller | 1 0.02 66.70 Pest Repeller | 1 0.02 66.72 Ph Meter | 1 0.02 66.74 Ph Meter For Dialysis Hydrogen Ion Co.. | 1 0.02 66.75 Ph Rate Measurement, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 66.77 Phages, Staphylococcal Typing, All Ty.. | 1 0.02 66.79 Phenolphthalein Colorimetry, Carbon-D.. | 1 0.02 66.81 Phenolphthalein Phosphate, Alkaline P.. | 1 0.02 66.82 Phenotypic Test Kit, Non-Susceptible/.. | 1 0.02 66.84 Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase.. | 1 0.02 66.86 Phlebograph, Impedance | 1 0.02 66.88 Phlebotomy Blood Collection Kit | 1 0.02 66.90 Phloxine B | 1 0.02 66.91 Phonocardiograph | 1 0.02 66.93 Phosphoenol Pyruvate, Adp, Nadh, Pyru.. | 1 0.02 66.95 Phosphoglycerate Mutase (Colorimetric.. | 1 0.02 66.97 Phosphomolybdate (Colorimetric), Inor.. | 1 0.02 66.98 Photochemical Curing And Adhesive | 1 0.02 67.00 Photochemical Curing And Adhesive Laser | 1 0.02 67.02 Photocoagulator And Accessories | 1 0.02 67.04 Photokeratoscope | 1 0.02 67.05 Photokeratoscope, Battery Powered | 1 0.02 67.07 Photometric Method, Ammonia | 1 0.02 67.09 Photometric Method, Iron (Non-Heme) | 1 0.02 67.11 Photometric Method, Magnesium | 1 0.02 67.12 Photoplethysmograph Analysis Software.. | 1 0.02 67.14 Photorefractor | 1 0.02 67.16 Photostimulator, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 67.18 Physiological Signal Based Seizure Mo.. | 1 0.02 67.19 Phytohemaglutinin M | 1 0.02 67.21 Pick, Massaging | 1 0.02 67.23 Pick, Microsurgical Ear | 1 0.02 67.25 Picro Methyl Blue | 1 0.02 67.26 Pierced Ear/Entry Cleaning Tray | 1 0.02 67.28 Piezo-Electric Stimulator For Relief .. | 1 0.02 67.30 Pill Crusher/Cutter | 1 0.02 67.32 Pill, Radio | 1 0.02 67.33 Pillow, Cervical (For Mild Sleep Apnea) | 1 0.02 67.35 Pin, Fixation, Resorbable, Hard Tissue | 1 0.02 67.37 Pin, Fixation, Smooth | 1 0.02 67.39 Pin, Fixation, Smooth, Metallic | 1 0.02 67.40 Pin, Fixation, Threaded | 1 0.02 67.42 Pin, Fixation, Threaded, Metallic | 1 0.02 67.44 Pin, Retentive And Splinting, And Acc.. | 1 0.02 67.46 Pinwheel | 1 0.02 67.47 Pipette, Diluting | 1 0.02 67.49 Pipette, Pasteur | 1 0.02 67.51 Pipette, Quantitative, Hematology | 1 0.02 67.53 Pipette, Sahli | 1 0.02 67.55 Piston Syringe Lever | 1 0.02 67.56 Placental Growth Factor Test | 1 0.02 67.58 Plaque Disclosing Kit | 1 0.02 67.60 Plasma Thawer | 1 0.02 67.62 Plasma Viscometer For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 67.63 Plasma, Coagulase, Human, Horse And R.. | 1 0.02 67.65 Plasma, Coagulation Control | 1 0.02 67.67 Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient | 1 0.02 67.69 Plasma, Control, Normal | 1 0.02 67.70 Plasma, Fibrinogen Control | 1 0.02 67.72 Plasminogen, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 67.74 Plasmodium Spp. Detection Reagents | 1 0.02 67.76 Plate, Alumina, Tlc | 1 0.02 67.77 Plate, Base, Shellac | 1 0.02 67.79 Plate, Bone | 1 0.02 67.81 Plate, Bone, Growth Control, Pediatri.. | 1 0.02 67.83 Plate, Cellulose, Tlc | 1 0.02 67.84 Plate, Cranioplasty, Preformed, Alter.. | 1 0.02 67.86 Plate, Cranioplasty, Preformed, Non-A.. | 1 0.02 67.88 Plate, Fixation, Bone | 1 0.02 67.90 Plate, Fixation, Bone, Non-Spinal, Me.. | 1 0.02 67.91 Plate, Patient | 1 0.02 67.93 Plate, Silica Gel, Tlc | 1 0.02 67.95 Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bon.. | 1 0.02 67.97 Platelet Counting, Manual | 1 0.02 67.98 Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay | 1 0.02 68.00 Platelets, Photochemical Treatment Sy.. | 1 0.02 68.02 Plates And Equipment, Radial Immunodi.. | 1 0.02 68.04 Plates, Ouchterlony Agar | 1 0.02 68.05 Plethysmograph, Air Displacement For .. | 1 0.02 68.07 Plethysmograph, Impedance | 1 0.02 68.09 Plethysmograph, Ocular | 1 0.02 68.11 Plethysmograph, Photoelectric, Pneuma.. | 1 0.02 68.13 Plethysmograph, Pressure | 1 0.02 68.14 Plethysmograph, Volume | 1 0.02 68.16 Plier, Crimp | 1 0.02 68.18 Plier, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 68.20 Plier, Tube | 1 0.02 68.21 Pliers, Operative | 1 0.02 68.23 Pliers, Surgical | 1 0.02 68.25 Plug, Punctum | 1 0.02 68.27 Plug, Scleral | 1 0.02 68.28 Plugger, Root Canal, Endodontic | 1 0.02 68.30 Pneumocystis Carinii | 1 0.02 68.32 Pneumoperitoneum Needle | 1 0.02 68.34 Pneumotachometer | 1 0.02 68.35 Point, Abrasive | 1 0.02 68.37 Point, Paper, Endodontic | 1 0.02 68.39 Point, Silver, Endodontic | 1 0.02 68.41 Polarimeter | 1 0.02 68.42 Police Radar | 1 0.02 68.44 Polymer Patient Examination Glove | 1 0.02 68.46 Polymer, Ear, Nose And Throat, Synthe.. | 1 0.02 68.48 Polymer, Ent Synthetic, Porous Polyet.. | 1 0.02 68.49 Polymer, Ent Synthetic-Pife, Silicon .. | 1 0.02 68.51 Polymer, Ent Synthetic-Polyamide (Mes.. | 1 0.02 68.53 Polymer, Natural-Absorbable Gelatin M.. | 1 0.02 68.55 Polymeric Neurovascular Embolization | 1 0.02 68.56 Polymerizing, Neurovascular Embolizat.. | 1 0.02 68.58 Polyvinyl Methylether Maleic Anhydrid.. | 1 0.02 68.60 Porous Polyethylene Ossicular Replace.. | 1 0.02 68.62 Port & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutane.. | 1 0.02 68.63 Port & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutane.. | 1 0.02 68.65 Port & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutane.. | 1 0.02 68.67 Port Introducer Kit | 1 0.02 68.69 Port, Protector/Cushion | 1 0.02 68.70 Portable Liquid Oxygen Unit Stand | 1 0.02 68.72 Porter Silber Hydrazone, 17-Hydroxyco.. | 1 0.02 68.74 Positioner, Socket | 1 0.02 68.76 Positioner, Tooth, Preformed | 1 0.02 68.78 Positive Airway Pressure System | 1 0.02 68.79 Post, Root Canal | 1 0.02 68.81 Posterior Metal/Polymer Spinal System.. | 1 0.02 68.83 Potassium Dichromate Specific Reagent.. | 1 0.02 68.85 Potassium Dichromate, Alcohol | 1 0.02 68.86 Potassium Periodate | 1 0.02 68.88 Pouch, Colostomy | 1 0.02 68.90 Powder, Porcelain | 1 0.02 68.92 Powder-Free Guayle Rubber Examination.. | 1 0.02 68.93 Powder-Free Non-Natural Rubber Latex .. | 1 0.02 68.95 Powder-Free Polychloroprene Patient E.. | 1 0.02 68.97 Powered Exoskeleton | 1 0.02 68.99 Powered Laser Surgical Instrument Wit.. | 1 0.02 69.00 Powered Light Based Non-Laser Surgica.. | 1 0.02 69.02 Powered Light Based Non-Laser Surgica.. | 1 0.02 69.04 Powered Microneedle Device | 1 0.02 69.06 Powered Surgical Instrument For Impro.. | 1 0.02 69.07 Prealbumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 69.09 Prealbumin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum,.. | 1 0.02 69.11 Preamplifier, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 69.13 Preamplifier, Battery-Powered, Ophtha.. | 1 0.02 69.14 Prelude Tongue Suspension System | 1 0.02 69.16 Prep Kit | 1 0.02 69.18 Preparer, Root Canal Endodontic | 1 0.02 69.20 Prescription Use Blood Glucose Meter .. | 1 0.02 69.21 Press, Vein | 1 0.02 69.23 Pressure Monitoring (Air/Gas) Kit | 1 0.02 69.25 Pressure Wedge, Perianal, For Reducti.. | 1 0.02 69.27 Print Industry Plate Maker | 1 0.02 69.28 Prism, Bar, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 69.30 Prism, Fresnel, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 69.32 Prism, Gonioscopic | 1 0.02 69.34 Prism, Rotary, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 69.36 Probe | 1 0.02 69.37 Probe And Counter, Isotope, For Phosp.. | 1 0.02 69.39 Probe And Director, Gastro-Urology | 1 0.02 69.41 Probe, Blood-Flow, Extravascular | 1 0.02 69.43 Probe, Ent | 1 0.02 69.44 Probe, Lachrymal | 1 0.02 69.46 Probe, Periodontic | 1 0.02 69.48 Probe, Radiofrequency Lesion | 1 0.02 69.50 Probe, Rectal, Non-Powered | 1 0.02 69.51 Probe, Test, Heart-Valve | 1 0.02 69.53 Probe, Thermodilution | 1 0.02 69.55 Probe, Trabeculotomy | 1 0.02 69.57 Procainamide Control Materials | 1 0.02 69.58 Procalcitonin Assay | 1 0.02 69.60 Process Control | 1 0.02 69.62 Proctoscope | 1 0.02 69.64 Product Incorporating Certified Class.. | 1 0.02 69.65 Product Incorporating Certified Class.. | 1 0.02 69.67 Products, Contact Lens Care, Rigid Ga.. | 1 0.02 69.69 Products, Red-Cell Lysing Products | 1 0.02 69.71 Progenitor Cell Enumeration | 1 0.02 69.72 Programmer, Pacemaker | 1 0.02 69.74 Projector | 1 0.02 69.76 Projector, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 69.78 Prophy Powder, Airbrush Accessory | 1 0.02 69.79 Prostate Lesion, Documentation, System | 1 0.02 69.81 Prostate-Specific Antigen (Psa) For M.. | 1 0.02 69.83 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, M.. | 1 0.02 69.85 Prosthesis, Ankle, Cemented, Non-Cons.. | 1 0.02 69.86 Prosthesis, Ankle, Semi-Constrained, .. | 1 0.02 69.88 Prosthesis, Ankle, Semi-Constrained, .. | 1 0.02 69.90 Prosthesis, Ankle, Uncemented, Non-Co.. | 1 0.02 69.92 Prosthesis, Arterial Graft, Bovine Ca.. | 1 0.02 69.93 Prosthesis, Breast, External, No Adhe.. | 1 0.02 69.95 Prosthesis, Breast, External, Used Wi.. | 1 0.02 69.97 Prosthesis, Condyle, Mandibular, Temp.. | 1 0.02 69.99 Prosthesis, Elbow, Constrained, Cemen.. | 1 0.02 70.01 Prosthesis, Elbow, Hemi-, Humeral, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.02 Prosthesis, Elbow, Hemi-, Radial, Pol.. | 1 0.02 70.04 Prosthesis, Elbow, Semi-Constrained, .. | 1 0.02 70.06 Prosthesis, Esophageal | 1 0.02 70.08 Prosthesis, Esophagus | 1 0.02 70.09 Prosthesis, Eyelid Spacer/Graft, Biol.. | 1 0.02 70.11 Prosthesis, Facial, Mandibular Implant | 1 0.02 70.13 Prosthesis, Fallopian Tube | 1 0.02 70.15 Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Meta.. | 1 0.02 70.16 Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Meta.. | 1 0.02 70.18 Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Meta.. | 1 0.02 70.20 Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Poly.. | 1 0.02 70.22 Prosthesis, Finger, Polymer | 1 0.02 70.23 Prosthesis, Hip, Cement Restrictor | 1 0.02 70.25 Prosthesis, Hip, Constrained, Cemente.. | 1 0.02 70.27 Prosthesis, Hip, Constrained, Cemente.. | 1 0.02 70.29 Prosthesis, Hip, Constrained, Metal | 1 0.02 70.30 Prosthesis, Hip, Femoral Component, C.. | 1 0.02 70.32 Prosthesis, Hip, Femoral, Resurfacing | 1 0.02 70.34 Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Acetabular, C.. | 1 0.02 70.36 Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Metal | 1 0.02 70.37 Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Meta.. | 1 0.02 70.39 Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Meta.. | 1 0.02 70.41 Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Trunnion-Bear.. | 1 0.02 70.43 Prosthesis, Hip, Pelvifemoral Resurfa.. | 1 0.02 70.44 Prosthesis, Hip, Pelvifemoral Resurfa.. | 1 0.02 70.46 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained (Me.. | 1 0.02 70.48 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained (Me.. | 1 0.02 70.50 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, C.. | 1 0.02 70.51 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Ce.. | 1 0.02 70.53 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.55 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.57 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.59 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.60 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.62 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.64 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 70.66 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Un.. | 1 0.02 70.67 Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Un.. | 1 0.02 70.69 Prosthesis, Intervertebral Disc | 1 0.02 70.71 Prosthesis, Knee Patellofemorotibial,.. | 1 0.02 70.73 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Const.. | 1 0.02 70.74 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Non-C.. | 1 0.02 70.76 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Non-C.. | 1 0.02 70.78 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-.. | 1 0.02 70.80 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-.. | 1 0.02 70.81 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-.. | 1 0.02 70.83 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-.. | 1 0.02 70.85 Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Unico.. | 1 0.02 70.87 Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Femoral | 1 0.02 70.88 Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Femoral (Unc.. | 1 0.02 70.90 Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Patellar Res.. | 1 0.02 70.92 Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Tibial, Resu.. | 1 0.02 70.94 Prosthesis, Knee, Hinged (Metal-Metal) | 1 0.02 70.95 Prosthesis, Knee, Non-Constrained (Me.. | 1 0.02 70.97 Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femoral, Se.. | 1 0.02 70.99 Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibia.. | 1 0.02 71.01 Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibia.. | 1 0.02 71.02 Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibia.. | 1 0.02 71.04 Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibia.. | 1 0.02 71.06 Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibia.. | 1 0.02 71.08 Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibia.. | 1 0.02 71.09 Prosthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial.. | 1 0.02 71.11 Prosthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial.. | 1 0.02 71.13 Prosthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial.. | 1 0.02 71.15 Prosthesis, Laryngeal (Taub) | 1 0.02 71.16 Prosthesis, Larynx (Stents And Keels) | 1 0.02 71.18 Prosthesis, Ligament | 1 0.02 71.20 Prosthesis, Ligament, Ptfe | 1 0.02 71.22 Prosthesis, Metatarsophalangeal Joint.. | 1 0.02 71.24 Prosthesis, Mitral Valve, Percutaneou.. | 1 0.02 71.25 Prosthesis, Nail | 1 0.02 71.27 Prosthesis, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 71.29 Prosthesis, Partial Ossicular Replace.. | 1 0.02 71.31 Prosthesis, Penile | 1 0.02 71.32 Prosthesis, Penis, Inflatable | 1 0.02 71.34 Prosthesis, Penis, Rigid Rod | 1 0.02 71.36 Prosthesis, Ptfe/Carbon-Fiber | 1 0.02 71.38 Prosthesis, Retinal | 1 0.02 71.39 Prosthesis, Rib Replacement | 1 0.02 71.41 Prosthesis, Shoulder, Constrained, Me.. | 1 0.02 71.43 Prosthesis, Shoulder, Hemi-, Humeral,.. | 1 0.02 71.45 Prosthesis, Shoulder, Humeral (Bipola.. | 1 0.02 71.46 Prosthesis, Shoulder, Non-Constrained.. | 1 0.02 71.48 Prosthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constraine.. | 1 0.02 71.50 Prosthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constraine.. | 1 0.02 71.52 Prosthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constraine.. | 1 0.02 71.53 Prosthesis, Spinous Process Spacer/Pl.. | 1 0.02 71.55 Prosthesis, Subtalar, Plug, Polymer | 1 0.02 71.57 Prosthesis, Suture, Cerclage | 1 0.02 71.59 Prosthesis, Tendon, Passive | 1 0.02 71.60 Prosthesis, Testicle | 1 0.02 71.62 Prosthesis, Testicular | 1 0.02 71.64 Prosthesis, Toe (Metatarsophalangeal).. | 1 0.02 71.66 Prosthesis, Toe, Constrained, Polymer | 1 0.02 71.67 Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal | 1 0.02 71.69 Prosthesis, Total Anatomic Shoulder, .. | 1 0.02 71.71 Prosthesis, Tracheal, Expandable | 1 0.02 71.73 Prosthesis, Tracheal, Expandable, Pol.. | 1 0.02 71.74 Prosthesis, Tracheal, Preformed/Molded | 1 0.02 71.76 Prosthesis, Upper Femoral | 1 0.02 71.78 Prosthesis, Urethral Sphincter | 1 0.02 71.80 Prosthesis, Vas Deferens | 1 0.02 71.82 Prosthesis, Vascular Graft, Of 6mm An.. | 1 0.02 71.83 Prosthesis, Vascular Graft, Of Less T.. | 1 0.02 71.85 Prosthesis, Wrist, 2 Part Metal-Plast.. | 1 0.02 71.87 Prosthesis, Wrist, 3 Part Metal-Plast.. | 1 0.02 71.89 Prosthesis, Wrist, Carpal Lunate | 1 0.02 71.90 Prosthesis, Wrist, Carpal Scaphoid | 1 0.02 71.92 Prosthesis, Wrist, Carpal Trapezium | 1 0.02 71.94 Prosthesis, Wrist, Constrained, Metal | 1 0.02 71.96 Prosthesis, Wrist, Constrained, Polymer | 1 0.02 71.97 Prosthesis, Wrist, Hemi-, Ulnar | 1 0.02 71.99 Prosthesis, Wrist, Semi-Constrained | 1 0.02 72.01 Prosthestic Disc Nucleus Device | 1 0.02 72.03 Prostrate Cancer Genes Nucleic Acid A.. | 1 0.02 72.04 Protamine Sulphate | 1 0.02 72.06 Protargol S | 1 0.02 72.08 Protective Coating, Mucoadhesive Appl.. | 1 0.02 72.10 Protector, Dental | 1 0.02 72.11 Protector, Hearing (Circumaural) | 1 0.02 72.13 Protector, Hearing (Insert) | 1 0.02 72.15 Protector, Ostomy | 1 0.02 72.17 Protector, Silicate | 1 0.02 72.18 Protector, Skin Pressure | 1 0.02 72.20 Protector, Transducer, Dialysis | 1 0.02 72.22 Protector, Wound, Plastic | 1 0.02 72.24 Protein, Complement, Antigen, Antiser.. | 1 0.02 72.25 Prothrombin Fragment 1.2 | 1 0.02 72.27 Prothrombin, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 72.29 Prothrombin-Proconvertin And Thrombot.. | 1 0.02 72.31 Protractor | 1 0.02 72.32 Pudendal Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 72.34 Pulmonary (Pulmonic) Valvuloplasty Ca.. | 1 0.02 72.36 Pulmonary Valve Prosthesis Percutaneo.. | 1 0.02 72.38 Pulmonic Replacement Heart Valve | 1 0.02 72.40 Pulmonic Valved Conduit | 1 0.02 72.41 Pulse Generator, External Pacemaker, .. | 1 0.02 72.43 Pulse Generator, Pacemaker, Implantab.. | 1 0.02 72.45 Pulse Generator, Permanent, Implantable | 1 0.02 72.47 Pulse-Generator, Pacemaker, External | 1 0.02 72.48 Pulse-Generator, Program Module | 1 0.02 72.50 Pulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Sens.. | 1 0.02 72.52 Pulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Single | 1 0.02 72.54 Pump, Air, Non-Manual, For Endoscope | 1 0.02 72.55 Pump, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, .. | 1 0.02 72.57 Pump, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, .. | 1 0.02 72.59 Pump, Blood, Extra-Luminal | 1 0.02 72.61 Pump, Breast, Non-Powered | 1 0.02 72.62 Pump, Breast, Powered | 1 0.02 72.64 Pump, Drug Administration, Closed Loop | 1 0.02 72.66 Pump, Infusion | 1 0.02 72.68 Pump, Infusion Or Syringe, Extra-Lumi.. | 1 0.02 72.69 Pump, Infusion, Analytical Sampling | 1 0.02 72.71 Pump, Infusion, Elastomeric | 1 0.02 72.73 Pump, Infusion, Enteral | 1 0.02 72.75 Pump, Infusion, Gallstone Dissolution | 1 0.02 72.76 Pump, Infusion, Implanted, Programmable | 1 0.02 72.78 Pump, Infusion, Insulin | 1 0.02 72.80 Pump, Infusion, Insulin Bolus | 1 0.02 72.82 Pump, Infusion, Insulin, To Be Used W.. | 1 0.02 72.83 Pump, Infusion, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 72.85 Pump, Infusion, Pca | 1 0.02 72.87 Pump, Nebulizer, Electrically Powered | 1 0.02 72.89 Pump, Nebulizer, Manual | 1 0.02 72.90 Punch, Adenoid | 1 0.02 72.92 Punch, Antrum | 1 0.02 72.94 Punch, Attic | 1 0.02 72.96 Punch, Biopsy | 1 0.02 72.97 Punch, Biopsy, Surgical | 1 0.02 72.99 Punch, Corneo-Scleral | 1 0.02 73.01 Punch, Ent | 1 0.02 73.03 Punch, Ethmoid | 1 0.02 73.05 Punch, Femoral Neck | 1 0.02 73.06 Punch, Gelfoam, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 73.08 Punch, Gelfoam, Sterile | 1 0.02 73.10 Punch, Nasal | 1 0.02 73.12 Punch, Skull | 1 0.02 73.13 Punch, Surgical | 1 0.02 73.15 Punch, Tonsil | 1 0.02 73.17 Pupillograph | 1 0.02 73.19 Pupillometer, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 73.20 Pupillometer, Manual | 1 0.02 73.22 Purifier, Air, Ultraviolet, Medical | 1 0.02 73.24 Purifier, Water (Absorption, Deioniza.. | 1 0.02 73.26 Purifier, Water, Ultraviolet, Medical | 1 0.02 73.27 Pusher, Band, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 73.29 Pusher, Socket | 1 0.02 73.31 Pyronin | 1 0.02 73.33 Qualitative Chemical Reactions, Urina.. | 1 0.02 73.34 Quality Control For Molecular Immunoh.. | 1 0.02 73.36 Quality Control Material, Genetics, Dna | 1 0.02 73.38 Quality Control Slides | 1 0.02 73.40 Rack, Clip | 1 0.02 73.41 Rack, Skiascopic | 1 0.02 73.43 Radial Diffusion, Amylase | 1 0.02 73.45 Radial Immunodiffusion, Albumin | 1 0.02 73.47 Radial Immunodiffusion, Lipoproteins | 1 0.02 73.48 Radiant Infant Warmer Cabinet | 1 0.02 73.50 Radiation Attenuating Medical Glove | 1 0.02 73.52 Radio-Labeled Iron Method, Iron (Non-.. | 1 0.02 73.54 Radioassay, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids | 1 0.02 73.55 Radioassay, Angiotensin Converting En.. | 1 0.02 73.57 Radioassay, Intrinsic Factor Blocking.. | 1 0.02 73.59 Radioassay, Methotrexate, Enzyme | 1 0.02 73.61 Radioassay, Triiodothyronine Uptake | 1 0.02 73.63 Radioassay, Vitamin B12 | 1 0.02 73.64 Radioceptor Assay, Neuroleptic Drugs | 1 0.02 73.66 Radioimmunoassay (Two-Site Solid Phas.. | 1 0.02 73.68 Radioimmunoassay For Cyclosporine | 1 0.02 73.70 Radioimmunoassay, 17-Hydroxyprogester.. | 1 0.02 73.71 Radioimmunoassay, Acth | 1 0.02 73.73 Radioimmunoassay, Aldosterone | 1 0.02 73.75 Radioimmunoassay, Amikacin | 1 0.02 73.77 Radioimmunoassay, Amphetamine | 1 0.02 73.78 Radioimmunoassay, Amphetamine (125-I).. | 1 0.02 73.80 Radioimmunoassay, Androstenedione | 1 0.02 73.82 Radioimmunoassay, Androsterone | 1 0.02 73.84 Radioimmunoassay, Angiotensin I And R.. | 1 0.02 73.85 Radioimmunoassay, Barbiturate | 1 0.02 73.87 Radioimmunoassay, C-Peptides Of Proin.. | 1 0.02 73.89 Radioimmunoassay, Calcitonin | 1 0.02 73.91 Radioimmunoassay, Cannabinoid(S) | 1 0.02 73.92 Radioimmunoassay, Cholyglycine, Bile .. | 1 0.02 73.94 Radioimmunoassay, Cocaine Metabolite | 1 0.02 73.96 Radioimmunoassay, Compound S (11-Deox.. | 1 0.02 73.98 Radioimmunoassay, Conjugated Sulfalit.. | 1 0.02 73.99 Radioimmunoassay, Corticoids | 1 0.02 74.01 Radioimmunoassay, Corticosterone | 1 0.02 74.03 Radioimmunoassay, Cortisol | 1 0.02 74.05 Radioimmunoassay, Cyclic Amp | 1 0.02 74.06 Radioimmunoassay, Cyclic Gmp | 1 0.02 74.08 Radioimmunoassay, Dehydroepiandroster.. | 1 0.02 74.10 Radioimmunoassay, Desoxycorticosterone | 1 0.02 74.12 Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I) | 1 0.02 74.13 Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), .. | 1 0.02 74.15 Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), .. | 1 0.02 74.17 Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), .. | 1 0.02 74.19 Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H) | 1 0.02 74.20 Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.22 Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.24 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I) | 1 0.02 74.26 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Bo.. | 1 0.02 74.28 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Go.. | 1 0.02 74.29 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Go.. | 1 0.02 74.31 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.33 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.35 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.36 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.38 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.40 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Ra.. | 1 0.02 74.42 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H) | 1 0.02 74.43 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Bovi.. | 1 0.02 74.45 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Goat.. | 1 0.02 74.47 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Rabb.. | 1 0.02 74.49 Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Rabb.. | 1 0.02 74.50 Radioimmunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin | 1 0.02 74.52 Radioimmunoassay, Estradiol | 1 0.02 74.54 Radioimmunoassay, Estriol | 1 0.02 74.56 Radioimmunoassay, Estrone | 1 0.02 74.57 Radioimmunoassay, Ethosuximide | 1 0.02 74.59 Radioimmunoassay, Etiocholanolone | 1 0.02 74.61 Radioimmunoassay, Follicle-Stimulatin.. | 1 0.02 74.63 Radioimmunoassay, Free Thyroxine | 1 0.02 74.64 Radioimmunoassay, Gastrin | 1 0.02 74.66 Radioimmunoassay, Gentamicin (125-I),.. | 1 0.02 74.68 Radioimmunoassay, Glucagon | 1 0.02 74.70 Radioimmunoassay, Human Growth Hormone | 1 0.02 74.71 Radioimmunoassay, Human Placental Lac.. | 1 0.02 74.73 Radioimmunoassay, Immunoglobulins (D,.. | 1 0.02 74.75 Radioimmunoassay, Immunoglobulins (G,.. | 1 0.02 74.77 Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insu.. | 1 0.02 74.78 Radioimmunoassay, Kanamycin | 1 0.02 74.80 Radioimmunoassay, Lsd (125-I) | 1 0.02 74.82 Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | 1 0.02 74.84 Radioimmunoassay, Methaqualone | 1 0.02 74.86 Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), G.. | 1 0.02 74.87 Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (3-H), Goa.. | 1 0.02 74.89 Radioimmunoassay, Morphine-Barbiturat.. | 1 0.02 74.91 Radioimmunoassay, Netilmicin (I-125) | 1 0.02 74.93 Radioimmunoassay, Parathyroid Hormone | 1 0.02 74.94 Radioimmunoassay, Phencyclidine | 1 0.02 74.96 Radioimmunoassay, Phenobarbital | 1 0.02 74.98 Radioimmunoassay, Pregnenolone | 1 0.02 75.00 Radioimmunoassay, Primidone | 1 0.02 75.01 Radioimmunoassay, Progesterone | 1 0.02 75.03 Radioimmunoassay, Prolactin (Lactogen) | 1 0.02 75.05 Radioimmunoassay, Sisomicin | 1 0.02 75.07 Radioimmunoassay, Testosterones And D.. | 1 0.02 75.08 Radioimmunoassay, Theophylline | 1 0.02 75.10 Radioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating.. | 1 0.02 75.12 Radioimmunoassay, Thyroxine-Binding G.. | 1 0.02 75.14 Radioimmunoassay, Tobramycin | 1 0.02 75.15 Radioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens In .. | 1 0.02 75.17 Radioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens, No.. | 1 0.02 75.19 Radioimmunoassay, Total Thyroxine | 1 0.02 75.21 Radioimmunoassay, Total Triiodothyron.. | 1 0.02 75.22 Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepre.. | 1 0.02 75.24 Radioimmunoassay, Vancomycin | 1 0.02 75.26 Radiometric, Fe59, Iron Binding Capac.. | 1 0.02 75.28 Radioreceptor Assay, Human Chorionic .. | 1 0.02 75.29 Ranging | 1 0.02 75.31 Rasp | 1 0.02 75.33 Rasp, Ear | 1 0.02 75.35 Rasp, Frontal-Sinus | 1 0.02 75.36 Rasp, Nasal | 1 0.02 75.38 Razor, Surgical | 1 0.02 75.40 Reader, Bar, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 75.42 Reader, Prism, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 75.43 Reader, Zone, Automated | 1 0.02 75.45 Reagent & Control, Partial Thrombopla.. | 1 0.02 75.47 Reagent, Blood Bank, Quality Control | 1 0.02 75.49 Reagent, Borrelia Serological Reagent | 1 0.02 75.51 Reagent, Complement | 1 0.02 75.52 Reagent, Immunoassay, Carbonic Anhydr.. | 1 0.02 75.54 Reagent, Immunoassay, Igg | 1 0.02 75.56 Reagent, Leishmanii Serological | 1 0.02 75.58 Reagent, Occult Blood | 1 0.02 75.59 Reagent, Platelet Aggregation | 1 0.02 75.61 Reagent, Rickettsia Serological | 1 0.02 75.63 Reagent, Russel Viper Venom | 1 0.02 75.65 Reagent, Schiff | 1 0.02 75.66 Reagent, Thromboplastin And Control | 1 0.02 75.68 Reagent/Device, Inoculum Calibration | 1 0.02 75.70 Reagents For Detection Of Norovirus N.. | 1 0.02 75.72 Reagents For Molecular Diagnostic Tes.. | 1 0.02 75.73 Reagents, 2009 H1n1 Influenza Virus (.. | 1 0.02 75.75 Reagents, Antibody, Legionella, Direc.. | 1 0.02 75.77 Reagents, Clostridium Difficile Toxin | 1 0.02 75.79 Reagents, Cysticercosis | 1 0.02 75.80 Reagents, Ebola Zaire Virus (Detected.. | 1 0.02 75.82 Reagents, Middle East Respiratory Syn.. | 1 0.02 75.84 Reagents, Specific, Analyte | 1 0.02 75.86 Reagents, Test, Bromides | 1 0.02 75.87 Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol | 1 0.02 75.89 Reagents, Zika Virus Nucleic Acid | 1 0.02 75.91 Real Time Nucleic Acid Amplification .. | 1 0.02 75.93 Reamer | 1 0.02 75.94 Reamer, Pulp Canal, Endodontic | 1 0.02 75.96 Recorder, Attention Task Performance | 1 0.02 75.98 Recorder, Event, Implantable Cardiac,.. | 1 0.02 76.00 Recorder, Event, Implantable Cardiac,.. | 1 0.02 76.01 Recorder, External, Pressure, Amplifi.. | 1 0.02 76.03 Recorder, Magnetic Tape, Medical | 1 0.02 76.05 Recorder, Paper Chart | 1 0.02 76.07 Recorder, Pressure, Intrauterine | 1 0.02 76.09 Rectal Dilator Kit | 1 0.02 76.10 Rectal Insert | 1 0.02 76.12 Red Cell Thawer, Microwave | 1 0.02 76.14 Red-Cell Count By Photometry | 1 0.02 76.16 Red-Cell Indices | 1 0.02 76.17 Red-Cell Indices, Calculated | 1 0.02 76.19 Red-Cell Indices, Measured | 1 0.02 76.21 Red-Violet Lb | 1 0.02 76.23 Reduced- Montage Standard Electroence.. | 1 0.02 76.24 Refractive Corneal Implant | 1 0.02 76.26 Refractometer For Clinical Use | 1 0.02 76.28 Refractometer For Donor Testing | 1 0.02 76.30 Refractometer, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 76.31 Refractometric, Total Protein | 1 0.02 76.33 Refractor, Manual, Non-Powered, Inclu.. | 1 0.02 76.35 Refrigerator, Freezer, Blood Storage | 1 0.02 76.37 Regional Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 76.38 Regulator, Pressure, Gas Cylinder | 1 0.02 76.40 Regulator, Temperature | 1 0.02 76.42 Regulator, Vacuum | 1 0.02 76.44 Reliner, Denture, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 76.45 Reminder, Medication | 1 0.02 76.47 Remote Controller | 1 0.02 76.49 Remover, Crown | 1 0.02 76.51 Remover, Intrauterine Device, Contrac.. | 1 0.02 76.52 Replacement Gastrostomy Feeding Cathe.. | 1 0.02 76.54 Replacement Heart-Valve | 1 0.02 76.56 Replacement, Ossicular (Stapes) Using.. | 1 0.02 76.58 Replacement, Ossicular Prosthesis, To.. | 1 0.02 76.59 Replacement, Total Ossicular, Prosthe.. | 1 0.02 76.61 Replacer, Ureteral | 1 0.02 76.63 Replacer, Urethral | 1 0.02 76.65 Reprocessed Blood Pressure Cuff | 1 0.02 76.66 Reprocessed Catheter Introducer | 1 0.02 76.68 Reprocessed Intravascular Ultrasound .. | 1 0.02 76.70 Reprographics | 1 0.02 76.72 Research Laser | 1 0.02 76.74 Research Use Only/Clinical Chemistry .. | 1 0.02 76.75 Research Use Only/Clinical Toxicology | 1 0.02 76.77 Research Use Only/Hematology Devices | 1 0.02 76.79 Research Use Only/Immunology Devices | 1 0.02 76.81 Research Use Only/Microbiology | 1 0.02 76.82 Resectoscope | 1 0.02 76.84 Resectoscope, Working Element | 1 0.02 76.86 Reservoir, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Byp.. | 1 0.02 76.88 Reservoir, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Byp.. | 1 0.02 76.89 Resin, Denture, Relining, Repairing, .. | 1 0.02 76.91 Resin, Ion-Exchange, Ascorbic Acid, C.. | 1 0.02 76.93 Resin, Ion-Exchange, Thioglycolic Aci.. | 1 0.02 76.95 Resin, Root Canal Filling | 1 0.02 76.96 Resin, Root Canal Filling Containing .. | 1 0.02 76.98 Resins, Ion-Exchange | 1 0.02 77.00 Resins, Ion-Exchange, Liquid Chromato.. | 1 0.02 77.02 Resorbable Spinal Intervertebral Body.. | 1 0.02 77.03 Resorbable Spinal Intervertebral Body.. | 1 0.02 77.05 Resorcin Fuchsin | 1 0.02 77.07 Respirator, N95, For Use By The Gener.. | 1 0.02 77.09 Respirator, Surgical | 1 0.02 77.10 Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Elisa | 1 0.02 77.12 Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Antigen,.. | 1 0.02 77.14 Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid .. | 1 0.02 77.16 Restoration, Base Metal | 1 0.02 77.17 Restoration, Noble Metal | 1 0.02 77.19 Restoration, Porcelain | 1 0.02 77.21 Restoration, Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal | 1 0.02 77.23 Restoration, Resin | 1 0.02 77.24 Restoration, Resin, Crown And Bridge | 1 0.02 77.26 Restorative Instrument And Component .. | 1 0.02 77.28 Restraint, Patient, Conductive | 1 0.02 77.30 Restraint, Protective | 1 0.02 77.32 Resuscitator, Manual, Non Self-Inflat.. | 1 0.02 77.33 Retainer, Matrix | 1 0.02 77.35 Retainer, Screw Expansion, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 77.37 Retention Device, Suture | 1 0.02 77.39 Retinol-Binding Protein, Antigen, Ant.. | 1 0.02 77.40 Retinoscope, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 77.42 Retinoscope, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 77.44 Retractor, All Types | 1 0.02 77.46 Retractor, Ent | 1 0.02 77.47 Retractor, Fiberoptic | 1 0.02 77.49 Retractor, Non-Self-Retaining | 1 0.02 77.51 Retractor, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 77.53 Retractor, Self-Retaining | 1 0.02 77.54 Retractor, Self-Retaining, For Neuros.. | 1 0.02 77.56 Retractor, Vaginal | 1 0.02 77.58 Rf Identification | 1 0.02 77.60 Rf-Excited Lighting | 1 0.02 77.61 Rf/Microwave Hyperthermia System, Can.. | 1 0.02 77.63 Rfid Chip For Dental Appliance | 1 0.02 77.65 Rheoencephalograph | 1 0.02 77.67 Rhinoanemometer (Measurement Of Nasal.. | 1 0.02 77.68 Ribdam | 1 0.02 77.70 Rickettsia Spp. Nucleic Acid Based De.. | 1 0.02 77.72 Right Ventricular Bypass (Assist) Dev.. | 1 0.02 77.74 Ring (Wound Protector), Drape Retenti.. | 1 0.02 77.75 Ring Cutter | 1 0.02 77.77 Ring, Annuloplasty | 1 0.02 77.79 Ring, Crimp | 1 0.02 77.81 Ring, Endocapsular | 1 0.02 77.82 Ring, Joint | 1 0.02 77.84 Ring, Laparotomy | 1 0.02 77.86 Ring, Ophthalmic (Flieringa) | 1 0.02 77.88 Ring, Teething, Fluid-Filled | 1 0.02 77.89 Ring, Teething, Non-Fluid Filled | 1 0.02 77.91 Rinse, Oral, Antibacterial (By Physic.. | 1 0.02 77.93 Rod, Colostomy | 1 0.02 77.95 Rod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Acc.. | 1 0.02 77.97 Rod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Acc.. | 1 0.02 77.98 Rod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Acc.. | 1 0.02 78.00 Rod, Measuring Ear | 1 0.02 78.02 Romanowsky Stains | 1 0.02 78.04 Rongeur | 1 0.02 78.05 Rongeur, Cystoscopic | 1 0.02 78.07 Rongeur, Cystoscopic, Hot | 1 0.02 78.09 Rongeur, Lachrymal Sac | 1 0.02 78.11 Rongeur, Manual | 1 0.02 78.12 Rongeur, Mastoid | 1 0.02 78.14 Rongeur, Nasal | 1 0.02 78.16 Rongeur, Powered | 1 0.02 78.18 Rose Bengal | 1 0.02 78.19 Rotating Disc, Plasma Viscometry | 1 0.02 78.21 Rotator, Prosthetic Heart Valve | 1 0.02 78.23 Rt-Pcr Multigene Expression Test, Sen.. | 1 0.02 78.25 Rt-Qpcr Assay For Mrna Transcript Imm.. | 1 0.02 78.26 Rubella, Other Assays | 1 0.02 78.28 Ruler, Nearpoint (Punctometer) | 1 0.02 78.30 Saccharogenic, Amylase | 1 0.02 78.32 Sacroiliac Joint Fixation | 1 0.02 78.33 Safranin | 1 0.02 78.35 Saline, Vascular Access Flush | 1 0.02 78.37 Saliva, Artificial | 1 0.02 78.39 Salivary Estriol Test | 1 0.02 78.40 Sampler, Amniotic Fluid (Amniocentesi.. | 1 0.02 78.42 Sampler, Blood, Fetal | 1 0.02 78.44 Sampler, Endocervical | 1 0.02 78.46 Saw | 1 0.02 78.47 Saw, Bone, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 78.49 Saw, Laryngeal | 1 0.02 78.51 Saw, Nasal | 1 0.02 78.53 Saw, Pneumatically Powered | 1 0.02 78.55 Saw, Powered, And Accessories | 1 0.02 78.56 Saw, Surgical, Ent (Electric Or Pneum.. | 1 0.02 78.58 Scaffold, Partial Medial Meniscal Def.. | 1 0.02 78.60 Scale, Patient | 1 0.02 78.62 Scale, Sponge, Surgical, Electrically.. | 1 0.02 78.63 Scale, Stand-On, Patient | 1 0.02 78.65 Scale, Surgical Sponge | 1 0.02 78.67 Scaler, Periodontic | 1 0.02 78.69 Scaler, Rotary | 1 0.02 78.70 Scaler, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 78.72 Scalp Cooling System | 1 0.02 78.74 Scalpel, Ultrasonic, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 78.76 Scanner, Color | 1 0.02 78.77 Scientific Crystallography | 1 0.02 78.79 Scientific Optical Instrument, Noncoh.. | 1 0.02 78.81 Scientific Use Ultrasound Products | 1 0.02 78.83 Scissors For Cystoscope | 1 0.02 78.84 Scissors For Cytoscope, Exempt | 1 0.02 78.86 Scissors, Collar And Crown | 1 0.02 78.88 Scissors, Ear | 1 0.02 78.90 Scissors, Episiotomy | 1 0.02 78.91 Scissors, General, Surgical | 1 0.02 78.93 Scissors, Medical, Disposable | 1 0.02 78.95 Scissors, Nasal | 1 0.02 78.97 Scissors, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 78.98 Scissors, Orthopedic, Surgical | 1 0.02 79.00 Scissors, Surgical Tissue, Dental | 1 0.02 79.02 Scissors, Umbilical | 1 0.02 79.04 Scissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Non-Ster.. | 1 0.02 79.05 Scissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Sterile | 1 0.02 79.07 Scoop | 1 0.02 79.09 Scraper, Tongue | 1 0.02 79.11 Scrapper, Skin Specimen | 1 0.02 79.12 Screen, Tangent, Ac-Powered (Campimet.. | 1 0.02 79.14 Screen, Tangent, Felt (Campimeter) | 1 0.02 79.16 Screen, Tangent, Projection, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 79.18 Screen, Tangent, Projection, Battery-.. | 1 0.02 79.20 Screen, Tangent, Target | 1 0.02 79.21 Screen, Tangent, Target, Battery-Powe.. | 1 0.02 79.23 Screw, Fibroid, Gynecological | 1 0.02 79.25 Screw, Fixation, Bone | 1 0.02 79.27 Screw, Fixation, Bone, Non-Spinal, Me.. | 1 0.02 79.28 Screw, Fixation, Intraosseous | 1 0.02 79.30 Screw, Oral | 1 0.02 79.32 Screw, Tonsil | 1 0.02 79.34 Screwdriver | 1 0.02 79.35 Screwdriver, Skullplate | 1 0.02 79.37 Screwdriver, Surgical | 1 0.02 79.39 Sealant, Dural | 1 0.02 79.41 Sealant, Microbial | 1 0.02 79.42 Sealant, Pit And Fissure, And Conditi.. | 1 0.02 79.44 Sealant,Polymerizing | 1 0.02 79.46 Searcher, Mastoid | 1 0.02 79.48 Second Antibody (Species Specific Ant.. | 1 0.02 79.49 Security Accelerator | 1 0.02 79.51 Security System | 1 0.02 79.53 Security X-Ray System, Open Beam, Small | 1 0.02 79.55 Selector, Color, Spectacle, Lens, Tint | 1 0.02 79.56 Selector, Size, Ostomy | 1 0.02 79.58 Self-Contained Blood Grouping | 1 0.02 79.60 Semen Analysis Device | 1 0.02 79.62 Semi-Constrained Metal/Polymer Finger.. | 1 0.02 79.63 Seminal Fluid Collection Kit | 1 0.02 79.65 Seminal Fluid, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 79.67 Sensor, Blood-Gas, In-Line, Cardiopul.. | 1 0.02 79.69 Sensor, Electro-Optical (For Cervical.. | 1 0.02 79.70 Sensor, Glucose, Invasive | 1 0.02 79.72 Sensor, Glucose, Invasive, Non-Adjunc.. | 1 0.02 79.74 Sensor, Glucose, Invasive, Non-Adjunc.. | 1 0.02 79.76 Sensor, Pressure, Aneurysm, Implantable | 1 0.02 79.78 Separator For Therapeutic Purposes, M.. | 1 0.02 79.79 Separator, Automated, Blood Cell And .. | 1 0.02 79.81 Separator, Automated, Blood Cell, Dia.. | 1 0.02 79.83 Separator, Semi-Automated, Blood Comp.. | 1 0.02 79.85 Septal Stapler/Absorbable Staples | 1 0.02 79.86 Sera, Animal And Human | 1 0.02 79.88 Sera, Reactive And Non-Specific Contr.. | 1 0.02 79.90 Serpina1 Variant Detection System | 1 0.02 79.92 Set, Administration, For Peritoneal D.. | 1 0.02 79.93 Set, Administration, Intravascular | 1 0.02 79.95 Set, Anesthesia, Obstetric | 1 0.02 79.97 Set, Anesthesia, Paracervical | 1 0.02 79.99 Set, Anesthesia, Pudendal | 1 0.02 80.00 Set, Audiometer Calibration | 1 0.02 80.02 Set, Blood Transfusion | 1 0.02 80.04 Set, Dialysis, Single Needle (Co-Axia.. | 1 0.02 80.06 Set, Dialysis, Single Needle With Uni.. | 1 0.02 80.07 Set, Dialysis, Single Needle With Uni.. | 1 0.02 80.09 Set, Dialyzer Holder | 1 0.02 80.11 Set, Filliform, Eustachian | 1 0.02 80.13 Set, Gavage, Infant, Sterile | 1 0.02 80.14 Set, Hollow Mill | 1 0.02 80.16 Set, I.V. Fluid Transfer | 1 0.02 80.18 Set, Laryngeal Injection | 1 0.02 80.20 Set, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 80.21 Set, Oral Administration | 1 0.02 80.23 Set, Perfusion, Kidney, Disposable | 1 0.02 80.25 Set, Transfer (Blood/Plasma) | 1 0.02 80.27 Set, Tubing And Support, Ventilator (.. | 1 0.02 80.28 Set, Tubing, Blood, With And Without .. | 1 0.02 80.30 Setter, Band, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 80.32 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Diso.. | 1 0.02 80.34 Sewing Machine | 1 0.02 80.35 Sex Crimes / Sexual Assault / Suspect.. | 1 0.02 80.37 Shaker/Stirrer | 1 0.02 80.39 Sharps Needle Destruction Device | 1 0.02 80.41 Shave Prep Kit | 1 0.02 80.43 Shavers | 1 0.02 80.44 Sheath, Corrugated Rubber, For Non-In.. | 1 0.02 80.46 Sheath, Corrugated Rubber, For Nonind.. | 1 0.02 80.48 Sheet, Recording, Breast Examination | 1 0.02 80.50 Shell, Scleral | 1 0.02 80.51 Shield, Circumcision | 1 0.02 80.53 Shield, Eye, Ophthalmic (Including Su.. | 1 0.02 80.55 Shield, Nipple | 1 0.02 80.57 Short-Term Intravascular Filter Cathe.. | 1 0.02 80.58 Shoulder Prosthesis, Reverse Configur.. | 1 0.02 80.60 Shunt, Central Nervous System And Com.. | 1 0.02 80.62 Shunt, Peritoneal | 1 0.02 80.64 Shunt, Portosystemic, Endoprosthesis | 1 0.02 80.65 Sigmoidoscope And Accessories, Flexib.. | 1 0.02 80.67 Sigmoidoscope, Rigid, Electrical | 1 0.02 80.69 Sigmoidoscope, Rigid, Non-Electrical | 1 0.02 80.71 Silicone Hydrogel For Scar Management | 1 0.02 80.72 Silicone, Liquid, Injectable | 1 0.02 80.74 Silver Nitrate | 1 0.02 80.76 Simulatan (Including Crossed Cylinder) | 1 0.02 80.78 Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (.. | 1 0.02 80.79 Single Lead Over-The-Counter Electroc.. | 1 0.02 80.81 Single Needle (Co-Axial Flow) Dialysi.. | 1 0.02 80.83 Single Needle With Uni-Directional Pu.. | 1 0.02 80.85 Single Use Instrument Tray | 1 0.02 80.86 Sirius Red | 1 0.02 80.88 Sirolimus Test System | 1 0.02 80.90 Sitz Bath Kit | 1 0.02 80.92 Sizer, Heart-Valve, Prosthesis | 1 0.02 80.93 Sizer, Mammary, Breast Implant Volume | 1 0.02 80.95 Skid, Bone | 1 0.02 80.97 Skin Prep Tray | 1 0.02 80.99 Skin Resurfacing Rf Applicator | 1 0.02 81.01 Sleep Appliances With Patient Monitor.. | 1 0.02 81.02 Sleeve, Head And Neck, Compressible | 1 0.02 81.04 Sleeve, Limb, Compressible | 1 0.02 81.06 Smart Meter | 1 0.02 81.08 Snake Bite Suction Kit | 1 0.02 81.09 Snare, Ear | 1 0.02 81.11 Snare, Enucleating | 1 0.02 81.13 Snare, Flexible | 1 0.02 81.15 Snare, Flexible, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 81.16 Snare, Nasal | 1 0.02 81.18 Snare, Non-Electrical | 1 0.02 81.20 Snare, Rigid Self-Opening | 1 0.02 81.22 Snare, Tonsil | 1 0.02 81.23 Sodium Hydroxide And Phenol Red (Titr.. | 1 0.02 81.25 Sodium Periodate | 1 0.02 81.27 Sodium Vapor Lamp | 1 0.02 81.29 Software For Diagnosis/Treatment | 1 0.02 81.30 Software For Visualization Of Vascula.. | 1 0.02 81.32 Software, Blood Virus Applications | 1 0.02 81.34 Software, Management, Microplate Assay | 1 0.02 81.36 Software, Similarity Score Algorithm,.. | 1 0.02 81.37 Software, Transmission And Storage, P.. | 1 0.02 81.39 Solubility, Hemoglobin, Abnormal | 1 0.02 81.41 Solution, Antimicrobial | 1 0.02 81.43 Solution, Cement Dissolving | 1 0.02 81.44 Solution, Clarke'S | 1 0.02 81.46 Solution, Cleaning / Lubricating, Art.. | 1 0.02 81.48 Solution, Cold Sterilizing | 1 0.02 81.50 Solution, Copper Sulfate For Specific.. | 1 0.02 81.51 Solution, Fontanna Silver | 1 0.02 81.53 Solution, Gugol Blue | 1 0.02 81.55 Solution, Helly | 1 0.02 81.57 Solution, M-Nitrophenol, Specific Rea.. | 1 0.02 81.58 Solution, Newcomer'S | 1 0.02 81.60 Solution, Removal, Carries | 1 0.02 81.62 Solution, Silver Carbonate | 1 0.02 81.64 Solution, Sodium Hyaluronate | 1 0.02 81.66 Solution, Stabilized Enzyme | 1 0.02 81.67 Solution-Test Standard-Conductivity, .. | 1 0.02 81.69 Solvent, Adhesive Tape | 1 0.02 81.71 Somatic Gene Mutation Detection System | 1 0.02 81.73 Sorter, Cell | 1 0.02 81.74 Sound Amplification Product | 1 0.02 81.76 Sound, Metal, Interconnected | 1 0.02 81.78 Sound, Urethral, Metal Or Plastic | 1 0.02 81.80 Sound, Uterine | 1 0.02 81.81 Source Localization Software For Elec.. | 1 0.02 81.83 Source, Abortion Unit, Vacuum | 1 0.02 81.85 Source, Carrier, Fiberoptic Light | 1 0.02 81.87 Source, Chemiluminescent Light | 1 0.02 81.88 Spacer, Cement | 1 0.02 81.90 Spacer, Direct Patient Interface | 1 0.02 81.92 Sparse Sample Pk Profile And Dosing S.. | 1 0.02 81.94 Spatial Imaging For Display Of Endosc.. | 1 0.02 81.95 Spatula, Cervical, Cytological | 1 0.02 81.97 Spatula, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 81.99 Spatula, Orthopedic | 1 0.02 82.01 Spectacle Microscope, Low-Vision | 1 0.02 82.02 Spectacle, Magnifying | 1 0.02 82.04 Spectacle, Operating (Loupe), Ophthal.. | 1 0.02 82.06 Spectral Absorb. Curve, Oxyhemoglobin.. | 1 0.02 82.08 Spectrophotometric Method, Pregnanediol | 1 0.02 82.09 Spectrophotometric Method, Pregnanetr.. | 1 0.02 82.11 Spectrophotometric, Uroporphyrin | 1 0.02 82.13 Spectroscopy Instrument | 1 0.02 82.15 Spectroscopy, Ultraviolet Fluorescence | 1 0.02 82.16 Specula, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 82.18 Speculum, Rectal | 1 0.02 82.20 Speculum, Vaginal, Metal | 1 0.02 82.22 Speculum, Vaginal, Metal, Fiberoptic | 1 0.02 82.24 Speculum, Vaginal, Nonmetal | 1 0.02 82.25 Speculum, Vaginal, Nonmetal, Fiberoptic | 1 0.02 82.27 Sperm, Antigen, Antiserum, Control | 1 0.02 82.29 Sperm, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 82.31 Spermatocele, Alloplastic | 1 0.02 82.32 Sphyncteroscope | 1 0.02 82.34 Spill Kit | 1 0.02 82.36 Spinal Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 82.38 Spinal Channeling Instrument, Vertebr.. | 1 0.02 82.39 Spinal Epidural Anesthesia Kit | 1 0.02 82.41 Spinal Fixation System | 1 0.02 82.43 Spinal Pedicle Screw, Fixation, Appli.. | 1 0.02 82.45 Spinal Vertebral Body Replacement Dev.. | 1 0.02 82.46 Spinal Vertebral Body Replacement Dev.. | 1 0.02 82.48 Spinner System, Cell Culture | 1 0.02 82.50 Spinner, Flask | 1 0.02 82.52 Spinner, Slide, Automated | 1 0.02 82.53 Spinous Process Plate | 1 0.02 82.55 Spirometer, Diagnostic | 1 0.02 82.57 Spirometer, Monitoring (W/Wo Alarm) | 1 0.02 82.59 Spirometer, Therapeutic (Incentive) | 1 0.02 82.60 Splint, Endodontic Stabilizing | 1 0.02 82.62 Splint, Extremity, Non-Inflatable, Ex.. | 1 0.02 82.64 Splint, Extremity, Noninflatable, Ext.. | 1 0.02 82.66 Splint, Intranasal Septal | 1 0.02 82.67 Splint, Nasal | 1 0.02 82.69 Splint, Traction | 1 0.02 82.71 Sponge, Eyelid Cleaning, Powered | 1 0.02 82.73 Sponge, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 82.74 Spoon, Ear | 1 0.02 82.76 Spoon, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 82.78 Spreader, Bladder Neck | 1 0.02 82.80 Spreader, Cuff | 1 0.02 82.81 Spreader, Pulp Canal Filling Material.. | 1 0.02 82.83 Spring, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 82.85 Spud, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 82.87 St2 Assay | 1 0.02 82.89 Stabilizer, Heart | 1 0.02 82.90 Stabilizer, Heart, Non-Compression, R.. | 1 0.02 82.92 Stabilizer, Shunt | 1 0.02 82.94 Stain, Fetal Hemoglobin | 1 0.02 82.96 Stain, Papanicolau | 1 0.02 82.97 Stain, Ponceau | 1 0.02 82.99 Stain, Reticulocyte | 1 0.02 83.01 Stain, Trichrome, Mallory'S | 1 0.02 83.03 Stainless Steel Instrument, Shunt Sys.. | 1 0.02 83.04 Stains, Chemical Solution | 1 0.02 83.06 Stains, Dye Powder | 1 0.02 83.08 Stains, Dye Solution | 1 0.02 83.10 Stains, Heinz Body | 1 0.02 83.11 Stains, Hematology | 1 0.02 83.13 Stains, Microbiologic | 1 0.02 83.15 Stand, Infusion | 1 0.02 83.17 Stand, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Ophtha.. | 1 0.02 83.18 Stand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Batter.. | 1 0.02 83.20 Stand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Non-Po.. | 1 0.02 83.22 Standard Polysomnograph With Electroe.. | 1 0.02 83.24 Standards And Controls, Hemoglobin, N.. | 1 0.02 83.25 Stannous Chloride - Hydrazine, Phosph.. | 1 0.02 83.27 Staphylococcus Aureus Protein A Insol.. | 1 0.02 83.29 Staphylococcus Aureus Somatic Antigens | 1 0.02 83.31 Staple Driver | 1 0.02 83.32 Staple Removal Kit | 1 0.02 83.34 Staple, Absorbable | 1 0.02 83.36 Staple, Fixation, Bone | 1 0.02 83.38 Staple, Fixation, Bone, Metallic | 1 0.02 83.39 Staple, Implantable, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 83.41 Starch-Dye Bound Polymer, Amylase | 1 0.02 83.43 Starter, Bone Screw | 1 0.02 83.45 Static Electricity-Emitting Device, C.. | 1 0.02 83.47 Station, Dialysis Control, Negative P.. | 1 0.02 83.48 Station, Pipetting And Diluting, For .. | 1 0.02 83.50 Stent Delivery System | 1 0.02 83.52 Stent, Bladder, Fetal | 1 0.02 83.54 Stent, Carotid | 1 0.02 83.55 Stent, Colonic, Metallic, Expandable | 1 0.02 83.57 Stent, Coronary | 1 0.02 83.59 Stent, Iliac | 1 0.02 83.61 Stent, Metallic, Expandable, Duodenal | 1 0.02 83.62 Stent, Renal | 1 0.02 83.64 Stent, Superficial Femoral Artery | 1 0.02 83.66 Stent, Superficial Femoral Artery, Dr.. | 1 0.02 83.68 Stent, Ureteral | 1 0.02 83.69 Stent, Urethral, Bulbous, Permanent O.. | 1 0.02 83.71 Stent, Urethral, External Sphincter, .. | 1 0.02 83.73 Stent, Urethral, Prostatic, Permanent.. | 1 0.02 83.75 Stent, Urethral, Prostatic, Semi-Perm.. | 1 0.02 83.76 Stent, Vaginal | 1 0.02 83.78 Stents, Drains And Dilators For The B.. | 1 0.02 83.80 Stereoscope, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 83.82 Stereoscope, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 83.83 Sterilant, Medical Devices | 1 0.02 83.85 Sterile Puncture Tray | 1 0.02 83.87 Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays,.. | 1 0.02 83.89 Sterilizer Automated Loading System | 1 0.02 83.90 Sterilizer, Boiling Water | 1 0.02 83.92 Sterilizer, Chemical | 1 0.02 83.94 Sterilizer, Dry Heat | 1 0.02 83.96 Sterilizer, Endodontic Dry Heat | 1 0.02 83.97 Sterilizer, Ethylene-Oxide Gas | 1 0.02 83.99 Sterilizer, Glass Bead | 1 0.02 84.01 Sterilizer, Soft-Lens, Thermal, Ac-Po.. | 1 0.02 84.03 Sterilizer, Soft-Lens, Thermal, Batte.. | 1 0.02 84.04 Sterilizer, Steam | 1 0.02 84.06 Sterilizer, Tonometer | 1 0.02 84.08 Sterilizers, Non-Medical | 1 0.02 84.10 Stethoscope Head | 1 0.02 84.12 Stethoscope, Electronic | 1 0.02 84.13 Stethoscope, Esophageal | 1 0.02 84.15 Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electri.. | 1 0.02 84.17 Stethoscope, Fetal | 1 0.02 84.19 Stethoscope, Manual | 1 0.02 84.20 Stimulator, Auditory, Evoked Response | 1 0.02 84.22 Stimulator, Autonomic Nerve, Implante.. | 1 0.02 84.24 Stimulator, Autonomic Nerve, Implante.. | 1 0.02 84.26 Stimulator, Bladder | 1 0.02 84.27 Stimulator, Bone Growth, Non-Invasive | 1 0.02 84.29 Stimulator, Brain, Implanted, For Beh.. | 1 0.02 84.31 Stimulator, Caloric-Air | 1 0.02 84.33 Stimulator, Caloric-Water | 1 0.02 84.34 Stimulator, Carotid Sinus Nerve | 1 0.02 84.36 Stimulator, Cranial Electrotherapy | 1 0.02 84.38 Stimulator, Electrical For Sperm Coll.. | 1 0.02 84.40 Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 1 0.02 84.41 Stimulator, Electrical, Implantable, .. | 1 0.02 84.43 Stimulator, Electrical, Implanted, Fo.. | 1 0.02 84.45 Stimulator, Electrical, Implanted, Fo.. | 1 0.02 84.47 Stimulator, Electrical, Implanted, Fo.. | 1 0.02 84.48 Stimulator, Electrical, Non-Implantab.. | 1 0.02 84.50 Stimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneou.. | 1 0.02 84.52 Stimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneou.. | 1 0.02 84.54 Stimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneou.. | 1 0.02 84.55 Stimulator, Electro-Acupuncture | 1 0.02 84.57 Stimulator, Fetal, Acoustic | 1 0.02 84.59 Stimulator, Functional Walking Neurom.. | 1 0.02 84.61 Stimulator, Hypoglossal Nerve, Implan.. | 1 0.02 84.62 Stimulator, Intracerebral/Subcortical.. | 1 0.02 84.64 Stimulator, Intramuscular, Automatic | 1 0.02 84.66 Stimulator, Invasive Bone Growth | 1 0.02 84.68 Stimulator, Low Electric Field, Tumor.. | 1 0.02 84.70 Stimulator, Mechanical, Evoked Response | 1 0.02 84.71 Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, Dental | 1 0.02 84.73 Stimulator, Nerve | 1 0.02 84.75 Stimulator, Nerve, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 84.77 Stimulator, Nerve, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 84.78 Stimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Percut.. | 1 0.02 84.80 Stimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transc.. | 1 0.02 84.82 Stimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transc.. | 1 0.02 84.84 Stimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transc.. | 1 0.02 84.85 Stimulator, Nerve, Peripheral, Electric | 1 0.02 84.87 Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Fo.. | 1 0.02 84.89 Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Ov.. | 1 0.02 84.91 Stimulator, Neuromuscular, External F.. | 1 0.02 84.92 Stimulator, Osteogenesis, Electric, B.. | 1 0.02 84.94 Stimulator, Peripheral Nerve, Implant.. | 1 0.02 84.96 Stimulator, Photic, Evoked Response | 1 0.02 84.98 Stimulator, Salivary System | 1 0.02 84.99 Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted (P.. | 1 0.02 85.01 Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted Fo.. | 1 0.02 85.03 Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted, F.. | 1 0.02 85.05 Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Totally Impl.. | 1 0.02 85.06 Stimulator, Subcortical, Implanted F.. | 1 0.02 85.08 Stimulator, Transcutaneous Electrical.. | 1 0.02 85.10 Stimulator, Transdermal | 1 0.02 85.12 Stimulator, Ultrasound And Muscle, Fo.. | 1 0.02 85.13 Stimulator, Vaginal, Muscle, Powered,.. | 1 0.02 85.15 Stimulator, Vestibular Acceleration, .. | 1 0.02 85.17 Stimulator,Peripheral Nerve,Non-Impla.. | 1 0.02 85.19 Stirrups | 1 0.02 85.20 Stocking, Medical Support (For Genera.. | 1 0.02 85.22 Stocking, Medical Support (To Prevent.. | 1 0.02 85.24 Stool, Anesthesia | 1 0.02 85.26 Stopcock, I.V. Set | 1 0.02 85.27 Strabismus Detection Device | 1 0.02 85.29 Strap, Head, Gas Mask | 1 0.02 85.31 Stretcher, Hand-Carried | 1 0.02 85.33 Stretcher, Patient Restraint | 1 0.02 85.35 Stretcher, Wheeled | 1 0.02 85.36 String And Tubes, Gastrointestinal, T.. | 1 0.02 85.38 Strip, Craniosynostosis, Preformed | 1 0.02 85.40 Strip, Dialysate Ph Indicator | 1 0.02 85.42 Strip, Dialysate, Ph, Bicarbonate, Gl.. | 1 0.02 85.43 Strip, Hama Igg, Elisa, In Vitro Test.. | 1 0.02 85.45 Strip, Paper, Salicylate | 1 0.02 85.47 Strip, Polishing Agent | 1 0.02 85.49 Strip, Schirmer | 1 0.02 85.50 Strip, Temperature, Forehead, Liquid .. | 1 0.02 85.52 Strip, Test Isoniazid | 1 0.02 85.54 Strip, Test, Reagent, Residuals For D.. | 1 0.02 85.56 Strip, Test, Reagent, Residuals For D.. | 1 0.02 85.57 Strip, Virulence, Corynebacterium Dip.. | 1 0.02 85.59 Stripper, Artery, Intraluminal | 1 0.02 85.61 Stripper, Surgical | 1 0.02 85.63 Stripper, Vein, External | 1 0.02 85.64 Stripper, Vein, External, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 85.66 Study, Platelet Adhesive | 1 0.02 85.68 Stun Gun | 1 0.02 85.70 Stylet For Catheter, Gastro-Urology | 1 0.02 85.71 Stylet, Catheter | 1 0.02 85.73 Stylet, Tracheal Tube | 1 0.02 85.75 Stylet, Ureteral | 1 0.02 85.77 Subcutaneous Implanted Apheresis Port | 1 0.02 85.78 Submucosal Injection Agent | 1 0.02 85.80 Substance, Blood Grouping Of Non-Huma.. | 1 0.02 85.82 Subsystem, Proportioning | 1 0.02 85.84 Subsystem, Water Purification | 1 0.02 85.85 Sucker, Cardiotomy Return, Cardiopulm.. | 1 0.02 85.87 Suction Catheter Kit | 1 0.02 85.89 Suction Control, Intracardiac, Cardio.. | 1 0.02 85.91 Sudan Black B | 1 0.02 85.93 Sudan Iii | 1 0.02 85.94 Sudan Iv | 1 0.02 85.96 Suit, Surgical | 1 0.02 85.98 Sulfophosphovanillin, Colorimetry, To.. | 1 0.02 86.00 Sunglasses (Non-Prescription Includin.. | 1 0.02 86.01 Sunlamp Products (Pre-Standard) | 1 0.02 86.03 Suntan Bed | 1 0.02 86.05 Suntan Lamp | 1 0.02 86.07 Supplement, Culture Media | 1 0.02 86.08 Supplies, Blood-Bank | 1 0.02 86.10 Support Gels | 1 0.02 86.12 Support, Breathing Tube | 1 0.02 86.14 Support, Hernia | 1 0.02 86.15 Support, Patient Position | 1 0.02 86.17 Support, Scrotal, Therapeutic | 1 0.02 86.19 Suprapubic Cystostomy Catheter Kit | 1 0.02 86.21 Surgeon'S Gloves | 1 0.02 86.22 Surgical Cannulaes & Depth Gauge Kit .. | 1 0.02 86.24 Surgical Cardiac Ablation Device, For.. | 1 0.02 86.26 Surgical Device, For Cutting, Coagula.. | 1 0.02 86.28 Surgical Eye Tray | 1 0.02 86.29 Surgical Film | 1 0.02 86.31 Surgical Instruments, G-U, Manual (An.. | 1 0.02 86.33 Surgical Kit | 1 0.02 86.35 Surgical Mask With Antimicrobial/Anti.. | 1 0.02 86.36 Surgical Retractor Kit | 1 0.02 86.38 Surgical Smoke Precipitator | 1 0.02 86.40 Surgical Table Cushion | 1 0.02 86.42 Surveying Laser Product | 1 0.02 86.43 Susceptibility Test Cards, Antimicrob.. | 1 0.02 86.45 Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrob.. | 1 0.02 86.47 Susceptibility Test Plate, Antifungal | 1 0.02 86.49 Susceptibility Test Powders, Antimicr.. | 1 0.02 86.51 Susceptibility Test Powders, Antimyco.. | 1 0.02 86.52 Suture Kit | 1 0.02 86.54 Suture Removal Kit | 1 0.02 86.56 Suture, Absorbable, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 86.58 Suture, Cardiovascular | 1 0.02 86.59 Suture, Dental | 1 0.02 86.61 Suture, Knot, Mechanical | 1 0.02 86.63 Suture, Nonabsorable, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 86.65 Suture, Nonabsorbable, Nitinol | 1 0.02 86.66 Suture, Nonabsorbable, Steel, Monofil.. | 1 0.02 86.68 Suture, Recombinant Technology | 1 0.02 86.70 Suture, Surgical, Absorbable, Polydio.. | 1 0.02 86.72 Suture, Surgical, Nonabsorbable, Expa.. | 1 0.02 86.73 Suture, Surgical, Nonabsorbable, Poly.. | 1 0.02 86.75 Synchrotron, Non-Medical | 1 0.02 86.77 Syringe, Antistick | 1 0.02 86.79 Syringe, Balloon Inflation | 1 0.02 86.80 Syringe, Balloon Inflation, Exempt | 1 0.02 86.82 Syringe, Cartridge | 1 0.02 86.84 Syringe, Ent | 1 0.02 86.86 Syringe, Irrigating (Dental) | 1 0.02 86.87 Syringe, Irrigating (Non Dental) | 1 0.02 86.89 Syringe, Periodontic, Endodontic, Irr.. | 1 0.02 86.91 Syringe, Piston | 1 0.02 86.93 Syringe, Piston, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 86.94 Syringe, Restorative And Impression M.. | 1 0.02 86.96 System Accessories, Extracorporeal | 1 0.02 86.98 System And Accessories, Isolated Hear.. | 1 0.02 87.00 System, Ablation, Microwave And Acces.. | 1 0.02 87.01 System, Ablation, Ultrasound And Acce.. | 1 0.02 87.03 System, Abortion, Metreurynter-Balloon | 1 0.02 87.05 System, Abortion, Vacuum | 1 0.02 87.07 System, Alarm, Electrosurgical | 1 0.02 87.08 System, Analysis, Electrophoretic Hem.. | 1 0.02 87.10 System, Appendage Closure, Left Atrial | 1 0.02 87.12 System, Assisted Reproduction Laser | 1 0.02 87.14 System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 1 0.02 87.16 System, Balloon, Intra-Aortic And Con.. | 1 0.02 87.17 System, Balloon, Intra-Aortic And Con.. | 1 0.02 87.19 System, Blood Collection, Vacuum-Assi.. | 1 0.02 87.21 System, Blood Collection, Vacuum-Assi.. | 1 0.02 87.23 System, Blood Culturing | 1 0.02 87.24 System, Blood, Extracorporeal And Acc.. | 1 0.02 87.26 System, Breath Measurement | 1 0.02 87.28 System, Catheter Control, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 87.30 System, Catheter Control, Steerable | 1 0.02 87.31 System, Catheter Or Guidewire, Steera.. | 1 0.02 87.33 System, Cement Removal Extraction | 1 0.02 87.35 System, Concentration, Hematopoietic .. | 1 0.02 87.37 System, Cryosurgical, Liquid Nitrogen.. | 1 0.02 87.38 System, Delivery, Allergen And Vaccine | 1 0.02 87.40 System, Detection, Bacterial, For Pla.. | 1 0.02 87.42 System, Dialysate Delivery, Central M.. | 1 0.02 87.44 System, Dialysate Delivery, Recircula.. | 1 0.02 87.45 System, Dialysate Delivery, Recircula.. | 1 0.02 87.47 System, Dialysate Delivery, Sealed | 1 0.02 87.49 System, Dialysate Delivery, Semi-Auto.. | 1 0.02 87.51 System, Dialysate Delivery, Single Pass | 1 0.02 87.52 System, Dialysate Delivery, Single Pa.. | 1 0.02 87.54 System, Dialysate Delivery, Sorbent R.. | 1 0.02 87.56 System, Documentation, Breast Lesion | 1 0.02 87.58 System, Endovascular Graft, Aortic An.. | 1 0.02 87.59 System, Endovascular Graft, Arteriove.. | 1 0.02 87.61 System, Esophageal Pacing | 1 0.02 87.63 System, Evacuator, Fluid | 1 0.02 87.65 System, External Fixator (With Metall.. | 1 0.02 87.66 System, Facet Screw Spinal Device | 1 0.02 87.68 System, Fibrinogen Determination | 1 0.02 87.70 System, Gastrointestinal Motility (El.. | 1 0.02 87.72 System, Hemodialysis, Access Recircul.. | 1 0.02 87.74 System, Hemodialysis, Remote Accessor.. | 1 0.02 87.75 System, Hemodynamic, Implantable | 1 0.02 87.77 System, Hemoglobin, Automated | 1 0.02 87.79 System, Hyperthermia, Rf/Microwave (B.. | 1 0.02 87.81 System, Hypothermia, Intravenous, Coo.. | 1 0.02 87.82 System, Identification, Contact Lens | 1 0.02 87.84 System, Identification, Hepatitis B A.. | 1 0.02 87.86 System, Image Management, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 87.88 System, Imaging, Esophageal, Wireless.. | 1 0.02 87.89 System, Imaging, Fluorescence | 1 0.02 87.91 System, Imaging, Gastrointestinal, Wi.. | 1 0.02 87.93 System, In-Office Tinting, Contact Le.. | 1 0.02 87.95 System, Intrafallopian Cannula | 1 0.02 87.96 System, Irrigation, Urological | 1 0.02 87.98 System, Laser, Fiber Optic, Photodyna.. | 1 0.02 88.00 System, Laser, Photodynamic Therapy | 1 0.02 88.02 System, Laser, Transmyocardial Revasc.. | 1 0.02 88.03 System, Mass Spectrometry, Maldi Tof,.. | 1 0.02 88.05 System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, .. | 1 0.02 88.07 System, Microarray-Based, Genome-Wide.. | 1 0.02 88.09 System, Microbial Growth Monitor Of N.. | 1 0.02 88.10 System, Monitoring, For Progress Of L.. | 1 0.02 88.12 System, Monitoring, Perinatal | 1 0.02 88.14 System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coa.. | 1 0.02 88.16 System, Mycolic Acid Analysis, Mycoba.. | 1 0.02 88.17 System, Network And Communication, Ph.. | 1 0.02 88.19 System, Nucleic Acid Amplification Te.. | 1 0.02 88.21 System, Nucleic Acid Amplification Te.. | 1 0.02 88.23 System, Nucleic Acid Amplification Te.. | 1 0.02 88.24 System, Nucleic Acid Amplification, M.. | 1 0.02 88.26 System, Nucleic Acid-Based, Mycobacte.. | 1 0.02 88.28 System, Optical Impression, Computer .. | 1 0.02 88.30 System, Pacing, Temporary, Acute, Int.. | 1 0.02 88.31 System, Perfusion, Kidney | 1 0.02 88.33 System, Peritoneal, Automatic Delivery | 1 0.02 88.35 System, Peritoneal, Automatic Deliver.. | 1 0.02 88.37 System, Phonocatheter, Intracavitary | 1 0.02 88.39 System, Photopheresis, Extracorporeal | 1 0.02 88.40 System, Processing For Frozen Blood | 1 0.02 88.42 System, Reading, Television, Closed-C.. | 1 0.02 88.44 System, Separation, Hematopoietic Ste.. | 1 0.02 88.46 System, Signal Isolation | 1 0.02 88.47 System, Skin Closure | 1 0.02 88.49 System, Suction, Lipoplasty | 1 0.02 88.51 System, Suspension, Cell Culture | 1 0.02 88.53 System, Test, (Ihc), Tumor Marker, Mo.. | 1 0.02 88.54 System, Test, Alpha-Fetoprotein, Ria | 1 0.02 88.56 System, Test, Amino Acids, Free Carni.. | 1 0.02 88.58 System, Test, Anticardiolipin Immunol.. | 1 0.02 88.60 System, Test, Automated Blood Groupin.. | 1 0.02 88.61 System, Test, Automated, Antimicrobia.. | 1 0.02 88.63 System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Im.. | 1 0.02 88.65 System, Test, Blood Glucose, Over The.. | 1 0.02 88.67 System, Test, Breath Nitric Oxide | 1 0.02 88.68 System, Test, C-Reactive Protein | 1 0.02 88.70 System, Test, C-Reactive Protein, Rho.. | 1 0.02 88.72 System, Test, Carbohydrate Antigen (C.. | 1 0.02 88.74 System, Test, Carcinoembryonic Antigen | 1 0.02 88.75 System, Test, Combs, Automated | 1 0.02 88.77 System, Test, Fibrin/Fibrinogen Degra.. | 1 0.02 88.79 System, Test, Genotypic Detection, Re.. | 1 0.02 88.81 System, Test, Genotypic Detection, Re.. | 1 0.02 88.82 System, Test, Her-2/Neu, Monitoring | 1 0.02 88.84 System, Test, Home, Hiv-1 | 1 0.02 88.86 System, Test, Human Chorionic Gonadot.. | 1 0.02 88.88 System, Test, Hypersensitivity Pneumo.. | 1 0.02 88.89 System, Test, Immunological, Antigen,.. | 1 0.02 88.91 System, Test, Infectious Mononucleosis | 1 0.02 88.93 System, Test, Lipoprotein(A) | 1 0.02 88.95 System, Test, Low Density, Lipoprotein | 1 0.02 88.97 System, Test, Osteocalcin | 1 0.02 88.98 System, Test, Oxalate | 1 0.02 89.00 System, Test, Radioallergosorbent (Ra.. | 1 0.02 89.02 System, Test, Radioallergosorbent (Ra.. | 1 0.02 89.04 System, Test, Rheumatoid Factor | 1 0.02 89.05 System, Test, Systemic Lupus Erythema.. | 1 0.02 89.07 System, Test, Thyroglobulin | 1 0.02 89.09 System, Test, Thyroid Autoantibody | 1 0.02 89.11 System, Test, Topiramatee | 1 0.02 89.12 System, Test, Total Antioxidant Status | 1 0.02 89.14 System, Test, Tumor Marker, For Detec.. | 1 0.02 89.16 System, Test, Tumor Marker, Monitorin.. | 1 0.02 89.18 System, Test, Urinary Methylmalonic A.. | 1 0.02 89.19 System, Test, Vitamin D | 1 0.02 89.21 System, Thermal Regulating | 1 0.02 89.23 System, Transport, Aerobic | 1 0.02 89.25 System, Urine Drainage, Closed, For N.. | 1 0.02 89.26 System, Urine Drainage, Closed, For N.. | 1 0.02 89.28 System, Vocal Cord Medialization | 1 0.02 89.30 System, Water Jet Catheter, Renal | 1 0.02 89.32 System, Water Purification, General M.. | 1 0.02 89.33 System, Water, Reproduction, Assisted.. | 1 0.02 89.35 System,Dental,Hydrokinetic,Carries Re.. | 1 0.02 89.37 System,Electrogastrography(Egg) | 1 0.02 89.39 System,Microwave,Hair Removal | 1 0.02 89.40 System,Non-Coherent Light,Photodynami.. | 1 0.02 89.42 System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprot.. | 1 0.02 89.44 System,Test,Biotinidase | 1 0.02 89.46 System,Test,Sodium,Enzymatic Method | 1 0.02 89.47 System/Device, Pharmacy Compounding | 1 0.02 89.49 T-Cell Xtend Reagent | 1 0.02 89.51 Table, Cysto, Non-Electrical | 1 0.02 89.53 Table, Cystometric, Electric | 1 0.02 89.54 Table, Cystometric, Non-Electric And .. | 1 0.02 89.56 Table, Examination, Medical, Powered | 1 0.02 89.58 Table, Instrument, Manual, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 89.60 Table, Instrument, Powered, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 89.62 Table, Obstetric (And Accessories) | 1 0.02 89.63 Table, Obstetrical, Ac-Powered (And A.. | 1 0.02 89.65 Table, Obstetrical, Manual (And Acces.. | 1 0.02 89.67 Table, Surgical With Orthopedic Acces.. | 1 0.02 89.69 Table, Surgical With Orthopedic Acces.. | 1 0.02 89.70 Tablet, Resazurin | 1 0.02 89.72 Tabletop Sunlamp System | 1 0.02 89.74 Tack, Sacculotomy (Cody Tack) | 1 0.02 89.76 Tamp | 1 0.02 89.77 Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized | 1 0.02 89.79 Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented | 1 0.02 89.81 Tank, Holding, Dialysis | 1 0.02 89.83 Tanks, Developing, Tlc | 1 0.02 89.84 Tap, Bone | 1 0.02 89.86 Tape And Bandage,Adhesive(With Disinf.. | 1 0.02 89.88 Tape, Nystagmus | 1 0.02 89.90 Tape, Orthopedic | 1 0.02 89.91 Tape, Surgical, Internal | 1 0.02 89.93 Target, Fusion And Stereoscopic | 1 0.02 89.95 Tear Duct Occluder | 1 0.02 89.97 Teeth, Artificial, Backing And Facing | 1 0.02 89.98 Teeth, Artificial, Posterior With Met.. | 1 0.02 90.00 Teeth, Porcelain | 1 0.02 90.02 Teeth, Preformed Gold Denture | 1 0.02 90.04 Telephone Ringer | 1 0.02 90.05 Telescope, Hand-Held, Low-Vision | 1 0.02 90.07 Telescope, Implantable, Miniature | 1 0.02 90.09 Telescope, Laryngeal-Bronchial | 1 0.02 90.11 Telescope, Rigid, Endoscopic | 1 0.02 90.12 Telescope, Spectacle, Low-Vision | 1 0.02 90.14 Television Or Monitor, Non-Crt, Non-M.. | 1 0.02 90.16 Television Receiver, General Purpose,.. | 1 0.02 90.18 Television Receiver, General Purpose,.. | 1 0.02 90.20 Television Receiver, Medical Imaging,.. | 1 0.02 90.21 Television Receiver, Medical Imaging,.. | 1 0.02 90.23 Television, Less Than 25kv And Less T.. | 1 0.02 90.25 Template | 1 0.02 90.27 Temporary Cardiac Support Blood Pump | 1 0.02 90.28 Temporary Carotid Catheter For Emboli.. | 1 0.02 90.30 Temporary Catheter, Embolic Protectio.. | 1 0.02 90.32 Temporary Coronary Saphenous Vein Byp.. | 1 0.02 90.34 Temporary Non-Roller Type Left Heart .. | 1 0.02 90.35 Temporary Non-Roller Type Right Heart.. | 1 0.02 90.37 Temporary Tissue Marker | 1 0.02 90.39 Temporary, Internal Use Hemostatic | 1 0.02 90.41 Tenaculum, Uterine | 1 0.02 90.42 Tenaculum, Uterine, Exempt | 1 0.02 90.44 Tent, Oxygen | 1 0.02 90.46 Tent, Oxygen, Electrically Powered | 1 0.02 90.48 Tent, Pediatric Aerosol | 1 0.02 90.49 Test 5, 10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate .. | 1 0.02 90.51 Test For Periprosthetic Joint Infection | 1 0.02 90.53 Test Reagents For Chloral Hydrate | 1 0.02 90.55 Test Reagents For Ethyl Alcohol | 1 0.02 90.56 Test Reagents For Methyl Alcohol | 1 0.02 90.58 Test Reagents For Phenothiazine | 1 0.02 90.60 Test Reagents For Sulphanimide Deriva.. | 1 0.02 90.62 Test Reagents, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae .. | 1 0.02 90.63 Test Reagents, Zinc | 1 0.02 90.65 Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasm.. | 1 0.02 90.67 Test System, For Drugs Of Abuse | 1 0.02 90.69 Test System, Nicotine, Cotinine, Meta.. | 1 0.02 90.70 Test, Albumin Cobalt Binding | 1 0.02 90.72 Test, Alpha Fetoprotein L3 Subfractio.. | 1 0.02 90.74 Test, Amphetamine, Employment And Ins.. | 1 0.02 90.76 Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 90.77 Test, Anti-Tumor Cell Susceptibility | 1 0.02 90.79 Test, Antigen, Nuclear, Epstein-Barr .. | 1 0.02 90.81 Test, Barbiturate, Employment And Ins.. | 1 0.02 90.83 Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 90.85 Test, Benzodiazepine, Employment And .. | 1 0.02 90.86 Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 90.88 Test, Breath Analysis, Volatile Organ.. | 1 0.02 90.90 Test, Cannabinoid, Employment And Ins.. | 1 0.02 90.92 Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 90.93 Test, Cell Mediated Immune Response, .. | 1 0.02 90.95 Test, Cervical Mucus Penetration | 1 0.02 90.97 Test, Cholesterol, Total, Over The Co.. | 1 0.02 90.99 Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolite,.. | 1 0.02 91.00 Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites.. | 1 0.02 91.02 Test, Codeine, Employment And Insuran.. | 1 0.02 91.04 Test, Creatinine, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.06 Test, Cystatin C | 1 0.02 91.07 Test, Donor, Cmv | 1 0.02 91.09 Test, Donor, Syphilis, Antigens, Trep.. | 1 0.02 91.11 Test, Ecarin Clotting Time (Ect) | 1 0.02 91.13 Test, Epithelial Ovarian Tumor Associ.. | 1 0.02 91.14 Test, Epithelial Ovarian Tumor-Associ.. | 1 0.02 91.16 Test, Equipment, Automated Bloodborne.. | 1 0.02 91.18 Test, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | 1 0.02 91.20 Test, Euglobulin Lysis | 1 0.02 91.21 Test, Fibrinogen | 1 0.02 91.23 Test, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (F.. | 1 0.02 91.25 Test, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Over T.. | 1 0.02 91.27 Test, Heparin Neutralization | 1 0.02 91.28 Test, Hepatitis B (B Core, Be Antigen.. | 1 0.02 91.30 Test, Hiv Detection | 1 0.02 91.32 Test, Immunity, Cell Mediated, Mycoba.. | 1 0.02 91.34 Test, Lactic Acid, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.35 Test, Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase | 1 0.02 91.37 Test, Leukocyte Peroxidase | 1 0.02 91.39 Test, Leukocyte Typing | 1 0.02 91.41 Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over .. | 1 0.02 91.43 Test, Methadone, Employment And Insur.. | 1 0.02 91.44 Test, Methadone, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.46 Test, Methamphetamine, Employment And.. | 1 0.02 91.48 Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.50 Test, Methaqualone, Employment And In.. | 1 0.02 91.51 Test, Morphine, Employment And Insura.. | 1 0.02 91.53 Test, Morphine, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.55 Test, Nitrite, Urinary, Non-Quantitat.. | 1 0.02 91.57 Test, Nr2 Antibody | 1 0.02 91.58 Test, Occult Blood, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.60 Test, Opiates, Employment And Insuran.. | 1 0.02 91.62 Test, Opiates, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.64 Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The C.. | 1 0.02 91.65 Test, Platelet Antibody | 1 0.02 91.67 Test, Propoxyphene, Employment And In.. | 1 0.02 91.69 Test, Propoxyphene, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 91.71 Test, Prostate Specific Antigen, Free.. | 1 0.02 91.72 Test, Prothrombin Consumption | 1 0.02 91.74 Test, Qualitative And Quantitative Fa.. | 1 0.02 91.76 Test, Qualitative, Detection Of Dengu.. | 1 0.02 91.78 Test, Qualitative, For Hla, Non-Diagn.. | 1 0.02 91.79 Test, Quantitative, For Hla, Non-Diag.. | 1 0.02 91.81 Test, Residual, Wbc In Leukoreduced B.. | 1 0.02 91.83 Test, Screening, For D Positive Fetal.. | 1 0.02 91.85 Test, Sickle Cell | 1 0.02 91.86 Test, Sorbent, Fta-Abs | 1 0.02 91.88 Test, Spectacle Dissociation, Ac-Powe.. | 1 0.02 91.90 Test, Spectacle Dissociation, Battery.. | 1 0.02 91.92 Test, Syphilis, Treponemal | 1 0.02 91.93 Test, System, Immunoassay, Lipoprotei.. | 1 0.02 91.95 Test, Thrombin Time | 1 0.02 91.97 Test, Thromboplastin Generation | 1 0.02 91.99 Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin | 1 0.02 92.00 Test, Time, Prothrombin | 1 0.02 92.02 Test, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,.. | 1 0.02 92.04 Test, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over.. | 1 0.02 92.06 Test, Triglycerides, Over The Counter | 1 0.02 92.08 Test, Urea (Breath Or Blood) | 1 0.02 92.09 Test, Urea Adult And Pediatric (Breat.. | 1 0.02 92.11 Test, Urine Leukocyte | 1 0.02 92.13 Test, Vaginal, Bacterial Sialidase | 1 0.02 92.15 Test, Volatile Organic Compounds Brea.. | 1 0.02 92.16 Test,Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin | 1 0.02 92.18 Test,Immunoassay,Biosensor,Hcg | 1 0.02 92.20 Test,Natriuretic Peptide | 1 0.02 92.22 Test,System,Potassium,Enzymatic Method | 1 0.02 92.23 Tester, Auditory Impedance | 1 0.02 92.25 Tester, Auditory Impedance, Exempt | 1 0.02 92.27 Tester, Color Vision | 1 0.02 92.29 Tester, Defibrillator | 1 0.02 92.30 Tester, Electrode, Surface, Electroca.. | 1 0.02 92.32 Tester, Electrode/Lead, Electroenceph.. | 1 0.02 92.34 Tester, Pacemaker Electrode Function | 1 0.02 92.36 Tester, Pulp | 1 0.02 92.37 Tester, Stiffness, Cartilage, Arthros.. | 1 0.02 92.39 Tetrabromo-M-Cresolsulfonphthalein, A.. | 1 0.02 92.41 Tetrabromophenolphthalein, Albumin | 1 0.02 92.43 Tetrahydrofolate, Enzymatic (U.V.), F.. | 1 0.02 92.44 Tetraphenyl Borate, Colorimetry, Pota.. | 1 0.02 92.46 Tetrazolium Int Dye-Diaphorase, Lacta.. | 1 0.02 92.48 Theophylline Control Materials | 1 0.02 92.50 Thermal System For Insomnia | 1 0.02 92.51 Thermocycler, Generic | 1 0.02 92.53 Thermometer Kit | 1 0.02 92.55 Thermometer, Clinical Color Change | 1 0.02 92.57 Thermometer, Clinical Mercury | 1 0.02 92.58 Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical | 1 0.02 92.60 Thermometer, Exhaled Breath | 1 0.02 92.62 Thin Layer Chromatography, Amphetamine | 1 0.02 92.64 Thin Layer Chromatography, Barbiturate | 1 0.02 92.66 Thin Layer Chromatography, Benzodiazi.. | 1 0.02 92.67 Thin Layer Chromatography, Benzoylecg.. | 1 0.02 92.69 Thin Layer Chromatography, Cocaine | 1 0.02 92.71 Thin Layer Chromatography, Codeine | 1 0.02 92.73 Thin Layer Chromatography, Diphenylhy.. | 1 0.02 92.74 Thin Layer Chromatography, Ethosuximide | 1 0.02 92.76 Thin Layer Chromatography, Methadone | 1 0.02 92.78 Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphet.. | 1 0.02 92.80 Thin Layer Chromatography, Morphine | 1 0.02 92.81 Thin Layer Chromatography, Opiates | 1 0.02 92.83 Thin Layer Chromatography, Phencyclid.. | 1 0.02 92.85 Thin Layer Chromatography, Phenobarbi.. | 1 0.02 92.87 Thin Layer Chromatography, Primidone | 1 0.02 92.88 Thin Layer Chromatography, Propoxyphene | 1 0.02 92.90 Thin Layer Chromatography, Quinine | 1 0.02 92.92 Thin Layer Chromatography, Salicylate | 1 0.02 92.94 Thin Layer Chromatography, Theophylline | 1 0.02 92.95 Thin Layer Chroomatography, Tricyclic.. | 1 0.02 92.97 Thionin | 1 0.02 92.99 Thoracentesis Tray | 1 0.02 93.01 Thoracic Catheter Insertion Tray | 1 0.02 93.02 Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System | 1 0.02 93.04 Thrombin | 1 0.02 93.06 Thymol Blue Monophosphate, Alkaline P.. | 1 0.02 93.08 Thymolphthalein Monophosphate, Alkali.. | 1 0.02 93.09 Thyroglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Co.. | 1 0.02 93.11 Thyroglobulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiser.. | 1 0.02 93.13 Thyroglobulin, Rhodamine, Antigen, An.. | 1 0.02 93.15 Tie, Dialysis | 1 0.02 93.16 Timed Flow In Capillary, Plasma Visco.. | 1 0.02 93.18 Timer, Apgar | 1 0.02 93.20 Timer, Clot, Automated | 1 0.02 93.22 Timer, Coagulation | 1 0.02 93.23 Timer, General Laboratory | 1 0.02 93.25 Tip, Rubber, Oral Hygiene | 1 0.02 93.27 Tip, Vessel | 1 0.02 93.29 Tissue Adhesive For Internal Use | 1 0.02 93.31 Tissue Adhesive For Ophthalmic Use | 1 0.02 93.32 Tissue Adhesive For The Topical Appro.. | 1 0.02 93.34 Tissue Adhesive For Use In Embolizati.. | 1 0.02 93.36 Tissue Adhesive, Aortic Aneurysmorrha.. | 1 0.02 93.38 Tissue Culture, Accessories, Dental | 1 0.02 93.39 Tissue Graft Of 6mm And Greater | 1 0.02 93.41 Tissue Graft Of Less Than 6mm | 1 0.02 93.43 Tissue Rna Preservative For Collectio.. | 1 0.02 93.45 Titan Yellow | 1 0.02 93.46 Titrimetric Permanganate And Bromophe.. | 1 0.02 93.48 Titrimetric Phenol Red, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 93.50 Titrimetric With Edta And Indicator, .. | 1 0.02 93.52 Titrimetric, Fatty Acids | 1 0.02 93.53 Titrimetric, Magnesium | 1 0.02 93.55 Tlc Chromatographic Separation Trigly.. | 1 0.02 93.57 Toilet Seat Sanitizer | 1 0.02 93.59 Toluidine Blue | 1 0.02 93.60 Tomography, Optical Coherence | 1 0.02 93.62 Tong, Skull For Traction | 1 0.02 93.64 Tonograph | 1 0.02 93.66 Tonometer (Calibration And Q.C. Of Bl.. | 1 0.02 93.67 Tonometer, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 93.69 Tonometer, Analyzer, Ocular Blood Flow | 1 0.02 93.71 Tonometer, Manual | 1 0.02 93.73 Tonsillectome | 1 0.02 93.74 Tools, Pacemaker Service | 1 0.02 93.76 Toothbrush, Ionic, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 93.78 Toothbrush, Manual | 1 0.02 93.80 Toothbrush, Powered | 1 0.02 93.81 Topical Approximation System | 1 0.02 93.83 Topographer, Corneal, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 93.85 Topographer, Corneal, Battery Powered | 1 0.02 93.87 Total Spinal-Fluid, Antigen, Antiseru.. | 1 0.02 93.89 Total, Prostate Specific Antigen (Non.. | 1 0.02 93.90 Tourniquet Kit | 1 0.02 93.92 Tourniquet, Automatic Rotating | 1 0.02 93.94 Tourniquet, Pneumatic | 1 0.02 93.96 Towel Cleaner | 1 0.02 93.97 Trabeculotome | 1 0.02 93.99 Tracheal Suction Set | 1 0.02 94.01 Tracheobronchial Suction Catheter Kit | 1 0.02 94.03 Tracheostomy And Nasal Suctioning Kit | 1 0.02 94.04 Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray | 1 0.02 94.06 Tracheostomy Kit | 1 0.02 94.08 Tracheotome | 1 0.02 94.10 Tracheotomy Care Kit | 1 0.02 94.11 Transcatheter Septal Occluder | 1 0.02 94.13 Transcatheter Septal Occluder (Atrial) | 1 0.02 94.15 Transcatheter Septal Occluder (Ventri.. | 1 0.02 94.17 Transcervical Contraceptive Tubal Occ.. | 1 0.02 94.18 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Sys.. | 1 0.02 94.20 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 1 0.02 94.22 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator For .. | 1 0.02 94.24 Transducer, Apex Cardiographic | 1 0.02 94.25 Transducer, Blood-Pressure, Extravasc.. | 1 0.02 94.27 Transducer, Gas Flow | 1 0.02 94.29 Transducer, Gas Pressure | 1 0.02 94.31 Transducer, Gas Pressure, Differential | 1 0.02 94.32 Transducer, Heart Sound | 1 0.02 94.34 Transducer, Pressure, Catheter Tip | 1 0.02 94.36 Transducer, Pressure, Intrauterine | 1 0.02 94.38 Transducer, Tremor | 1 0.02 94.39 Transducer, Ultrasonic | 1 0.02 94.41 Transducer, Ultrasonic, Obstetric | 1 0.02 94.43 Transducer, Vessel Occlusion | 1 0.02 94.45 Transfemoral Percutaneous Prosthetic | 1 0.02 94.46 Transferrin, Antigen, Antiserum, Cont.. | 1 0.02 94.48 Transferrin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum.. | 1 0.02 94.50 Transferrin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Anti.. | 1 0.02 94.52 Transformer, Endoscope | 1 0.02 94.54 Transilluminator, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 94.55 Transilluminator, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 94.57 Transilluminator, Fiber Optic | 1 0.02 94.59 Transmitters And Receivers, Electroca.. | 1 0.02 94.61 Transmitters And Receivers, Physiolog.. | 1 0.02 94.62 Transparent Patch For Use In Treatmen.. | 1 0.02 94.64 Transport Systems, Anaerobic | 1 0.02 94.66 Transtibial Anterior Cruciate Ligamen.. | 1 0.02 94.68 Transurethral Occlusion Insert, Urina.. | 1 0.02 94.69 Trap, Sterile Specimen | 1 0.02 94.71 Tray, Biopsy, Without Biopsy Instrume.. | 1 0.02 94.73 Tray, Blood Collection | 1 0.02 94.75 Tray, Catheterization, Sterile Urethr.. | 1 0.02 94.76 Tray, Fluoride, Disposable | 1 0.02 94.78 Tray, Impression, Preformed | 1 0.02 94.80 Tray, Leukocyte Typing | 1 0.02 94.82 Tray, Start/Stop (Including Contents).. | 1 0.02 94.83 Tray, Surgical | 1 0.02 94.85 Tray, Surgical, Ent | 1 0.02 94.87 Trephine | 1 0.02 94.89 Trephine, Manual, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 94.90 Trephine, Sinus | 1 0.02 94.92 Trichomonas Vaginalis Nucleic Acid Am.. | 1 0.02 94.94 Trinitrobenzene Sulfonate (Spectrosco.. | 1 0.02 94.96 Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder Dna Test | 1 0.02 94.97 Tripsor, Stone, Bladder | 1 0.02 94.99 Trocar | 1 0.02 95.01 Trocar Kit | 1 0.02 95.03 Trocar, Ent | 1 0.02 95.04 Trocar, Laryngeal | 1 0.02 95.06 Trocar, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 95.08 Trocar, Sinus | 1 0.02 95.10 Trocar, Tracheal | 1 0.02 95.12 Trocar, Tracheal, Laryngeal, Sinus, R.. | 1 0.02 95.13 Trousers, Anti-Shock | 1 0.02 95.15 Trypan Blue | 1 0.02 95.17 Tryptase Assay System | 1 0.02 95.19 Tryptophan Measurement (Colorimetric).. | 1 0.02 95.20 Tube Impression And Matrix | 1 0.02 95.22 Tube Tracheostomy And Tube Cuff | 1 0.02 95.24 Tube, Aspirating, Bronchoscope, Rigid | 1 0.02 95.26 Tube, Aspirating, Flexible, Connecting | 1 0.02 95.27 Tube, Bronchial (W/Wo Connector) | 1 0.02 95.29 Tube, Cement Ventilation | 1 0.02 95.31 Tube, Collection, Capillary Blood | 1 0.02 95.33 Tube, Double Lumen For Intestinal Dec.. | 1 0.02 95.34 Tube, Drainage, Suprapubic | 1 0.02 95.36 Tube, Ear Suction | 1 0.02 95.38 Tube, Feeding | 1 0.02 95.40 Tube, Gastro-Enterostomy | 1 0.02 95.41 Tube, Laryngectomy | 1 0.02 95.43 Tube, Levine | 1 0.02 95.45 Tube, Nasogastric | 1 0.02 95.47 Tube, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 95.48 Tube, Sedimentation Rate | 1 0.02 95.50 Tube, Shunt, Endolymphatic | 1 0.02 95.52 Tube, Shunt, Endolymphatic With Valve | 1 0.02 95.54 Tube, Single Lumen, With Mercury Wt B.. | 1 0.02 95.55 Tube, Smoke Removal, Endoscopic | 1 0.02 95.57 Tube, Thorpe, Uncompensated | 1 0.02 95.59 Tube, Tonsil Suction | 1 0.02 95.61 Tube, Toynbee Diagnostic | 1 0.02 95.62 Tube, Tracheal (W/Wo Connector) | 1 0.02 95.64 Tube, Tracheal, Reprocessed | 1 0.02 95.66 Tube, Tracheal/Bronchial, Differentia.. | 1 0.02 95.68 Tube, Tracheostomy (W/Wo Connector) | 1 0.02 95.69 Tube, Tympanostomy | 1 0.02 95.71 Tube, Tympanostomy With Semi-Permeabl.. | 1 0.02 95.73 Tube, Tympanostomy, Porous Polyethylene | 1 0.02 95.75 Tubeless Analysis, Gastric Acidity | 1 0.02 95.77 Tubes, Gastrointestinal (And Accessor.. | 1 0.02 95.78 Tubes, Vacuum Sample, With Anticoagul.. | 1 0.02 95.80 Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separato.. | 1 0.02 95.82 Tubing And Tubing/Filter Fits | 1 0.02 95.84 Tubing, Dialysate | 1 0.02 95.85 Tubing, Dialysate (And Connector) | 1 0.02 95.87 Tubing, Fluid Delivery | 1 0.02 95.89 Tubing, Instrumentation, Bronchoscope.. | 1 0.02 95.91 Tubing, Noninvasive | 1 0.02 95.92 Tubing, Pressure And Accessories | 1 0.02 95.94 Tubing, Pump, Cardiopulmonary Bypass | 1 0.02 95.96 Tubing, Replacement, Phacofragmentati.. | 1 0.02 95.98 Tubing/Tubing With Filter, Insufflati.. | 1 0.02 95.99 Tungsten Halogen Lamp | 1 0.02 96.01 Tunnel/Conveyor | 1 0.02 96.03 Tunneled Catheter Remover | 1 0.02 96.05 Turbidimetric Method, Globulin | 1 0.02 96.06 Turbidimetric Method, Lipoproteins | 1 0.02 96.08 Turbidimetric Method, Protein Or Albu.. | 1 0.02 96.10 Turbidimetric Method, Triglycerides | 1 0.02 96.12 Turbidimetric, Total Protein | 1 0.02 96.13 Tv View Finder (Exempted) | 1 0.02 96.15 Twister, Wire | 1 0.02 96.17 Two Or More Sterilant Sterilizer | 1 0.02 96.19 Tympanic Membrane Direct Contact Hear.. | 1 0.02 96.20 Tympanometer | 1 0.02 96.22 Tympanometer, Exempt | 1 0.02 96.24 Tyrosine Phosphatase (Ia-2) Autoantib.. | 1 0.02 96.26 U.V. Light, Tlc | 1 0.02 96.27 U.V. Method, Cpk Isoenzymes | 1 0.02 96.29 U.V. Method, Galactose | 1 0.02 96.31 U.V. Spectrometry, Carbamazepine | 1 0.02 96.33 U.V. Spectrometry, Diphenylhydantoin | 1 0.02 96.35 U.V. Spectrometry, Phenobarbital | 1 0.02 96.36 U.V. Spectrometry, Primidone | 1 0.02 96.38 U.V. Spectrometry, Theophylline | 1 0.02 96.40 U.V. Spectrometry, Tricyclic Antidepr.. | 1 0.02 96.42 Ulcer Wound Tray | 1 0.02 96.43 Ultrafiltration-Controlled Nocturnal .. | 1 0.02 96.45 Ultrasonic Body Composition Analyzer | 1 0.02 96.47 Ultrasonic Cutter | 1 0.02 96.49 Ultrasound Bronchoscope | 1 0.02 96.50 Ultrasound, Cyclodestructive | 1 0.02 96.52 Ultrasound, Infusion, System | 1 0.02 96.54 Ultrasound, Sinus | 1 0.02 96.56 Ultrasound, Skin Permeation | 1 0.02 96.57 Umbilical Catheter Insertion Tray | 1 0.02 96.59 Unit, Airflow, Laminar | 1 0.02 96.61 Unit, Beta, Radiation, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 96.63 Unit, Cautery, Thermal, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 96.64 Unit, Cautery, Thermal, Battery-Powered | 1 0.02 96.66 Unit, Cryophthalmic | 1 0.02 96.68 Unit, Cryophthalmic, Ac-Powered | 1 0.02 96.70 Unit, Cryotherapy, Ophthalmic | 1 0.02 96.71 Unit, Drying | 1 0.02 96.73 Unit, Electrolysis, Ac-Powered, Ophth.. | 1 0.02 96.75 Unit, Electrolysis, Battery-Powered, .. | 1 0.02 96.77 Unit, Electrosurgical | 1 0.02 96.78 Unit, Electrosurgical, And Accessorie.. | 1 0.02 96.80 Unit, Electrosurgical, Endoscopic (Wi.. | 1 0.02 96.82 Unit, Electrosurgical, Endoscopic (Wi.. | 1 0.02 96.84 Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent | 1 0.02 96.85 Unit, Filter, Membrane | 1 0.02 96.87 Unit, Isolation, Surgical | 1 0.02 96.89 Unit, Liquid-Oxygen, Portable | 1 0.02 96.91 Unit, Neonatal Phototherapy | 1 0.02 96.92 Unit, Operative Dental | 1 0.02 96.94 Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories | 1 0.02 96.96 Unit, Oral Irrigation | 1 0.02 96.98 Unit, Phacofragmentation | 1 0.02 97.00 Unit, Suction Operatory | 1 0.02 97.01 Unit, Syringe, Air And/Or Water | 1 0.02 97.03 Unit, Traction, Hip, Non-Powered, Non.. | 1 0.02 97.05 Unit, Ultraviolet Sanitation/Steriliz.. | 1 0.02 97.07 Unit, Ultraviolet Sanitation/Steriliz.. | 1 0.02 97.08 Universal Drainage Tray | 1 0.02 97.10 Upc Reader (Bar Code Reader) | 1 0.02 97.12 Uranyl Acetate/Zinc Acetate, Sodium | 1 0.02 97.14 Urease And Glutamic Dehydrogenase, Ur.. | 1 0.02 97.15 Urease, Photometric, Urea Nitrogen | 1 0.02 97.17 Ureteroscope And Accessories, Flexibl.. | 1 0.02 97.19 Urethral Insert With Pump For Bladder.. | 1 0.02 97.21 Urethrometer | 1 0.02 97.22 Urethroscope | 1 0.02 97.24 Urethrotome | 1 0.02 97.26 Uric Acid Test System For At Home Pre.. | 1 0.02 97.28 Uridine-5-Diphosphoglucose, Nad (U.V... | 1 0.02 97.29 Urinal | 1 0.02 97.31 Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unas.. | 1 0.02 97.33 Urinary Carbohydrate Analysis Kit | 1 0.02 97.35 Urinary Drainage Collection Kit | 1 0.02 97.36 Urinary Drainage Collection Kit, For .. | 1 0.02 97.38 Urinary Homocystine (Nonquantitative).. | 1 0.02 97.40 Urinary Irrigation Kit | 1 0.02 97.42 Urine Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Te.. | 1 0.02 97.43 Urine Transport Kit (Excludes Hiv Tes.. | 1 0.02 97.45 Urinometer, Electrical | 1 0.02 97.47 Urinometer, Mechanical | 1 0.02 97.49 Uroflowmeter | 1 0.02 97.50 Uterine Electromyographic Monitor | 1 0.02 97.52 Uv Curing | 1 0.02 97.54 Uv Lamp For Home Or Business Uses | 1 0.02 97.56 Uv Lamp, Germicidal | 1 0.02 97.58 Uv/Ir Research | 1 0.02 97.59 Vacuum Powered Body Fluid Collection .. | 1 0.02 97.61 Vacuum Syringe | 1 0.02 97.63 Vaginal Examination Tray | 1 0.02 97.65 Vaginitis And Bacterial Vaginosis Nuc.. | 1 0.02 97.66 Vaginoscope And Accessories | 1 0.02 97.68 Valve, Non-Rebreathing | 1 0.02 97.70 Valve, Pressure Relief, Cardiopulmona.. | 1 0.02 97.72 Valve, Switching (Ploss) | 1 0.02 97.73 Valve, Tubal Occlusion | 1 0.02 97.75 Valve, Ureterovesicle | 1 0.02 97.77 Valvulotome | 1 0.02 97.79 Van Gieson'S Picro-Fuchsin | 1 0.02 97.80 Van Gieson'S Stain | 1 0.02 97.82 Vanillin Pyruvate, Alt/Sgpt | 1 0.02 97.84 Vanillin Pyruvate, Ast/Sgot | 1 0.02 97.86 Vapor Pressure, Osmolality Of Serum &.. | 1 0.02 97.87 Vaporizer, Anesthesia, Non-Heated | 1 0.02 97.89 Variola Virus Nucleic Acid-Based Dete.. | 1 0.02 97.91 Varnish, Cavity | 1 0.02 97.93 Vascular Access Port Kit | 1 0.02 97.94 Vasovasostomy Set | 1 0.02 97.96 Vectorcardiograph | 1 0.02 97.98 Vehicle And Cargo X-Ray System, Mobile | 1 0.02 98.00 Vehicle And Cargo X-Ray System, Stati.. | 1 0.02 98.01 Vending Machine | 1 0.02 98.03 Venipuncture Kit | 1 0.02 98.05 Venous Ulcer Kit | 1 0.02 98.07 Venous Window Needle Guide | 1 0.02 98.08 Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use | 1 0.02 98.10 Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Venti.. | 1 0.02 98.12 Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Venti.. | 1 0.02 98.14 Ventilator, Continuous, Non-Life-Supp.. | 1 0.02 98.15 Ventilator, Emergency, Manual (Resusc.. | 1 0.02 98.17 Ventilator, Emergency, Powered (Resus.. | 1 0.02 98.19 Ventilator, External Body, Negative P.. | 1 0.02 98.21 Ventilator, High Frequency | 1 0.02 98.23 Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) | 1 0.02 98.24 Ventilatory Effort Recorder | 1 0.02 98.26 Ventricular (Assist) Bypass | 1 0.02 98.28 Ventricular Bypass (Assist) Device | 1 0.02 98.30 Vertebroplasty Compound, Calcium Based | 1 0.02 98.31 Vessel Guard Or Cover | 1 0.02 98.33 Vessel Guard Or Cover, To Facilitate .. | 1 0.02 98.35 Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasonic Prod.. | 1 0.02 98.37 Veterinary Diagnostic X-Ray System | 1 0.02 98.38 Veterinary Laser | 1 0.02 98.40 Veterinary Optical Product | 1 0.02 98.42 Veterinary Therapy Ultrasonic Products | 1 0.02 98.44 Veterinary X-Ray Therapy System | 1 0.02 98.45 Veterinary, Microwave Medical Products | 1 0.02 98.47 Vials, Challenge, Endotoxin | 1 0.02 98.49 Vibrator For Climax Control Of Premat.. | 1 0.02 98.51 Vibrator For Therapeutic Use, Genital | 1 0.02 98.52 Vibratory Counter-Stimulation | 1 0.02 98.54 Video Monitor, General Purpose, Color | 1 0.02 98.56 Video Monitor, General Purpose, Monoc.. | 1 0.02 98.58 Video Monitor, Medical Imaging, Color | 1 0.02 98.59 Video Monitor, Medical Imaging, Monoc.. | 1 0.02 98.61 Vinyl Patient Examination Glove | 1 0.02 98.63 Viscometer, Mucus, Cervical | 1 0.02 98.65 Vise, Bench, Surgical | 1 0.02 98.66 Vise, Ossicular Finger, Non-Sterile | 1 0.02 98.68 Vise, Ossicular Finger, Sterile | 1 0.02 98.70 Visible Laser Illuminator | 1 0.02 98.72 Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use | 1 0.02 98.73 Visual, Semi-Quant. (Colorimetric), G.. | 1 0.02 98.75 Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex S.. | 1 0.02 98.77 Vitrectomy, Instrument Cutter | 1 0.02 98.79 Voltage Gated Calcium Channel (Vgcc).. | 1 0.02 98.81 Volumetric/Manometric, Carbon-Dioxide | 1 0.02 98.82 Vomitus Clean-Up Kit | 1 0.02 98.84 Voriconazole Test System | 1 0.02 98.86 Walkie-Talkie | 1 0.02 98.88 Warmer, Anesthetic Tube | 1 0.02 98.89 Warmer, Blood, Electromagnetic Radiat.. | 1 0.02 98.91 Warmer, Blood, Non-Electromagnetic Ra.. | 1 0.02 98.93 Warmer, Infant Radiant | 1 0.02 98.95 Warmer, Irrigation Solution | 1 0.02 98.96 Warmer, Microwave, Infusion Fluid | 1 0.02 98.98 Warmer, Peritoneal Dialysate | 1 0.02 99.00 Warmer, Thermal, Infusion Fluid | 1 0.02 99.02 Washer Of Body Waste Receptacles | 1 0.02 99.03 Washer, Bolt Nut | 1 0.02 99.05 Washer, Bolt, Nut, Non-Spinal, Metallic | 1 0.02 99.07 Washer, Cleaner, Automated, Endoscope | 1 0.02 99.09 Washer, Endometrial | 1 0.02 99.10 Water Immersion Labor Pool | 1 0.02 99.12 Water Purifier | 1 0.02 99.14 Water, Vascular Access Flush | 1 0.02 99.16 Wax, Dental, Intraoral | 1 0.02 99.17 Wax,Bone | 1 0.02 99.19 Wearable Automated External Defibrill.. | 1 0.02 99.21 Weather Doppler | 1 0.02 99.23 Weights, Eyelid, External | 1 0.02 99.24 Welder | 1 0.02 99.26 Wet Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine | 1 0.02 99.28 Wheel, Polishing Agent | 1 0.02 99.30 Whole Blood Hemoglobin Determination | 1 0.02 99.31 Whole Blood Plasma, Antigen, Antiseru.. | 1 0.02 99.33 Whole Human Serum, Antigen, Antiserum.. | 1 0.02 99.35 Winged Intravenous Catheterization Kit | 1 0.02 99.37 Wire, Fixation, Intraosseous | 1 0.02 99.38 Wire, Guide, Catheter | 1 0.02 99.40 Wire, Guide, Catheter, Exempt | 1 0.02 99.42 Wire, Orthodontic | 1 0.02 99.44 Wire, Surgical | 1 0.02 99.46 Wireless (Cordless) Telephone | 1 0.02 99.47 Withdrawal/Infusion Pump | 1 0.02 99.49 Wound Autofluorescence Imaging Device | 1 0.02 99.51 Wound Cleaner, Ultrasound | 1 0.02 99.53 Wound Drain Catheter System | 1 0.02 99.54 Wound Drainage Kit | 1 0.02 99.56 Wound Dressing With Poly(Diallyl Dime.. | 1 0.02 99.58 Wound Retraction And Protection System | 1 0.02 99.60 Wrap, Implant, Orbital | 1 0.02 99.61 Wrap, Sterilization | 1 0.02 99.63 Wrench | 1 0.02 99.65 Wright'S Stain | 1 0.02 99.67 Wristlet, Patient Return | 1 0.02 99.68 X-Ray Controls - Fluoroscopic | 1 0.02 99.70 X-Ray Controls - Radiographic | 1 0.02 99.72 X-Ray Controls ? Combination | 1 0.02 99.74 X-Ray Diffraction | 1 0.02 99.75 X-Ray Field Indicator Light Field (No.. | 1 0.02 99.77 X-Ray Fluorescence | 1 0.02 99.79 X-Ray Image Receptor | 1 0.02 99.81 X-Ray Spectroscopy | 1 0.02 99.82 X-Ray Thickness Gauge | 1 0.02 99.84 Yersinia Spp. Reagents | 1 0.02 99.86 Yoke Assembly, Medical Gas | 1 0.02 99.88 Zika Virus Serological Reagents | 1 0.02 99.89 Zimmerman (Spectrophotometric), 17-Ke.. | 1 0.02 99.91 Zimmerman/Norymberski, 17-Ketogenic S.. | 1 0.02 99.93 Zinc Oxide Eugenol | 1 0.02 99.95 Zinc Transporter 8 Auto-Antibody | 1 0.02 99.96 ß-Galactocerebrosidase (Galc) Newborn.. | 1 0.02 99.98 ß-Glucocerebrosidase (Gba) Newborn Sc.. | 1 0.02 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for devclassstr variable in foiclass244 dataset : Device | Class | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 1,935 34.00 34.00 2 | 2,859 50.24 84.24 3 | 431 7.57 91.81 N | 304 5.34 97.15 U | 116 2.04 99.19 f | 46 0.81 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for devclass variable in foiclass244 dataset : Device Class | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Class 1 - Devices subject to General Co | 1,935 34.00 34.00 Class 2 - Devices subject to General Co | 2,859 50.24 84.24 Class 3 - Devices subject to General Co | 431 7.57 91.81 Not Classified | 304 5.34 97.15 Unclassified | 116 2.04 99.19 HDE - Humanitarian Device Exemption | 46 0.81 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for unclass variable in foiclass244 dataset : Unclassified Reason Code | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Pre-Amendment | 115 2.02 2.02 For Export Only | 41 0.72 2.74 Unknown | 17 0.30 3.04 Enforcement Discretion | 32 0.56 3.60 HDE - Humanitarian Device Exemption | 1 0.02 3.62 EUA - Emergency Use Authorization | 5 0.09 3.71 . | 5,480 96.29 100.00 ------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for gmpexempt variable in foiclass244 dataset : Good | Manufacturi | ng Practice | (GMP) | Exempt Flag | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- N | 5,323 93.53 93.53 Y | 368 6.47 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for thirdpartystr variable in foiclass244 dataset : Third Part | Review Flag | String | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- N | 4,228 74.29 74.29 P | 892 15.67 89.97 Y | 571 10.03 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for thirdparty variable in foiclass244 dataset : Third Part Review Flag String | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- N = Not Eligible for Accredited Persons | 4,228 74.29 74.29 P = Eligible for Accredited Persons Exp | 892 15.67 89.97 Y = Eligible for Accredited Persons Pro | 571 10.03 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for revcode3str variable in foiclass244 dataset : Third Party | Review Code | String | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- | 5,515 96.91 96.91 M | 176 3.09 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for revcode3 variable in foiclass244 dataset : Third Party Review Code String | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- M = Candidate for Mutual Recognition Ag | 176 3.09 3.09 . | 5,515 96.91 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for regnum variable in foiclass244 dataset : Regulation | Number | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 862.102 | 7 0.12 0.12 862.1025 | 1 0.02 0.14 862.103 | 4 0.07 0.21 862.1035 | 6 0.11 0.32 862.104 | 2 0.04 0.35 862.1045 | 2 0.04 0.39 862.105 | 10 0.18 0.56 862.1055 | 1 0.02 0.58 862.106 | 1 0.02 0.60 862.1065 | 4 0.07 0.67 862.107 | 7 0.12 0.79 862.1075 | 1 0.02 0.81 862.108 | 1 0.02 0.83 862.1085 | 1 0.02 0.84 862.109 | 1 0.02 0.86 862.1092 | 1 0.02 0.88 862.1095 | 1 0.02 0.90 862.11 | 4 0.07 0.97 862.111 | 2 0.04 1.00 862.1113 | 1 0.02 1.02 862.1115 | 1 0.02 1.04 862.1117 | 3 0.05 1.09 862.1118 | 1 0.02 1.11 862.112 | 1 0.02 1.12 862.113 | 1 0.02 1.14 862.1135 | 1 0.02 1.16 862.114 | 1 0.02 1.18 862.1145 | 10 0.18 1.35 862.115 | 4 0.07 1.42 862.1155 | 6 0.11 1.53 862.116 | 7 0.12 1.65 862.1163 | 1 0.02 1.67 862.1165 | 2 0.04 1.70 862.117 | 5 0.09 1.79 862.1175 | 5 0.09 1.88 862.1177 | 1 0.02 1.90 862.118 | 2 0.04 1.93 862.1185 | 1 0.02 1.95 862.1187 | 1 0.02 1.97 862.119 | 2 0.04 2.00 862.1195 | 1 0.02 2.02 862.12 | 1 0.02 2.04 862.1205 | 3 0.05 2.09 862.121 | 2 0.04 2.13 862.1215 | 9 0.16 2.28 862.122 | 1 0.02 2.30 862.1225 | 5 0.09 2.39 862.123 | 2 0.04 2.42 862.1235 | 6 0.11 2.53 862.124 | 2 0.04 2.57 862.1245 | 1 0.02 2.58 862.125 | 1 0.02 2.60 862.1255 | 2 0.04 2.64 862.126 | 2 0.04 2.67 862.1265 | 1 0.02 2.69 862.127 | 1 0.02 2.71 862.1275 | 1 0.02 2.72 862.128 | 1 0.02 2.74 862.1285 | 1 0.02 2.76 862.129 | 2 0.04 2.79 862.1295 | 1 0.02 2.81 862.13 | 2 0.04 2.85 862.1305 | 1 0.02 2.86 862.131 | 3 0.05 2.92 862.1315 | 2 0.04 2.95 862.132 | 2 0.04 2.99 862.1325 | 1 0.02 3.00 862.133 | 4 0.07 3.08 862.1335 | 1 0.02 3.09 862.134 | 2 0.04 3.13 862.1345 | 10 0.18 3.30 862.135 | 2 0.04 3.34 862.1355 | 1 0.02 3.36 862.1358 | 1 0.02 3.37 862.136 | 4 0.07 3.44 862.1365 | 2 0.04 3.48 862.137 | 1 0.02 3.50 862.1373 | 1 0.02 3.51 862.1375 | 2 0.04 3.55 862.1377 | 1 0.02 3.57 862.138 | 2 0.04 3.60 862.1385 | 5 0.09 3.69 862.139 | 1 0.02 3.71 862.1395 | 1 0.02 3.73 862.14 | 2 0.04 3.76 862.1405 | 1 0.02 3.78 862.141 | 4 0.07 3.85 862.1415 | 5 0.09 3.94 862.142 | 2 0.04 3.97 862.143 | 2 0.04 4.01 862.1435 | 1 0.02 4.02 862.144 | 3 0.05 4.08 862.1445 | 3 0.05 4.13 862.145 | 2 0.04 4.16 862.1455 | 3 0.05 4.22 862.146 | 2 0.04 4.25 862.1465 | 3 0.05 4.31 862.147 | 2 0.04 4.34 862.1475 | 14 0.25 4.59 862.1485 | 2 0.04 4.62 862.1488 | 5 0.09 4.71 862.149 | 2 0.04 4.74 862.1495 | 4 0.07 4.81 862.15 | 1 0.02 4.83 862.1505 | 2 0.04 4.87 862.1509 | 1 0.02 4.88 862.151 | 2 0.04 4.92 862.1515 | 3 0.05 4.97 862.152 | 1 0.02 4.99 862.153 | 1 0.02 5.01 862.1535 | 1 0.02 5.03 862.154 | 4 0.07 5.10 862.1542 | 1 0.02 5.11 862.1545 | 1 0.02 5.13 862.155 | 5 0.09 5.22 862.1555 | 2 0.04 5.25 862.156 | 2 0.04 5.29 862.1565 | 1 0.02 5.31 862.157 | 2 0.04 5.34 862.1575 | 4 0.07 5.41 862.158 | 1 0.02 5.43 862.1585 | 1 0.02 5.45 862.159 | 1 0.02 5.46 862.1595 | 1 0.02 5.48 862.16 | 4 0.07 5.55 862.1605 | 1 0.02 5.57 862.161 | 2 0.04 5.61 862.1615 | 1 0.02 5.62 862.162 | 1 0.02 5.64 862.1625 | 1 0.02 5.66 862.163 | 3 0.05 5.71 862.1635 | 4 0.07 5.78 862.164 | 2 0.04 5.82 862.1645 | 2 0.04 5.85 862.165 | 1 0.02 5.87 862.1655 | 1 0.02 5.89 862.166 | 13 0.23 6.11 862.1665 | 4 0.07 6.19 862.167 | 1 0.02 6.20 862.1675 | 9 0.16 6.36 862.1678 | 1 0.02 6.38 862.168 | 1 0.02 6.40 862.1685 | 1 0.02 6.41 862.169 | 1 0.02 6.43 862.1695 | 1 0.02 6.45 862.17 | 2 0.04 6.48 862.1705 | 6 0.11 6.59 862.171 | 1 0.02 6.61 862.1715 | 1 0.02 6.62 862.172 | 1 0.02 6.64 862.1725 | 2 0.04 6.68 862.173 | 1 0.02 6.69 862.177 | 7 0.12 6.82 862.1775 | 7 0.12 6.94 862.178 | 2 0.04 6.98 862.1785 | 1 0.02 6.99 862.179 | 2 0.04 7.03 862.1795 | 2 0.04 7.06 862.1805 | 1 0.02 7.08 862.181 | 2 0.04 7.12 862.1815 | 1 0.02 7.13 862.182 | 3 0.05 7.19 862.1825 | 1 0.02 7.20 862.184 | 1 0.02 7.22 862.205 | 23 0.40 7.63 862.21 | 2 0.04 7.66 862.212 | 1 0.02 7.68 862.214 | 1 0.02 7.70 862.215 | 1 0.02 7.71 862.216 | 1 0.02 7.73 862.217 | 1 0.02 7.75 862.223 | 4 0.07 7.82 862.225 | 7 0.12 7.94 862.226 | 7 0.12 8.07 862.2265 | 1 0.02 8.08 862.227 | 11 0.19 8.28 862.23 | 1 0.02 8.29 862.231 | 3 0.05 8.35 862.232 | 1 0.02 8.36 862.24 | 1 0.02 8.38 862.2485 | 1 0.02 8.40 862.25 | 1 0.02 8.42 862.254 | 1 0.02 8.43 862.256 | 1 0.02 8.45 862.257 | 7 0.12 8.57 862.268 | 1 0.02 8.59 862.27 | 1 0.02 8.61 862.272 | 1 0.02 8.63 862.273 | 1 0.02 8.65 862.275 | 3 0.05 8.70 862.28 | 2 0.04 8.73 862.285 | 1 0.02 8.75 862.286 | 1 0.02 8.77 862.29 | 1 0.02 8.79 862.292 | 1 0.02 8.80 862.303 | 1 0.02 8.82 862.3035 | 4 0.07 8.89 862.304 | 12 0.21 9.10 862.305 | 1 0.02 9.12 862.308 | 1 0.02 9.14 862.31 | 11 0.19 9.33 862.311 | 1 0.02 9.35 862.312 | 1 0.02 9.37 862.315 | 9 0.16 9.52 862.317 | 6 0.11 9.63 862.32 | 3 0.05 9.68 862.322 | 4 0.07 9.75 862.324 | 5 0.09 9.84 862.325 | 12 0.21 10.05 862.327 | 4 0.07 10.12 862.328 | 11 0.19 10.31 862.33 | 9 0.16 10.47 862.332 | 20 0.35 10.82 862.335 | 14 0.25 11.07 862.336 | 2 0.04 11.11 862.338 | 5 0.09 11.19 862.345 | 8 0.14 11.33 862.352 | 2 0.04 11.37 862.355 | 5 0.09 11.46 862.3555 | 1 0.02 11.47 862.356 | 3 0.05 11.53 862.358 | 2 0.04 11.56 862.359 | 1 0.02 11.58 862.36 | 1 0.02 11.60 862.361 | 5 0.09 11.69 862.362 | 8 0.14 11.83 862.363 | 2 0.04 11.86 862.364 | 11 0.19 12.05 862.3645 | 8 0.14 12.19 862.365 | 8 0.14 12.34 862.3652 | 1 0.02 12.35 862.366 | 9 0.16 12.51 862.367 | 1 0.02 12.53 862.368 | 7 0.12 12.65 862.37 | 6 0.11 12.76 862.375 | 3 0.05 12.81 862.38 | 1 0.02 12.83 862.383 | 5 0.09 12.92 862.384 | 3 0.05 12.97 862.385 | 1 0.02 12.99 862.387 | 5 0.09 13.07 862.388 | 6 0.11 13.18 862.39 | 6 0.11 13.28 862.391 | 6 0.11 13.39 862.395 | 1 0.02 13.41 862.397 | 1 0.02 13.42 864.185 | 118 2.07 15.50 864.186 | 6 0.11 15.60 864.222 | 1 0.02 15.62 864.224 | 10 0.18 15.80 864.226 | 1 0.02 15.81 864.228 | 1 0.02 15.83 864.236 | 3 0.05 15.88 864.28 | 1 0.02 15.90 864.2875 | 1 0.02 15.92 864.301 | 1 0.02 15.94 864.325 | 6 0.11 16.04 864.326 | 1 0.02 16.06 864.401 | 6 0.11 16.17 864.402 | 1 0.02 16.18 864.44 | 1 0.02 16.20 864.52 | 3 0.05 16.25 864.522 | 9 0.16 16.41 864.524 | 1 0.02 16.43 864.526 | 2 0.04 16.46 864.53 | 3 0.05 16.52 864.535 | 1 0.02 16.53 864.54 | 6 0.11 16.64 864.5425 | 6 0.11 16.75 864.56 | 1 0.02 16.76 864.562 | 1 0.02 16.78 864.568 | 1 0.02 16.80 864.57 | 3 0.05 16.85 864.58 | 1 0.02 16.87 864.585 | 1 0.02 16.89 864.595 | 1 0.02 16.90 864.61 | 1 0.02 16.92 864.615 | 1 0.02 16.94 864.616 | 7 0.12 17.06 864.64 | 3 0.05 17.11 864.655 | 7 0.12 17.24 864.66 | 1 0.02 17.26 864.665 | 1 0.02 17.27 864.6675 | 3 0.05 17.33 864.67 | 2 0.04 17.36 864.701 | 1 0.02 17.38 864.704 | 2 0.04 17.41 864.706 | 3 0.05 17.47 864.71 | 2 0.04 17.50 864.714 | 1 0.02 17.52 864.725 | 1 0.02 17.54 864.7275 | 1 0.02 17.55 864.728 | 1 0.02 17.57 864.729 | 2 0.04 17.61 864.73 | 1 0.02 17.62 864.732 | 3 0.05 17.68 864.734 | 9 0.16 17.84 864.736 | 12 0.21 18.05 864.7375 | 3 0.05 18.10 864.74 | 1 0.02 18.12 864.7415 | 5 0.09 18.20 864.7425 | 1 0.02 18.22 864.744 | 1 0.02 18.24 864.7455 | 5 0.09 18.33 864.747 | 3 0.05 18.38 864.749 | 1 0.02 18.40 864.75 | 8 0.14 18.54 864.7525 | 3 0.05 18.59 864.766 | 2 0.04 18.63 864.7675 | 3 0.05 18.68 864.7695 | 1 0.02 18.70 864.772 | 1 0.02 18.71 864.7735 | 1 0.02 18.73 864.775 | 2 0.04 18.77 864.7825 | 2 0.04 18.80 864.7875 | 2 0.04 18.84 864.79 | 1 0.02 18.85 864.7925 | 4 0.07 18.92 864.81 | 1 0.02 18.94 864.815 | 1 0.02 18.96 864.8165 | 1 0.02 18.98 864.8175 | 1 0.02 18.99 864.8185 | 1 0.02 19.01 864.82 | 4 0.07 19.08 864.85 | 1 0.02 19.10 864.854 | 1 0.02 19.12 864.8625 | 12 0.21 19.33 864.895 | 1 0.02 19.35 864.905 | 1 0.02 19.36 864.91 | 1 0.02 19.38 864.9125 | 2 0.04 19.42 864.9145 | 1 0.02 19.43 864.916 | 1 0.02 19.45 864.9165 | 1 0.02 19.47 864.9175 | 3 0.05 19.52 864.9185 | 1 0.02 19.54 864.9195 | 2 0.04 19.57 864.9205 | 5 0.09 19.66 864.9225 | 1 0.02 19.68 864.9245 | 4 0.07 19.75 864.9275 | 1 0.02 19.77 864.9285 | 1 0.02 19.79 864.93 | 1 0.02 19.80 864.932 | 1 0.02 19.82 864.94 | 1 0.02 19.84 864.955 | 1 0.02 19.86 864.9575 | 1 0.02 19.87 864.96 | 1 0.02 19.89 864.965 | 2 0.04 19.93 864.97 | 1 0.02 19.94 864.975 | 1 0.02 19.96 864.9875 | 1 0.02 19.98 864.99 | 2 0.04 20.01 866.162 | 2 0.04 20.05 866.164 | 15 0.26 20.31 866.1645 | 1 0.02 20.33 866.17 | 5 0.09 20.42 866.205 | 2 0.04 20.45 866.212 | 1 0.02 20.47 866.216 | 1 0.02 20.49 866.217 | 1 0.02 20.51 866.218 | 1 0.02 20.52 866.219 | 1 0.02 20.54 866.23 | 1 0.02 20.56 866.232 | 3 0.05 20.61 866.233 | 1 0.02 20.63 866.235 | 4 0.07 20.70 866.236 | 4 0.07 20.77 866.239 | 3 0.05 20.82 866.241 | 1 0.02 20.84 866.242 | 1 0.02 20.86 866.244 | 1 0.02 20.88 866.245 | 1 0.02 20.89 866.248 | 1 0.02 20.91 866.25 | 1 0.02 20.93 866.254 | 1 0.02 20.95 866.256 | 5 0.09 21.03 866.258 | 1 0.02 21.05 866.26 | 1 0.02 21.07 866.266 | 29 0.51 21.58 866.268 | 1 0.02 21.60 866.285 | 1 0.02 21.61 866.29 | 5 0.09 21.70 866.301 | 1 0.02 21.72 866.302 | 6 0.11 21.82 866.3035 | 1 0.02 21.84 866.304 | 3 0.05 21.89 866.305 | 1 0.02 21.91 866.306 | 6 0.11 22.02 866.3065 | 6 0.11 22.12 866.3085 | 3 0.05 22.18 866.311 | 7 0.12 22.30 866.312 | 9 0.16 22.46 866.3125 | 1 0.02 22.47 866.313 | 1 0.02 22.49 866.3135 | 5 0.09 22.58 866.314 | 4 0.07 22.65 866.3145 | 4 0.07 22.72 866.3165 | 8 0.14 22.86 866.3175 | 7 0.12 22.98 866.32 | 4 0.07 23.05 866.3205 | 5 0.09 23.14 866.321 | 2 0.04 23.18 866.3215 | 4 0.07 23.25 866.322 | 5 0.09 23.34 866.3225 | 1 0.02 23.35 866.3235 | 8 0.14 23.49 866.324 | 2 0.04 23.53 866.325 | 3 0.05 23.58 866.3255 | 3 0.05 23.63 866.327 | 1 0.02 23.65 866.328 | 4 0.07 23.72 866.329 | 1 0.02 23.74 866.33 | 6 0.11 23.84 866.3305 | 9 0.16 24.00 866.3307 | 1 0.02 24.02 866.3309 | 1 0.02 24.04 866.331 | 1 0.02 24.06 866.3315 | 1 0.02 24.07 866.3316 | 2 0.04 24.11 866.332 | 5 0.09 24.20 866.3328 | 1 0.02 24.21 866.333 | 6 0.11 24.32 866.3332 | 3 0.05 24.37 866.3336 | 1 0.02 24.39 866.334 | 2 0.04 24.42 866.335 | 3 0.05 24.48 866.3355 | 4 0.07 24.55 866.336 | 2 0.04 24.58 866.3361 | 1 0.02 24.60 866.3365 | 3 0.05 24.65 866.3367 | 1 0.02 24.67 866.337 | 4 0.07 24.74 866.3372 | 1 0.02 24.76 866.3373 | 1 0.02 24.78 866.3375 | 5 0.09 24.86 866.3376 | 1 0.02 24.88 866.3378 | 1 0.02 24.90 866.338 | 7 0.12 25.02 866.339 | 6 0.11 25.13 866.3395 | 1 0.02 25.14 866.34 | 6 0.11 25.25 866.3402 | 1 0.02 25.27 866.3405 | 5 0.09 25.36 866.341 | 2 0.04 25.39 866.3415 | 3 0.05 25.44 866.346 | 1 0.02 25.46 866.347 | 5 0.09 25.55 866.348 | 5 0.09 25.64 866.349 | 1 0.02 25.65 866.35 | 11 0.19 25.85 866.351 | 13 0.23 26.08 866.352 | 8 0.14 26.22 866.355 | 5 0.09 26.30 866.36 | 1 0.02 26.32 866.363 | 1 0.02 26.34 866.366 | 4 0.07 26.41 866.368 | 1 0.02 26.43 866.37 | 5 0.09 26.52 866.372 | 5 0.09 26.60 866.374 | 10 0.18 26.78 866.378 | 7 0.12 26.90 866.382 | 2 0.04 26.94 866.383 | 9 0.16 27.10 866.385 | 4 0.07 27.17 866.386 | 1 0.02 27.18 866.387 | 8 0.14 27.32 866.39 | 3 0.05 27.38 866.392 | 2 0.04 27.41 866.393 | 1 0.02 27.43 866.394 | 1 0.02 27.45 866.3945 | 2 0.04 27.48 866.3946 | 1 0.02 27.50 866.395 | 1 0.02 27.52 866.396 | 2 0.04 27.55 866.397 | 1 0.02 27.57 866.3975 | 1 0.02 27.59 866.398 | 10 0.18 27.76 866.3985 | 1 0.02 27.78 866.399 | 3 0.05 27.83 866.4001 | 1 0.02 27.85 866.407 | 1 0.02 27.87 866.41 | 2 0.04 27.90 866.45 | 1 0.02 27.92 866.452 | 1 0.02 27.94 866.454 | 1 0.02 27.96 866.46 | 1 0.02 27.97 866.47 | 1 0.02 27.99 866.475 | 1 0.02 28.01 866.48 | 1 0.02 28.03 866.483 | 1 0.02 28.04 866.49 | 1 0.02 28.06 866.504 | 3 0.05 28.11 866.506 | 2 0.04 28.15 866.5065 | 4 0.07 28.22 866.508 | 1 0.02 28.24 866.509 | 3 0.05 28.29 866.51 | 13 0.23 28.52 866.511 | 2 0.04 28.55 866.512 | 2 0.04 28.59 866.513 | 5 0.09 28.68 866.515 | 2 0.04 28.71 866.516 | 1 0.02 28.73 866.517 | 3 0.05 28.78 866.518 | 1 0.02 28.80 866.52 | 3 0.05 28.85 866.521 | 6 0.11 28.96 866.522 | 1 0.02 28.98 866.523 | 1 0.02 28.99 866.524 | 9 0.16 29.15 866.525 | 1 0.02 29.17 866.526 | 2 0.04 29.20 866.527 | 4 0.07 29.27 866.532 | 1 0.02 29.29 866.533 | 1 0.02 29.31 866.534 | 2 0.04 29.34 866.535 | 1 0.02 29.36 866.536 | 1 0.02 29.38 866.537 | 1 0.02 29.40 866.538 | 1 0.02 29.41 866.54 | 2 0.04 29.45 866.542 | 3 0.05 29.50 866.5425 | 4 0.07 29.57 866.543 | 1 0.02 29.59 866.544 | 1 0.02 29.61 866.546 | 3 0.05 29.66 866.547 | 1 0.02 29.68 866.549 | 3 0.05 29.73 866.55 | 1 0.02 29.75 866.551 | 32 0.56 30.31 866.552 | 4 0.07 30.38 866.553 | 5 0.09 30.47 866.554 | 1 0.02 30.49 866.555 | 11 0.19 30.68 866.556 | 1 0.02 30.70 866.557 | 1 0.02 30.72 866.558 | 1 0.02 30.73 866.559 | 1 0.02 30.75 866.56 | 3 0.05 30.80 866.562 | 3 0.05 30.86 866.563 | 1 0.02 30.87 866.564 | 1 0.02 30.89 866.566 | 19 0.33 31.22 866.5665 | 1 0.02 31.24 866.567 | 1 0.02 31.26 866.568 | 4 0.07 31.33 866.57 | 2 0.04 31.37 866.5715 | 1 0.02 31.38 866.5735 | 1 0.02 31.40 866.575 | 3 0.05 31.45 866.576 | 1 0.02 31.47 866.5765 | 1 0.02 31.49 866.5775 | 4 0.07 31.56 866.578 | 1 0.02 31.58 866.5785 | 2 0.04 31.61 866.58 | 3 0.05 31.66 866.582 | 2 0.04 31.70 866.583 | 1 0.02 31.72 866.586 | 1 0.02 31.73 866.587 | 5 0.09 31.82 866.588 | 4 0.07 31.89 866.589 | 2 0.04 31.93 866.591 | 1 0.02 31.95 866.592 | 1 0.02 31.96 866.593 | 1 0.02 31.98 866.595 | 1 0.02 32.00 866.601 | 16 0.28 32.28 866.603 | 2 0.04 32.31 866.604 | 2 0.04 32.35 866.605 | 1 0.02 32.37 868.103 | 1 0.02 32.38 868.104 | 1 0.02 32.40 868.1075 | 1 0.02 32.42 868.11 | 2 0.04 32.45 868.112 | 1 0.02 32.47 868.115 | 1 0.02 32.49 868.117 | 1 0.02 32.51 868.12 | 1 0.02 32.53 868.14 | 2 0.04 32.56 868.143 | 1 0.02 32.58 868.15 | 4 0.07 32.65 868.1575 | 1 0.02 32.67 868.162 | 1 0.02 32.68 868.164 | 1 0.02 32.70 868.167 | 1 0.02 32.72 868.169 | 1 0.02 32.74 868.17 | 1 0.02 32.75 868.172 | 1 0.02 32.77 868.173 | 1 0.02 32.79 868.175 | 1 0.02 32.81 868.176 | 1 0.02 32.82 868.178 | 1 0.02 32.84 868.18 | 1 0.02 32.86 868.184 | 2 0.04 32.89 868.185 | 1 0.02 32.91 868.186 | 1 0.02 32.93 868.187 | 1 0.02 32.95 868.188 | 1 0.02 32.96 868.189 | 3 0.05 33.02 868.19 | 2 0.04 33.05 868.191 | 1 0.02 33.07 868.192 | 1 0.02 33.09 868.193 | 1 0.02 33.10 868.1965 | 1 0.02 33.12 868.1975 | 1 0.02 33.14 868.2025 | 1 0.02 33.16 868.23 | 1 0.02 33.18 868.232 | 1 0.02 33.19 868.234 | 1 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49.67 874.45 | 2 0.04 49.71 874.468 | 12 0.21 49.92 874.471 | 1 0.02 49.94 874.472 | 1 0.02 49.96 874.475 | 1 0.02 49.97 874.476 | 2 0.04 50.01 874.477 | 1 0.02 50.03 874.478 | 1 0.02 50.04 874.48 | 1 0.02 50.06 874.522 | 9 0.16 50.22 874.53 | 1 0.02 50.24 874.535 | 1 0.02 50.25 874.537 | 1 0.02 50.27 874.555 | 1 0.02 50.29 874.58 | 1 0.02 50.31 874.584 | 1 0.02 50.33 874.59 | 1 0.02 50.34 876.1075 | 12 0.21 50.55 876.13 | 2 0.04 50.59 876.133 | 1 0.02 50.61 876.14 | 1 0.02 50.62 876.15 | 111 1.95 52.57 876.162 | 3 0.05 52.63 876.1725 | 5 0.09 52.71 876.1735 | 1 0.02 52.73 876.18 | 4 0.07 52.80 876.204 | 1 0.02 52.82 876.205 | 1 0.02 52.84 876.335 | 2 0.04 52.87 876.363 | 2 0.04 52.91 876.375 | 2 0.04 52.94 876.402 | 1 0.02 52.96 876.427 | 1 0.02 52.98 876.43 | 21 0.37 53.35 876.431 | 1 0.02 53.36 876.434 | 1 0.02 53.38 876.435 | 1 0.02 53.40 876.437 | 4 0.07 53.47 876.44 | 3 0.05 53.52 876.448 | 2 0.04 53.56 876.45 | 2 0.04 53.59 876.453 | 1 0.02 53.61 876.456 | 1 0.02 53.63 876.459 | 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1 0.02 58.32 876.5955 | 1 0.02 58.34 876.597 | 1 0.02 58.36 876.598 | 43 0.76 59.11 876.5981 | 1 0.02 59.13 876.5985 | 1 0.02 59.15 876.599 | 1 0.02 59.16 878.18 | 2 0.04 59.20 878.33 | 38 0.67 59.87 878.35 | 3 0.05 59.92 878.351 | 1 0.02 59.94 878.355 | 2 0.04 59.97 878.361 | 4 0.07 60.04 878.372 | 3 0.05 60.09 878.38 | 3 0.05 60.15 878.391 | 3 0.05 60.20 878.401 | 2 0.04 60.24 878.4011 | 1 0.02 60.25 878.4014 | 10 0.18 60.43 878.4015 | 1 0.02 60.45 878.4018 | 3 0.05 60.50 878.402 | 1 0.02 60.52 878.4022 | 3 0.05 60.57 878.4024 | 1 0.02 60.59 878.4025 | 2 0.04 60.62 878.404 | 18 0.32 60.94 878.41 | 1 0.02 60.96 878.416 | 1 0.02 60.97 878.4165 | 1 0.02 60.99 878.42 | 8 0.14 61.13 878.43 | 9 0.16 61.29 878.432 | 1 0.02 61.31 878.434 | 1 0.02 61.32 878.435 | 2 0.04 61.36 878.436 | 1 0.02 61.38 878.437 | 14 0.25 61.62 878.4371 | 1 0.02 61.64 878.438 | 1 0.02 61.66 878.44 | 17 0.30 61.96 878.441 | 2 0.04 61.99 878.442 | 1 0.02 62.01 878.443 | 1 0.02 62.03 878.444 | 1 0.02 62.05 878.4452 | 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0.04 64.94 878.565 | 1 0.02 64.96 878.59 | 1 0.02 64.98 878.591 | 1 0.02 65.00 880.22 | 1 0.02 65.01 880.24 | 3 0.05 65.07 880.242 | 1 0.02 65.09 880.246 | 1 0.02 65.10 880.25 | 1 0.02 65.12 880.27 | 1 0.02 65.14 880.272 | 1 0.02 65.16 880.274 | 2 0.04 65.19 880.28 | 6 0.11 65.30 880.2805 | 1 0.02 65.31 880.29 | 1 0.02 65.33 880.291 | 4 0.07 65.40 880.292 | 1 0.02 65.42 880.293 | 1 0.02 65.44 880.5025 | 1 0.02 65.45 880.5045 | 2 0.04 65.49 880.5075 | 1 0.02 65.51 880.51 | 3 0.05 65.56 880.511 | 1 0.02 65.58 880.512 | 1 0.02 65.59 880.513 | 2 0.04 65.63 880.514 | 2 0.04 65.67 880.515 | 1 0.02 65.68 880.516 | 5 0.09 65.77 880.52 | 10 0.18 65.95 880.521 | 2 0.04 65.98 880.524 | 1 0.02 66.00 880.527 | 1 0.02 66.02 880.53 | 1 0.02 66.03 880.54 | 1 0.02 66.05 880.541 | 1 0.02 66.07 880.542 | 1 0.02 66.09 880.543 | 1 0.02 66.10 880.544 | 19 0.33 66.44 880.5445 | 1 0.02 66.46 880.545 | 3 0.05 66.51 880.5475 | 1 0.02 66.53 880.55 | 1 0.02 66.54 880.551 | 1 0.02 66.56 880.555 | 1 0.02 66.58 880.556 | 1 0.02 66.60 880.557 | 10 0.18 66.77 880.558 | 3 0.05 66.82 880.563 | 4 0.07 66.90 880.564 | 1 0.02 66.91 880.568 | 3 0.05 66.97 880.57 | 3 0.05 67.02 880.5725 | 17 0.30 67.32 880.574 | 2 0.04 67.35 880.576 | 1 0.02 67.37 880.578 | 3 0.05 67.42 880.582 | 1 0.02 67.44 880.586 | 8 0.14 67.58 880.595 | 1 0.02 67.60 880.596 | 2 0.04 67.63 880.5965 | 5 0.09 67.72 880.597 | 5 0.09 67.81 880.6025 | 2 0.04 67.84 880.605 | 1 0.02 67.86 880.606 | 1 0.02 67.88 880.607 | 1 0.02 67.90 880.608 | 1 0.02 67.91 880.6085 | 1 0.02 67.93 880.61 | 1 0.02 67.95 880.614 | 4 0.07 68.02 880.615 | 1 0.02 68.04 880.6185 | 1 0.02 68.05 880.619 | 1 0.02 68.07 880.62 | 1 0.02 68.09 880.621 | 1 0.02 68.11 880.623 | 1 0.02 68.13 880.625 | 17 0.30 68.42 880.626 | 2 0.04 68.46 880.6265 | 1 0.02 68.48 880.628 | 1 0.02 68.49 880.63 | 2 0.04 68.53 880.6305 | 1 0.02 68.55 880.631 | 1 0.02 68.56 880.6315 | 1 0.02 68.58 880.632 | 2 0.04 68.62 880.635 | 1 0.02 68.63 880.6375 | 3 0.05 68.69 880.643 | 4 0.07 68.76 880.645 | 1 0.02 68.78 880.65 | 2 0.04 68.81 880.66 | 1 0.02 68.83 880.671 | 1 0.02 68.85 880.673 | 6 0.11 68.95 880.674 | 10 0.18 69.13 880.676 | 3 0.05 69.18 880.6775 | 1 0.02 69.20 880.6785 | 1 0.02 69.21 880.68 | 1 0.02 69.23 880.682 | 1 0.02 69.25 880.685 | 2 0.04 69.28 880.686 | 3 0.05 69.34 880.687 | 1 0.02 69.36 880.688 | 2 0.04 69.39 880.6885 | 2 0.04 69.43 880.6887 | 1 0.02 69.44 880.689 | 4 0.07 69.51 880.69 | 2 0.04 69.55 880.691 | 1 0.02 69.57 880.692 | 1 0.02 69.58 880.696 | 2 0.04 69.62 880.697 | 1 0.02 69.64 880.698 | 1 0.02 69.65 880.699 | 1 0.02 69.67 880.6991 | 1 0.02 69.69 880.6992 | 2 0.04 69.72 882.102 | 1 0.02 69.74 882.103 | 2 0.04 69.78 882.12 | 1 0.02 69.79 882.124 | 1 0.02 69.81 882.1275 | 1 0.02 69.83 882.131 | 1 0.02 69.85 882.132 | 1 0.02 69.86 882.133 | 1 0.02 69.88 882.134 | 1 0.02 69.90 882.135 | 1 0.02 69.92 882.14 | 12 0.21 70.13 882.141 | 1 0.02 70.15 882.142 | 1 0.02 70.16 882.143 | 1 0.02 70.18 882.145 | 1 0.02 70.20 882.146 | 1 0.02 70.22 882.147 | 2 0.04 70.25 882.1471 | 1 0.02 70.27 882.148 | 1 0.02 70.29 882.15 | 1 0.02 70.30 882.1525 | 1 0.02 70.32 882.154 | 1 0.02 70.34 882.155 | 1 0.02 70.36 882.156 | 1 0.02 70.37 882.1561 | 1 0.02 70.39 882.157 | 1 0.02 70.41 882.158 | 1 0.02 70.43 882.161 | 1 0.02 70.44 882.162 | 2 0.04 70.48 882.163 | 1 0.02 70.50 882.17 | 1 0.02 70.51 882.175 | 2 0.04 70.55 882.179 | 1 0.02 70.57 882.1825 | 1 0.02 70.59 882.1835 | 1 0.02 70.60 882.1845 | 1 0.02 70.62 882.1855 | 1 0.02 70.64 882.187 | 2 0.04 70.67 882.188 | 1 0.02 70.69 882.189 | 1 0.02 70.71 882.19 | 1 0.02 70.73 882.1925 | 1 0.02 70.74 882.1935 | 1 0.02 70.76 882.195 | 1 0.02 70.78 882.403 | 1 0.02 70.80 882.406 | 1 0.02 70.81 882.41 | 3 0.05 70.87 882.4125 | 1 0.02 70.88 882.415 | 1 0.02 70.90 882.4175 | 1 0.02 70.92 882.419 | 2 0.04 70.95 882.42 | 1 0.02 70.97 882.4215 | 1 0.02 70.99 882.425 | 1 0.02 71.01 882.4275 | 1 0.02 71.02 882.43 | 2 0.04 71.06 882.4305 | 2 0.04 71.09 882.431 | 3 0.05 71.15 882.4325 | 1 0.02 71.16 882.436 | 1 0.02 71.18 882.437 | 1 0.02 71.20 882.44 | 1 0.02 71.22 882.444 | 1 0.02 71.24 882.446 | 1 0.02 71.25 882.45 | 1 0.02 71.27 882.4525 | 2 0.04 71.31 882.4535 | 1 0.02 71.32 882.4545 | 2 0.04 71.36 882.456 | 8 0.14 71.50 882.46 | 1 0.02 71.52 882.465 | 1 0.02 71.53 882.47 | 1 0.02 71.55 882.4725 | 1 0.02 71.57 882.475 | 1 0.02 71.59 882.48 | 1 0.02 71.60 882.484 | 1 0.02 71.62 882.4845 | 1 0.02 71.64 882.49 | 1 0.02 71.66 882.503 | 1 0.02 71.67 882.505 | 2 0.04 71.71 882.506 | 1 0.02 71.73 882.507 | 1 0.02 71.74 882.515 | 3 0.05 71.80 882.5175 | 1 0.02 71.82 882.52 | 1 0.02 71.83 882.5225 | 1 0.02 71.85 882.5235 | 1 0.02 71.87 882.525 | 1 0.02 71.89 882.5275 | 1 0.02 71.90 882.53 | 1 0.02 71.92 882.532 | 2 0.04 71.96 882.533 | 3 0.05 72.01 882.536 | 1 0.02 72.03 882.55 | 1 0.02 72.04 882.555 | 4 0.07 72.11 882.556 | 1 0.02 72.13 882.56 | 1 0.02 72.15 882.57 | 1 0.02 72.17 882.58 | 1 0.02 72.18 882.5801 | 1 0.02 72.20 882.5802 | 1 0.02 72.22 882.5805 | 1 0.02 72.24 882.5808 | 1 0.02 72.25 882.581 | 1 0.02 72.27 882.582 | 1 0.02 72.29 882.583 | 1 0.02 72.31 882.584 | 1 0.02 72.32 882.585 | 1 0.02 72.34 882.587 | 1 0.02 72.36 882.588 | 1 0.02 72.38 882.589 | 8 0.14 72.52 882.5891 | 1 0.02 72.54 882.5892 | 2 0.04 72.57 882.5894 | 1 0.02 72.59 882.5895 | 1 0.02 72.61 882.5896 | 1 0.02 72.62 882.5897 | 1 0.02 72.64 882.59 | 1 0.02 72.66 882.591 | 1 0.02 72.68 882.594 | 1 0.02 72.69 882.595 | 1 0.02 72.71 882.596 | 1 0.02 72.73 882.597 | 1 0.02 72.75 882.5975 | 1 0.02 72.76 884.104 | 1 0.02 72.78 884.105 | 2 0.04 72.82 884.106 | 1 0.02 72.83 884.11 | 1 0.02 72.85 884.1175 | 2 0.04 72.89 884.1185 | 1 0.02 72.90 884.13 | 1 0.02 72.92 884.1425 | 1 0.02 72.94 884.155 | 1 0.02 72.96 884.156 | 2 0.04 72.99 884.16 | 1 0.02 73.01 884.163 | 4 0.07 73.08 884.164 | 2 0.04 73.12 884.166 | 2 0.04 73.15 884.169 | 4 0.07 73.22 884.17 | 2 0.04 73.26 884.171 | 1 0.02 73.27 884.172 | 7 0.12 73.40 884.173 | 4 0.07 73.47 884.205 | 1 0.02 73.48 884.2225 | 4 0.07 73.55 884.26 | 1 0.02 73.57 884.262 | 1 0.02 73.59 884.264 | 1 0.02 73.61 884.266 | 7 0.12 73.73 884.2675 | 1 0.02 73.75 884.2685 | 1 0.02 73.77 884.27 | 4 0.07 73.84 884.272 | 2 0.04 73.87 884.273 | 2 0.04 73.91 884.274 | 1 0.02 73.92 884.28 | 1 0.02 73.94 884.29 | 1 0.02 73.96 884.296 | 1 0.02 73.98 884.299 | 2 0.04 74.01 884.32 | 1 0.02 74.03 884.3575 | 1 0.02 74.05 884.365 | 1 0.02 74.06 884.39 | 3 0.05 74.12 884.405 | 1 0.02 74.13 884.41 | 1 0.02 74.15 884.412 | 1 0.02 74.17 884.415 | 1 0.02 74.19 884.416 | 4 0.07 74.26 884.425 | 1 0.02 74.28 884.426 | 4 0.07 74.35 884.427 | 1 0.02 74.36 884.434 | 2 0.04 74.40 884.435 | 1 0.02 74.42 884.44 | 1 0.02 74.43 884.45 | 5 0.09 74.52 884.452 | 13 0.23 74.75 884.453 | 39 0.69 75.43 884.455 | 2 0.04 75.47 884.49 | 4 0.07 75.54 884.491 | 3 0.05 75.59 884.505 | 1 0.02 75.61 884.507 | 4 0.07 75.68 884.51 | 6 0.11 75.79 884.515 | 2 0.04 75.82 884.516 | 2 0.04 75.86 884.52 | 1 0.02 75.87 884.521 | 1 0.02 75.89 884.5225 | 1 0.02 75.91 884.525 | 3 0.05 75.96 884.53 | 6 0.11 76.07 884.531 | 1 0.02 76.09 884.532 | 1 0.02 76.10 884.533 | 1 0.02 76.12 884.535 | 1 0.02 76.14 884.536 | 1 0.02 76.16 884.537 | 1 0.02 76.17 884.538 | 5 0.09 76.26 884.539 | 3 0.05 76.31 884.54 | 1 0.02 76.33 884.5425 | 2 0.04 76.37 884.5435 | 4 0.07 76.44 884.546 | 1 0.02 76.45 884.547 | 1 0.02 76.47 884.59 | 1 0.02 76.49 884.592 | 1 0.02 76.51 884.594 | 1 0.02 76.52 884.596 | 1 0.02 76.54 884.597 | 1 0.02 76.56 884.598 | 2 0.04 76.59 884.61 | 2 0.04 76.63 884.611 | 1 0.02 76.65 884.612 | 2 0.04 76.68 884.613 | 2 0.04 76.72 884.614 | 1 0.02 76.74 884.615 | 1 0.02 76.75 884.616 | 2 0.04 76.79 884.6165 | 1 0.02 76.81 884.617 | 1 0.02 76.82 884.618 | 1 0.02 76.84 884.619 | 1 0.02 76.86 884.6195 | 1 0.02 76.88 884.62 | 1 0.02 76.89 886.104 | 1 0.02 76.91 886.105 | 2 0.04 76.95 886.107 | 1 0.02 76.96 886.109 | 1 0.02 76.98 886.11 | 1 0.02 77.00 886.112 | 3 0.05 77.05 886.114 | 2 0.04 77.09 886.115 | 1 0.02 77.10 886.116 | 2 0.04 77.14 886.117 | 1 0.02 77.16 886.119 | 1 0.02 77.17 886.12 | 1 0.02 77.19 886.122 | 1 0.02 77.21 886.125 | 2 0.04 77.24 886.127 | 1 0.02 77.26 886.129 | 2 0.04 77.30 886.13 | 1 0.02 77.32 886.132 | 1 0.02 77.33 886.133 | 1 0.02 77.35 886.134 | 1 0.02 77.37 886.1342 | 1 0.02 77.39 886.135 | 6 0.11 77.49 886.136 | 1 0.02 77.51 886.1375 | 1 0.02 77.53 886.138 | 1 0.02 77.54 886.1385 | 2 0.04 77.58 886.139 | 1 0.02 77.60 886.1395 | 1 0.02 77.61 886.14 | 1 0.02 77.63 886.1405 | 1 0.02 77.65 886.141 | 1 0.02 77.67 886.1415 | 1 0.02 77.68 886.142 | 1 0.02 77.70 886.1425 | 1 0.02 77.72 886.143 | 1 0.02 77.74 886.1435 | 1 0.02 77.75 886.145 | 1 0.02 77.77 886.146 | 1 0.02 77.79 886.15 | 1 0.02 77.81 886.151 | 2 0.04 77.84 886.157 | 5 0.09 77.93 886.1605 | 3 0.05 77.98 886.163 | 1 0.02 78.00 886.164 | 2 0.04 78.04 886.165 | 1 0.02 78.05 886.1655 | 1 0.02 78.07 886.166 | 1 0.02 78.09 886.1665 | 1 0.02 78.11 886.167 | 1 0.02 78.12 886.168 | 1 0.02 78.14 886.169 | 1 0.02 78.16 886.17 | 2 0.04 78.19 886.175 | 1 0.02 78.21 886.176 | 2 0.04 78.25 886.177 | 1 0.02 78.26 886.178 | 2 0.04 78.30 886.179 | 1 0.02 78.32 886.18 | 1 0.02 78.33 886.181 | 7 0.12 78.46 886.184 | 1 0.02 78.47 886.185 | 4 0.07 78.55 886.186 | 4 0.07 78.62 886.187 | 2 0.04 78.65 886.188 | 1 0.02 78.67 886.1905 | 1 0.02 78.69 886.191 | 2 0.04 78.72 886.1925 | 1 0.02 78.74 886.193 | 5 0.09 78.83 886.194 | 1 0.02 78.84 886.1945 | 2 0.04 78.88 886.31 | 1 0.02 78.90 886.313 | 3 0.05 78.95 886.32 | 2 0.04 78.98 886.33 | 1 0.02 79.00 886.332 | 5 0.09 79.09 886.334 | 1 0.02 79.11 886.34 | 2 0.04 79.14 886.36 | 7 0.12 79.27 886.38 | 1 0.02 79.28 886.392 | 1 0.02 79.30 886.407 | 7 0.12 79.42 886.41 | 4 0.07 79.49 886.4115 | 2 0.04 79.53 886.415 | 5 0.09 79.62 886.417 | 3 0.05 79.67 886.423 | 1 0.02 79.69 886.425 | 2 0.04 79.72 886.427 | 1 0.02 79.74 886.4275 | 2 0.04 79.78 886.428 | 1 0.02 79.79 886.43 | 4 0.07 79.86 886.4335 | 4 0.07 79.93 886.435 | 36 0.63 80.57 886.436 | 1 0.02 80.58 886.437 | 4 0.07 80.65 886.439 | 3 0.05 80.71 886.4392 | 1 0.02 80.72 886.44 | 1 0.02 80.74 886.444 | 1 0.02 80.76 886.4445 | 2 0.04 80.79 886.457 | 3 0.05 80.85 886.461 | 1 0.02 80.86 886.467 | 4 0.07 80.93 886.469 | 1 0.02 80.95 886.475 | 2 0.04 80.99 886.477 | 1 0.02 81.01 886.479 | 2 0.04 81.04 886.4855 | 2 0.04 81.08 886.51 | 1 0.02 81.09 886.512 | 1 0.02 81.11 886.52 | 1 0.02 81.13 886.53 | 1 0.02 81.15 886.531 | 1 0.02 81.16 886.542 | 1 0.02 81.18 886.554 | 2 0.04 81.22 886.56 | 1 0.02 81.23 886.57 | 1 0.02 81.25 886.58 | 1 0.02 81.27 886.581 | 1 0.02 81.29 886.582 | 1 0.02 81.30 886.5838 | 1 0.02 81.32 886.584 | 1 0.02 81.34 886.5842 | 1 0.02 81.36 886.5844 | 3 0.05 81.41 886.585 | 1 0.02 81.43 886.587 | 2 0.04 81.46 886.59 | 2 0.04 81.50 886.5905 | 1 0.02 81.51 886.591 | 1 0.02 81.53 886.5915 | 2 0.04 81.57 886.5916 | 4 0.07 81.64 886.5918 | 1 0.02 81.66 886.5925 | 6 0.11 81.76 886.5928 | 5 0.09 81.85 888.11 | 4 0.07 81.92 888.124 | 1 0.02 81.94 888.125 | 1 0.02 81.95 888.15 | 2 0.04 81.99 888.152 | 3 0.05 82.04 888.3 | 1 0.02 82.06 888.301 | 3 0.05 82.11 888.3015 | 1 0.02 82.13 888.302 | 2 0.04 82.16 888.3023 | 1 0.02 82.18 888.3025 | 1 0.02 82.20 888.3027 | 7 0.12 82.32 888.303 | 25 0.44 82.76 888.304 | 16 0.28 83.04 888.3045 | 3 0.05 83.10 888.305 | 4 0.07 83.17 888.306 | 7 0.12 83.29 888.307 | 6 0.11 83.39 888.308 | 5 0.09 83.48 888.31 | 1 0.02 83.50 888.311 | 2 0.04 83.54 888.312 | 1 0.02 83.55 888.315 | 1 0.02 83.57 888.316 | 1 0.02 83.59 888.317 | 1 0.02 83.61 888.318 | 1 0.02 83.62 888.32 | 1 0.02 83.64 888.321 | 1 0.02 83.66 888.322 | 1 0.02 83.68 888.323 | 2 0.04 83.71 888.33 | 1 0.02 83.73 888.331 | 2 0.04 83.76 888.332 | 2 0.04 83.80 888.333 | 1 0.02 83.82 888.334 | 1 0.02 83.83 888.335 | 3 0.05 83.89 888.3353 | 4 0.07 83.96 888.3358 | 3 0.05 84.01 888.336 | 5 0.09 84.10 888.337 | 1 0.02 84.12 888.338 | 1 0.02 84.13 888.339 | 1 0.02 84.15 888.34 | 1 0.02 84.17 888.341 | 2 0.04 84.20 888.348 | 2 0.04 84.24 888.349 | 2 0.04 84.27 888.35 | 1 0.02 84.29 888.351 | 1 0.02 84.31 888.352 | 1 0.02 84.33 888.353 | 2 0.04 84.36 888.3535 | 1 0.02 84.38 888.354 | 1 0.02 84.40 888.355 | 2 0.04 84.43 888.356 | 5 0.09 84.52 888.3565 | 1 0.02 84.54 888.357 | 2 0.04 84.57 888.358 | 1 0.02 84.59 888.359 | 1 0.02 84.61 888.364 | 1 0.02 84.62 888.365 | 1 0.02 84.64 888.366 | 4 0.07 84.71 888.367 | 1 0.02 84.73 888.368 | 1 0.02 84.75 888.369 | 1 0.02 84.77 888.372 | 1 0.02 84.78 888.373 | 1 0.02 84.80 888.375 | 1 0.02 84.82 888.376 | 1 0.02 84.84 888.377 | 1 0.02 84.85 888.378 | 1 0.02 84.87 888.379 | 1 0.02 84.89 888.38 | 3 0.05 84.94 888.381 | 1 0.02 84.96 888.415 | 1 0.02 84.98 888.42 | 2 0.04 85.01 888.421 | 1 0.02 85.03 888.422 | 1 0.02 85.05 888.423 | 1 0.02 85.06 888.43 | 1 0.02 85.08 888.4505 | 1 0.02 85.10 888.454 | 43 0.76 85.85 888.458 | 2 0.04 85.89 888.46 | 1 0.02 85.91 888.48 | 1 0.02 85.93 888.585 | 1 0.02 85.94 888.589 | 4 0.07 86.01 888.594 | 1 0.02 86.03 888.596 | 1 0.02 86.05 888.598 | 1 0.02 86.07 890.1375 | 2 0.04 86.10 890.1385 | 1 0.02 86.12 890.1615 | 1 0.02 86.14 890.3475 | 1 0.02 86.15 890.348 | 1 0.02 86.17 890.505 | 7 0.12 86.29 890.55 | 1 0.02 86.31 890.576 | 1 0.02 86.33 890.585 | 1 0.02 86.35 890.595 | 1 0.02 86.36 892.155 | 1 0.02 86.38 892.157 | 2 0.04 86.42 892.201 | 1 0.02 86.43 892.202 | 1 0.02 86.45 892.203 | 1 0.02 86.47 892.204 | 1 0.02 86.49 892.205 | 2 0.04 86.52 . | 767 13.48 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for typeid variable in foiclass244 dataset : Submission Type ID | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------------------------------+----------------------------------- 1 - 510(K) | 2,577 45.28 45.28 2 - PMA | 389 6.84 52.12 3 - Contact ODE | 74 1.30 53.42 4 - 510(K) Exempt | 2,102 36.94 90.35 HDE - Humanitarian Device Exemption | 50 0.88 91.23 Enforcement Discretion | 286 5.03 96.26 EUA - Emergency Use Authorization | 5 0.09 96.35 . | 208 3.65 100.00 ------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for def variable in foiclass244 dataset : Definition | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- | 3,946 69.34 69.34 The gloves are intended to protect .. | 1 0.02 69.36 or causes a chemical reaction to cha.. | 3 0.05 69.41 shall mean the preselected portion o.. | 1 0.02 69.43 1. Non-inflammatory degenerative join.. | 3 0.05 69.48 2009 H1N1 influenza virus detection a.. | 1 0.02 69.50 2009 H1N1 influenza virus detection a.. | 1 0.02 69.51 A nitrile (or polymer) patient exami.. | 1 0.02 69.53 A scalp cooling system is intended t.. | 1 0.02 69.55 A 25-OH-Vitamin D Mass Spectrometry t.. | 1 0.02 69.57 A 3d laser scanning system to be used.. | 1 0.02 69.58 A Breast lesion documentation device .. | 1 0.02 69.60 A Coccidioides spp. nucleic acid dete.. | 1 0.02 69.62 A LASER (Light Amplification by Stimu.. | 1 0.02 69.64 A Laser driven metal deposition system. | 1 0.02 69.65 A MEDEVAC oxygen generator is a devic.. | 1 0.02 69.67 A Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Co.. | 1 0.02 69.69 A NURSING PAD CONSISTING OF A POLYURE.. | 1 0.02 69.71 A PMA or notice of completion of a PD.. | 1 0.02 69.72 A PTCA catheter is a device that oper.. | 1 0.02 69.74 A Recombinant-DNA plasmid biological .. | 1 0.02 69.76 A animal-source bone grafting materia.. | 1 0.02 69.78 A balloon aortic valvuloplasty cathet.. | 1 0.02 69.79 A bed intended for obese patients wei.. | 1 0.02 69.81 A bed or other platform that is desig.. | 1 0.02 69.83 A benign stricture biliary stent syst.. | 1 0.02 69.85 A betatron used for non-medical appli.. | 1 0.02 69.86 A bihormonal automated insulin dosing.. | 1 0.02 69.88 A blood collection device for DNA tes.. | 1 0.02 69.90 A blood pressure cuff is a device tha.. | 1 0.02 69.92 A blood pump that provides temporary .. | 1 0.02 69.93 A broad spectrum output noncoherent l.. | 1 0.02 69.95 A cabinet x-ray system used for detec.. | 1 0.02 69.97 A cabinet x-ray system used for quali.. | 1 0.02 69.99 A cabinet x-ray system used to examin.. | 1 0.02 70.01 A capillary blood collection device w.. | 1 0.02 70.02 A carbon dioxide gas controlled tissu.. | 1 0.02 70.04 A cd or cd-rom player that utilizes a.. | 1 0.02 70.06 A cd-r or cd-rw recorder machine that.. | 1 0.02 70.08 A chromosome 17p deletion (TP53) fluo.. | 1 0.02 70.09 A closed-loop autotitration device fo.. | 1 0.02 70.11 A collection device intended for use .. | 1 0.02 70.13 A conditioning tool for eating disord.. | 1 0.02 70.15 A cord blood processing system and st.. | 1 0.02 70.16 A coronary vascular physiologic simul.. | 1 0.02 70.18 A cranial distraction system is a met.. | 1 0.02 70.20 A cranial motion measurement device i.. | 1 0.02 70.22 A cranial orthosis is a device that i.. | 1 0.02 70.23 A cyclotron used for non-medical appl.. | 1 0.02 70.25 A data measurement, data transmission.. | 1 0.02 70.27 A dental chair is a device, usually p.. | 1 0.02 70.29 A desflurane gas analyzer is a device.. | 1 0.02 70.30 A device intended for the radiographi.. | 1 0.02 70.32 A device measuring the constituents o.. | 1 0.02 70.34 A device that depicts on a screen per.. | 1 0.02 70.36 A device that performs a simple funct.. | 1 0.02 70.37 A device to be used in the prophylact.. | 1 0.02 70.39 A device used to cut or crush medicat.. | 1 0.02 70.41 A device using focused ultrasound to .. | 1 0.02 70.43 A device which controls input power t.. | 3 0.05 70.48 A disposable medical glove (examinat.. | 1 0.02 70.50 A disposable latex examination glove .. | 1 0.02 70.51 A disposable medical glove (examinati.. | 1 0.02 70.53 A disposable patient examination glov.. | 1 0.02 70.55 A diurnal pattern recorder system is .. | 1 0.02 70.57 A drug-eluting peripheral translumina.. | 1 0.02 70.59 A dual chamber external pacemaker is .. | 1 0.02 70.60 A dvd, bluray, or hd recorder machine.. | 1 0.02 70.62 A dvd, dvd-rom, bluray, or high defin.. | 1 0.02 70.64 A female condom is a sheath-like devi.. | 1 0.02 70.66 A fixation device is an AC-powered de.. | 1 0.02 70.67 A fluorescence in situ hybridization .. | 1 0.02 70.69 A fluorescence system intended for us.. | 1 0.02 70.71 A full-frame digital image projector .. | 1 0.02 70.73 A gamma phage lysis assay intended fo.. | 1 0.02 70.74 A gastrointestinal bacterial panel mu.. | 1 0.02 70.76 A gastrointestinal pathogen panel mul.. | 1 0.02 70.78 A gene expression test for detection .. | 1 0.02 70.80 A general purpose fluorescent lamp us.. | 1 0.02 70.81 A genetic analyzer is an automated cl.. | 1 0.02 70.83 A goniometer is an AC-powered or batt.. | 1 0.02 70.85 A gown intended to protect health car.. | 1 0.02 70.87 A graft insertion device for endothel.. | 1 0.02 70.88 A gynecologic laparoscope is a device.. | 1 0.02 70.90 A high power laser intended to cut or.. | 1 0.02 70.92 A high power laser intended to weld (.. | 1 0.02 70.94 A high pressure mercury vapor, metal .. | 1 0.02 70.95 A high throughput sequencing technolo.. | 1 0.02 70.97 A hypodermic needle is intended to in.. | 1 0.02 70.99 A interlabial pad made of cellulosic .. | 1 0.02 71.01 A isoflurane gas analyzer is a device.. | 1 0.02 71.02 A kit that is a set of reagents and c.. | 1 0.02 71.04 A lamp that produces ultraviolet radi.. | 1 0.02 71.06 A large cabinet x-ray system used to .. | 1 0.02 71.08 A large system often in its own archi.. | 1 0.02 71.09 A laser holographic system intended f.. | 1 0.02 71.11 A laser holographic system intended t.. | 1 0.02 71.13 A laser intended to etch, engrave or .. | 1 0.02 71.15 A laser intended to mark or engrave a.. | 1 0.02 71.16 A laser intended to process, inspect,.. | 1 0.02 71.18 A laser product assembled or manufact.. | 1 0.02 71.20 A laser product for microscopic studi.. | 1 0.02 71.22 A laser product or product containing.. | 1 0.02 71.24 A laser used as an interferometer for.. | 1 0.02 71.25 A laser used for inspection, counting.. | 1 0.02 71.27 A laser used for positioning, focusin.. | 1 0.02 71.29 A laser used for treatment of animals.. | 1 0.02 71.31 A laser used in an instrument for tes.. | 1 0.02 71.32 A laser used in fiber optic communica.. | 1 0.02 71.34 A laser used in free space (open air).. | 1 0.02 71.36 A laser used in high precision dimens.. | 1 0.02 71.38 A laser used in precision positioning.. | 1 0.02 71.39 A laser used to scan across a bar cod.. | 1 0.02 71.41 A laser used to transmit signals and/.. | 1 0.02 71.43 A latex patient examination glove is .. | 1 0.02 71.45 A light based Non-Laser device typica.. | 1 0.02 71.46 A light based non-laser device that p.. | 1 0.02 71.48 A light-emitting diode source. | 1 0.02 71.50 A linear accelerator used as a steril.. | 1 0.02 71.52 A linear accelerator used to non-intr.. | 1 0.02 71.53 A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a f.. | 1 0.02 71.55 A machine that utilizes industrial ra.. | 1 0.02 71.57 A machine that utilizes microwave or .. | 1 0.02 71.59 A machine that utilizes microwave or .. | 1 0.02 71.60 A machine that utilizes microwave or .. | 1 0.02 71.62 A machine that utilizes microwave or .. | 1 0.02 71.64 A machine that utilizes microwave or .. | 1 0.02 71.66 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.67 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.69 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.71 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.73 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.74 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.76 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.78 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.80 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.82 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.83 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.85 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.87 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.89 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.90 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.92 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.94 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.96 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.97 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 71.99 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 72.01 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 72.03 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 72.04 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 72.06 A machine that utilizes microwave rad.. | 1 0.02 72.08 A manual blood grouping and antibody .. | 1 0.02 72.10 A mass spectrometer for clinical mult.. | 1 0.02 72.11 A mass spectrometer system using matr.. | 1 0.02 72.13 A medical device data system (mdds) i.. | 1 0.02 72.15 A medication reminder is a device int.. | 1 0.02 72.17 A meningitis/encephalitis pathogen mu.. | 1 0.02 72.18 A meprobamate test system is a device.. | 1 0.02 72.20 A micro total analysis instrument sys.. | 1 0.02 72.22 A microarray-based, genome-wide, post.. | 1 0.02 72.24 A microbial colony image assessment s.. | 1 0.02 72.25 A microtron used for non-medical appl.. | 1 0.02 72.27 A mobile system, usually mounted in a.. | 1 0.02 72.29 A monitor or projector that uses a hi.. | 1 0.02 72.31 A mouse or trackball related to a com.. | 1 0.02 72.32 A mouse or trackball that incorporate.. | 1 0.02 72.34 A mycolic acids analysis system is in.. | 1 0.02 72.36 A nasolacrimal compression device is .. | 1 0.02 72.38 A neurovascular mechanical thrombecto.. | 1 0.02 72.40 A newborn screening test for severe c.. | 1 0.02 72.41 A non self-inflating manual resuscita.. | 1 0.02 72.43 A non-SARS coronavirus multiplex nucl.. | 1 0.02 72.45 A non-adjunctive invasive glucose sen.. | 1 0.02 72.47 A non-powered suction apparatus indic.. | 1 0.02 72.48 A nonalterable cranial bone void fill.. | 1 0.02 72.50 A noncoherent infrared light source u.. | 1 0.02 72.52 A noncoherent infrared light source u.. | 1 0.02 72.54 A noncoherent infrared light source u.. | 1 0.02 72.55 A noncoherent infrared source used fo.. | 1 0.02 72.57 A noncoherent light source incorporat.. | 1 0.02 72.59 A noncoherent light source used in ve.. | 1 0.02 72.61 A noncoherent ultraviolet or infrared.. | 1 0.02 72.62 A nucleic acid amplification assay sy.. | 1 0.02 72.64 A nucleic acid amplification assay sy.. | 1 0.02 72.66 A nucleic acid quantitation kit consi.. | 1 0.02 72.68 A parainfluenza multiplex nucleic aci.. | 1 0.02 72.69 A pediatric/child facemask is intende.. | 1 0.02 72.71 A pedicle screw placement guide is in.. | 1 0.02 72.73 A pen injector is a device that provi.. | 1 0.02 72.75 A personal lubricant, for penile and/.. | 1 0.02 72.76 A photoplethysmograph analysis softwa.. | 1 0.02 72.78 A piston syringe is a device intended.. | 1 0.02 72.80 A polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-bas.. | 1 0.02 72.82 A positive airway pressure delivery s.. | 1 0.02 72.83 A posterior, non-pedicle supplemental.. | 1 0.02 72.85 A powder free polychloroprene patient.. | 1 0.02 72.87 A powder-free surgeon's glove is a di.. | 1 0.02 72.89 A powered corneal burr is an AC-power.. | 2 0.04 72.92 A powered exoskeleton is a prescripti.. | 1 0.02 72.94 A powered microneedle device is a dev.. | 1 0.02 72.96 A pre-formed (polymerized) absorbable.. | 1 0.02 72.97 A prescription device intended to be .. | 1 0.02 72.99 A prescription device that is intende.. | 1 0.02 73.01 A prescription device that uses a pat.. | 1 0.02 73.03 A printing machine that incorporates .. | 1 0.02 73.05 A printing machine that incorporates .. | 1 0.02 73.06 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 73.08 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 73.10 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 73.12 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 73.13 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 73.15 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 73.17 A qualitative in vitro molecular test.. | 1 0.02 73.19 A qualitative multiplexed in vitro di.. | 1 0.02 73.20 A qualitative multiplexed in vitro di.. | 1 0.02 73.22 A qualitive multiplexed in vitro diag.. | 1 0.02 73.24 A quality control material (unassayed.. | 1 0.02 73.26 A quantitative gene expression assay .. | 1 0.02 73.27 A quantitative measurement of soluble.. | 1 0.02 73.29 A remote medication management system.. | 1 0.02 73.31 A removable oral device used during m.. | 1 0.02 73.33 A reprographics machine that incorpor.. | 1 0.02 73.34 A respiratory viral panel multiplex n.. | 1 0.02 73.36 A retinal diagnostic software device .. | 1 0.02 73.38 A reusable menstrual pad is made of c.. | 1 0.02 73.40 A scented or scented deodorized pad i.. | 1 0.02 73.41 A semen analysis quality control mate.. | 1 0.02 73.43 A serological reagent to distinguish .. | 1 0.02 73.45 A sevoflurane gas analyzer is a devic.. | 1 0.02 73.47 A single use, disposable surgical mas.. | 1 0.02 73.48 A single use, disposable, NIOSH-appro.. | 1 0.02 73.50 A single use, disposable, NIOSH-appro.. | 1 0.02 73.52 A sodium vapor lamp is a gas discharg.. | 1 0.02 73.54 A solid medication dispenser is a dev.. | 1 0.02 73.55 A stainless steel shunt system implan.. | 1 0.02 73.57 A steerable cardiac ablation catheter.. | 1 0.02 73.59 A subcutaneous factory calibrated, no.. | 1 0.02 73.61 A subcutaneous implanted apheresis po.. | 1 0.02 73.63 A sunlamp product assembled or manufa.. | 1 0.02 73.64 A sunlamp system that sits on a table.. | 1 0.02 73.66 A surgeon's glove is a disposable dev.. | 1 0.02 73.68 A surgical N95 respirator or N95 filt.. | 1 0.02 73.70 A synchrotron used for non-medical ap.. | 1 0.02 73.71 A synthetic bone grafting material is.. | 1 0.02 73.73 A synthetic dental barrier is a synth.. | 1 0.02 73.75 A system intended to find contraband,.. | 1 0.02 73.77 A system intended to find contraband,.. | 1 0.02 73.78 A system that is uses x-radiation to .. | 1 0.02 73.80 A television receiver using a color c.. | 1 0.02 73.82 A television receiver using a monochr.. | 1 0.02 73.84 A thermal system for insomnia is a pr.. | 1 0.02 73.85 A thermocycler is an automated labora.. | 1 0.02 73.87 A tracheobronchial suction catheter i.. | 1 0.02 73.89 A transcranial magnetic stimulator is.. | 1 0.02 73.91 A tubular drain made from silicone or.. | 1 0.02 73.92 A tungsten halogen lamp. | 1 0.02 73.94 A tympanic membrane contact hearing a.. | 1 0.02 73.96 A ureteral stone dislodger is a devic.. | 1 0.02 73.98 A ureteral stone dislodger is a devic.. | 1 0.02 73.99 A utility/peripheral laser product th.. | 1 0.02 74.01 A vacuum tube generating a focused be.. | 1 0.02 74.03 A vacuum tube used for switching high.. | 1 0.02 74.05 A vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis n.. | 1 0.02 74.06 A ventricular assist device (VAD) ass.. | 1 0.02 74.08 A ventricular bypass (assist) device .. | 1 0.02 74.10 A vibratory counter-stimulation devic.. | 1 0.02 74.12 A vinyl patient examination glove is .. | 1 0.02 74.13 A visual, qualitative immunoassay for.. | 1 0.02 74.15 A voriconazole test system is a devic.. | 1 0.02 74.17 A wound autofluorescence imaging devi.. | 1 0.02 74.19 A wound dressing with poly (diallyl d.. | 1 0.02 74.20 AC-powered or non-powered device inte.. | 1 0.02 74.22 Abdominal intracompartmental pressure.. | 1 0.02 74.24 Ablation of soft tissue | 1 0.02 74.26 Access to central venous system for b.. | 1 0.02 74.28 Accessing the central vascular system.. | 1 0.02 74.29 Accessories that attach to the light .. | 1 0.02 74.31 Accessory device that secures intrave.. | 1 0.02 74.33 Acquire, display, store, and archive .. | 1 0.02 74.35 Acquire, display, store, and archive .. | 1 0.02 74.36 Acquire, display, store, and archive .. | 1 0.02 74.38 Acquire, display, store, and archive .. | 1 0.02 74.40 Acts as a barrier to the passage of f.. | 1 0.02 74.42 Acts as a bone anchor for temporary s.. | 1 0.02 74.43 Aid in the diagnosis of grade 3 heart.. | 1 0.02 74.45 Air compressor and vacuum unit that a.. | 1 0.02 74.47 Allogeneic skin cells cultured in vit.. | 1 0.02 74.49 Alternative mode of visualization usi.. | 1 0.02 74.50 Alternative mode of visualization usi.. | 1 0.02 74.52 Amino acids, free carnitines and acyl.. | 1 0.02 74.54 Amplification assay for the detection.. | 1 0.02 74.56 Amplification, detection and identifi.. | 1 0.02 74.57 An Anti-Müllerian hormone test system.. | 1 0.02 74.59 An Imaged-Guided Focused Ultrasound S.. | 1 0.02 74.61 An Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Infusion Sy.. | 1 0.02 74.63 An Influenza A and Influenza B multip.. | 1 0.02 74.64 An MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Syste.. | 1 0.02 74.66 An MR-guided focused ultrasound syste.. | 1 0.02 74.68 An Oxcarbazepine Metabolite Assay is .. | 1 0.02 74.70 An absorbable scaffold with a drug co.. | 1 0.02 74.71 An accelerator used for industrial ap.. | 1 0.02 74.73 An acute kidney injury test system is.. | 1 0.02 74.75 An air polishing powder to be used wi.. | 1 0.02 74.77 An alterable cranial bone void filler.. | 1 0.02 74.78 An animal source dental barrier is an.. | 1 0.02 74.80 An ankle joint metal/polymer non-cons.. | 1 0.02 74.82 An assay used to determine the level .. | 1 0.02 74.84 An assay used to determine the level .. | 1 0.02 74.86 An automated insulin dosing system th.. | 1 0.02 74.87 An automated multicolor fluorescent i.. | 1 0.02 74.89 An elbow joint metal/polymer constrai.. | 1 0.02 74.91 An electrical meter that records cons.. | 1 0.02 74.93 An electrocardiograph software device.. | 1 0.02 74.94 An electronic device in which electro.. | 1 0.02 74.96 An electronic product designed to rec.. | 1 0.02 74.98 An electronic product designed to rec.. | 1 0.02 75.00 An electronic product designed to rec.. | 1 0.02 75.01 An electronic product using a cathode.. | 1 0.02 75.03 An electronic product using a color c.. | 1 0.02 75.05 An electronic product using a color c.. | 1 0.02 75.07 An electronic product using a monochr.. | 1 0.02 75.08 An electronic product using a monochr.. | 1 0.02 75.10 An electronic system that implants io.. | 1 0.02 75.12 An electrostatic discharge device whi.. | 1 0.02 75.14 An endovascular graft for AV dialysis.. | 1 0.02 75.15 An enzyme immunometric assay for the .. | 1 0.02 75.17 An external upper limb tremor stimula.. | 1 0.02 75.19 An immunoluminometric assay used to d.. | 1 0.02 75.21 An implantable microtransponder syste.. | 1 0.02 75.22 An in vitro diagnostic assay for use .. | 1 0.02 75.24 An in vitro diagnostic assay for use .. | 1 0.02 75.26 An in vitro diagnostic device intende.. | 1 0.02 75.28 An in vitro diagnostic reagent system.. | 1 0.02 75.29 An in vitro diagnostic test for the d.. | 1 0.02 75.31 An in vitro diagnostic test for the d.. | 1 0.02 75.33 An in vitro diagnostic test for the d.. | 1 0.02 75.35 An in vitro diagnostic test for the d.. | 1 0.02 75.36 An in vitro diagnostic test for the q.. | 1 0.02 75.38 An in vitro nucleic acid amplificatio.. | 1 0.02 75.40 An influenza virus antigen detection .. | 1 0.02 75.42 An insulin pump therapy adjustment ca.. | 1 0.02 75.43 An insulin-only automated insulin dos.. | 1 0.02 75.45 An integrated continuous glucose moni.. | 1 0.02 75.47 An internal tissue marker is a prescr.. | 1 0.02 75.49 An intracranial coil-assist stent is .. | 1 0.02 75.51 An intracranial neurovascular stent i.. | 1 0.02 75.52 An intraocular pressure lowering impl.. | 1 0.02 75.54 An intravascular administration set, .. | 1 0.02 75.56 An invitro diagnostic device used to .. | 1 0.02 75.58 An iris reconstruction lens is an int.. | 1 0.02 75.59 An open industrial x-ray system used .. | 1 0.02 75.61 An open x-ray system which is used fo.. | 1 0.02 75.63 An ophthalmic sealant is intended to .. | 1 0.02 75.65 An optical detection system for the i.. | 1 0.02 75.66 An optical device that converts infra.. | 1 0.02 75.68 An optical impression system for cad/.. | 1 0.02 75.70 An oral lubricant to be used adjacen.. | 1 0.02 75.72 An orthodontic accessory intended for.. | 1 0.02 75.73 An orthodontic ceramic bracket is a d.. | 1 0.02 75.75 An ovarian/adnexal mass assessment te.. | 1 0.02 75.77 An ultrasound bronchoscope is indicat.. | 1 0.02 75.79 An ultraviolet wavelength laser used .. | 1 0.02 75.80 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.82 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.84 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.86 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.87 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.89 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.91 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.93 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.94 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.96 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 75.98 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 76.00 An ultraviolet wavelength noncoherent.. | 1 0.02 76.01 An x-ray system for x-ray fluorescenc.. | 1 0.02 76.03 An x-ray system used for industrial p.. | 1 0.02 76.05 An x-ray system used for x-ray diffra.. | 1 0.02 76.07 An x-ray system used for x-ray spectr.. | 1 0.02 76.09 Analyze electrical activity of the br.. | 1 0.02 76.10 Analyze electroencephalograph data us.. | 1 0.02 76.12 Anterior cervical device for suppleme.. | 1 0.02 76.14 Anti-helicobacter pylori rabbit mono.. | 1 0.02 76.16 Antibacterial oral rinse that is used.. | 1 0.02 76.17 Any metal halide lamp, including sodi.. | 1 0.02 76.19 Any scientific or research instrument.. | 1 0.02 76.21 Applied to tooth enamel to block dent.. | 1 0.02 76.23 Applying compression to the muscles o.. | 1 0.02 76.24 Approved PMA: P000039 | 1 0.02 76.26 Approved pma: P870072 | 1 0.02 76.28 Approximately 3 cm tube placed in the.. | 1 0.02 76.30 Approximation of tissue layers where .. | 1 0.02 76.31 Artificial iris is intended to be imp.. | 1 0.02 76.33 As a surgical instrument to assist in.. | 1 0.02 76.35 As an adjunctive tool to guide the sh.. | 1 0.02 76.37 Assay to measure procalcitonin to aid.. | 1 0.02 76.38 Assayed external quality control mate.. | 1 0.02 76.40 Assist a patient to visualize the ima.. | 1 0.02 76.42 Attaching suture or stapling ligament.. | 1 0.02 76.44 Automated calculation of a summary in.. | 1 0.02 76.45 Automated external defibrillators are.. | 1 0.02 76.47 Automated system consisting of a fluo.. | 1 0.02 76.49 Automatically mark electroencephalogr.. | 1 0.02 76.51 Automatically mark or identify electr.. | 1 0.02 76.52 Automatically mark or identify electr.. | 1 0.02 76.54 BONE HETEROGRAFT IS A DEVICE INTENDED.. | 1 0.02 76.56 BSP. | 1 0.02 76.58 Balloon dilatation of native and/or s.. | 1 0.02 76.59 Bilateral stimulation of the internal.. | 1 0.02 76.61 Blade for keratome to make flap in co.. | 1 0.02 76.63 Bone graft substitute when autograft .. | 1 0.02 76.65 Breath analysis test for use as an ai.. | 1 0.02 76.66 Breath measurement systems are used t.. | 1 0.02 76.68 Bridging material to attach the vagin.. | 1 0.02 76.70 Bridging material to attach the vagin.. | 1 0.02 76.72 Bronchial thermoplasty systems are in.. | 1 0.02 76.74 CBER | 1 0.02 76.75 COMP ELISA is a quantitative enzyme-l.. | 1 0.02 76.77 CPR Aid device WITH feedback (visual,.. | 1 0.02 76.79 Call for PMAs - 12/26/96 per 61 FR 50.. | 1 0.02 76.81 Call for PMAs 12/26/96 (61 FR 50706 (.. | 4 0.07 76.88 Call for PMAs 12/26/96 (61 FR 50706 9.. | 1 0.02 76.89 Call for PMAs 12/26/96 (61 FR 50707 (.. | 1 0.02 76.91 Call for PMAs 12/26/96 (61 FR 50709 (.. | 1 0.02 76.93 Call for PMAs 12/26/96 (61 FR 50710 (.. | 1 0.02 76.95 Call for PMAs 12/26/96 per 61 FR 5070.. | 1 0.02 76.96 Call for PMAs 12/26/96 per 61 FR 5070.. | 1 0.02 76.98 Call for PMAs 12/30/87 (52 FR 36883 1.. | 4 0.07 77.05 Call for PMAs on 12/26/96 per 61 FR 5.. | 1 0.02 77.07 Call for PMAs on 4/21/97 per 62 FR 29.. | 1 0.02 77.09 Call for PMAs on 4/21/97 per 62 FR 29.. | 1 0.02 77.10 Call for PMAs on 7/13/99 per 64 FR 18.. | 1 0.02 77.12 Call for PMAs on 7/5/95 per 60 FR 172.. | 2 0.04 77.16 Call for PMAs to be filed by 1/3/05 p.. | 1 0.02 77.17 Call for PMAs to be filed by 10/3/00 .. | 1 0.02 77.19 Call for PMAs to be filed by 12/26/96.. | 1 0.02 77.21 Call for PMAs to be filed by 12/26/96.. | 7 0.12 77.33 Call for PMAs to be filed by 12/26/96.. | 3 0.05 77.39 Call for PMAs to be filed by 12/26/96.. | 1 0.02 77.40 Call for PMAs to be filed by 12/26/96.. | 2 0.04 77.44 Call for PMAs to be filed by 12/30/87.. | 1 0.02 77.46 Call for PMAs to be filed by 3/1/89 p.. | 1 0.02 77.47 Call for PMAs to be filed by 3/30/99 .. | 1 0.02 77.49 Call for PMAs to be filed by 7/12/200.. | 1 0.02 77.51 Call for PMAs to be filed by 9/12/02 .. | 1 0.02 77.53 Call for pmas 12/26/96 ( 61 fr 50710 .. | 1 0.02 77.54 Call for pmas 9/26/84 per 49 fr 26574.. | 1 0.02 77.56 Call for pmas to be filed by 12/26/96.. | 1 0.02 77.58 Call for pmas to be filed by 12/9/87 .. | 1 0.02 77.60 Call for pmas to be filed by 7/7/86 p.. | 1 0.02 77.61 Called for PMAs in FR 5/5/86 PMAs to .. | 1 0.02 77.63 Catheter is used for Percutaneous Tra.. | 1 0.02 77.65 Catheter used for delivery of a sensi.. | 1 0.02 77.67 Cber | 2 0.04 77.70 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion i.. | 1 0.02 77.72 Cervical softening and dilation | 1 0.02 77.74 Class 3 pma | 1 0.02 77.75 Clip placement within the gastrointes.. | 1 0.02 77.77 Coarctation of the Aorta | 1 0.02 77.79 Colored spectacle lenses may also be .. | 1 0.02 77.81 Complete gene expression profiling ac.. | 1 0.02 77.82 Computer assisted system to administe.. | 1 0.02 77.84 Consists of primers, probes, enzymes .. | 1 0.02 77.86 Contents typically includes: Ear pie.. | 1 0.02 77.88 Continuous glucose monitor retrospect.. | 1 0.02 77.89 Controlled compression of a piston sy.. | 1 0.02 77.91 Coronary Stent. This device is a met.. | 1 0.02 77.93 Correlation of electrical activity of.. | 1 0.02 77.95 Create channels in the existing spina.. | 1 0.02 77.97 Culture Medium for GBS Detection | 1 0.02 77.98 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA Quantitativ.. | 1 0.02 78.00 DEVICE PROVIDES SEMIQUANTITATIVE INDI.. | 1 0.02 78.02 Date PMA or notice of completion of P.. | 1 0.02 78.04 Deep Brain Stimulation for the treatm.. | 1 0.02 78.05 Delivers nutrition, medication, or hy.. | 1 0.02 78.07 Delivery of radio frequency energy to.. | 1 0.02 78.09 Dengue virus serological reagents are.. | 1 0.02 78.11 Dental amalgam is a device that consi.. | 1 0.02 78.12 Dental bone grafting material with gr.. | 1 0.02 78.14 Deploys ePTFE suture, labeled for use.. | 1 0.02 78.16 Designed to be used in conjunction wi.. | 1 0.02 78.18 Designed to monitor and provide ferti.. | 1 0.02 78.19 Designed to position the baby at a 30.. | 1 0.02 78.21 Designed to provide counter-pressure .. | 1 0.02 78.23 Detect Acute Coronary Syndrome events.. | 1 0.02 78.25 Detect or measure variations in volum.. | 1 0.02 78.26 Detection of Leishmania species in s.. | 1 0.02 78.28 Detection of alpha satellite sequence.. | 1 0.02 78.30 Device is a replacement cuff to be us.. | 1 0.02 78.32 Device made of a material such as tit.. | 1 0.02 78.33 Device to detect and identify microor.. | 1 0.02 78.35 Device type: Filler, recombinant hum.. | 1 0.02 78.37 Device used to determine the extent o.. | 1 0.02 78.39 Device used to evaluate one or more h.. | 1 0.02 78.40 Device used to physically restrain a .. | 1 0.02 78.42 Devices are intended to record and an.. | 1 0.02 78.44 Diabetes take home kit | 1 0.02 78.46 Diagnostic x-ray equipment or compone.. | 1 0.02 78.47 Disinfect needleless access valves an.. | 1 0.02 78.49 Disinfectant intended for reprocessin.. | 1 0.02 78.51 Disinfectant intended for reprocessin.. | 1 0.02 78.53 Dna quality control material for gene.. | 1 0.02 78.55 Docket number: 2006p-0071 - may 5, 2.. | 1 0.02 78.56 Drug eluting permanent RV or RA pacem.. | 1 0.02 78.58 Drug eluting permanent lv pacemaker e.. | 1 0.02 78.60 Dual lumen, non-implanted, peripheral.. | 1 0.02 78.62 Dural sealants are devices intended t.. | 1 0.02 78.63 E. Faecalis pna fish is a qualitative.. | 1 0.02 78.65 ELISA for the detection of anti-SLA (.. | 1 0.02 78.67 ENT diamond bur is an accessory to an.. | 1 0.02 78.69 ENT microdebrider is an accessory to .. | 1 0.02 78.70 Ear, nose, and throat absorbable synt.. | 1 0.02 78.72 Effervescent tablet for the removal o.. | 1 0.02 78.74 Electrical stimulation for aesthetic .. | 1 0.02 78.76 Electrical stimulation of nerves for .. | 1 0.02 78.77 Electrical stimulation unit with lead.. | 1 0.02 78.79 Electrical stimulation unit with lead.. | 1 0.02 78.81 Electronic products that use a cathod.. | 1 0.02 78.83 Embolic protection for transcatheter .. | 1 0.02 78.84 Emission and collection of light to c.. | 1 0.02 78.86 Enclosed bed canopy system used as pa.. | 1 0.02 78.88 Endoscope and accessories, reprocesse.. | 1 0.02 78.90 Enhance the performance of intravascu.. | 3 0.05 78.95 Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (el.. | 1 0.02 78.97 Equipment used to cut objects in comm.. | 1 0.02 78.98 Equipment used to produce a ring tone.. | 1 0.02 79.00 Equipment used to produce audible sou.. | 1 0.02 79.02 Equipment used to weld objects in co.. | 1 0.02 79.04 Equipment using ultrasound to clean .. | 1 0.02 79.05 Equipment using ultrasound in researc.. | 1 0.02 79.07 Equipment using ultrasound to clean j.. | 1 0.02 79.09 Equipment using ultrasound to detect .. | 1 0.02 79.11 Equipment using ultrasound to diagnos.. | 1 0.02 79.12 Equipment using ultrasound to dispers.. | 1 0.02 79.14 Equipment using ultrasound to provide.. | 1 0.02 79.16 Equipment using ultrasound to provide.. | 1 0.02 79.18 Equipment using ultrasound to provide.. | 1 0.02 79.20 Equipment using ultrasound to provide.. | 1 0.02 79.21 Equipment using ultrasound to repel p.. | 1 0.02 79.23 Equipment using x-rays to provide the.. | 1 0.02 79.25 Exempt hysteroscope accessories are n.. | 1 0.02 79.27 Exempt laparoscope accessories are no.. | 1 0.02 79.28 Exemption is limited to devices that .. | 1 0.02 79.30 Export only | 1 0.02 79.32 External device that uses magnetic fi.. | 1 0.02 79.34 FGE except being reprocessed. | 1 0.02 79.35 FOR REGIONAL INFUSION OF CONTRAST MAT.. | 1 0.02 79.37 Facilitates enteral specific connecti.. | 1 0.02 79.39 Fecal occult blood controls (Negative.. | 1 0.02 79.41 Fixture dental mount kit may contain .. | 1 0.02 79.42 Flexible and Rigid Choledochoscope Kit | 1 0.02 79.44 Flow cytometer calibrators are polyst.. | 1 0.02 79.46 Flow cytometer specimen processors ar.. | 1 0.02 79.48 Foley Catheter Kit (Excludes HIV Test.. | 1 0.02 79.49 For creating arteriotomies during an .. | 1 0.02 79.51 For drainage of refractory ascites wi.. | 1 0.02 79.53 For establishment of a pneumoperitone.. | 1 0.02 79.55 For female urinary stress incontinenc.. | 1 0.02 79.56 For hand augmentation to correct volu.. | 1 0.02 79.58 For implantation to reinforce and aid.. | 1 0.02 79.60 For intracardiac and intraluminal vis.. | 2 0.04 79.63 For intravascular visualization of th.. | 1 0.02 79.65 For measurement of Minoxidil sulfotra.. | 1 0.02 79.67 For measuring the depth of a passagew.. | 1 0.02 79.69 For non-continuous central monitoring.. | 1 0.02 79.70 For open surgical replacement of malf.. | 1 0.02 79.72 For patients with mitten hand deformi.. | 1 0.02 79.74 For processing hematopoietic progenit.. | 1 0.02 79.76 For quantitative determination of Pla.. | 1 0.02 79.78 For quantitative measurement of the a.. | 1 0.02 79.79 For quantitative measurement of the a.. | 1 0.02 79.81 For quantitative measurement of the a.. | 1 0.02 79.83 For quantitative measurement of the a.. | 1 0.02 79.85 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 3 0.05 79.90 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 2 0.04 79.93 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 1 0.02 79.95 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 1 0.02 79.97 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 3 0.05 80.02 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 1 0.02 80.04 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 2 0.04 80.07 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 3 0.05 80.13 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 2 0.04 80.16 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 3 0.05 80.21 For reinforcement of soft tissue wher.. | 2 0.04 80.25 For research use only and for product.. | 5 0.09 80.34 For semi-quantitative determination o.. | 1 0.02 80.35 For short-term prevention of pulmonar.. | 1 0.02 80.37 For shrinkage and stabilization of fe.. | 1 0.02 80.39 For temporarily occluding vessels dur.. | 1 0.02 80.41 For thawing frozen plasma prior to tr.. | 1 0.02 80.43 For thawing red cells prior to transf.. | 1 0.02 80.44 For the determination of autoantibod.. | 1 0.02 80.46 For the automated detection of misali.. | 1 0.02 80.48 For the detection of anti-outer membr.. | 1 0.02 80.50 For the detection of autoantibodies t.. | 1 0.02 80.51 For the detection of effector T cells.. | 1 0.02 80.53 For the detection of human papillomav.. | 1 0.02 80.55 For the detection of plasmodium spp. .. | 1 0.02 80.57 For the fabrication of long-term temp.. | 1 0.02 80.58 For the fabrication of preformed dent.. | 1 0.02 80.60 For the non-invasive, non-sterile col.. | 1 0.02 80.62 For the qualitative detection and dif.. | 1 0.02 80.64 For the quantitation of specific orga.. | 1 0.02 80.65 For the quantitative determination of.. | 1 0.02 80.67 For the quantitative determination of.. | 1 0.02 80.69 For the quantitative measurement of u.. | 1 0.02 80.71 For the removal of fat through laser .. | 1 0.02 80.72 For the replacement of diseased, dama.. | 1 0.02 80.74 For the semi-quantitative measurement.. | 1 0.02 80.76 For the temporary increase of clear n.. | 1 0.02 80.78 For the treatment of atrial fibrillat.. | 1 0.02 80.79 For the treatment of atrial flutter. | 1 0.02 80.81 For the treatment of de novo or reste.. | 1 0.02 80.83 For the treatment of defect in the ve.. | 1 0.02 80.85 For the treatment of defects in the a.. | 1 0.02 80.86 For the treatment of epilepsy. | 1 0.02 80.88 For the treatment of night time snori.. | 1 0.02 80.90 For the treatment of spider vein or t.. | 1 0.02 80.92 For topical application only to hold .. | 1 0.02 80.93 For total protein testing of plasma d.. | 1 0.02 80.95 For treatment of fecal incontinence i.. | 1 0.02 80.97 For use as a component of a total hip.. | 1 0.02 80.99 For use as an access device accessory.. | 1 0.02 81.01 For use as an adjunct in the surgical.. | 1 0.02 81.02 For use as an adjunctive device durin.. | 1 0.02 81.04 For use as an alternative to autograf.. | 1 0.02 81.06 For use as an assessment aid in the m.. | 1 0.02 81.08 For use for extracorporeal shock wave.. | 1 0.02 81.09 For use in arthroplasty of the proxim.. | 1 0.02 81.11 For use in endoscopic procedures by a.. | 1 0.02 81.13 For use in hemodialysis catheters to .. | 1 0.02 81.15 For use in plastic and reconstructive.. | 1 0.02 81.16 For use in the ureter to prevent the .. | 1 0.02 81.18 For use on dental restorations, exter.. | 1 0.02 81.20 For wound management via application .. | 1 0.02 81.22 Foreign dental lab manufactured base .. | 1 0.02 81.23 Foreign dental lab manufactured full .. | 1 0.02 81.25 Foreign dental lab manufactured noble.. | 1 0.02 81.27 Foreign dental lab manufactured ortho.. | 1 0.02 81.29 Foreign dental lab manufactured parti.. | 1 0.02 81.30 Foreign dental lab manufactured porce.. | 1 0.02 81.32 Foreign dental lab manufactured porec.. | 1 0.02 81.34 Foreign dental lab manufactured resin.. | 1 0.02 81.36 Foreign dental lab manufactured resin.. | 1 0.02 81.37 Galectin-3 is indicated for use in co.. | 1 0.02 81.39 Gastric emptying breath tests are int.. | 1 0.02 81.41 General wellness product as detailed .. | 1 0.02 81.43 Generates heat in body tissues for mi.. | 1 0.02 81.44 Ground pad used to finish circuit dur.. | 1 0.02 81.46 Hemodialysis Tray | 1 0.02 81.48 Hemodialysis performed with a high pe.. | 1 0.02 81.50 Hemostatic device for intraluminal ga.. | 1 0.02 81.51 High intensity mercury vapor discharg.. | 1 0.02 81.53 High intensity mercury vapor discharg.. | 1 0.02 81.55 High intensity mercury vapor or metal.. | 1 0.02 81.57 High level disinfection of reusable, .. | 1 0.02 81.58 High-intensity mercury vapor discharg.. | 1 0.02 81.60 Hiv-1 drug resistance genotyping | 1 0.02 81.62 Holding chambers are devices that are.. | 1 0.02 81.64 Hydrolyze fats in enteral formula. | 1 0.02 81.66 INTENDED TO BE PACKED INTO BONY VOIDS.. | 1 0.02 81.67 If the device is reusable, validated .. | 22 0.39 82.06 Immunoassay for the in vitro quantita.. | 1 0.02 82.08 In approximation and/or ligation of s.. | 1 0.02 82.09 In children with or at risk of develo.. | 1 0.02 82.11 In vitro diagnostic device for qualit.. | 1 0.02 82.13 In vitro diagnostic for the detection.. | 1 0.02 82.15 In vitro diagnostic multivariate inde.. | 1 0.02 82.16 In vitro diagnostic test for the qual.. | 1 0.02 82.18 In vitro diagnostic test intended as .. | 1 0.02 82.20 In vitro diagnostic test to measure C.. | 1 0.02 82.22 In vitro nucleic acid amplification t.. | 1 0.02 82.24 In vitro qualitative detection of non.. | 1 0.02 82.25 Indicated as a qualitative nucleic ac.. | 1 0.02 82.27 Indicated for the temporary disruptio.. | 1 0.02 82.29 Indicated for use in full-term infant.. | 1 0.02 82.31 Indicated for: 1. Painful and disabl.. | 1 0.02 82.32 Indicated to reduce the incidence, se.. | 1 0.02 82.34 Infusion safety management software i.. | 1 0.02 82.36 Instrument used to create pools of wh.. | 1 0.02 82.38 Instrumentation for clinical multiple.. | 1 0.02 82.39 Intended as a final container for the.. | 1 0.02 82.41 Intended as a permanent implant to de.. | 1 0.02 82.43 Intended as a physical barrier for te.. | 1 0.02 82.45 Intended as a physical barrier for te.. | 1 0.02 82.46 Intended as a primary joint replaceme.. | 1 0.02 82.48 Intended as an aid for precisely loca.. | 1 0.02 82.50 Intended for any procedure where vess.. | 1 0.02 82.52 Intended for clinical laboratory imag.. | 1 0.02 82.53 Intended for defining implant alignme.. | 1 0.02 82.55 Intended for defining orthopedic acet.. | 1 0.02 82.57 Intended for in vitro diagnostic use .. | 1 0.02 82.59 Intended for in vitro diagnostic use .. | 1 0.02 82.60 Intended for injection of vertebropla.. | 1 0.02 82.62 Intended for intramuscular or subcuta.. | 1 0.02 82.64 Intended for medical purposes designe.. | 1 0.02 82.66 Intended for quantitative measurement.. | 1 0.02 82.67 Intended for relaxation and cosmetic .. | 1 0.02 82.69 Intended for semi-quantitative determ.. | 1 0.02 82.71 Intended for single use for individua.. | 1 0.02 82.73 Intended for small bone fixation in f.. | 1 0.02 82.74 Intended for the continuous, quantita.. | 1 0.02 82.76 Intended for the detection of IgM and.. | 1 0.02 82.78 Intended for the in-vitro quantificat.. | 1 0.02 82.80 Intended for the in-vitro quantificat.. | 1 0.02 82.81 Intended for the in-vitro quantificat.. | 1 0.02 82.83 Intended for the in-vitro quantificat.. | 1 0.02 82.85 Intended for the in-vitro quantificat.. | 1 0.02 82.87 Intended for the in-vitro quantificat.. | 1 0.02 82.89 Intended for the incision, excision,.. | 1 0.02 82.90 Intended for the qualitative detectio.. | 1 0.02 82.92 Intended for the qualitative determin.. | 1 0.02 82.94 Intended for the reduction or elimina.. | 1 0.02 82.96 Intended for ultrasound wave enhanced.. | 1 0.02 82.97 Intended for use as a CPR adjunct to .. | 1 0.02 82.99 Intended for use as a bag containment.. | 1 0.02 83.01 Intended for use as a mechanical barr.. | 1 0.02 83.03 Intended for use as a surgical tool f.. | 1 0.02 83.04 Intended for use as an adjunct to hem.. | 1 0.02 83.06 Intended for use during orthodontic t.. | 1 0.02 83.08 Intended for use in gastrointestinal .. | 1 0.02 83.10 Intended for use in near-patient test.. | 1 0.02 83.11 Intended for use in orthodontic treat.. | 1 0.02 83.13 Intended for use in soft tissue appro.. | 1 0.02 83.15 Intended for use in surgical procedur.. | 1 0.02 83.17 Intended for use in terminal steriliz.. | 1 0.02 83.18 Intended for use in the collection, p.. | 1 0.02 83.20 Intended for use in the insertion of .. | 1 0.02 83.22 Intended for use in the qualitative d.. | 1 0.02 83.24 Intended for use in the replacement o.. | 1 0.02 83.25 Intended in the detection of melanoma.. | 1 0.02 83.27 Intended to amplify environmental sou.. | 1 0.02 83.29 Intended to be implanted to replace t.. | 1 0.02 83.31 Intended to be inserted between the v.. | 1 0.02 83.32 Intended to be used endoscopically to.. | 1 0.02 83.34 Intended to be used for anterior adva.. | 1 0.02 83.36 Intended to be used for laser assiste.. | 1 0.02 83.38 Intended to be used to assist in the .. | 1 0.02 83.39 Intended to be used to assist in the .. | 1 0.02 83.41 Intended to be used to facilitate the.. | 1 0.02 83.43 Intended to be used to relieve pain a.. | 1 0.02 83.45 Intended to be used with ancillary fi.. | 1 0.02 83.47 Intended to control severely bleeding.. | 1 0.02 83.48 Intended to create or maintain suffic.. | 1 0.02 83.50 Intended to cushion and protect the l.. | 1 0.02 83.52 Intended to cut a hole in finger and .. | 1 0.02 83.54 Intended to deliver high flow and/or .. | 1 0.02 83.55 Intended to evaluate the functionalit.. | 1 0.02 83.57 Intended to fill bony voids or gaps o.. | 1 0.02 83.59 Intended to identify the presence or .. | 1 0.02 83.61 Intended to improve an individual's a.. | 1 0.02 83.62 Intended to isolate the site of a sur.. | 1 0.02 83.64 Intended to measure any of the tricyc.. | 2 0.04 83.68 Intended to measure thickness of a di.. | 1 0.02 83.69 Intended to moderate blood pressure i.. | 1 0.02 83.71 Intended to monitor and reduce a pati.. | 1 0.02 83.73 Intended to move excess fluid from th.. | 1 0.02 83.75 Intended to obtain samples of tissue .. | 1 0.02 83.76 Intended to occlude the left atrial a.. | 1 0.02 83.78 Intended to prevent or decrease episo.. | 1 0.02 83.80 Intended to provide a soft barrier be.. | 1 0.02 83.82 Intended to provide electric stimulat.. | 1 0.02 83.83 Intended to provide immobilization an.. | 1 0.02 83.85 Intended to provide useful hearing to.. | 1 0.02 83.87 Intended to redirect the angle of gro.. | 1 0.02 83.89 Intended to relieve nipples that are .. | 1 0.02 83.90 Intended to replace part of a knee jo.. | 1 0.02 83.92 Intended to serve as a disposable ba.. | 1 0.02 83.94 Intended to stabilize cervical spinal.. | 1 0.02 83.96 Intended to stabilize cervical spinal.. | 1 0.02 83.97 Intended to stabilize lumbar spinal s.. | 1 0.02 83.99 Intended to stabilize spinal segment .. | 1 0.02 84.01 Intended to stabilize the thoracolumb.. | 1 0.02 84.03 Intended to stabilize thoracic spinal.. | 1 0.02 84.04 Intended to support, secure, and hold.. | 1 0.02 84.06 Intended to temporarilty nourish cell.. | 1 0.02 84.08 Intended to treat fecal incontinence .. | 1 0.02 84.10 Intended to treat tumors by applicati.. | 1 0.02 84.12 Interactive wound and burn dressing c.. | 1 0.02 84.13 Internal control that can be used in .. | 1 0.02 84.15 Intranasal device that creates expira.. | 1 0.02 84.17 Intravaginal culture of human gametes.. | 1 0.02 84.19 Introduce various cardiovascular cath.. | 1 0.02 84.20 Invasive fungal pathogen assays are d.. | 1 0.02 84.22 Investigational use only and for prod.. | 5 0.09 84.31 Is a device intended to be implanted .. | 1 0.02 84.33 Is intended for use by consumers at h.. | 1 0.02 84.34 Is intended to be used as an adjunct .. | 1 0.02 84.36 It is indicated for use on cutaneous .. | 1 0.02 84.38 It is intended for the qualitative de.. | 1 0.02 84.40 It is intended to cover the nose and .. | 1 0.02 84.41 It is intended to provide a fixed anc.. | 1 0.02 84.43 Lacrimal stents and intubations sets .. | 1 0.02 84.45 Laser ablation of prostatic tissue fo.. | 1 0.02 84.47 Laser device for use to necrotize or .. | 1 0.02 84.48 Laser intended for the disruption of .. | 1 0.02 84.50 Laser product or product containing a.. | 1 0.02 84.52 Laser product, visible wavelength, il.. | 1 0.02 84.54 Laser wavefront sensing and/or topogr.. | 1 0.02 84.55 Lengthening atretic esophageal ends <.. | 1 0.02 84.57 Locating lymph nodes draining a tumor.. | 1 0.02 84.59 Long term support greater than 6 hour.. | 1 0.02 84.61 Long-term (> 30 days) central venous .. | 1 0.02 84.62 MONITORING CANCER PATIENTS AFTER THER.. | 2 0.04 84.66 MYELOPEROXIDASE, IMMUNOASSAY, SYSTEM,.. | 1 0.02 84.68 Maintain position of bone graft in sp.. | 2 0.04 84.71 Male External Catheterization Kit (Ex.. | 1 0.02 84.73 Management of closed hyperproliferati.. | 1 0.02 84.75 Manual or ac powered device intended .. | 1 0.02 84.77 Measure and record electrical activit.. | 1 0.02 84.78 Measure impedances in affected and un.. | 1 0.02 84.80 Measurement and interpretation of ort.. | 1 0.02 84.82 Measurement of retinal adaptation (re.. | 1 0.02 84.84 Measures levels of Docetaxel or Pacli.. | 1 0.02 84.85 Measures levels of a chemotherapy dru.. | 1 0.02 84.87 Measures the central venous blood pre.. | 1 0.02 84.89 Mechanical dilation and softening of .. | 1 0.02 84.91 Mechanical dilation of the cervical c.. | 1 0.02 84.92 Mechanically maintain patency followi.. | 1 0.02 84.94 Minimally invasive devices with the m.. | 1 0.02 84.96 Molecular determination of allelic va.. | 1 0.02 84.98 Mucoadhesive application for the prot.. | 1 0.02 84.99 NR2 is an independent blood-borne mar.. | 1 0.02 85.01 Nerve stimulation for relief of pain | 1 0.02 85.03 Neuraxial Administration Sets used to.. | 1 0.02 85.05 Newborn screening specimen collection.. | 1 0.02 85.06 Non-alarming software that captures p.. | 1 0.02 85.08 Non-fusion growth modulation of spina.. | 1 0.02 85.10 Non-inflatable extremity splint; See .. | 1 0.02 85.12 Non-invasive reduction in fat layer f.. | 1 0.02 85.13 Non-surgical laser used on parts of t.. | 1 0.02 85.15 Norovirus serological reagents are de.. | 1 0.02 85.17 Note: In addition to compliance with.. | 1 0.02 85.19 Novel influenza A virus reagents are .. | 1 0.02 85.20 Novel influenza a virus reagents are .. | 1 0.02 85.22 Nucleic acid assay for detection of H.. | 1 0.02 85.24 Nucleic acid-based in vitro diagnosti.. | 1 0.02 85.26 Nucleic acid-based in vitro diagnosti.. | 1 0.02 85.27 Nucleic acid-based in vitro diagnosti.. | 1 0.02 85.29 OTC denture cushion or pad made of wa.. | 1 0.02 85.31 Obtains tissue samples from the endoc.. | 1 0.02 85.33 Ophthalmic femtosecond laser intended.. | 1 0.02 85.35 Other dental material with growth fac.. | 1 0.02 85.36 Over-the-counter device uses thermal .. | 1 0.02 85.38 Over-the-counter treatment of wrinkle.. | 1 0.02 85.40 P030011 | 1 0.02 85.42 PJZ cameras are prescription devices .. | 1 0.02 85.43 PMA Approved: P010020 | 1 0.02 85.45 PMA to be filed by 12/26/00 (65 FR 57.. | 1 0.02 85.47 PMA to be filed by 12/26/96 (FR 50706.. | 1 0.02 85.49 PMA to be filed by 3/30/99 (63 FR 717.. | 1 0.02 85.50 PMAs to be filed by 12/26/96 (61 FR 5.. | 1 0.02 85.52 PMAs to be filed by 12/26/96 (61 FR 5.. | 1 0.02 85.54 PMAs to be filed by 7/11/00 (65 FR 19.. | 2 0.04 85.57 PMAs to be filed by 9/21/04 (69 FR 34.. | 1 0.02 85.59 Pacemaker/ICD/CRT non-implanted compo.. | 1 0.02 85.61 Partial water immersion during labor .. | 1 0.02 85.63 Percutaneous catheter for creation of.. | 1 0.02 85.64 Percutaneous electrical nerve stimula.. | 1 0.02 85.66 Percutaneous gastric implant to remov.. | 1 0.02 85.68 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.. | 1 0.02 85.70 Pericardial patch or pledget with the.. | 1 0.02 85.71 Peripheral catheter monitor (PIV) ind.. | 1 0.02 85.73 Permanent defibrillator electrodes ar.. | 1 0.02 85.75 Phaenicia sericacta (blow fly) larvae.. | 1 0.02 85.77 Photography equipment using ultrasoun.. | 1 0.02 85.78 Pma approved: P000054 | 1 0.02 85.80 Pma approved: P000057 | 1 0.02 85.82 Pma to be filed by 1/3/05 (69 fr 5913.. | 1 0.02 85.84 Pmma diagnostic contact lens ophthalm.. | 1 0.02 85.85 Post-hoc statistical analysis of elec.. | 1 0.02 85.87 Pre-operative planning and intra-oper.. | 1 0.02 85.89 Precise cutting or ablation of ocular.. | 1 0.02 85.91 Preparation and storage of pathogen-r.. | 1 0.02 85.93 Preparation of autologous anti-inflam.. | 1 0.02 85.94 Preparation of autologous platelet ri.. | 1 0.02 85.96 Preparation of autologous platelet ri.. | 1 0.02 85.98 Preparation of autologous platelet ri.. | 1 0.02 86.00 Preparation of concentrated bone marr.. | 1 0.02 86.01 Preservation of donor lungs for trans.. | 1 0.02 86.03 Processing of bone marrow harvested f.. | 1 0.02 86.05 Produces an elasticity image of the p.. | 1 0.02 86.07 Product, laser, adaptive-optics teles.. | 1 0.02 86.08 Product, laser, aiming, infrared, att.. | 1 0.02 86.10 Product, laser, aiming, visible, atta.. | 1 0.02 86.12 Product, laser, alignment, aid positi.. | 1 0.02 86.14 Product, laser, automotive, lighting/.. | 1 0.02 86.15 Product, laser, demo, education, illu.. | 1 0.02 86.17 Product, laser, demo, laser light sho.. | 1 0.02 86.19 Product, laser, demo, projector, disp.. | 1 0.02 86.21 Product, laser, demo, projector, lase.. | 1 0.02 86.22 Product, laser, demo, projector, lase.. | 1 0.02 86.24 Product, laser, demo, system, display.. | 1 0.02 86.26 Product, laser, display, system, imag.. | 1 0.02 86.28 Product, laser, for distance, detecti.. | 1 0.02 86.29 Product, laser, general, emit beam; A.. | 1 0.02 86.31 Product, laser, image digitizer; Conv.. | 1 0.02 86.33 Product, laser, infrared, collision-a.. | 1 0.02 86.35 Product, laser, infrared, illuminator.. | 1 0.02 86.36 Product, laser, infrared, illuminator.. | 1 0.02 86.38 Product, laser, infrared, intrusion d.. | 1 0.02 86.40 Product, laser, instrument, analyze/d.. | 1 0.02 86.42 Product, laser, instrument, particle .. | 1 0.02 86.43 Product, laser, instrument, spectrosc.. | 1 0.02 86.45 Product, laser, measures speed by tim.. | 1 0.02 86.47 Product, laser, pointer, indicate poi.. | 1 0.02 86.49 Product, laser, research/laboratory; .. | 1 0.02 86.51 Product, laser, surveying, instrument.. | 1 0.02 86.52 Product, laser, target designator; An.. | 1 0.02 86.54 Product, laser, toy/novelty | 1 0.02 86.56 Product, laser, traffic signal/control | 1 0.02 86.58 Product, laser, weapon (military/poli.. | 1 0.02 86.59 Prostate tissue ablation | 1 0.02 86.61 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.63 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.65 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.66 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.68 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.70 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.72 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.73 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.75 Prosthesis modification instrument fo.. | 1 0.02 86.77 Prosthesis, hip, semi-constrained, me.. | 1 0.02 86.79 Provides a counter-pressure to the an.. | 1 0.02 86.80 Provides access to the blood for hemo.. | 1 0.02 86.82 Provides automated loading and unload.. | 1 0.02 86.84 Provides fixation and sealing between.. | 1 0.02 86.86 Provides real-time feedback to the re.. | 1 0.02 86.87 Providing temporary partial or full r.. | 1 0.02 86.89 Pulse oximeter intended for wellness .. | 1 0.02 86.91 Qualitative detection of Dengue virus.. | 1 0.02 86.93 Qualitative detection of carbapenemas.. | 1 0.02 86.94 Qualitative in vitro diagnostic test .. | 1 0.02 86.96 Qualitative, in vitro diagnostic syst.. | 1 0.02 86.98 Quantitative determination of Hemoglo.. | 1 0.02 87.00 Quantitative determination of [-2]pro.. | 1 0.02 87.01 Radiations attenuating medical gloves.. | 1 0.02 87.03 Reagents intended for in vitro diagno.. | 1 0.02 87.05 Reconstitute and transfer antineoplas.. | 1 0.02 87.07 Reduction of vertebral body fractures.. | 2 0.04 87.10 Reinforcement of soft tissue where we.. | 1 0.02 87.12 Relief / Reduction of Mosquito Bite I.. | 1 0.02 87.14 Relief of muscle spasms associated wi.. | 1 0.02 87.16 Relief of symptoms of clinically diag.. | 1 0.02 87.17 Removal of free light chains for the .. | 1 0.02 87.19 Removal of plasma components to treat.. | 1 0.02 87.21 Replacement of the humeral head for t.. | 1 0.02 87.23 Reprocessed Single Use Device (SUD) r.. | 1 0.02 87.24 Reprocessed mask for use with a non-c.. | 1 0.02 87.26 Ro60 assays are designed for the dete.. | 1 0.02 87.28 Same as BWH except it is reprocessed | 1 0.02 87.30 Same as KBG, KAB, and KCI but need on.. | 1 0.02 87.31 Same as the identification for produc.. | 1 0.02 87.33 Serologic controls for microbiology a.. | 1 0.02 87.35 Short-term (< 30 days) central venous.. | 1 0.02 87.37 Shortens the time to healing as compa.. | 1 0.02 87.38 Single use devices that are indicated.. | 1 0.02 87.40 Sirolimus test systems are intended f.. | 1 0.02 87.42 Skin resurfacing | 1 0.02 87.44 Soft restraints to be attached to a b.. | 1 0.02 87.45 Soft tissue approximation. | 1 0.02 87.47 Soft-tissue coagulation | 1 0.02 87.49 Software and hardware for surgical pl.. | 1 0.02 87.51 Software associated with an orthopedi.. | 1 0.02 87.52 Software that integrates a network of.. | 1 0.02 87.54 Solely for use with sporting and avia.. | 1 0.02 87.56 Spacers are devices that are used wit.. | 1 0.02 87.58 Special laser gas mixtures used as a .. | 1 0.02 87.59 Specular microscopes are used for the.. | 1 0.02 87.61 Stabilization of the posterior thorac.. | 1 0.02 87.63 Stabilization or correction of spinal.. | 1 0.02 87.65 Stabilization or correction of spinal.. | 1 0.02 87.66 Stent, Carotid -- a metal scaffold pl.. | 1 0.02 87.68 Stent, Iliac -- a metal scaffold plac.. | 1 0.02 87.70 Stent, Renal -- a metal scaffold plac.. | 1 0.02 87.72 Stent, Superficial Femoral Artery -- .. | 1 0.02 87.74 Stent, Superficial Femoral Artery, Dr.. | 1 0.02 87.75 Stent, coronary, covered -- a metal s.. | 1 0.02 87.77 Stent, coronary, drug-eluting -- a me.. | 1 0.02 87.79 Stereotaxic guidance during orthopedi.. | 1 0.02 87.81 Stimulate nerve branches to aid in th.. | 1 0.02 87.82 Stimulation of the dorsal root gangli.. | 1 0.02 87.84 Surgical cardiac ablation for the tre.. | 1 0.02 87.86 Surgical device for cutting, coagulat.. | 1 0.02 87.88 Surgical treatment of female stress u.. | 1 0.02 87.89 System designed to grasp and retract .. | 1 0.02 87.91 TEMPORARY RELIEF OF PAIN DUE TO SORE/.. | 1 0.02 87.93 THE CAPSULE IS A DISPOSABLE, INGESTIB.. | 1 0.02 87.95 THE DEVICE IS AN IMMUNOASSAY INDICATE.. | 1 0.02 87.96 THE DEVICE IS INTENDED TO PROMOTE ALL.. | 1 0.02 87.98 THE DEVICE IS INTENDED TO TEMPORARILY.. | 1 0.02 88.00 THE DEVICE IS USED FOR THE DETECTION,.. | 1 0.02 88.02 THIS DEVICE IS INDICATED FOR THE FIXA.. | 1 0.02 88.03 Television product, less than 25 kilo.. | 1 0.02 88.05 Temporary circulatory support < 6 hou.. | 1 0.02 88.07 Temporary closing IV administration s.. | 1 0.02 88.09 Temporary reduction of myopia or refr.. | 1 0.02 88.10 Test equipment used to determine dist.. | 1 0.02 88.12 Test equipment using ultrasound to an.. | 1 0.02 88.14 Test equipment using ultrasound to de.. | 1 0.02 88.16 Test for the quantitative determinati.. | 1 0.02 88.17 Test, methadone, employment and insur.. | 1 0.02 88.19 The mrsa/mssa blood culture test-bt.. | 1 0.02 88.21 The Albumin Cobalt Binding Test is a .. | 1 0.02 88.23 The Automatic Intramuscular Stimulato.. | 1 0.02 88.24 The CLL FISH Probe Kit is intended to.. | 1 0.02 88.26 The CYFRA 21-1 EIA kit is intended fo.. | 1 0.02 88.28 The Candida species nucleic acid dete.. | 1 0.02 88.30 The Epithelial Cell Control Kit conta.. | 1 0.02 88.31 The HS Salivary Cortisol Enzyme Immun.. | 1 0.02 88.33 The Lipoprotein-associated Phospholip.. | 1 0.02 88.35 The Lockbox is intended to hold a Per.. | 1 0.02 88.37 The MALDI Biotyper CA System is a mas.. | 1 0.02 88.39 The Mercy TAPE device (2D and 3D mode.. | 1 0.02 88.40 The Physiological signal based seizur.. | 1 0.02 88.42 The Plasmodium sp. FISH is intended t.. | 1 0.02 88.44 The Platelia Aspergillus EIA is an im.. | 1 0.02 88.46 The System is indicated for use in po.. | 1 0.02 88.47 The System reports two sets of number.. | 1 0.02 88.49 The TAS ECT Test Card is to be used w.. | 1 0.02 88.51 The Variola virus nucleic acid-based .. | 1 0.02 88.53 The West Nile Virus ELISA is intended.. | 1 0.02 88.54 The Zinc Transporter 8 Autoantibody (.. | 1 0.02 88.56 The [test] is intended for use with s.. | 1 0.02 88.58 The acetabular cup orientation system.. | 1 0.02 88.60 The adjunctive cardiovascular status .. | 1 0.02 88.61 The adjunctive predictive cardiovascu.. | 1 0.02 88.63 The alpha-1-antitrypsin qualitative p.. | 1 0.02 88.65 The amphetamine test is an in vitro d.. | 1 0.02 88.67 The anti-jcv antibody detection assay.. | 1 0.02 88.68 The anti-rna polymerase iii test is a.. | 1 0.02 88.70 The automated test system is intended.. | 1 0.02 88.72 The barbiturate test is an in vitro d.. | 1 0.02 88.74 The barbiturate test is an in vitro d.. | 1 0.02 88.75 The benzodiazepine test is an in vitr.. | 1 0.02 88.77 The cannabinoid test is an in vitro d.. | 1 0.02 88.79 The catheter introducer is intended t.. | 1 0.02 88.81 The catheter is inserted into the per.. | 1 0.02 88.82 The cocaine and cocaine metabolite te.. | 1 0.02 88.84 The codeine test is an in vitro diagn.. | 1 0.02 88.86 The computerized cognitive assessment.. | 1 0.02 88.88 The connector for neuraxial applicati.. | 1 0.02 88.89 The device acts as a bone void filler.. | 1 0.02 88.91 The device comprises one or more obje.. | 1 0.02 88.93 The device intended for non-invasive .. | 1 0.02 88.95 The device intended for non-invasive .. | 1 0.02 88.97 The device is a clamp used to close o.. | 1 0.02 88.98 The device is a combination of a cool.. | 1 0.02 89.00 The device is a fully implanted conti.. | 1 0.02 89.02 The device is a glucose-monitoring de.. | 1 0.02 89.04 The device is a metatarsophalangeal j.. | 1 0.02 89.05 The device is a passive mesh wrap tha.. | 1 0.02 89.07 The device is a percutaneous prosthet.. | 1 0.02 89.09 The device is a polymerizing agent in.. | 1 0.02 89.11 The device is a portable water treatm.. | 1 0.02 89.12 The device is a qualitative immunochr.. | 1 0.02 89.14 The device is a vein extractor that i.. | 1 0.02 89.16 The device is adhered to the body for.. | 1 0.02 89.18 The device is an automatic external d.. | 1 0.02 89.19 The device is an in vitro diagnostic .. | 1 0.02 89.21 The device is an indirect immunofluor.. | 1 0.02 89.23 The device is designed to coat surfac.. | 1 0.02 89.25 The device is indicated for bilateral.. | 1 0.02 89.26 The device is indicated for the adjun.. | 1 0.02 89.28 The device is intended as an aid in t.. | 1 0.02 89.30 The device is intended for over-the-c.. | 1 0.02 89.32 The device is intended for use in dil.. | 1 0.02 89.33 The device is intended for use in pat.. | 1 0.02 89.35 The device is intended to aid in the .. | 1 0.02 89.37 The device is intended to assist in v.. | 1 0.02 89.39 The device is intended to augment the.. | 1 0.02 89.40 The device is intended to be used as .. | 1 0.02 89.42 The device is intended to be used to .. | 1 0.02 89.44 The device is intended to empty urine.. | 1 0.02 89.46 The device is intended to enable acce.. | 1 0.02 89.47 The device is intended to manipulate .. | 1 0.02 89.49 The device is intended to measure abn.. | 1 0.02 89.51 The device is intended to precipitate.. | 1 0.02 89.53 The device is intended to protect an .. | 1 0.02 89.54 The device is intended to provide an .. | 1 0.02 89.56 The device is intended to provide cog.. | 1 0.02 89.58 The device is intended to provide sup.. | 1 0.02 89.60 The device is intended to provide sup.. | 1 0.02 89.62 The device is intended to replace the.. | 1 0.02 89.63 The device is intended to restore blo.. | 1 0.02 89.65 The device is intended to stimulate t.. | 1 0.02 89.67 The device is intended to suggest a s.. | 1 0.02 89.69 The device is intended to supply an a.. | 1 0.02 89.70 The device is software that is to be .. | 1 0.02 89.72 The device is used for the detection .. | 1 0.02 89.74 The device is used for the detection,.. | 1 0.02 89.76 The device is used for the detection,.. | 1 0.02 89.77 The device is used for the measuremen.. | 1 0.02 89.79 The device is used for the semi-quant.. | 1 0.02 89.81 The device is used for the semi-quant.. | 1 0.02 89.83 The device is used for the semi-quant.. | 1 0.02 89.84 The device is used for the semi-quant.. | 1 0.02 89.86 The device is used to control a patie.. | 1 0.02 89.88 The device is used to stabilize, move.. | 1 0.02 89.90 The device moves the teeth by continu.. | 1 0.02 89.91 The device provides verbal instructio.. | 1 0.02 89.93 The device treats type 2 diabetes thr.. | 1 0.02 89.95 The device will obtain and analyze li.. | 1 0.02 89.97 The egr1 fish probe kit is intended t.. | 1 0.02 89.98 The elisa assay for antibodies to b. .. | 1 0.02 90.00 The external UES compression device i.. | 1 0.02 90.02 The fall-prevention alarm/sensor is a.. | 1 0.02 90.04 The heparin flush in 0.45% sodium chl.. | 1 0.02 90.05 The hinged internal fixator is intend.. | 1 0.02 90.07 The home test for loss of the sense o.. | 1 0.02 90.09 The human tissue RNA preservation col.. | 1 0.02 90.11 The in vitro device is intended to de.. | 1 0.02 90.12 The insulin pump is intended to be us.. | 1 0.02 90.14 The intended use for the reprocessed/.. | 1 0.02 90.16 The iodinated contrast media transfer.. | 1 0.02 90.18 The kit is a multiplex flow immunoass.. | 1 0.02 90.20 The kit is a multiplex immunoassay in.. | 1 0.02 90.21 The leukemia translocation panel mult.. | 1 0.02 90.23 The liquid chemical processing system.. | 1 0.02 90.25 The lung sound monitor is intended fo.. | 1 0.02 90.27 The methadone test is an in vitro dia.. | 1 0.02 90.28 The methamphetamine test is an in vit.. | 1 0.02 90.30 The methaqualone test is an in vitro .. | 1 0.02 90.32 The molecular adsorbent recirculating.. | 1 0.02 90.34 The morphine test is an in vitro diag.. | 1 0.02 90.35 The neurovascular embolization device.. | 1 0.02 90.37 The non-coring needle (Huber) is util.. | 1 0.02 90.39 The ophthalmic conformer with molded .. | 1 0.02 90.41 The opiates test is an in vitro diagn.. | 1 0.02 90.42 The phencyclidine test is an in vitro.. | 1 0.02 90.44 The photochemical treatment system is.. | 1 0.02 90.46 The propoxyphene test is an in vitro .. | 1 0.02 90.48 The propoxyphene test is an in vitro .. | 1 0.02 90.49 The purpose of the continuous glucose.. | 1 0.02 90.51 The purpose of the insulin pump secon.. | 1 0.02 90.53 The qualitative detection of measles .. | 1 0.02 90.55 The qualitative detection of measles .. | 1 0.02 90.56 The quality control for molecular imm.. | 1 0.02 90.58 The reagent is for the pre-treatment .. | 1 0.02 90.60 The s. Aureus pna fish is a qualitati.. | 1 0.02 90.62 The somatic gene mutation detection s.. | 1 0.02 90.63 The system consists of an intraocular.. | 1 0.02 90.65 The system is a clinical multiplex in.. | 1 0.02 90.67 The system is intended to reduce lung.. | 1 0.02 90.69 The system is used for removal of pro.. | 1 0.02 90.70 The sytem is intended to control the .. | 1 0.02 90.72 The test is a multiplex immunoassay i.. | 1 0.02 90.74 The test is a multiplex immunoassay i.. | 1 0.02 90.76 The test is a qualitative prognostic .. | 1 0.02 90.77 The test is for use by health care pr.. | 1 0.02 90.79 The test is intended to quantitativel.. | 1 0.02 90.81 The test kit is an enzyme-linked immu.. | 1 0.02 90.83 The test provides quantitative measur.. | 1 0.02 90.85 The test system is intended for the q.. | 1 0.02 90.86 The time-temperature indicator provid.. | 1 0.02 90.88 The transcutaneous air conduction hea.. | 1 0.02 90.90 The treatment of symptoms due to urin.. | 1 0.02 90.92 The tricyclic antidepressant drugs te.. | 1 0.02 90.93 The trinucleotide repeat disorder dna.. | 1 0.02 90.95 The trocar/cannula set is a manual su.. | 1 0.02 90.97 The ultrasonic scalpel is intended fo.. | 1 0.02 90.99 The ultrasound wound cleaner/mild deb.. | 1 0.02 91.00 The uterine electromyographic monitor.. | 1 0.02 91.02 The vacuum syringe is intended to be .. | 1 0.02 91.04 Therapeutic application of heat and m.. | 1 0.02 91.06 These device types do not include dev.. | 1 0.02 91.07 These devices are indicated for patie.. | 1 0.02 91.09 These devices are intended to measure.. | 1 0.02 91.11 These devices are intended to replace.. | 1 0.02 91.13 These devices are intended to replace.. | 1 0.02 91.14 These devices treat bradycardia (slow.. | 1 0.02 91.16 These devices treat tachycardia (fast.. | 1 0.02 91.18 These devices will be indicated for p.. | 1 0.02 91.20 These reagents are nucleic acid prime.. | 1 0.02 91.21 These reagents are nucleic acid prime.. | 1 0.02 91.23 These reagents are nucleic acid prime.. | 1 0.02 91.25 These reagents are nucleic acid prime.. | 1 0.02 91.27 This fall-prevention alarm/sensor wo.. | 1 0.02 91.28 This automated device is intended to .. | 1 0.02 91.30 This continuous ventilator, which ope.. | 1 0.02 91.32 This device contains items given to a.. | 1 0.02 91.34 This device is a non-wearable prescri.. | 1 0.02 91.35 This device is a personal lubricant, .. | 1 0.02 91.37 This device is a plate that is attach.. | 1 0.02 91.39 This device is a posterior pedicle sc.. | 1 0.02 91.41 This device is a posterior spinal sys.. | 1 0.02 91.43 This device is a single use percutane.. | 1 0.02 91.44 This device is a volume assist ventil.. | 1 0.02 91.46 This device is an interspinous spacer.. | 1 0.02 91.48 This device is indicated for attachin.. | 1 0.02 91.50 This device is intended for closure o.. | 1 0.02 91.51 This device is intended to be used en.. | 1 0.02 91.53 This device is intended to detect her.. | 1 0.02 91.55 This device is intended to maintain a.. | 1 0.02 91.57 This device is intended to measure th.. | 1 0.02 91.58 This device measures respiratory impe.. | 1 0.02 91.60 This device type is intended to clean.. | 1 0.02 91.62 This device type is intended to tempo.. | 1 0.02 91.64 This device type is intended to tempo.. | 1 0.02 91.65 This intraoral device is electrically.. | 1 0.02 91.67 This is a qualitative DNA detection i.. | 1 0.02 91.69 This is an implantable clip intended .. | 1 0.02 91.71 This is an neurovascular embolization.. | 1 0.02 91.72 This lens is indicated for daily wear.. | 1 0.02 91.74 This monitoring system for progress o.. | 1 0.02 91.76 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 91.79 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 91.81 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 91.83 This product code has been establishe.. | 4 0.07 91.90 This product code has been establishe.. | 24 0.42 92.32 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 92.34 This product code has been establishe.. | 103 1.81 94.15 This product code has been establishe.. | 18 0.32 94.46 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 94.48 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 94.50 This product code has been establishe.. | 10 0.18 94.68 This product code has been establishe.. | 68 1.19 95.87 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 95.91 This product code has been establishe.. | 3 0.05 95.96 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.98 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.99 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.01 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.03 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.05 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.06 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.08 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.10 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.12 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.13 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.15 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.17 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.19 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.20 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.22 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.24 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.26 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.27 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.29 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.31 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.33 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.35 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.36 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.38 This product code pertains to cardiac.. | 1 0.02 96.40 This product code was needed for the .. | 1 0.02 96.42 This recording sheet is intended to f.. | 1 0.02 96.43 This system is inteded to be used to .. | 1 0.02 96.45 This test is intended to measure the .. | 1 0.02 96.47 This type of device is designed to al.. | 1 0.02 96.49 This type of device is designed to al.. | 1 0.02 96.50 Tissue reinforcement of the fibromusc.. | 1 0.02 96.52 Tissue reinforcement of the fibromusc.. | 1 0.02 96.54 To aid in decision making on antibiot.. | 1 0.02 96.56 To aid in endoscopically placing sutu.. | 1 0.02 96.57 To aid in management of patients trea.. | 1 0.02 96.59 To aid in the diagnosis of individual.. | 1 0.02 96.61 To aid the surgeon in planning and co.. | 1 0.02 96.63 To allow continuous drainage of saliv.. | 1 0.02 96.64 To allow endoscopes to soak in reproc.. | 1 0.02 96.66 To allow for visualization of body ca.. | 2 0.04 96.70 To approximate soft tissues by means .. | 1 0.02 96.71 To assist in disinfecting, rinsing an.. | 1 0.02 96.73 To assist in maintaining an open airw.. | 1 0.02 96.75 To assist in the removal of tunneled .. | 1 0.02 96.77 To assist the user with refilling a p.. | 1 0.02 96.78 To be implanted to reinforce soft tis.. | 1 0.02 96.80 To be used as an aid in the detection.. | 1 0.02 96.82 To be used in conjunction with an end.. | 1 0.02 96.84 To be used to perform and record leak.. | 1 0.02 96.85 To clean the root canal prior to fill.. | 1 0.02 96.87 To collect cells for cytological eval.. | 1 0.02 96.89 To control bleeding in junctional, no.. | 1 0.02 96.91 To control endoscopic and other ancil.. | 1 0.02 96.92 To correct annular dilatation and/or .. | 1 0.02 96.94 To detect and display the shape of an.. | 1 0.02 96.96 To detect and measure salivary estrio.. | 1 0.02 96.98 To detect specified amniotic fluid pr.. | 1 0.02 97.00 To detect the presence of blood leaki.. | 1 0.02 97.01 To detect the presence of genetic mar.. | 1 0.02 97.03 To detect the presence of genetic mar.. | 1 0.02 97.05 To dilate esophageal strictures with .. | 1 0.02 97.07 To dilate the lower esophageal sphinc.. | 1 0.02 97.08 To elevate the fetal head and facilit.. | 1 0.02 97.10 To employ near-infrared spectroscopy .. | 1 0.02 97.12 To enhance mechanical thrombus dissol.. | 1 0.02 97.14 To estimate PK profile and dosing cal.. | 1 0.02 97.15 To examine and perform procedures in .. | 1 0.02 97.17 To examine and perform procedures wit.. | 1 0.02 97.19 To examine and perform procedures wit.. | 1 0.02 97.21 To examine or perform procedures in t.. | 1 0.02 97.22 To examine or perform procedures in t.. | 1 0.02 97.24 To examine the duodenum and to perfor.. | 1 0.02 97.26 To facilitate dental implant placemen.. | 1 0.02 97.28 To facilitate enteral specific connec.. | 1 0.02 97.29 To facilitate passage and aid advance.. | 1 0.02 97.31 To facilitate the intraluminal placem.. | 1 0.02 97.33 To facilitate transmural endoscopic d.. | 1 0.02 97.35 To fill bony voids or gaps of the ske.. | 1 0.02 97.36 To fill traumatic or surgically-creat.. | 1 0.02 97.38 To fragment metallic clips and remove.. | 1 0.02 97.40 To give the endoscope channel additio.. | 1 0.02 97.42 To heat the bladder wall concomitant .. | 1 0.02 97.43 To hold endoscope in a desired positi.. | 1 0.02 97.45 To identify and classify cells or oth.. | 1 0.02 97.47 To identify stones, tumors, or narrow.. | 1 0.02 97.49 To improve sound tolerances. | 1 0.02 97.50 To improve speed, accuracy, and coord.. | 1 0.02 97.52 To locate or monitor function of spin.. | 1 0.02 97.54 To manually grasp stones, tissues or .. | 1 0.02 97.56 To measure pressure within the cardio.. | 1 0.02 97.58 To measure testicular volume to diagn.. | 1 0.02 97.59 To measure the osmolality of human te.. | 1 0.02 97.61 To measure the temperature of exhaled.. | 1 0.02 97.63 To measure the total body volume and .. | 1 0.02 97.65 To non-invasively detect, monitor, re.. | 1 0.02 97.66 To perform non-bronchoscopic bronchoa.. | 1 0.02 97.68 To perform various diagnostic and the.. | 1 0.02 97.70 To prepare cell concentrate and/or pl.. | 1 0.02 97.72 To preserve donor lungs prior to tran.. | 1 0.02 97.73 To prevent patient from biting down i.. | 1 0.02 97.75 To prevent, reduce or eliminate conde.. | 1 0.02 97.77 To protect an endoscope from contamin.. | 1 0.02 97.79 To protect delicate parts of the endo.. | 1 0.02 97.80 To protect the teeth and reduce damag.. | 1 0.02 97.82 To provide access to gi or gu tract f.. | 1 0.02 97.84 To provide circulatory support for pa.. | 1 0.02 97.86 To provide confirmation of an event c.. | 1 0.02 97.87 To provide high level disinfection of.. | 1 0.02 97.89 To provide high level disinfection of.. | 1 0.02 97.91 To provide selected flow rates and pr.. | 1 0.02 97.93 To provide ultrasonic visualization o.. | 1 0.02 97.94 To provide urination on demand and to.. | 1 0.02 97.96 To provide visual indication of each .. | 1 0.02 97.98 To provide visualization and perform .. | 1 0.02 98.00 To quantify everolimus in whole blood. | 1 0.02 98.01 To reduce coronary artery stenosis by.. | 1 0.02 98.03 To reduce formation of bubbles during.. | 1 0.02 98.05 To reduce microbial populations | 1 0.02 98.07 To reduce vascular stenosis by dilata.. | 1 0.02 98.08 To relieve the symptoms associated wi.. | 1 0.02 98.10 To remove lice eggs from hair | 1 0.02 98.12 To repair defects, to be used for pat.. | 1 0.02 98.14 To repair or replace chordae tendinae. | 1 0.02 98.15 To repair the mitral valve by coaptin.. | 1 0.02 98.17 To replace a patient's aortic heart v.. | 1 0.02 98.19 To restrict air flow to the target se.. | 1 0.02 98.21 To store information that blood estab.. | 1 0.02 98.23 To store the external peritoneal cath.. | 1 0.02 98.24 To supply sterile water, other soluti.. | 1 0.02 98.26 To temporarily (< 30 days) mark a tis.. | 1 0.02 98.28 To treat and provide hemodialysis the.. | 1 0.02 98.30 To treat bradycardia (slow heartbeats.. | 1 0.02 98.31 To treat the symptoms of chronic gast.. | 1 0.02 98.33 To use as an oral electronic vision a.. | 1 0.02 98.35 Tonometry for measuring and recording.. | 1 0.02 98.37 Total shoulders are indicated for art.. | 1 0.02 98.38 Transcranial magnetic stimulator for .. | 1 0.02 98.40 Transurethral insert for urinary occl.. | 1 0.02 98.42 Transvaginal surgical repair of femal.. | 2 0.04 98.45 Treatment of diabetic foot ulcers | 1 0.02 98.47 Treatment of intracranial aneurysms | 1 0.02 98.49 Treatment of nausea and vomiting asso.. | 1 0.02 98.51 Treatment of wide-necked and larger o.. | 1 0.02 98.52 Tricalcium phosphate bone grafting ma.. | 1 0.02 98.54 Tubing and tubing/filter fits are use.. | 1 0.02 98.56 Urinary Catheterization Kit (Excludes.. | 1 0.02 98.58 Urine collector and accessories; see .. | 1 0.02 98.59 Urine collector and accessories; see .. | 1 0.02 98.61 Urine collector and accessories; see .. | 1 0.02 98.63 Urine collector and accessories; see .. | 1 0.02 98.65 Urine collector and accessories; see .. | 1 0.02 98.66 Use as a multiple instrument port and.. | 1 0.02 98.68 Use of light based treatment to reduc.. | 1 0.02 98.70 Used for controlled release of subcut.. | 1 0.02 98.72 Used for cutting soft tissue in or ar.. | 1 0.02 98.73 Used for dental crown restorations by.. | 1 0.02 98.75 Used in conjunction with radiation th.. | 1 0.02 98.77 Used intraocularly to provide light i.. | 1 0.02 98.79 Used to aid in insertion, placement, .. | 1 0.02 98.81 Used to aid in insertion, placement, .. | 1 0.02 98.82 Used to aid in insertion, placement, .. | 1 0.02 98.84 Used to apply an electrical current t.. | 1 0.02 98.86 Used to evaluate GI motility disorder.. | 1 0.02 98.88 Used to gain access to the cavities o.. | 1 0.02 98.89 Used to obstruct lower aortic blood f.. | 1 0.02 98.91 Used to perform anterior capsulotomy .. | 1 0.02 98.93 Used to provide access, illumination,.. | 1 0.02 98.95 Used to reduce the risk of skin flora.. | 1 0.02 98.96 Uv noncoherent lamp product intended .. | 1 0.02 98.98 Vacuum tubes used in high voltage ele.. | 1 0.02 99.00 Validated reprocessing instructions a.. | 1 0.02 99.02 Vertebral body replacement in the cer.. | 1 0.02 99.03 Vibrator for climax control training .. | 1 0.02 99.05 Viewing, imaging, measurement, and an.. | 1 0.02 99.07 Visualization and measurement of bloo.. | 1 0.02 99.09 Weight reduction by peripheral neurom.. | 1 0.02 99.10 When used in connection with a locato.. | 1 0.02 99.12 Wireless hearing aids are intended as.. | 1 0.02 99.14 Wound covering. Indicated for use in.. | 1 0.02 99.16 Wrap, patch, or cover intended to pro.. | 1 0.02 99.17 X/Y DNA probe kit is intended to dete.. | 1 0.02 99.19 Yersinia spp. reagents are devices th.. | 1 0.02 99.21 Zika virus serological reagents are d.. | 1 0.02 99.23 a digital polymerase chain reaction s.. | 1 0.02 99.24 a particle beam system used to view o.. | 1 0.02 99.26 a qualitative in vitro diagnostic dev.. | 1 0.02 99.28 aid in the identification of Bacillus.. | 1 0.02 99.30 an adjunct to the graft tissue healin.. | 1 0.02 99.31 an industrial x-ray system open on th.. | 1 0.02 99.33 call for pmas to be filed by 12/26/96.. | 2 0.04 99.37 electorde, flexible suction coagulato.. | 1 0.02 99.38 electrode, electrosurgical, active, u.. | 1 0.02 99.40 external aesthetic restoration prosth.. | 4 0.07 99.47 for coarctation of the aorta | 1 0.02 99.49 for in vitro diagnostic use in the qu.. | 1 0.02 99.51 for the quantitative determination of.. | 1 0.02 99.53 for the treatment of patients who hav.. | 1 0.02 99.54 for the treatment of patients who hav.. | 1 0.02 99.56 for the treatment of type 2 diabetes... | 1 0.02 99.58 forceps, biopsy, electric, reprocesse.. | 1 0.02 99.60 implantable clip, reprocessed is inte.. | 1 0.02 99.61 inserted through endoscope for inject.. | 1 0.02 99.63 intended for the treatment of moderat.. | 1 0.02 99.65 intended to detect Mycobacterium tube.. | 1 0.02 99.67 manual toothbrush; see product code MCF | 1 0.02 99.68 needle, penum.... is intended to insu.. | 1 0.02 99.70 provides temporary control or reducti.. | 1 0.02 99.72 removal of skin tags | 1 0.02 99.74 reprocessed needle. The Phacoemulsif.. | 1 0.02 99.75 sacroiliac joint fusion | 1 0.02 99.77 same as DQA except reprocessed | 1 0.02 99.79 same as DYW except it is being reproc.. | 1 0.02 99.81 same as DZP except reprocessed | 1 0.02 99.82 same as procode FCL except this produ.. | 1 0.02 99.84 sperm friendly moisturizer samples (P.. | 1 0.02 99.86 surgical treatment of male stress uri.. | 1 0.02 99.88 to deliver saline and/or contrast med.. | 1 0.02 99.89 to distend the uterus with saline and.. | 1 0.02 99.91 to endoscopically retrieve magnetic f.. | 1 0.02 99.93 to examine and perform procedures wit.. | 1 0.02 99.95 to examine and perform procedures wit.. | 1 0.02 99.96 visualization of the colon for the de.. | 1 0.02 99.98 ||||Y|N|Eligible NE|NE|LHG|Electrode,.. | 1 0.02 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for physstate variable in foiclass244 dataset : Physical State | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- | 4,502 79.11 79.11 1) A liquid adhesive and 2) A self-a.. | 1 0.02 79.12 25 x 0.2 mm capillary column (0.33-fi.. | 1 0.02 79.14 A Eustachian tube balloon dilation de.. | 1 0.02 79.16 A breath collection apparatus for col.. | 1 0.02 79.18 A cart mounted system that physically.. | 1 0.02 79.20 A catheter based axial flow impeller .. | 1 0.02 79.21 A catheter-like device with internal .. | 1 0.02 79.23 A clip-like device that compresses th.. | 1 0.02 79.25 A collagen mesh; either square, recta.. | 2 0.04 79.28 A collagen mesh; either square, recta.. | 3 0.05 79.34 A collagen mesh; either square, recta.. | 1 0.02 79.35 A collagen mesh; either square, round.. | 1 0.02 79.37 A collagen mesh; square, rectangular,.. | 1 0.02 79.39 A console that generates the RF energ.. | 1 0.02 79.41 A control unit that communicates with.. | 1 0.02 79.42 A device accessory or a set of device.. | 1 0.02 79.44 A device accessory or set of device a.. | 1 0.02 79.46 A disposable medical glove (examinat.. | 1 0.02 79.48 A disposable medical glove (examinati.. | 1 0.02 79.49 A disposable patient examination glov.. | 1 0.02 79.51 A flat scale is connected to a monito.. | 1 0.02 79.53 A flexible intravascular catheter pro.. | 1 0.02 79.55 A hermetically sealed outer can (usua.. | 1 0.02 79.56 A hyperthermia control unit, a transu.. | 1 0.02 79.58 A kit that contains reagents and an i.. | 1 0.02 79.60 A mixture of fluoroscein-labeled E. f.. | 1 0.02 79.62 A molded cap with a disinfectant pad .. | 1 0.02 79.63 A multi-lumen catheter with two ballo.. | 1 0.02 79.65 A non-absorbable mesh; either square,.. | 1 0.02 79.67 A non-absorbable mesh; either square,.. | 2 0.04 79.70 A non-absorbable mesh; either square,.. | 1 0.02 79.72 A non-absorbable mesh; either square,.. | 1 0.02 79.74 A non-stainless steel hypodermic need.. | 1 0.02 79.76 A patient-matched acetabular guide, m.. | 1 0.02 79.78 A pediatric/child facemask is constru.. | 1 0.02 79.79 A pedicle screw placement guide, made.. | 1 0.02 79.81 A piston syringe is a device intended.. | 1 0.02 79.83 A plastic polymer mesh; either square.. | 1 0.02 79.85 A plastic polymer mesh; either square.. | 1 0.02 79.86 A powder free polychloroprene patient.. | 1 0.02 79.88 A powder-free surgeon's glove is a di.. | 1 0.02 79.90 A powered corneal burr is an AC-power.. | 2 0.04 79.93 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 79.95 A remote medication management system.. | 1 0.02 79.97 A retractor and boot assembly with a .. | 1 0.02 79.99 A retractor and boot assembly with a .. | 1 0.02 80.00 A reusable mobile HEPA air filtration.. | 1 0.02 80.02 A shaft plus end effector attachments.. | 1 0.02 80.04 A sheath like device made from animal.. | 1 0.02 80.06 A signal generator connected to percu.. | 1 0.02 80.07 A simple mask that is placed over the.. | 1 0.02 80.09 A small, wearable ventilator that int.. | 1 0.02 80.11 A stent is a small tube generally mad.. | 1 0.02 80.13 A subcutaneous implanted apheresis po.. | 1 0.02 80.14 A surgical adhesive based on a polyur.. | 1 0.02 80.16 A system generally includes the pulse.. | 1 0.02 80.18 A system generally includes the pulse.. | 1 0.02 80.20 A three dimensional crown or waveform.. | 1 0.02 80.21 A topical liquid/hydrogel/material wh.. | 1 0.02 80.23 A tubular drain made from silicone or.. | 1 0.02 80.25 A tympanic membrane contact hearing a.. | 1 0.02 80.27 A user interface/control unit; handpi.. | 1 0.02 80.28 A ventricular bypass (assist) device .. | 1 0.02 80.30 A viscous liquid or gel | 2 0.04 80.34 A1AT Antibody Isoelectric focusing ge.. | 1 0.02 80.35 Accelerometer hardware. May include h.. | 1 0.02 80.37 Acoustic recording hardware and signa.. | 1 0.02 80.39 Administration sets are made of polym.. | 1 0.02 80.41 All components: microphone, sensor, e.. | 1 0.02 80.43 Allogeneic skin cells are cultured in.. | 1 0.02 80.44 An EDF IOL has a similar appearance a.. | 1 0.02 80.46 An Immunoglobulin G (IgG) infusion sy.. | 1 0.02 80.48 An absorbable mesh; either square, re.. | 1 0.02 80.50 An absorbable mesh; either square, re.. | 1 0.02 80.51 An absorbable mesh; either square, re.. | 4 0.07 80.58 An absorbable mesh; either square, ro.. | 1 0.02 80.60 An absorbable mesh; round, rectangula.. | 1 0.02 80.62 An acellular, sterile, non-pyrogenic .. | 1 0.02 80.64 An air-tight, dual compartment fiberg.. | 1 0.02 80.65 An artificial iris is manufactured fr.. | 1 0.02 80.67 An assay kit containing specific anti.. | 1 0.02 80.69 An automated or manual sampling syste.. | 1 0.02 80.71 An electronic device | 1 0.02 80.72 An electronic software controlled gas.. | 1 0.02 80.74 An external device generally placed o.. | 1 0.02 80.76 An intraocular lens made of a polymer.. | 1 0.02 80.78 An isolation gown is made of fabric m.. | 1 0.02 80.79 An ovarian/adnexal mass assessment te.. | 1 0.02 80.81 Animal tissue valve that has three le.. | 1 0.02 80.83 Anti-CD34 Antibody, Paramagnetic dext.. | 1 0.02 80.85 Antibody ELISA kit, Antigen and Contr.. | 1 0.02 80.86 Any application of external cooling m.. | 1 0.02 80.88 Applicator/Dissector, RF Generator an.. | 1 0.02 80.90 Applied as a liquid film which dries .. | 1 0.02 80.92 Applies a specified temperature to th.. | 1 0.02 80.93 Approximately 3 centimeter tube (i.e... | 1 0.02 80.95 Arteriotomy SystemHUD and extension t.. | 1 0.02 80.97 Assay | 1 0.02 80.99 Assay Kit includes strip wells coated.. | 1 0.02 81.01 Assay kit containing antibodies, reag.. | 1 0.02 81.02 Assay kit including capturing and det.. | 1 0.02 81.04 Bacterial spores containing recombina.. | 1 0.02 81.06 Battery-operated, Plastic Case, Metal.. | 1 0.02 81.08 Beads for performing absolute counts .. | 1 0.02 81.09 Beads in suspension | 1 0.02 81.11 Bed | 1 0.02 81.13 Benchmark series instruments: BenchMa.. | 1 0.02 81.15 Bite block | 1 0.02 81.16 Blood collection device | 1 0.02 81.18 Bone screw and suture material | 1 0.02 81.20 Bone screws, rods, and hooks intended.. | 1 0.02 81.22 Bordetella pertussis DNA detection as.. | 1 0.02 81.23 Bronchial thermoplasty systems are co.. | 1 0.02 81.25 CSF drainage system. | 1 0.02 81.27 Calibrators, Controls, and Assay Reag.. | 1 0.02 81.29 Can be made of molded plastics, metal.. | 1 0.02 81.30 Capture oligonucleotides, magnetic mi.. | 1 0.02 81.32 Cart-based system consisting of a han.. | 1 0.02 81.34 Cartridge packed with enzyme linked b.. | 1 0.02 81.36 Catheter with inflatable balloon | 1 0.02 81.37 Catheter with inflatable balloons. | 1 0.02 81.39 Catheter with sensors. | 1 0.02 81.41 Catheter with ultrasound sensors that.. | 2 0.04 81.44 Catheters that deliver electro-mechan.. | 1 0.02 81.46 Central venous catheter with subcutan.. | 1 0.02 81.48 Centrifuge, process disposable and sy.. | 1 0.02 81.50 Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA detectio.. | 1 0.02 81.51 Clear polymer film | 1 0.02 81.53 Cloth belt | 1 0.02 81.55 Cloth material held together by faste.. | 1 0.02 81.57 Cobalt chrome spheres | 1 0.02 81.58 Complex machine consisting of pumps, .. | 1 0.02 81.60 Composed of cannula for placement wit.. | 1 0.02 81.62 Composed of four components: a pair o.. | 1 0.02 81.64 Composite Cultured Skin (CCS) is an a.. | 1 0.02 81.66 Compressive wrap. | 1 0.02 81.67 Comprised of a catheter body with two.. | 1 0.02 81.69 Comprised of a light-weight, spun bon.. | 1 0.02 81.71 Comprised of a silicone Insert and a .. | 1 0.02 81.73 Comprised of antigen coated microtite.. | 1 0.02 81.74 Comprised of two components, a single.. | 1 0.02 81.76 Comprised of two customized splints (.. | 1 0.02 81.78 Comprises two main components, the de.. | 1 0.02 81.80 Computer controlled infusion pump, mu.. | 1 0.02 81.81 Computer controlled system composed o.. | 1 0.02 81.83 Computer-administered battery of cogn.. | 1 0.02 81.85 Computerized imaging device consistin.. | 1 0.02 81.87 Cone shaped version | 1 0.02 81.88 Consist of components/reagents to d.. | 1 0.02 81.90 Consists of Fortiflex B53-35H--1 1, H.. | 1 0.02 81.92 Consists of a thin, flexible plastic .. | 1 0.02 81.94 Consists of flexible ethylene vinyl a.. | 1 0.02 81.95 Consists of non-sterile, reusable com.. | 1 0.02 81.97 Consists of radio frequency probe and.. | 1 0.02 81.99 Contents typically includes: Ear pie.. | 1 0.02 82.01 Cranial orthotics are custom-made for.. | 1 0.02 82.02 Cultured isolates | 1 0.02 82.04 Custom written or off the shelf softw.. | 1 0.02 82.06 Cutting/scoring PTCA catheters are us.. | 1 0.02 82.08 Cutting/scoring catheters are usually.. | 1 0.02 82.09 DEVICE MAY BE WEDGE SHAPED TO MAINTAI.. | 1 0.02 82.11 DNA or synthetic plasmids | 1 0.02 82.13 Dengue nucleic acid amplification and.. | 1 0.02 82.15 Device consists of Camera, computer, .. | 1 0.02 82.16 Device consists of a system made up o.. | 1 0.02 82.18 Device consists of an electromagnetic.. | 1 0.02 82.20 Device consists of an expandable meta.. | 1 0.02 82.22 Device could include a loudspeaker or.. | 1 0.02 82.24 Device has emitter(s), receiver(s), a.. | 1 0.02 82.25 Device includes a balloon component t.. | 1 0.02 82.27 Device is a foam ring with adhesive t.. | 1 0.02 82.29 Device is a kit containing labeled FI.. | 1 0.02 82.31 Device is a light source in a housing.. | 1 0.02 82.32 Device is an electronic, software-con.. | 1 0.02 82.34 Device is composed of a thermoplastic.. | 1 0.02 82.36 Device is composed of software contai.. | 1 0.02 82.38 Device is composed of transparent, br.. | 1 0.02 82.39 Device is comprised of 1) Control Uni.. | 1 0.02 82.41 Device is supplied as an in vitro dia.. | 1 0.02 82.43 Devices detecting influenza A, B, and.. | 1 0.02 82.45 ELISA Kit including different compone.. | 1 0.02 82.46 Electrical stimulation unit with lead.. | 3 0.05 82.52 Electrical stimulation unit with lead.. | 3 0.05 82.57 Electrodes, extension and IPG | 1 0.02 82.59 Electroencephalograph analysis softwa.. | 1 0.02 82.60 Electroencephalograph analysis softwa.. | 1 0.02 82.62 Electroencephalograph analysis softwa.. | 1 0.02 82.64 Electroencephalograph analysis softwa.. | 1 0.02 82.66 Electroencephalograph analysis softwa.. | 1 0.02 82.67 Electroencephalograph analysis softwa.. | 1 0.02 82.69 Electronic black box/monitor with key.. | 1 0.02 82.71 Electrosurgical generator and needle .. | 1 0.02 82.73 Enzyme immunoassay reagent kit | 1 0.02 82.74 Epicel cultured epidermal autografts .. | 1 0.02 82.76 Exemption applies only to computerize.. | 1 0.02 82.78 Exemption is limited to accessory tor.. | 1 0.02 82.80 Exemption is limited to assisted repr.. | 1 0.02 82.81 Exemption is limited to auditory impe.. | 1 0.02 82.83 Exemption is limited to biliary cathe.. | 1 0.02 82.85 Exemption is limited to body composit.. | 1 0.02 82.87 Exemption is limited to cardiopulmona.. | 1 0.02 82.89 Exemption is limited to continuous am.. | 1 0.02 82.90 Exemption is limited to dishes and pl.. | 1 0.02 82.92 Exemption is limited to disposable, s.. | 1 0.02 82.94 Exemption is limited to non-patient c.. | 1 0.02 82.96 Exemption is limited to non-patient c.. | 1 0.02 82.97 Exemption is limited to non-patient c.. | 1 0.02 82.99 Exemption is limited to ocular pegs s.. | 1 0.02 83.01 Exemption is limited to simple embryo.. | 1 0.02 83.03 Exemption is limited to single use en.. | 1 0.02 83.04 Exemption is limited to slit-lamp, AC.. | 1 0.02 83.06 Exemption is limited to standalone ni.. | 1 0.02 83.08 Exemption is limited to standard colp.. | 1 0.02 83.10 Exemption is limited to steel monofil.. | 1 0.02 83.11 Exemption is limited to sterile, sing.. | 1 0.02 83.13 Exemption is limited to sterile, sing.. | 1 0.02 83.15 Exemption is limited to surgical drap.. | 1 0.02 83.17 Exemption is limited to tympanometers.. | 1 0.02 83.18 Export Only | 1 0.02 83.20 External device that provides audio a.. | 1 0.02 83.22 External device that provides counter.. | 1 0.02 83.24 External device that provides positiv.. | 1 0.02 83.25 Filter attached to a catheter | 1 0.02 83.27 Flexible and Rigid Choledochoscope Kit | 1 0.02 83.29 Flexible intravascular catheter with .. | 1 0.02 83.31 Foley Catheter Kit (Excludes HIV Test.. | 1 0.02 83.32 Gastrointestinal bacterial panel mult.. | 1 0.02 83.34 Gastrointestinal pathogen panel multi.. | 1 0.02 83.36 Gel | 1 0.02 83.38 Gene expression systems, which includ.. | 1 0.02 83.39 Gene region specific amplification te.. | 1 0.02 83.41 General wellness product as detailed .. | 1 0.02 83.43 Generally fabricated from titanium or.. | 1 0.02 83.45 Generally, a balloon aortic valvulopl.. | 1 0.02 83.47 Generator supplies energy to clip cut.. | 1 0.02 83.48 Glucose sensor, a transmitter, and a .. | 1 0.02 83.50 Grasper and Retrieval Hood | 1 0.02 83.52 Hand held bulb and the bulb creates s.. | 1 0.02 83.54 Hand held device with a range of elec.. | 1 0.02 83.55 Hand-held cylindrical (or other shape.. | 1 0.02 83.57 Handheld EEG recording device, electr.. | 1 0.02 83.59 Handheld meter | 1 0.02 83.61 Hardware (a treatment chair and head .. | 1 0.02 83.62 Hardware components are integrated in.. | 1 0.02 83.64 Hemodialysis Tray | 1 0.02 83.66 Hemostatic agent either alone or inco.. | 1 0.02 83.68 Hermetically sealed electronics with .. | 1 0.02 83.69 High level disinfection of reusable, .. | 1 0.02 83.71 Holding Chambers are frequently made .. | 1 0.02 83.73 Hollow cylinder or rectangular box ma.. | 2 0.04 83.76 Hollow cylinder or rectangular box ma.. | 1 0.02 83.78 Housing is made of polyethylene, pist.. | 1 0.02 83.80 Human Breath | 1 0.02 83.82 Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) RNA dete.. | 1 0.02 83.83 Hygroscopic hemostatic agent and deli.. | 1 0.02 83.85 Hyperthermia System | 1 0.02 83.87 IVD | 2 0.04 83.90 IVD reagent kit | 2 0.04 83.94 Immunoassay | 1 0.02 83.96 Implantable Receiver-Stimulator, and .. | 1 0.02 83.97 Implantable Receiver-Stimulator, and .. | 1 0.02 83.99 In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) | 1 0.02 84.01 In Vitro Diagnostic Primers and Probes | 1 0.02 84.03 In Vitro Diagnostic Primers and Probes. | 1 0.02 84.04 In Vitro Diagnostic Primers, Probes a.. | 1 0.02 84.06 In Vitro Diagnostic antigens and anti.. | 1 0.02 84.08 In Vitro diagnostic kit | 1 0.02 84.10 In vitro device consisting of reagent.. | 1 0.02 84.12 In vitro diagnostic device | 22 0.39 84.50 In vitro diagnostic device consisting.. | 1 0.02 84.52 In vitro diagnostic device, reagent | 1 0.02 84.54 In vitro diagnostic device. | 2 0.04 84.57 In vitro diagnostic devices and reage.. | 1 0.02 84.59 In vitro diagnostic devices that cons.. | 1 0.02 84.61 In vitro diagnostic devices that cons.. | 1 0.02 84.62 In vitro diagnostic kit | 3 0.05 84.68 In vitro reagents | 1 0.02 84.70 In-Vitro Diagnostic Reagent Kit | 1 0.02 84.71 In-vitro diagnositc test | 1 0.02 84.73 In-vitro diagnostic kit. | 1 0.02 84.75 Individual reagents or reagent packages | 1 0.02 84.77 Inflatable balloon device that provid.. | 1 0.02 84.78 Injectable mixture in a syringe with .. | 1 0.02 84.80 Installed on, and operated by, an off.. | 1 0.02 84.82 Instrument | 1 0.02 84.84 Interlocking pre-formed PMMA componen.. | 1 0.02 84.85 Interlocking pre-formed polymeric (e... | 1 0.02 84.87 It includes an inflatable elastomer s.. | 1 0.02 84.89 It is a flexible, single lumen, dispo.. | 1 0.02 84.91 It is a material similar to a hard me.. | 1 0.02 84.92 It is a nonsense, non-specific deoxyr.. | 1 0.02 84.94 It is composed or aluminum, stainless.. | 1 0.02 84.96 It is comprised of a port or septum t.. | 1 0.02 84.98 It may consist of the following compo.. | 1 0.02 84.99 Items include: rigid base with cushio.. | 1 0.02 85.01 Kit box containing 1.5 ml Fixation So.. | 1 0.02 85.03 Kit consisting of plastic capped tube.. | 1 0.02 85.05 Kit contains 3 ml bottle fixation sol.. | 1 0.02 85.06 Kit contains 6 vacuum-sealed pouches .. | 1 0.02 85.08 Kit includes primers, probes, enzymes.. | 1 0.02 85.10 Kit is composed of polyclonal monospe.. | 1 0.02 85.12 Kit is composed of polyclonal monospe.. | 1 0.02 85.13 Kit is composed of polyclonal monospe.. | 1 0.02 85.15 Kit is composed of polyclonal monospe.. | 1 0.02 85.17 Kit is composed of polyclonal monospe.. | 1 0.02 85.19 Kits | 1 0.02 85.20 Labor pools/tubs are structures inten.. | 1 0.02 85.22 Laboratory kit. | 1 0.02 85.24 Lamp / Tanning bed with lamp | 1 0.02 85.26 Laser Unit & Delivery System | 1 0.02 85.27 Laser device outputting energy at dif.. | 1 0.02 85.29 Laser system under MRI guidance and M.. | 1 0.02 85.31 Laser system using fiber optic delive.. | 1 0.02 85.33 Length of arm 600/700mm, Reflecture a.. | 1 0.02 85.35 Lens, scopes | 1 0.02 85.36 Light Source | 1 0.02 85.38 Lights are spaced along a rod or posi.. | 1 0.02 85.40 Liquid | 3 0.05 85.45 Liquid in a transparent double sided .. | 1 0.02 85.47 Liquid or gel | 1 0.02 85.49 Liquid or solid | 1 0.02 85.50 Liquid reagent | 1 0.02 85.52 Liquid reagents | 1 0.02 85.54 Liquid solution | 1 0.02 85.56 Lyophilized sheets of SIS cut to vari.. | 1 0.02 85.57 Made of non-permeable and non-porous .. | 1 0.02 85.59 Magnetoencephalograph recording devic.. | 1 0.02 85.61 Main components include implanted lea.. | 1 0.02 85.63 Male External Catheterization Kit (Ex.. | 1 0.02 85.64 Manual Instrument with auxiliary soft.. | 1 0.02 85.66 Manual instrument and auxiliary softw.. | 1 0.02 85.68 Manufactured as Patient-Specific Pref.. | 1 0.02 85.70 Marker with dye. | 1 0.02 85.71 Mask and flow generator | 1 0.02 85.73 Mass spectrometer, liquid chromatogra.. | 1 0.02 85.75 May have components of metal and plas.. | 1 0.02 85.77 May include automated processing devi.. | 1 0.02 85.78 May include automated/manual isotherm.. | 2 0.04 85.82 May include centrifuge and sterile si.. | 1 0.02 85.84 May include centrifuge, filters, tube.. | 1 0.02 85.85 May include centrifuge, filters, tube.. | 2 0.04 85.89 May include centrifuge, filters, tube.. | 1 0.02 85.91 May include centrifuge, pumps, valves.. | 1 0.02 85.93 May include flow cytometers, monoclon.. | 1 0.02 85.94 May include instruments (as a test sy.. | 1 0.02 85.96 May include standard EEG recording ha.. | 1 0.02 85.98 May include standard electroencephalo.. | 2 0.04 86.01 May include standard polysomnography .. | 1 0.02 86.03 May include target capture, transcrip.. | 1 0.02 86.05 May include: Acetabular Shell Ace.. | 3 0.05 86.10 May include: Femoral Component Ti.. | 1 0.02 86.12 May include: Humeral stem Humeral.. | 1 0.02 86.14 May include: ccd camera, monitor, ot.. | 1 0.02 86.15 May include: needle, stylet, housing.. | 1 0.02 86.17 May include: Continuous glucose monit.. | 3 0.05 86.22 May include: ccd camera, monitor, oth.. | 1 0.02 86.24 May include: distractors, distraction.. | 1 0.02 86.26 May include: electrodes, implantable .. | 1 0.02 86.28 May include: handle, scope, fiberopti.. | 1 0.02 86.29 May include: implantable marker, deli.. | 1 0.02 86.31 Measurement transducer, central proce.. | 1 0.02 86.33 Measures levels of Docetaxel or Pacli.. | 1 0.02 86.35 Measures levels of a chemotherapy dru.. | 1 0.02 86.36 Mechanical pump and wound dressing kit | 1 0.02 86.38 Media (broth or plates) | 1 0.02 86.40 Meningitis/encephalitis pathogen mult.. | 1 0.02 86.42 Mesh tube in various lengths and diam.. | 1 0.02 86.43 Meshes and screws made from resorbabl.. | 1 0.02 86.45 Metal clips applied by a delivery sys.. | 1 0.02 86.47 Metal instruments | 2 0.04 86.51 Metallic bone fixation appliances and.. | 1 0.02 86.52 Metallic or polymeric device (usually.. | 1 0.02 86.54 Metallic plate or staple with fixatio.. | 1 0.02 86.56 Metallic tube with graft covering | 1 0.02 86.58 Metalllic rods, monoaxial or polyaxia.. | 1 0.02 86.59 Metalllic rods, monoaxial or polyaxia.. | 1 0.02 86.61 Microtiter plate coated with purified.. | 1 0.02 86.63 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coro.. | 1 0.02 86.65 Monitor with associated electronics a.. | 1 0.02 86.66 Monoclonal and polyclonal antibody co.. | 1 0.02 86.68 More than minimally manipulated aorti.. | 1 0.02 86.70 Mouthpiece, Tubing, Negative Pressure.. | 1 0.02 86.72 Mulitplex qualitative chromosome tran.. | 1 0.02 86.73 Multiple different configurations may.. | 1 0.02 86.75 Must include product code MDS, sensor.. | 1 0.02 86.77 Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA detection a.. | 1 0.02 86.79 N 95 NIOSH-certified respirator made .. | 1 0.02 86.80 N/A | 12 0.21 87.01 NA | 1 0.02 87.03 Navigation computing platform with na.. | 1 0.02 87.05 Needle passers and trocars, needle gu.. | 1 0.02 87.07 Needle passers and trocars, needle gu.. | 1 0.02 87.08 Neonatal screening | 1 0.02 87.10 Neonatal screening test | 2 0.04 87.14 Neonatal screening test, in vitro dia.. | 1 0.02 87.16 Neonatal screening test, in vitro dia.. | 1 0.02 87.17 Newborn screening specimen collection.. | 1 0.02 87.19 Non-electric and non-magnetic devices.. | 1 0.02 87.21 Non-synthetic woven or non-woven fabr.. | 2 0.04 87.24 Non-synthetic woven or non-woven fabr.. | 1 0.02 87.26 Nonabsorbable expanded polytetrafluor.. | 1 0.02 87.28 Not applicable | 3 0.05 87.33 Note: In addition to compliance with.. | 1 0.02 87.35 Nucleic Acid Based Assay | 2 0.04 87.38 Nucleic acid based assay | 1 0.02 87.40 OIVD | 3 0.05 87.45 Occluding device such as a cap, sucti.. | 1 0.02 87.47 Optical imaging system and analysis s.. | 1 0.02 87.49 Optical radiation. | 1 0.02 87.51 PEG tube made of plastic | 1 0.02 87.52 PJZ cameras are designed for true col.. | 1 0.02 87.54 Pacemaker/ICD/CRT non-implanted compo.. | 1 0.02 87.56 Peripheral catheter | 1 0.02 87.58 Plasma, serum, swab, culture isolates | 1 0.02 87.59 Plastic card with mixing channels and.. | 1 0.02 87.61 Plastic device with barrel, movable p.. | 1 0.02 87.63 Plastic end cap with rod attached | 1 0.02 87.65 Plastic label stock, with adhesive ba.. | 1 0.02 87.66 Plastic mouthguard fitted to the teeth | 1 0.02 87.68 Plastic tubes, neodymium iron boron m.. | 1 0.02 87.70 Plastic tubing with a tissue ingrowth.. | 1 0.02 87.72 Plates and screws made from resorbabl.. | 1 0.02 87.74 Plates with teeth/spikes and crossbar.. | 1 0.02 87.75 Polymer | 1 0.02 87.77 Polymer (solid) | 1 0.02 87.79 Polymeric culture device. | 1 0.02 87.81 Polymeric, may include ceramic filler | 1 0.02 87.82 Polymerized hydrogel plug, cylindrica.. | 1 0.02 87.84 Portable Liquid Oxygen Unit | 1 0.02 87.86 Powder | 1 0.02 87.88 Powder and liquid metals encapsulated.. | 1 0.02 87.89 Powered microneedle pen with single u.. | 1 0.02 87.91 Powered suction pump and wound dressi.. | 1 0.02 87.93 Pre-filled syringe that contains putt.. | 1 0.02 87.95 Preformed Implant | 1 0.02 87.96 Pregnancy | 1 0.02 87.98 Preoperative Planning Workstation, a .. | 1 0.02 88.00 Probe Kit consists of slide preparati.. | 1 0.02 88.02 Provided in the device are Non-variol.. | 1 0.02 88.03 Pulse generator with leads | 1 0.02 88.05 Qualitative in vitro molecular diagno.. | 1 0.02 88.07 Qualitative in vitro molecular diagno.. | 1 0.02 88.09 RF power console and handpiece. The h.. | 1 0.02 88.10 RIA Assay Kit with reagents, antigen .. | 1 0.02 88.12 RT-PCR amplification | 1 0.02 88.14 Radiations attenuating medical gloves.. | 1 0.02 88.16 Radiofrequency current generator and .. | 1 0.02 88.17 Reagent Assay Kit and Instrument | 1 0.02 88.19 Reagent Kit | 3 0.05 88.24 Reagent assay kit and instrument | 1 0.02 88.26 Reagent kit | 1 0.02 88.28 Reagent kit. | 1 0.02 88.30 Reagent packs, calibrators, controls,.. | 1 0.02 88.31 Reagent test kit | 1 0.02 88.33 Reagents for B-cell chronic lymphocyt.. | 1 0.02 88.35 Reagents for identifying and enumerat.. | 1 0.02 88.37 Reagents for monitoring engraftment o.. | 1 0.02 88.39 Resin. | 1 0.02 88.40 Resorbable polymer (e.g., poly(L-lact.. | 1 0.02 88.42 Resorbable polymer coated in drug | 1 0.02 88.44 Rotating, cutting cannula with aspira.. | 1 0.02 88.46 Rotor or axial type pump manufactured.. | 1 0.02 88.47 Rotor or axial type pump manufactured.. | 1 0.02 88.49 Semen analysis devices may be found i.. | 1 0.02 88.51 Sensors applied to the body and softw.. | 1 0.02 88.53 Sharps needle destruction devices are.. | 1 0.02 88.54 Sheath with lumen(s). Polymer-based s.. | 1 0.02 88.56 Sheet or film | 1 0.02 88.58 Short metallic humeral stem contained.. | 1 0.02 88.60 Should not include massively parallel.. | 1 0.02 88.61 Should not include microarray or elec.. | 1 0.02 88.63 Should not include microarray systems.. | 1 0.02 88.65 Should not include reagents to perfor.. | 1 0.02 88.67 Should not include real-time thermocy.. | 1 0.02 88.68 Should not include serum, plasma or u.. | 1 0.02 88.70 Silicone oil containing hydrogel with.. | 1 0.02 88.72 Single use disposable cartridges | 1 0.02 88.74 Single use, disposable | 1 0.02 88.75 Single-use, disposable assay cartridg.. | 1 0.02 88.77 Small ingestible capsule transmits mo.. | 1 0.02 88.79 Small mass of synthetic material | 1 0.02 88.81 Smooth, metallic, with implant-specif.. | 1 0.02 88.82 Software | 4 0.07 88.89 Software algorithm. Does NOT include.. | 1 0.02 88.91 Software and Electronics | 1 0.02 88.93 Software and hardware | 2 0.04 88.97 Software application, the physical pl.. | 1 0.02 88.98 Software which may produce an orthodo.. | 1 0.02 89.00 Software. | 1 0.02 89.02 Software/Firmware | 1 0.02 89.04 Software: aquire MR images, trajecto.. | 1 0.02 89.05 Solid | 4 0.07 89.12 Solid implants | 1 0.02 89.14 Solid microbiological culture media a.. | 1 0.02 89.16 Solid state RFID transponder embedded.. | 1 0.02 89.18 Solid, liquid | 1 0.02 89.19 Solid. | 1 0.02 89.21 Solution consists of a gel or liquid .. | 1 0.02 89.23 Spacers are frequently made of plasti.. | 1 0.02 89.25 Special laser gas mixtures used as a .. | 1 0.02 89.26 Specimen collection device, which may.. | 1 0.02 89.28 Stainless steel wire, electrical sens.. | 1 0.02 89.30 Standalone device | 1 0.02 89.32 Standalone software running on a PC o.. | 1 0.02 89.33 Sterile blood collection device which.. | 1 0.02 89.35 Sterile medical grade stainless steel.. | 1 0.02 89.37 Sterile, non-absorbable, radiopaque, .. | 1 0.02 89.39 Stimulator and wrist band | 1 0.02 89.40 Strip of polyethelene foam | 1 0.02 89.42 Supplied with various surgical instru.. | 1 0.02 89.44 Synthetic woven or non-woven fabric o.. | 1 0.02 89.46 Syringe holder with proximal advancem.. | 1 0.02 89.47 System components include implantable.. | 1 0.02 89.49 System contains acvetabular screws, a.. | 1 0.02 89.51 System includes a PPD light source, s.. | 1 0.02 89.53 System may include image cytometer, a.. | 1 0.02 89.54 TBD | 1 0.02 89.56 Tear collection method and impendance.. | 1 0.02 89.58 Tear collection method and single use.. | 1 0.02 89.60 Temporary intraoral mouthpiece attach.. | 1 0.02 89.62 Test consists of reagents, instrument.. | 2 0.04 89.65 The Beta 2-microglobulin Apheresis Co.. | 1 0.02 89.67 The Candida species nucleic acid dete.. | 1 0.02 89.69 The Mercy TAPE device consists of sem.. | 1 0.02 89.70 The System consists of the following .. | 1 0.02 89.72 The Variola virus nucleic acid-based .. | 1 0.02 89.74 The accessory could be in a range of .. | 1 0.02 89.76 The allograft heart valve has been mo.. | 1 0.02 89.77 The assay uses surfactants and enzyme.. | 1 0.02 89.79 The balloon catheter is generally con.. | 1 0.02 89.81 The balloon catheter is generally con.. | 1 0.02 89.83 The clinical laboratory image storage.. | 1 0.02 89.84 The components have a porous coating .. | 1 0.02 89.86 The connector consists of a ISO 80369.. | 1 0.02 89.88 The contact lens consists of a curved.. | 1 0.02 89.90 The control solutions are in the aque.. | 1 0.02 89.91 The device can be hand held or mounte.. | 1 0.02 89.93 The device comes in a wide verity of .. | 3 0.05 89.98 The device consist of components/reag.. | 1 0.02 90.00 The device consists of a catheter wit.. | 1 0.02 90.02 The device consists of a catheter wit.. | 1 0.02 90.04 The device consists of a complete rea.. | 1 0.02 90.05 The device consists of a cutting blad.. | 1 0.02 90.07 The device consists of a female desig.. | 1 0.02 90.09 The device consists of a laser consol.. | 1 0.02 90.11 The device consists of a laser consol.. | 1 0.02 90.12 The device consists of a light source.. | 1 0.02 90.14 The device consists of a monitor, a r.. | 1 0.02 90.16 The device consists of a polymerizing.. | 1 0.02 90.18 The device consists of a software pro.. | 1 0.02 90.20 The device consists of a vibrator con.. | 1 0.02 90.21 The device consists of an ion deliver.. | 1 0.02 90.23 The device consists of fabric garment.. | 1 0.02 90.25 The device consists of sets of contac.. | 1 0.02 90.27 The device consists of software shipp.. | 1 0.02 90.28 The device consists of the arrays of .. | 1 0.02 90.30 The device consists primarily of medi.. | 1 0.02 90.32 The device generally has a console wi.. | 1 0.02 90.34 The device has a non-contact housing .. | 1 0.02 90.35 The device includes a balloon like de.. | 1 0.02 90.37 The device includes a magnetic coil, .. | 1 0.02 90.39 The device includes a thermistor that.. | 1 0.02 90.41 The device is a ball and socket joint.. | 1 0.02 90.42 The device is a biologic tissue, typi.. | 1 0.02 90.44 The device is a catheter with a ballo.. | 1 0.02 90.46 The device is a flexible, insulated e.. | 1 0.02 90.48 The device is a flexible, insulated e.. | 1 0.02 90.49 The device is a flexible, insulated e.. | 1 0.02 90.51 The device is a fully automated instr.. | 1 0.02 90.53 The device is a fully automated instr.. | 1 0.02 90.55 The device is a hand-held portable de.. | 2 0.04 90.58 The device is a laboratory assay that.. | 1 0.02 90.60 The device is a laser module. | 1 0.02 90.62 The device is a molded cylindrical vi.. | 1 0.02 90.63 The device is a passive mesh wrap tha.. | 1 0.02 90.65 The device is a self-expanding tubula.. | 1 0.02 90.67 The device is a silicone collar that .. | 1 0.02 90.69 The device is a software application(.. | 1 0.02 90.70 The device is a software-based mobile.. | 1 0.02 90.72 The device is a surgical mask compose.. | 1 0.02 90.74 The device is a tube with three lumen.. | 1 0.02 90.76 The device is a tubular mesh permanen.. | 1 0.02 90.77 The device is a typically a textile e.. | 1 0.02 90.79 The device is aluminum/stainless stee.. | 1 0.02 90.81 The device is an N95 respirator compo.. | 1 0.02 90.83 The device is an ablation catheter th.. | 2 0.04 90.86 The device is an injectable gel that .. | 1 0.02 90.88 The device is composed of a suture an.. | 1 0.02 90.90 The device is comprised of a basin th.. | 1 0.02 90.92 The device is comprised of a flexible.. | 1 0.02 90.93 The device is comprised of a hand-hel.. | 1 0.02 90.95 The device is comprised of a small mo.. | 1 0.02 90.97 The device is comprised of an annular.. | 1 0.02 90.99 The device is comprised of external, .. | 1 0.02 91.00 The device is comprised of glucose te.. | 1 0.02 91.02 The device is comprised of three main.. | 1 0.02 91.04 The device is delivered into the neur.. | 1 0.02 91.06 The device is designed for primarily .. | 1 0.02 91.07 The device is hand-held, composed of .. | 1 0.02 91.09 The device is made of a rigid or semi.. | 1 0.02 91.11 The device is made of a variety of du.. | 1 0.02 91.13 The device is provided in one configu.. | 1 0.02 91.14 The device is software with a graphic.. | 1 0.02 91.16 The device is tubular and traditional.. | 1 0.02 91.18 The device is two different instrumen.. | 1 0.02 91.20 The device is typically plastic or me.. | 1 0.02 91.21 The device is worn behind-the-ear or .. | 1 0.02 91.23 The device is worn directly on the bo.. | 1 0.02 91.25 The device looks and functions like a.. | 1 0.02 91.27 The device may be composed of a colle.. | 1 0.02 91.28 The device may be composed of a colle.. | 1 0.02 91.30 The device may consists of a portable.. | 1 0.02 91.32 The device may include an implantable.. | 1 0.02 91.34 The device may include up to three re.. | 1 0.02 91.35 The device should contain a part that.. | 1 0.02 91.37 The device size can range from a hand.. | 1 0.02 91.39 The device system is comprised of a c.. | 1 0.02 91.41 The device system is comprised of two.. | 1 0.02 91.43 The device tip delivers energy to pro.. | 1 0.02 91.44 The device treats type 2 diabetes thr.. | 1 0.02 91.46 The device/system consists of an inst.. | 1 0.02 91.48 The devices uses consumer grade elect.. | 1 0.02 91.50 The direct blood bacterial nucleic ac.. | 1 0.02 91.51 The electrode consists of five distin.. | 1 0.02 91.53 The endovascular stent-graft is a met.. | 1 0.02 91.55 The external UES compression device c.. | 1 0.02 91.57 The eyelid cleaning device is a handh.. | 1 0.02 91.58 The femoral resurfacing component and.. | 1 0.02 91.60 The foam is prepared immediately prio.. | 1 0.02 91.62 The gel is a sterile, absorbable, iso.. | 1 0.02 91.64 The gel is a sterile, absorbable, iso.. | 1 0.02 91.65 The high cut-off technology hemodialy.. | 1 0.02 91.67 The hinged internal fixator consists .. | 1 0.02 91.69 The intranasal electrostimulation dev.. | 1 0.02 91.71 The intranasal tear neurostimulator i.. | 1 0.02 91.72 The kit contains multiple test packs,.. | 1 0.02 91.74 The kit is composed of a comb or comb.. | 1 0.02 91.76 The kit is composed of polyclonal mon.. | 1 0.02 91.78 The liquid chemical processing monito.. | 1 0.02 91.79 The main components of the device inc.. | 1 0.02 91.81 The major components of the device ar.. | 1 0.02 91.83 The needle is made from stainless ste.. | 1 0.02 91.85 The orchidometer consists of a set of.. | 1 0.02 91.86 The percutaneous catheter is generall.. | 1 0.02 91.88 The product consists of 1.5, 3, 6, or.. | 1 0.02 91.90 The solution is considered a combinat.. | 1 0.02 91.92 The spinal rods and connectors are ma.. | 1 0.02 91.93 The stent is metal and is offered in .. | 1 0.02 91.95 The system comprise of a silicone dra.. | 1 0.02 91.97 The system consists of a console, a p.. | 1 0.02 91.99 The system consists of a hand piece t.. | 1 0.02 92.00 The system consists of a mouthpiece c.. | 1 0.02 92.02 The system consists of a single point.. | 1 0.02 92.04 The system consists of an analyzer, t.. | 1 0.02 92.06 The system consists of flexible and/o.. | 1 0.02 92.08 The system consists of flexible and/o.. | 1 0.02 92.09 The system consists of four component.. | 1 0.02 92.11 The system includes the following com.. | 1 0.02 92.13 The system is composed of an ingestib.. | 1 0.02 92.15 The system is comprised of a blood pu.. | 1 0.02 92.16 The system is comprised of the implan.. | 1 0.02 92.18 The system may include a fluorescence.. | 1 0.02 92.20 The system requires pooled normmal hu.. | 1 0.02 92.22 The test consists of primers and prob.. | 1 0.02 92.23 The test results are displayed on an .. | 1 0.02 92.25 The test system consists of a multipl.. | 1 0.02 92.27 The test system may include clinical .. | 1 0.02 92.29 The vacuum syringe consists of a barr.. | 1 0.02 92.30 These devices are indicated for patie.. | 1 0.02 92.32 These devices treat bradycardia (slow.. | 1 0.02 92.34 These devices treat tachycardia (fast.. | 1 0.02 92.36 These devices will be indicated for p.. | 1 0.02 92.37 This device can have a means of deliv.. | 1 0.02 92.39 This device category includes various.. | 1 0.02 92.41 This device comprises a skin piercing.. | 2 0.04 92.44 This device comprises a subcutaneousl.. | 1 0.02 92.46 This device is a catheter | 1 0.02 92.48 This device is a single use percutane.. | 1 0.02 92.50 This device is a small nitinol frame .. | 1 0.02 92.51 This fall prevention alarm attaches .. | 1 0.02 92.53 This fall prevention alarm can be us.. | 1 0.02 92.55 This generic type of device includes .. | 1 0.02 92.57 This is a metalic staple that is impl.. | 1 0.02 92.58 This is a standard infrared handheld .. | 1 0.02 92.60 This monitoring system for progress o.. | 1 0.02 92.62 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 92.66 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 92.67 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 92.69 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 92.71 This product code has been establishe.. | 15 0.26 92.97 This product code has been establishe.. | 87 1.53 94.50 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 94.52 This product code has been establishe.. | 103 1.81 96.33 This product code has been establishe.. | 18 0.32 96.64 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 96.66 This product code has been establishe.. | 5 0.09 96.75 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 96.78 This product code has been establishe.. | 3 0.05 96.84 This type of device includes syntheti.. | 1 0.02 96.85 Transducer Array, Computer Workstatio.. | 1 0.02 96.87 Transducer Array, Computer Workstatio.. | 1 0.02 96.89 Transfer with swabbable valve to dire.. | 1 0.02 96.91 Transparent container, volume marking.. | 1 0.02 96.92 Tube and Balloon with or without elec.. | 1 0.02 96.94 Tube of plastic | 1 0.02 96.96 Two clear polymethylmethacrylate segm.. | 1 0.02 96.98 Typically a software device installed.. | 1 0.02 97.00 Typically a software device installed.. | 1 0.02 97.01 Typically includes humeral stem, hume.. | 1 0.02 97.03 Ultrasonic transducer reprocessor, hi.. | 1 0.02 97.05 Urinary Catheterization Kit (Excludes.. | 1 0.02 97.07 Urological catheter, pressure sensing.. | 1 0.02 97.08 Use of thermal energy | 1 0.02 97.10 Used for dental crown restorations by.. | 1 0.02 97.12 Used to transmit light at known wavel.. | 1 0.02 97.14 Uses a 1072nm +/- 12nm peak wavelengt.. | 1 0.02 97.15 VGCC labeled with 125 Iodine-w-Conoto.. | 1 0.02 97.17 Various (including granules, pre-form.. | 1 0.02 97.19 Ventricular assist devices may come i.. | 1 0.02 97.21 Vial adator with piercing spikes, con.. | 1 0.02 97.22 Viscous, polymethylmethacrylate mater.. | 1 0.02 97.24 Wall-mounted tube for holding disinfe.. | 1 0.02 97.26 Wedge with or without graft window m.. | 1 0.02 97.28 Wound dressing | 1 0.02 97.29 a 2-dimensional material | 1 0.02 97.31 a cooling cap which is placed on the .. | 1 0.02 97.33 a resorbable synthetic polymeric mate.. | 1 0.02 97.35 a two-part liquid that is mixed just .. | 1 0.02 97.36 absorbable solid form of poly(hydroxy.. | 1 0.02 97.38 anti fog solution; applicator- typica.. | 1 0.02 97.40 antigen coated microtiter wells, cali.. | 1 0.02 97.42 balloon tipped catheter, insertion de.. | 1 0.02 97.43 balloon with electrode sensors and so.. | 1 0.02 97.45 bassinett | 1 0.02 97.47 biologic (e.g., collagen) and/or synt.. | 1 0.02 97.49 black box with a strap that is attach.. | 1 0.02 97.50 blood | 1 0.02 97.52 bone void filler and mixing and deliv.. | 1 0.02 97.54 brightfield microscopy | 1 0.02 97.56 brush and shaft | 1 0.02 97.58 by thermal cooling | 1 0.02 97.59 camera, monitor, transparency | 1 0.02 97.61 cannula that allows injection of sali.. | 1 0.02 97.63 capsule | 1 0.02 97.65 cassette, dip stick or dipstrip | 1 0.02 97.66 catheter. may include radiopaque mark.. | 1 0.02 97.68 collagen plus thrombin | 1 0.02 97.70 compact disc | 1 0.02 97.72 consists of different sized tubes and.. | 1 0.02 97.73 controller that provides bipolar freq.. | 1 0.02 97.75 cover or sheath | 1 0.02 97.77 denture rebasing resin, methylmethacr.. | 1 0.02 97.79 device is composed primarily of a coh.. | 1 0.02 97.80 device resides on a motorized drawer .. | 1 0.02 97.82 dipstick or cassette | 1 0.02 97.84 display unit, sensor cable, and adhes.. | 1 0.02 97.86 electronic software-driven monitor | 1 0.02 97.87 endoscope, accessories associated wit.. | 1 0.02 97.89 endoscope, accessories associated wit.. | 1 0.02 97.91 endoscope, accessories associated wit.. | 1 0.02 97.93 endoscope, accessories associated wit.. | 1 0.02 97.94 endoscope, accessories associated wit.. | 1 0.02 97.96 endoscope, accessories associated wit.. | 1 0.02 97.98 endoscope, accessories associated wit.. | 1 0.02 98.00 endoscope, associated accessories | 1 0.02 98.01 enteroscope and related accessories, .. | 1 0.02 98.03 external sound processor, implant (w.. | 1 0.02 98.05 fabric/nylon straps with velcro ends .. | 1 0.02 98.07 flow cytometers, fluorochrome labeled.. | 1 0.02 98.08 for coarctation of the aorta | 1 0.02 98.10 fully subcutaneous implanted hemodial.. | 1 0.02 98.12 genotyping test system | 3 0.05 98.17 hMPV DSFA, hMPV DFA | 1 0.02 98.19 hand-held dispenser | 1 0.02 98.21 handle and sheath with collection tip.. | 1 0.02 98.23 headset (camera, glasses), intra-oral.. | 1 0.02 98.24 holder | 1 0.02 98.26 hollow cylinder or rectangular box ma.. | 2 0.04 98.30 hydrophillic lens with active strain .. | 1 0.02 98.31 implanted electrodes, stimulator cont.. | 1 0.02 98.33 in vitro | 1 0.02 98.35 in vitro diagnostic | 1 0.02 98.37 in vitro diagnostic reagent kit | 1 0.02 98.38 it includes the LEDC generator, elect.. | 1 0.02 98.40 kIt containing DNA positive control, .. | 1 0.02 98.42 laboratory based test | 1 0.02 98.44 laser system that emits laser energy .. | 1 0.02 98.45 liquid at room temperature and gel at.. | 1 0.02 98.47 liquid reagents | 1 0.02 98.49 liquid, gel | 1 0.02 98.51 lockbox is a clear polycarbonate encl.. | 1 0.02 98.52 low electromagnetic field | 1 0.02 98.54 made of mostly plastic and has an adj.. | 1 0.02 98.56 magnetic retriever | 1 0.02 98.58 manual laparoscopic surgical instrume.. | 1 0.02 98.59 mass spectrometer | 1 0.02 98.61 may be of various shape; can be metal.. | 1 0.02 98.63 may be used with bone graft, should n.. | 1 0.02 98.65 may include: biopsy cover, biopsy cap.. | 1 0.02 98.66 may include: capsule assembly, needle.. | 1 0.02 98.68 may include: delivery instrument, app.. | 1 0.02 98.70 may include: monitor, remote (or othe.. | 1 0.02 98.72 may include: pump, motor, tubing, con.. | 1 0.02 98.73 may include: template assembly, sutur.. | 1 0.02 98.75 measurement of anit-seizure medication | 1 0.02 98.77 metal femoral stem, ceramic femoral h.. | 1 0.02 98.79 metal guidewire with or without polym.. | 1 0.02 98.81 metallic | 1 0.02 98.82 metallic plates and screws | 1 0.02 98.84 metallic wire, polyester bands | 1 0.02 98.86 monitoring of anti-seizure drug | 1 0.02 98.88 n/a | 9 0.16 99.03 needle and accessories to needle. doe.. | 1 0.02 99.05 needle passers and trocars, needle gu.. | 1 0.02 99.07 non-absorbable or absorbable suture o.. | 1 0.02 99.09 none | 1 0.02 99.10 overtube | 1 0.02 99.12 oxygen concentrator, tubing, monitors.. | 1 0.02 99.14 permanent implant placed in septum (u.. | 1 0.02 99.16 permanent implant placed in septum, u.. | 1 0.02 99.17 plastic connector | 2 0.04 99.21 plastic microtiter plate, plate reade.. | 1 0.02 99.23 plastic syringe type device -- some e.. | 1 0.02 99.24 plastic with adhesive; valve that cha.. | 1 0.02 99.26 plastic, non-sterile, single use plun.. | 1 0.02 99.28 protein solution-soaked colagen spong.. | 1 0.02 99.30 pyrolytic carbon implant | 1 0.02 99.31 quality control material | 1 0.02 99.33 radiofrequency generator, applicator,.. | 1 0.02 99.35 resembles an implantable cardiac pace.. | 1 0.02 99.37 sequencing instrument and associated .. | 1 0.02 99.38 sheath | 1 0.02 99.40 single-use, disposable assay cartridg.. | 1 0.02 99.42 slides coated with cells, fluorescein.. | 1 0.02 99.44 software/firmware | 1 0.02 99.46 solid | 2 0.04 99.49 solid or liquid | 1 0.02 99.51 solid-phase extraction cartridge, mas.. | 1 0.02 99.53 specimen collection device | 1 0.02 99.54 sperm friendly moisturizer samples (P.. | 1 0.02 99.56 sports watch that emits infrared | 1 0.02 99.58 stainless steel stylet | 1 0.02 99.60 stent and delivery system, endoscope | 1 0.02 99.61 sterilizer | 1 0.02 99.63 synthetic woven or non-woven fabric o.. | 1 0.02 99.65 synthetic woven or non-woven fabric o.. | 1 0.02 99.67 synthetic woven or non-woven fabric o.. | 1 0.02 99.68 test | 1 0.02 99.70 test kit, mass spectrometerSystem, 13.. | 1 0.02 99.72 test reagents | 1 0.02 99.74 the device is a combination of a cool.. | 1 0.02 99.75 the device may be threaded, or coated.. | 1 0.02 99.77 the embolization agent is dissolved i.. | 1 0.02 99.79 the frame material (e.g., metal) is d.. | 1 0.02 99.81 tubing and tubing/filter fits which o.. | 1 0.02 99.82 ultrasonic transducer reprocessor, hi.. | 1 0.02 99.84 ultrasound | 1 0.02 99.86 ultrasound bronchoscope | 1 0.02 99.88 ultrasound system and system accessor.. | 1 0.02 99.89 various shapes, may be composed of me.. | 1 0.02 99.91 vibrating pad | 1 0.02 99.93 viscous liquid | 1 0.02 99.95 viscous liquid or gel | 1 0.02 99.96 x | 2 0.04 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for techmeth variable in foiclass244 dataset : Technical Method | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- | 4,503 79.12 79.12 1. excitation and emission filters in.. | 1 0.02 79.14 A LASER (Light Amplification by Stimu.. | 1 0.02 79.16 A Nd:glass solid state laser generate.. | 1 0.02 79.18 A Non-variola Orthopoxvirus Real-time.. | 1 0.02 79.20 A balloon tipped catheter is inserted.. | 1 0.02 79.21 A biocompatible dye that is applied t.. | 1 0.02 79.23 A camera and monitor or transparency .. | 1 0.02 79.25 A carbon dioxide gas controlled tissu.. | 1 0.02 79.27 A catheter is threaded from femoral a.. | 1 0.02 79.28 A clinician using the clinical softwa.. | 1 0.02 79.30 A collagen mesh for the reinforcement.. | 1 0.02 79.32 A collagen mesh that reinforces soft .. | 4 0.07 79.39 A collagen mesh that reinforces soft .. | 3 0.05 79.44 A complete kit or accessory dye reage.. | 1 0.02 79.46 A cooling cap with cooling fluid runn.. | 1 0.02 79.48 A corneal incision is made into the a.. | 1 0.02 79.49 A device of this type uses a nose pie.. | 1 0.02 79.51 A device that consists of a 2X convex.. | 1 0.02 79.53 A device that delivers brief duration.. | 1 0.02 79.55 A disposable medical glove (examinat.. | 1 0.02 79.56 A disposable medical glove (examinati.. | 1 0.02 79.58 A disposable patient examination glov.. | 1 0.02 79.60 A flexible intravascular catheter pro.. | 1 0.02 79.62 A generator supplies radiofrequency e.. | 1 0.02 79.63 A graft insertion device for endothel.. | 1 0.02 79.65 A high throughput DNA sequence analyz.. | 1 0.02 79.67 A hip joint metal/ceramic/polymer sem.. | 1 0.02 79.69 A light source stimulates the retina .. | 1 0.02 79.70 A machine that dialyzes the patient's.. | 1 0.02 79.72 A micro total analysis instrument sys.. | 1 0.02 79.74 A mold is made of the baby's head to .. | 1 0.02 79.76 A multiplexed nucleic acid amplificat.. | 1 0.02 79.78 A multiplexed nucleic acid amplificat.. | 1 0.02 79.79 A non-absorbable mesh that reinforces.. | 4 0.07 79.86 A non-absorbable mesh that reinforces.. | 3 0.05 79.92 A non-stainless steel hypodermic need.. | 1 0.02 79.93 A piston syringe is a device intended.. | 1 0.02 79.95 A plastic connector that allows for A.. | 1 0.02 79.97 A polymeric balloon is inserted into .. | 1 0.02 79.99 A powder free polychloroprene patient.. | 1 0.02 80.00 A powder-free surgeon's glove is a di.. | 1 0.02 80.02 A powered corneal burr is an AC-power.. | 2 0.04 80.06 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.07 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.09 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.11 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.13 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.14 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.16 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.18 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.20 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.21 A qualitative in vitro diagnostic ass.. | 1 0.02 80.23 A real-time thermocycler is intended .. | 1 0.02 80.25 A serological test for the detection .. | 1 0.02 80.27 A shaft of the device that can penetr.. | 1 0.02 80.28 A solid or compliant ring attached to.. | 1 0.02 80.30 A sterile non-coring (Huber) needle u.. | 1 0.02 80.32 A thermocycler is intended amplify sp.. | 1 0.02 80.34 A tissue pouch is placed through a mu.. | 1 0.02 80.35 A tissue pouch is placed through a mu.. | 1 0.02 80.37 A two-site immunoenzymatic assay usin.. | 1 0.02 80.39 A tympanic membrane contact hearing a.. | 1 0.02 80.41 A vacuum syringe may be used in insta.. | 1 0.02 80.43 A ventricular bypass (assist) device .. | 1 0.02 80.44 A wedge that may act as a spacer and/.. | 1 0.02 80.46 A wireless air-conduction hearing aid.. | 1 0.02 80.48 Achieves its intended function by pro.. | 1 0.02 80.50 Acts as a disc spacer and holds bone .. | 3 0.05 80.55 Acts as a disc spacer and holds bone .. | 2 0.04 80.58 Acts as a physical container for cord.. | 1 0.02 80.60 Acts as a spinal fusion system with a.. | 1 0.02 80.62 Adhesive to hold closed skin edges of.. | 1 0.02 80.64 Adhesively applied to patient contact.. | 1 0.02 80.65 Administration sets are made of polym.. | 1 0.02 80.67 Aids the surgeon in performing the im.. | 1 0.02 80.69 Aids the surgeon in performing the im.. | 1 0.02 80.71 Algorithm transforms user data into u.. | 1 0.02 80.72 Allows users to receive and store doc.. | 1 0.02 80.74 An Extended Depth of Focus Intraocula.. | 1 0.02 80.76 An Imaged-Guided Focused Ultrasound S.. | 1 0.02 80.78 An Immunoglobulin G (IgG) infusion sy.. | 1 0.02 80.79 An absorbable mesh for the reinforcem.. | 1 0.02 80.81 An absorbable mesh that reinforces so.. | 7 0.12 80.93 An antero-lateral growth plate intend.. | 1 0.02 80.95 An apheresis port is for patient ther.. | 1 0.02 80.97 An audio recorder headphone is placed.. | 1 0.02 80.99 An emitter sends a signal through the.. | 1 0.02 81.01 An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay .. | 1 0.02 81.02 An expandable stent is placed in the .. | 1 0.02 81.04 An intraocular pressure lowering impl.. | 1 0.02 81.06 An ophthalmic sealant device is appli.. | 1 0.02 81.08 An optical fiber is connected to an i.. | 1 0.02 81.09 An ovarian/adnexal mass assessment te.. | 1 0.02 81.11 An ultrasound bronchoscope has a buil.. | 1 0.02 81.13 Analysis and interpretation of digita.. | 1 0.02 81.15 Analyzes photoplethysmograph data and.. | 1 0.02 81.16 Anthrophometric data requirement | 1 0.02 81.18 Antimicrobial agent adhered to rod an.. | 1 0.02 81.20 Any application of external cooling m.. | 1 0.02 81.22 Application of RF energy to heat and .. | 1 0.02 81.23 Application of static electricity to .. | 1 0.02 81.25 Applicator emits RF energy that flows.. | 1 0.02 81.27 Applied manually by applicator to the.. | 1 0.02 81.29 Applies a mechanical vibration to the.. | 1 0.02 81.30 Applies a small alternating current o.. | 1 0.02 81.32 Applies a specified temperature to th.. | 1 0.02 81.34 Applies an electrical current through.. | 1 0.02 81.36 Applies an electrical current through.. | 1 0.02 81.37 Applies an electrical current through.. | 2 0.04 81.41 Applies direct current across clip ed.. | 1 0.02 81.43 Applies low level light to a herpes s.. | 1 0.02 81.44 Applies pressure to the abductor hall.. | 1 0.02 81.46 Applies pressure to tissue | 1 0.02 81.48 Apply solution to lens, typically by .. | 1 0.02 81.50 Assay detecting glycated hemoglobin | 1 0.02 81.51 Assay to measure analyte(s) that are .. | 1 0.02 81.53 Assists with partial or full right he.. | 1 0.02 81.55 Attaach syringe to access device and .. | 1 0.02 81.57 Attaches to anterior column of spine .. | 2 0.04 81.60 Automated lysis and/or pooling platfo.. | 1 0.02 81.62 Automatically delivers liquid disinfe.. | 1 0.02 81.64 Automatically generates a mist from a.. | 1 0.02 81.66 Bacteriophage amplification | 1 0.02 81.67 Bacteriophage, culture | 1 0.02 81.69 Baseline breath samples are collected.. | 1 0.02 81.71 Battery-operated vibrator and lubrica.. | 1 0.02 81.73 Battery-operated, handheld device tha.. | 1 0.02 81.74 Bead associated fluorescence or scatt.. | 1 0.02 81.76 Bed | 1 0.02 81.78 Biochemical hydrolysis | 1 0.02 81.80 Bladder neck suspension using sutures | 1 0.02 81.81 Blood is pumped from patients arm int.. | 1 0.02 81.83 Bone segments are attached to the pla.. | 1 0.02 81.85 Breathe collection device; analysis o.. | 1 0.02 81.87 Bronchial thermoplasty systems use ra.. | 1 0.02 81.88 Brush goes through endoscope to desir.. | 1 0.02 81.90 By holding drugs after aerosolization.. | 1 0.02 81.92 By holding drugs after aerosolization.. | 1 0.02 81.94 Can be placed through working channel.. | 1 0.02 81.95 Catheter contains a ballon at the dis.. | 1 0.02 81.97 Catheter with ultrasound sensors that.. | 2 0.04 82.01 Cellular Wound Dressing | 1 0.02 82.02 Central venous catheter with subcutan.. | 1 0.02 82.04 Chemiluminescent immunoassay | 1 0.02 82.06 Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization | 1 0.02 82.08 Chromogenic agar | 1 0.02 82.09 Circulates blood from the vascular sy.. | 1 0.02 82.11 Coagulometric, clot detection | 1 0.02 82.13 Coats vaginal and/or penile tissue to.. | 1 0.02 82.15 Collects DNA in saliva and stabilizes.. | 1 0.02 82.16 Collects measured parameter inputs an.. | 1 0.02 82.18 Collects oral fluid and stabilizes it.. | 1 0.02 82.20 Colorimetric in vitro diagnostic assa.. | 1 0.02 82.22 Compact disc containing broadband pin.. | 1 0.02 82.24 Complete accessory reagents for gene .. | 1 0.02 82.25 Compresseion of the anal sphincter th.. | 1 0.02 82.27 Comprised of a light-weight, spun bon.. | 1 0.02 82.29 Computer assisted drug administration.. | 1 0.02 82.31 Connect operating systems into centra.. | 1 0.02 82.32 Connects to tubing from pump and goes.. | 1 0.02 82.34 Contents typically includes: Ear pie.. | 1 0.02 82.36 Creates narrow channel in occlusion t.. | 1 0.02 82.38 Cross sectional tomograms of ocular s.. | 1 0.02 82.39 Culture device designed to hold and m.. | 1 0.02 82.41 Cutting and/or crushing. | 1 0.02 82.43 Cyanoacrylate liquid film applied to .. | 1 0.02 82.45 Deep brain stimulation | 1 0.02 82.46 Delivered through the nostril. | 1 0.02 82.48 Delivered through the peripheral arte.. | 1 0.02 82.50 Delivered transurethrally using a rig.. | 1 0.02 82.52 Delivers brief duration, rapidly alte.. | 1 0.02 82.53 Delivers brief duration, rapidly alte.. | 1 0.02 82.55 Designed for self-insertion to seal a.. | 1 0.02 82.57 Detection of Early Growth Response Ge.. | 1 0.02 82.59 Detects specified amniotic fluid prot.. | 1 0.02 82.60 Device actively perfuses the donor lu.. | 1 0.02 82.62 Device applies pressure oscillatory s.. | 1 0.02 82.64 Device consists of a system of pumps,.. | 1 0.02 82.66 Device emits light that is collected .. | 1 0.02 82.67 Device fucntions as a phsycia l cover.. | 1 0.02 82.69 Device functions as a closed loop aut.. | 1 0.02 82.71 Device funtions as a physical wound c.. | 1 0.02 82.73 Device is applied on top of intact sk.. | 1 0.02 82.74 Device placed within cancellous bone .. | 1 0.02 82.76 Device software receives real-time, i.. | 1 0.02 82.78 Device uses a combination multiple fi.. | 1 0.02 82.80 Device uses a combination of tight fa.. | 1 0.02 82.81 Device uses high frequency ultrasound.. | 1 0.02 82.83 Digital patient scan is used in conju.. | 1 0.02 82.85 Digital scans of patient's dentition .. | 1 0.02 82.87 Direct nucleic acid amplification | 1 0.02 82.89 Direct nucleic acid detection | 1 0.02 82.90 Diverts CSF in order to alter spinal .. | 1 0.02 82.92 During sexual intercouse, sperm is co.. | 1 0.02 82.94 E. faecalis PNA FISH is a multicolor .. | 1 0.02 82.96 ELISA | 2 0.04 82.99 ELISA Assay | 1 0.02 83.01 ELISA-based or immunological based as.. | 1 0.02 83.03 Electrical charge, generated via piez.. | 1 0.02 83.04 Electrical impedance measurement to p.. | 1 0.02 83.06 Electrical stimulation of nerve branc.. | 1 0.02 83.08 Electrical stimulation using current .. | 1 0.02 83.10 Electromagnetic | 1 0.02 83.11 Electronic display at a central monit.. | 1 0.02 83.13 Electrosurgical Patient Return Electr.. | 1 0.02 83.15 Endoscope inserted and advanced throu.. | 1 0.02 83.17 Enhances visualization of specific st.. | 1 0.02 83.18 Enzyme Immunoassay (ELISA) | 1 0.02 83.20 Enzyme immunoassay | 2 0.04 83.24 Enzyme immunoassay to quantify solubl.. | 1 0.02 83.25 Enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay | 1 0.02 83.27 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (EL.. | 1 0.02 83.29 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay | 1 0.02 83.31 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EL.. | 2 0.04 83.34 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EL.. | 2 0.04 83.38 Enzyme-linked immunospot assay | 1 0.02 83.39 Enzyme-mimicking assay with MPA conce.. | 1 0.02 83.41 Epicardially applied during a concomi.. | 1 0.02 83.43 Export Only | 1 0.02 83.45 External electrical stimulator | 1 0.02 83.47 Extruded from syringe into bony voids.. | 1 0.02 83.48 Facilitates and secures the appositio.. | 1 0.02 83.50 Filtration. Antimicrobial / antiviral.. | 1 0.02 83.52 Fits on a Luer Access Valve to disinf.. | 1 0.02 83.54 Flexible and Rigid Choledochoscope Kit | 1 0.02 83.55 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization us.. | 1 0.02 83.57 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization usi.. | 1 0.02 83.59 Fluorescent in situ hybridization | 1 0.02 83.61 Foley Catheter Kit (Excludes HIV Test.. | 1 0.02 83.62 For use with nucleic acid amplificati.. | 1 0.02 83.64 For use with serologic microbiology a.. | 1 0.02 83.66 Functions independently | 1 0.02 83.68 Functions within a system. | 1 0.02 83.69 General wellness product as detailed .. | 1 0.02 83.71 Generally, a Peripheral Transluminal .. | 1 0.02 83.73 Glucose sensor, factory calibrated | 1 0.02 83.75 Gravity drainage or attached to a suc.. | 1 0.02 83.76 Hemodialysis Tray | 1 0.02 83.78 Hemostatic agent combining tamponade .. | 1 0.02 83.80 Heterogeneous mixture of alloy and el.. | 1 0.02 83.82 High Frequency radio wave energy | 1 0.02 83.83 High level disinfection of reusable, .. | 1 0.02 83.85 Holds gastrostomy tube in place using.. | 1 0.02 83.87 Holds the catheter tube in a cloth sl.. | 1 0.02 83.89 Humeral head is resected and canal is.. | 1 0.02 83.90 Hydrolyzes fats in enteral formula ex.. | 1 0.02 83.92 Hyperthermia | 1 0.02 83.94 Image enhancement using image post-pr.. | 1 0.02 83.96 Imaging system that will obtain and a.. | 1 0.02 83.97 Immunoassay | 23 0.40 84.38 Immunoassay containing allergenic mat.. | 1 0.02 84.40 Immunoassay e.g., ELISA | 1 0.02 84.41 Immunoassay intented for use on clini.. | 1 0.02 84.43 Immunoassay using PDZ domains in intr.. | 1 0.02 84.45 Immunoassay, ELISA | 2 0.04 84.48 Immunochemical liquid-phase binding a.. | 1 0.02 84.50 Immunofluorescent assay with multiple.. | 1 0.02 84.52 Immunological detection of autoantibo.. | 1 0.02 84.54 Immunological method/ELISA | 1 0.02 84.55 Immunological methods / ELISA | 1 0.02 84.57 Implant | 1 0.02 84.59 Implantable pulse generator will prod.. | 1 0.02 84.61 Implanted and attached to a vessel, p.. | 1 0.02 84.62 Implanted modularly within the verteb.. | 1 0.02 84.64 Implanted modularly within the verteb.. | 1 0.02 84.66 In vitro amplification and detection .. | 1 0.02 84.68 In vitro diagnostic device for qualit.. | 1 0.02 84.70 In vitro diagnostic device that detec.. | 1 0.02 84.71 In vitro diagnostic immunochromatogra.. | 1 0.02 84.73 In vitro nucleic acid based assay usi.. | 1 0.02 84.75 In vitro replication, amplification a.. | 1 0.02 84.77 In-vitro diagnostic test | 1 0.02 84.78 Includes a laser diode (Scanning Lase.. | 1 0.02 84.80 Increases the temperature of skin by .. | 1 0.02 84.82 Infusion safety management software m.. | 1 0.02 84.84 Ingestible telemetric capsule that tr.. | 1 0.02 84.85 Inserted between the vertebral bodies.. | 1 0.02 84.87 Inserted into anus | 1 0.02 84.89 Inserted into blood urinary tract thr.. | 1 0.02 84.91 Inserted orally into duodenum | 1 0.02 84.92 Inserted orally into the stomach | 1 0.02 84.94 Inserted through endoscope | 1 0.02 84.96 Inserted through endoscope. | 1 0.02 84.98 Instrument Systems automate and integ.. | 1 0.02 84.99 Instrument inserted into abdomen and .. | 1 0.02 85.01 Instrument inserted through anus into.. | 1 0.02 85.03 Intended to detect the presence of al.. | 1 0.02 85.05 Intraorally limits bite size | 1 0.02 85.06 Intrument guided through urethra for .. | 1 0.02 85.08 Isoelectric focusing gel qualitative .. | 1 0.02 85.10 It is a hand-held electronic measurem.. | 1 0.02 85.12 It is a passive bed enclosure that pr.. | 1 0.02 85.13 It is attached to the coupling for th.. | 1 0.02 85.15 It is provided sterile and consists o.. | 1 0.02 85.17 It is surgically placed in the bone o.. | 1 0.02 85.19 It utilizes electric impedance to cha.. | 1 0.02 85.20 It utilizes electromagnetic waves to .. | 1 0.02 85.22 Laser Assisted Lipolysis is a procedu.. | 1 0.02 85.24 Laser System | 1 0.02 85.26 Laser energy delivered to the target .. | 1 0.02 85.27 Laser energy is delivered to the adip.. | 1 0.02 85.29 Laser energy to necrotize or coagulat.. | 1 0.02 85.31 Laser optical energy is applied to th.. | 1 0.02 85.33 Latex particle enhanced immunoturbidi.. | 1 0.02 85.35 Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spe.. | 1 0.02 85.36 MAINTAINS INFANT IN A DESIRED POSITION. | 1 0.02 85.38 Maintains biliary duct patency | 1 0.02 85.40 Male External Catheterization Kit (Ex.. | 1 0.02 85.42 Manual | 1 0.02 85.43 Many methods to perform intended use... | 1 0.02 85.45 Marks a tissue location by being visi.. | 1 0.02 85.47 Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ioni.. | 1 0.02 85.49 Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ioni.. | 1 0.02 85.50 May include immunochromatographic ass.. | 1 0.02 85.52 May use software, scanning equipment,.. | 1 0.02 85.54 Measurement of chlorine levels (free .. | 1 0.02 85.56 Measures electromagnetic fields from .. | 1 0.02 85.57 Measures levels of Docetaxel or Pacli.. | 1 0.02 85.59 Measures levels of a chemotherapy dru.. | 1 0.02 85.61 Mechanical bone fixation | 1 0.02 85.63 Mechanical connects / attaches to med.. | 1 0.02 85.64 Mechanical or electro-mechanical. No.. | 1 0.02 85.66 Mechanical removal of gastrointestina.. | 1 0.02 85.68 Mechanically filters the bloodstream .. | 1 0.02 85.70 Molecular | 2 0.04 85.73 Monitor microbial growth by assay in .. | 1 0.02 85.75 Monitoring abdominal intracompartment.. | 1 0.02 85.77 Monitoring the intracardiac electrogr.. | 1 0.02 85.78 Mouthguard repositions the jaw to red.. | 1 0.02 85.80 Multiple fixation targets move or alt.. | 1 0.02 85.82 Multiplex flow immunoassay (multiplex.. | 2 0.04 85.85 Multiplex mass spectrometer. The devi.. | 1 0.02 85.87 Multiplex nucleic acid assay | 3 0.05 85.93 Multiplexed DNA hybridization array | 1 0.02 85.94 Multiplexed nucleic acid-based assay | 2 0.04 85.98 N/A | 10 0.18 86.15 NIOSH-certified N95 respirator made o.. | 1 0.02 86.17 Natural collagen matrix which reinfor.. | 1 0.02 86.19 Needles or sharps are placed into the.. | 1 0.02 86.21 Negative Pressure | 1 0.02 86.22 Nephelometric immunoassay method | 4 0.07 86.29 Nephelometric method | 2 0.04 86.33 Nested real-time PCR. The [test] mus.. | 1 0.02 86.35 Neural modulation with implantable el.. | 1 0.02 86.36 Neurointerventional | 1 0.02 86.38 No method, quality control material | 1 0.02 86.40 Non-invasive heat-exchange device | 1 0.02 86.42 Non-invasive infrared | 1 0.02 86.43 Not applicable | 1 0.02 86.45 Note: In addition to compliance with.. | 1 0.02 86.47 Nucleic Acid Amplification Reagents | 1 0.02 86.49 Nucleic Acid Amplification assay cont.. | 1 0.02 86.51 Nucleic acid amplification | 1 0.02 86.52 Nucleic acid amplification assay syst.. | 1 0.02 86.54 Nucleic acid amplification or antigen.. | 2 0.04 86.58 Nucleic acid amplification test | 1 0.02 86.59 Nucleic acid amplification. | 2 0.04 86.63 Occluder is applied to urinary meatus.. | 1 0.02 86.65 PJZ cameras meet optical performance .. | 1 0.02 86.66 PNA probe is added to a fixed smear p.. | 1 0.02 86.68 Pacemaker/ICD/CRT non-implanted compo.. | 1 0.02 86.70 Part of a system where the accessorie.. | 1 0.02 86.72 Part of system that advances through .. | 1 0.02 86.73 Particles in suspension may be treate.. | 1 0.02 86.75 Passed through an endoscope (duodenos.. | 1 0.02 86.77 Patient's own cells are in vitro cult.. | 1 0.02 86.79 Performs offline analysis of pre-exis.. | 1 0.02 86.80 Permanent implant placed transabdomin.. | 1 0.02 86.82 Permanent implant placed transvaginal.. | 1 0.02 86.84 Physical advancement of the tongue. | 1 0.02 86.86 Physical mesh tube placed in the vess.. | 1 0.02 86.87 Physically occupies space within the .. | 1 0.02 86.89 Physically occupies spacewithin the v.. | 1 0.02 86.91 Physiological signal measurement and .. | 1 0.02 86.93 Place sutures in soft tissue of stoma.. | 1 0.02 86.94 Place through an endoscope to reach d.. | 1 0.02 86.96 Placed between two spinous processes .. | 1 0.02 86.98 Placed into mouth over teeth. | 1 0.02 87.00 Placed over endoscope before insertio.. | 1 0.02 87.01 Placed over endoscope or parts of the.. | 1 0.02 87.03 Placed over vial or container contain.. | 1 0.02 87.05 Placed under the urethra transvaginal.. | 1 0.02 87.07 Plastic surgery | 1 0.02 87.08 Polymerase chain reaction | 1 0.02 87.10 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based.. | 1 0.02 87.12 Pre-operative imagery is used to esta.. | 1 0.02 87.14 Pre-operative imagery, such as CT or .. | 1 0.02 87.16 Pre-surgical planning including trans.. | 1 0.02 87.17 Precision compression to proximal end.. | 1 0.02 87.19 Processing radiographic data to visua.. | 1 0.02 87.21 Produced through recombinant DNA tech.. | 1 0.02 87.23 Product forms a protective film that .. | 1 0.02 87.24 Product provides signal for cell diff.. | 1 0.02 87.26 Proposed hemostatic mechanism of acti.. | 1 0.02 87.28 Proposed hemostatic mechanisms of act.. | 1 0.02 87.30 Prosthesis, hip, semi-constrained, me.. | 1 0.02 87.31 Provide counter-pressure to the peria.. | 1 0.02 87.33 Provide low, positive pressure to the.. | 1 0.02 87.35 Provides a thin film barrier to sperm.. | 1 0.02 87.37 Provides fully subcutaneous access to.. | 1 0.02 87.38 Provides mechanical support to the tr.. | 1 0.02 87.40 Provides pressure via an inflatable b.. | 1 0.02 87.42 Provides structural support for the i.. | 1 0.02 87.44 Qualitative in vitro diagnostic assay.. | 1 0.02 87.45 Qualitative in vitro diagnostic assay.. | 1 0.02 87.47 Qualitative in vitro diagnostic assay.. | 1 0.02 87.49 Qualitative in vitro diagnostic devic.. | 1 0.02 87.51 Qualitative in vitro molecular diagno.. | 1 0.02 87.52 Qualitative in vitro molecular diagno.. | 1 0.02 87.54 Qualitative nucleic acid amplificatio.. | 1 0.02 87.56 Quantitative colorimetric assay | 1 0.02 87.58 Quantitative enzymatic activity assay | 1 0.02 87.59 Quantitative enzymatic activity assay. | 1 0.02 87.61 Quantitative enzymatic assay | 1 0.02 87.63 Quantitative fluorimetric enzymatic a.. | 1 0.02 87.65 Quantitative fluorimetric enzymatic a.. | 2 0.04 87.68 Quantitative sandwich monoclonal ELISA | 1 0.02 87.70 Quantitative, Homogenous Enzyme Immun.. | 1 0.02 87.72 RIA | 1 0.02 87.74 Radiations attenuating medical gloves.. | 1 0.02 87.75 Radiofrequency electrical current (i... | 1 0.02 87.77 Radioimmunoassay | 1 0.02 87.79 Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Assay using ra.. | 1 0.02 87.81 Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction A.. | 1 0.02 87.82 Real-time polymerase chain reaction (.. | 1 0.02 87.84 Receives and displays real-time patie.. | 1 0.02 87.86 Receives and displays real-time patie.. | 1 0.02 87.88 Records single-lead electrocardiogram.. | 1 0.02 87.89 Refraction index to determine total p.. | 1 0.02 87.91 Relative to the native shoulder joint.. | 1 0.02 87.93 Relies on a centrifugal field and may.. | 1 0.02 87.95 Resorbable fixation devices are deliv.. | 1 0.02 87.96 Reverse transcription + quantitative .. | 1 0.02 87.98 Sacral anterior root stimulator inten.. | 2 0.04 88.02 Sends out electrical current, monitor.. | 1 0.02 88.03 Sends ultrasonic radiation produced b.. | 1 0.02 88.05 Sensors applied to the body and softw.. | 1 0.02 88.07 Serum or urine are collected and anal.. | 1 0.02 88.09 Serves as physical barrier to the tra.. | 1 0.02 88.10 Signals from an implanted (subcutaneo.. | 1 0.02 88.12 Signals from an invasive (skin pierci.. | 2 0.04 88.16 Software | 1 0.02 88.17 Software accesses various instruments.. | 1 0.02 88.19 Software algorithm | 1 0.02 88.21 Software algorithms to perform necess.. | 1 0.02 88.23 Software analysis of EEG signals | 2 0.04 88.26 Software as a medical device designed.. | 1 0.02 88.28 Software driven | 1 0.02 88.30 Software operated by the manufacturer.. | 1 0.02 88.31 Special laser gas mixtures used as a .. | 1 0.02 88.33 Stimulated Cell Culture | 1 0.02 88.35 Stimulation of nerves using electrica.. | 1 0.02 88.37 Supplied as an oral rinse or as a gel.. | 1 0.02 88.39 Supplied as an oral rinse or as a gel.. | 1 0.02 88.40 Surgical implant | 1 0.02 88.42 Surgical replacement | 1 0.02 88.44 System identifies and enumerates spec.. | 1 0.02 88.46 System utilizes an Infrared Spectroph.. | 1 0.02 88.47 TBD | 1 0.02 88.49 Temporary balloon inflation in the de.. | 1 0.02 88.51 Temporary barrier against airborne co.. | 1 0.02 88.53 The 2D and 3D Mercy TAPE device combi.. | 1 0.02 88.54 The AeriSeal System is designed to pr.. | 1 0.02 88.56 The ELISA test result aids in the dia.. | 1 0.02 88.58 The Q Fever assay uses a real-time th.. | 1 0.02 88.60 The System consists of the hardware a.. | 1 0.02 88.61 The TAS ECT provides one stage test w.. | 1 0.02 88.63 The ablation catheter delivers energy.. | 1 0.02 88.65 The ablation catheter delivers energy.. | 1 0.02 88.67 The alarm activates when the clip (al.. | 1 0.02 88.68 The alarm activates when weight is ap.. | 1 0.02 88.70 The allograft heart valve replaces th.. | 1 0.02 88.72 The artificial iris reduces the light.. | 1 0.02 88.74 The assay detects hMPV antigens by im.. | 1 0.02 88.75 The assay uses fluorescence in situ h.. | 1 0.02 88.77 The assay uses fluorescence in situ h.. | 1 0.02 88.79 The balloon catheter is loaded throug.. | 1 0.02 88.81 The balloon catheter uses mechanical .. | 1 0.02 88.82 The balloon catheter uses mechanical .. | 1 0.02 88.84 The basin may be contoured to minimiz.. | 1 0.02 88.86 The blood is applied to the indicated.. | 1 0.02 88.88 The blood is drawn in the tube to be .. | 1 0.02 88.89 The blood is drawn into the collectio.. | 1 0.02 88.91 The blood pressure cuff wraps around .. | 1 0.02 88.93 The blood pump is driven by a motor a.. | 1 0.02 88.95 The blood pump is used to support the.. | 1 0.02 88.97 The catheter creates an arteriovenous.. | 1 0.02 88.98 The catheter introducer consist of a .. | 1 0.02 89.00 The catheter is inserted into the bod.. | 1 0.02 89.02 The catheter is inserted into the per.. | 1 0.02 89.04 The catheter uses sensors which direc.. | 1 0.02 89.05 The clinician passes the balloon thro.. | 1 0.02 89.07 The connector is attached to an enter.. | 1 0.02 89.09 The dental mouthguard is a removable .. | 1 0.02 89.11 The device consists of two component.. | 1 0.02 89.12 The device activates tear production .. | 2 0.04 89.16 The device adsorbs Beta 2-microglobul.. | 1 0.02 89.18 The device can be attached to a feedi.. | 1 0.02 89.19 The device combines data collected fr.. | 1 0.02 89.21 The device consists of a both a softw.. | 1 0.02 89.23 The device consists of a software com.. | 1 0.02 89.25 The device consists of known number o.. | 1 0.02 89.26 The device consists of wall-mounted v.. | 1 0.02 89.28 The device contains the insulin in a .. | 1 0.02 89.30 The device delivers a shock wave to t.. | 1 0.02 89.32 The device emits a light in a specifi.. | 1 0.02 89.33 The device energy source used to prov.. | 1 0.02 89.35 The device facilitates movement of on.. | 1 0.02 89.37 The device functions by applying ligh.. | 1 0.02 89.39 The device functions by providing vib.. | 1 0.02 89.40 The device functions independently pr.. | 1 0.02 89.42 The device functions independently pr.. | 2 0.04 89.46 The device functions independently, b.. | 1 0.02 89.47 The device introduces humidified high.. | 1 0.02 89.49 The device is a nitonal frame with a .. | 1 0.02 89.51 The device is a partially resorbable .. | 1 0.02 89.53 The device is a passive mesh wrap tha.. | 1 0.02 89.54 The device is a single-use ingestible.. | 1 0.02 89.56 The device is a software-based mobile.. | 1 0.02 89.58 The device is an implanted nerve stim.. | 1 0.02 89.60 The device is comprise of a hydrophil.. | 1 0.02 89.62 The device is delivered into the neur.. | 1 0.02 89.63 The device is designed to snap over a.. | 1 0.02 89.65 The device is electrically-powered, e.. | 1 0.02 89.67 The device is implanted in the bony v.. | 2 0.04 89.70 The device is implanted into the femu.. | 1 0.02 89.72 The device is inserted in the vagina .. | 1 0.02 89.74 The device is inserted into a patient.. | 1 0.02 89.76 The device is inserted into the arter.. | 1 0.02 89.77 The device is inserted into the esoph.. | 1 0.02 89.79 The device is inserted into the vascu.. | 1 0.02 89.81 The device is introduced into the lap.. | 1 0.02 89.83 The device is placed in the system wi.. | 1 0.02 89.84 The device is placed into the metatar.. | 1 0.02 89.86 The device is placed within the prepa.. | 1 0.02 89.88 The device is reversibly attached to .. | 1 0.02 89.90 The device is self-contained and cons.. | 1 0.02 89.91 The device is sterile, single-use sur.. | 1 0.02 89.93 The device is sutured into the intend.. | 1 0.02 89.95 The device is typically placed using .. | 1 0.02 89.97 The device is used as an instrument t.. | 1 0.02 89.98 The device is used with an implanted .. | 1 0.02 90.00 The device is used with either an end.. | 1 0.02 90.02 The device limits translation and rot.. | 1 0.02 90.04 The device may include an air identif.. | 1 0.02 90.05 The device may use one or more forms .. | 1 0.02 90.07 The device measures the position of t.. | 1 0.02 90.09 The device measures the time period b.. | 1 0.02 90.11 The device perfuses and ventilates th.. | 1 0.02 90.12 The device prevents dislocation in mo.. | 1 0.02 90.14 The device produces a low voltage ele.. | 2 0.04 90.18 The device provides mechanical suppor.. | 1 0.02 90.20 The device provides negative pressure.. | 1 0.02 90.21 The device temporarily improves the a.. | 1 0.02 90.23 The device treats type 2 diabetes thr.. | 1 0.02 90.25 The device uses a 6V cutter motor to .. | 1 0.02 90.27 The device uses acoustic reflection t.. | 1 0.02 90.28 The device uses stereo cameras to det.. | 1 0.02 90.30 The device utilizes a digital image/i.. | 1 0.02 90.32 The device utilizes multiplex fluores.. | 1 0.02 90.34 The device utilizes multiplex immunof.. | 1 0.02 90.35 The device works as an audio player p.. | 1 0.02 90.37 The devices navigate to the target lo.. | 1 0.02 90.39 The drainage cannula is inserted whic.. | 1 0.02 90.41 The essence of the device technology .. | 1 0.02 90.42 The examination PMMA contact lens is .. | 1 0.02 90.44 The external UES compression device i.. | 1 0.02 90.46 The eyelid cleaning device is a devic.. | 1 0.02 90.48 The gel temporarily obstructs the ure.. | 1 0.02 90.49 The grain-of-sand sized microsensor i.. | 1 0.02 90.51 The high cut-off technology hemodialy.. | 1 0.02 90.53 The hinged internal fixator secures t.. | 1 0.02 90.55 The imaging device is non-contact med.. | 1 0.02 90.56 The implanted bone void filler device.. | 1 0.02 90.58 The insufflator delivers CO2 gas at a.. | 1 0.02 90.60 The internal control template is a sy.. | 1 0.02 90.62 The intraocular lens is implanted wit.. | 1 0.02 90.63 The lamp is directed at the skin | 1 0.02 90.65 The laser console generates femtoseco.. | 1 0.02 90.67 The liquid is applied drop-wise to th.. | 1 0.02 90.69 The lockbox is an accessory to the Pe.. | 1 0.02 90.70 The material is cut to size, then lai.. | 1 0.02 90.72 The material is thermosensitive such .. | 1 0.02 90.74 The material polymerizes in the vesse.. | 1 0.02 90.76 The methadone test is an in vitro dia.. | 1 0.02 90.77 The mode of operation is through the .. | 1 0.02 90.79 The nasal punctum is probed with a fi.. | 1 0.02 90.81 The neuraxial connector is attached t.. | 1 0.02 90.83 The operator connects the device to t.. | 1 0.02 90.85 The outputs are pre-tuned to a partic.. | 1 0.02 90.86 The pediatric position holder is a de.. | 1 0.02 90.88 The peripheral intravenous (PIV) moni.. | 1 0.02 90.90 The platelet-derived growth factor co.. | 1 0.02 90.92 The pool/tub provides a water environ.. | 1 0.02 90.93 The powder is dispensed via an electr.. | 1 0.02 90.95 The product is applied to coat the su.. | 2 0.04 90.99 The pump is designed to pump fluid (i.. | 1 0.02 91.00 The reagent contains bispecific monoc.. | 1 0.02 91.02 The shock waves can be generated usin.. | 1 0.02 91.04 The skin is mechanically punctured to.. | 1 0.02 91.06 The solution is composed of iron nano.. | 1 0.02 91.07 The solution is intended to remove an.. | 1 0.02 91.09 The sponges expand upon contact with .. | 1 0.02 91.11 The staple provides physical support .. | 1 0.02 91.13 The sterilizer is a dual sterilant st.. | 1 0.02 91.14 The subject spinal rods and connector.. | 1 0.02 91.16 The surgeon attaches the ring with t.. | 1 0.02 91.18 The system analytically measures the .. | 1 0.02 91.20 The system employs a magnetic clearan.. | 1 0.02 91.21 The system is a personalized image-gu.. | 1 0.02 91.23 The system of distracting or compress.. | 1 0.02 91.25 The system of distracting rods and fi.. | 1 0.02 91.27 The system registers patient anatomy .. | 1 0.02 91.28 The system uses an air supply hose co.. | 1 0.02 91.30 The test is based on immunochromatogr.. | 1 0.02 91.32 The test is based on the detection of.. | 1 0.02 91.34 The test reagent contains an immunoas.. | 1 0.02 91.35 The test system uses amplification of.. | 1 0.02 91.37 The test system uses primers to ampli.. | 1 0.02 91.39 The test uses a multiplex reverse-tra.. | 1 0.02 91.41 The tester uses two testing modes: (1.. | 1 0.02 91.43 The urethral stent crosses a partiall.. | 1 0.02 91.44 The user obtains a blood sample and a.. | 1 0.02 91.46 The wound bed is dressed, fitted with.. | 1 0.02 91.48 The wound bed is dressed, fitted with.. | 1 0.02 91.50 These devices are indicated for patie.. | 1 0.02 91.51 These devices treat bradycardia (slow.. | 1 0.02 91.53 These devices treat tachycardia (fast.. | 1 0.02 91.55 These devices will be indicated for p.. | 1 0.02 91.57 These reagents provide multiparameter.. | 1 0.02 91.58 This device can function independentl.. | 1 0.02 91.60 This device deploys an anchor and sut.. | 1 0.02 91.62 This device is a single use percutane.. | 1 0.02 91.64 This device is intended to be implant.. | 1 0.02 91.65 This device is intended to be implant.. | 1 0.02 91.67 This device is intended to be implant.. | 1 0.02 91.69 This device is intended to be implant.. | 1 0.02 91.71 This device uses a molecular sieve (f.. | 1 0.02 91.72 This is a battery powered device. El.. | 1 0.02 91.74 This is a device that consists of a s.. | 1 0.02 91.76 This is a light based Non-Laser devic.. | 1 0.02 91.78 This is a powered light based but non.. | 1 0.02 91.79 This monitoring system for progress o.. | 1 0.02 91.81 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 91.85 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 91.86 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 91.88 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 91.90 This product code has been establishe.. | 15 0.26 92.16 This product code has been establishe.. | 87 1.53 93.69 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 93.71 This product code has been establishe.. | 103 1.81 95.52 This product code has been establishe.. | 18 0.32 95.84 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 95.85 This product code has been establishe.. | 5 0.09 95.94 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 95.98 This product code has been establishe.. | 3 0.05 96.03 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.05 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.06 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.08 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.10 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.12 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.13 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.15 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.17 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.19 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.20 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.22 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.24 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.26 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.27 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.29 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.31 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.33 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.35 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.36 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.38 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.40 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.42 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.43 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 96.45 To be implanted to replace a shoulder.. | 1 0.02 96.47 To be placed in the mouth and increas.. | 1 0.02 96.49 To provide volume fullness to the dor.. | 1 0.02 96.50 To select CD34+ hematopoietic progeni.. | 1 0.02 96.52 To the patients testes to oval beads .. | 1 0.02 96.54 Topical application | 1 0.02 96.56 Transfer set may include a swabbable .. | 1 0.02 96.57 Translates images of objects captured.. | 1 0.02 96.59 Transmit light at a known wavelength(.. | 1 0.02 96.61 Transparent, breathable fluid barrier.. | 1 0.02 96.63 Tube and Balloon with or without elec.. | 1 0.02 96.64 Typically attached to positive pressu.. | 1 0.02 96.66 Under patient control, the internal p.. | 1 0.02 96.68 Upon deployment into a lung biopsy tr.. | 1 0.02 96.70 Urinary Catheterization Kit (Excludes.. | 1 0.02 96.71 Urine is collected and analyzed for t.. | 1 0.02 96.73 Urine is collected in a collection cu.. | 1 0.02 96.75 Urine is diluted in acetonitrile and .. | 1 0.02 96.77 Urine sample assay. | 1 0.02 96.78 Use mechanical force to dilate cervix.. | 1 0.02 96.80 Use of a mask and a flow generator by.. | 1 0.02 96.82 Use of focused ultrasound | 1 0.02 96.84 Use of low level infrared laser radia.. | 1 0.02 96.85 Use of thermal energy to kill hair fo.. | 1 0.02 96.87 Use of visible and infrared optical r.. | 1 0.02 96.89 Used as manual surgical instruments f.. | 1 0.02 96.91 Used as part of a pacing system that .. | 1 0.02 96.92 Used as part of an implantable crt sy.. | 1 0.02 96.94 Used as part of an implantable defibr.. | 1 0.02 96.96 Used as part of an implantable pacema.. | 1 0.02 96.98 Used for dental crown restorations by.. | 1 0.02 97.00 Used independently for dilation or di.. | 1 0.02 97.01 Used to reinforce soft tissue defects.. | 1 0.02 97.03 Used with urogynecologic surgical mes.. | 1 0.02 97.05 Used with urogynecologic surgical mes.. | 1 0.02 97.07 Used with urogynecologic surgical mes.. | 1 0.02 97.08 User loads Computer software pre-Op t.. | 1 0.02 97.10 Uses Boyle's law in conjunction with .. | 1 0.02 97.12 Uses DNA genotyping technology to det.. | 1 0.02 97.14 Uses DNA genotyping technology to det.. | 1 0.02 97.15 Uses DNA genotyping technology to det.. | 1 0.02 97.17 Uses Gene expression and computer alg.. | 1 0.02 97.19 Uses Lens to improve the image of the.. | 1 0.02 97.21 Uses RF/microwave energy to heat the .. | 1 0.02 97.22 Uses RFID transponder and NFC to tra.. | 1 0.02 97.24 Uses a battery of objective cognitive.. | 1 0.02 97.26 Uses a chemical optical clearing agen.. | 1 0.02 97.28 Uses a detachable grasper that can be.. | 1 0.02 97.29 Uses a glucose monitoring system to m.. | 1 0.02 97.31 Uses a glucose monitoring system to m.. | 1 0.02 97.33 Uses a glucose monitoring system to m.. | 1 0.02 97.35 Uses a headset containing acceleromet.. | 1 0.02 97.36 Uses a helmet with sensors to record .. | 1 0.02 97.38 Uses a mechanical sliding probe, in c.. | 1 0.02 97.40 Uses a metallic implant, delivered th.. | 1 0.02 97.42 Uses a rigid base with cushioning pad.. | 1 0.02 97.43 Uses a software-based cognitive test .. | 1 0.02 97.45 Uses a special tissue preservation so.. | 1 0.02 97.47 Uses a specific combination of filter.. | 1 0.02 97.49 Uses active compression and decompres.. | 1 0.02 97.50 Uses amplification technology to dete.. | 1 0.02 97.52 Uses an array of pressure sensors and.. | 1 0.02 97.54 Uses an implanted neurostimulator to .. | 1 0.02 97.56 Uses centifugal and/or filtration met.. | 1 0.02 97.58 Uses centrifugal and/or filtration me.. | 1 0.02 97.59 Uses centrifugal and/or filtration me.. | 1 0.02 97.61 Uses centrifugal and/or filtration me.. | 1 0.02 97.63 Uses centrifugal methods to separate .. | 1 0.02 97.65 Uses centrifugation to separate cells.. | 1 0.02 97.66 Uses compression of the target area t.. | 1 0.02 97.68 Uses electrical stimulation to the do.. | 1 0.02 97.70 Uses electrodes (16 or more) placed o.. | 1 0.02 97.72 Uses electrodes (less than < 16) plac.. | 1 0.02 97.73 Uses electrodes placed on the scalp, .. | 1 0.02 97.75 Uses electronic stepper motors to ope.. | 1 0.02 97.77 Uses electronic stethoscopes placed i.. | 1 0.02 97.79 Uses enzyme-linked, immunosorbent ass.. | 1 0.02 97.80 Uses high intensity ultrasound to hea.. | 1 0.02 97.82 Uses immunohistochemical staining met.. | 1 0.02 97.84 Uses input from leads attached to or .. | 1 0.02 97.86 Uses light based energy delivered to .. | 1 0.02 97.87 Uses magnets advanced through esophag.. | 1 0.02 97.89 Uses mechanical force to inject bone.. | 1 0.02 97.91 Uses mechanical means to replace func.. | 1 0.02 97.93 Uses near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS.. | 1 0.02 97.94 Uses non-latex foam to cover wired mo.. | 1 0.02 97.96 Uses nucleic acid amplification techn.. | 1 0.02 97.98 Uses nucleic acid amplification techn.. | 1 0.02 98.00 Uses nucleic acid amplification techn.. | 1 0.02 98.01 Uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) .. | 1 0.02 98.03 Uses scale to meaure weight of plate .. | 1 0.02 98.05 Uses simple, transparent software alg.. | 1 0.02 98.07 Uses software algorithms as a tool to.. | 1 0.02 98.08 Uses software algorithms as a tool to.. | 1 0.02 98.10 Uses software algorithms that correla.. | 1 0.02 98.12 Uses software algorithms to analyze e.. | 1 0.02 98.14 Uses software algorithms to analyze f.. | 1 0.02 98.15 Uses software algorithms, developed f.. | 1 0.02 98.17 Uses target capture, transcription-me.. | 1 0.02 98.19 Uses ultrasound to visualize body cav.. | 1 0.02 98.21 Uses ultrasound transducers mounted o.. | 1 0.02 98.23 Utilizes denatured capillary electrop.. | 1 0.02 98.24 Utilizes nucleic acid probes and/or p.. | 1 0.02 98.26 Utilizes nucleic acid probes and/or p.. | 1 0.02 98.28 When not in use, the device encloses .. | 1 0.02 98.30 When placed in the cervical canal, th.. | 1 0.02 98.31 When placed in the cervical canal, th.. | 1 0.02 98.33 When placed in the corneal stroma out.. | 1 0.02 98.35 With a single vaginal incision, the s.. | 1 0.02 98.37 Works in conjunction with a steam ste.. | 1 0.02 98.38 Workstations prepare human specimens .. | 1 0.02 98.40 Wrapped around a portion of the subla.. | 1 0.02 98.42 a closed-loop system with a preset vo.. | 1 0.02 98.44 a qualitative in vitro diagnostic dev.. | 1 0.02 98.45 abdominal EMG surface electrodes that.. | 1 0.02 98.47 advances the patient's mandible in a .. | 1 0.02 98.49 after being sewn into annulus, the le.. | 1 0.02 98.51 antigens and antisera used for the de.. | 2 0.04 98.54 applied via enema bottle applicator, .. | 1 0.02 98.56 apply crogenic device | 1 0.02 98.58 attach to endoscope channel | 1 0.02 98.59 balloon with electrode sensors | 1 0.02 98.61 bridges both sides of the joint, prev.. | 1 0.02 98.63 chemical treatment with UVA illuminat.. | 1 0.02 98.65 comprised of a metal liner designed t.. | 1 0.02 98.66 data analysis system | 1 0.02 98.68 delivery of laser energy via a cannul.. | 1 0.02 98.70 device is placed inside a central ven.. | 1 0.02 98.72 direct application | 1 0.02 98.73 dual-site sandwich enzyme immunoassay.. | 1 0.02 98.75 electrical sacral nerve stimulation | 1 0.02 98.77 electricallly stimulates the heart du.. | 1 0.02 98.79 electromagnetic | 1 0.02 98.81 endoscope placed or mounted onto holder | 1 0.02 98.82 enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (EL.. | 1 0.02 98.84 fluorescence in situ hybridization (F.. | 2 0.04 98.88 for coarctation of the aorta | 1 0.02 98.89 for pre-surgical planning including t.. | 1 0.02 98.91 gas chromatography and pattern recogn.. | 1 0.02 98.93 immunoassay | 2 0.04 98.96 in vitro | 1 0.02 98.98 independently | 1 0.02 99.00 indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) | 1 0.02 99.02 indirect immunofluorescent technology | 1 0.02 99.03 inserted manually through the vagina .. | 1 0.02 99.05 inserted manually through the vaginal.. | 1 0.02 99.07 inserted through mouth or laparoscopi.. | 1 0.02 99.09 instrument guided laparoscopically or.. | 1 0.02 99.10 instrument guided through endoscope t.. | 1 0.02 99.12 instrument guided through rectum into.. | 1 0.02 99.14 intended to facilitate hernia mesh de.. | 1 0.02 99.16 intended use of this classification. | 1 0.02 99.17 interventional | 1 0.02 99.19 intranasal device that creates expira.. | 1 0.02 99.21 intravascular embolization | 1 0.02 99.23 it applies a low energy direct curren.. | 1 0.02 99.24 made of all construction materials | 1 0.02 99.26 manual dispenser | 1 0.02 99.28 material is isolated from prokaryotic.. | 1 0.02 99.30 mechanical, electro-mechanical, softw.. | 1 0.02 99.31 microwave based system | 1 0.02 99.33 mmunoassay, other | 1 0.02 99.35 n/a | 2 0.04 99.38 percutaneous implantation | 1 0.02 99.40 percutaneous puncture and interventio.. | 1 0.02 99.42 percutaneous venous puncture and inte.. | 1 0.02 99.44 permanent implant placed transabdomin.. | 1 0.02 99.46 permanent implant placed transvaginal.. | 1 0.02 99.47 permanently implantable sling placed .. | 1 0.02 99.49 physically maintains the portable liq.. | 1 0.02 99.51 place through endoscope to attract, c.. | 1 0.02 99.53 placed or injected in bony defects | 1 0.02 99.54 placed through working channel of end.. | 1 0.02 99.56 placed under the urethra transvaginal.. | 1 0.02 99.58 plastic, non-sterile, single use plun.. | 1 0.02 99.60 precipitates upon application resulti.. | 1 0.02 99.61 provide electric stimulation to the m.. | 1 0.02 99.63 provides electrical stimulation for d.. | 1 0.02 99.65 provides mechanism for attachment to .. | 1 0.02 99.67 provides tension between the papilary.. | 1 0.02 99.68 pumps part or all of the patient's bl.. | 1 0.02 99.70 qualitative nucleic acid amplificatio.. | 1 0.02 99.72 quality control material | 1 0.02 99.74 quantitative real-time polymerase cha.. | 1 0.02 99.75 release of fat and lipids from adipoc.. | 1 0.02 99.77 self disinfecting computer keyboard a.. | 1 0.02 99.79 self injected needle | 1 0.02 99.81 soft material restraint to be secured.. | 1 0.02 99.82 submucosal injection via endoscopy | 1 0.02 99.84 surgically implanted | 1 0.02 99.86 the adhesive is introduced into the f.. | 1 0.02 99.88 the barrier may be either placed in t.. | 1 0.02 99.89 tubing and tubing/filter fits which o.. | 1 0.02 99.91 use of low level laser energy to crea.. | 1 0.02 99.93 used as a substitute for autograft wh.. | 1 0.02 99.95 uses screws and plates to stabilize s.. | 1 0.02 99.96 x | 2 0.04 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for targetarea variable in foiclass244 dataset : Target Area | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- | 4,502 79.11 79.11 . | 1 0.02 79.12 : for testing cervicovaginal fluid sp.. | 1 0.02 79.14 A powered corneal burr is an AC-power.. | 2 0.04 79.18 A small volume (up to 120cc) of local.. | 1 0.02 79.20 A tympanic membrane contact hearing a.. | 1 0.02 79.21 A ventricular bypass (assist) device .. | 1 0.02 79.23 Abdomen | 3 0.05 79.28 Abdominal cavity. | 2 0.04 79.32 Abdominal wall | 3 0.05 79.37 Abdominoplasty tissue flaps | 1 0.02 79.39 Abductor hallucis and abductor halluc.. | 1 0.02 79.41 Acetabulum | 2 0.04 79.44 Afferent cranial nerves. | 1 0.02 79.46 Affixed to packaging of a device. | 1 0.02 79.48 Alverolar ridge of maxillary and mand.. | 1 0.02 79.49 An area in need of plastic and recons.. | 1 0.02 79.51 An in vitro diagnostic device used as.. | 1 0.02 79.53 An isolation gown covers the torso an.. | 1 0.02 79.55 An upper esophageal sphincter (UES) c.. | 1 0.02 79.56 Ankle | 1 0.02 79.58 Anorectal, enterocutaneous, and recto.. | 2 0.04 79.62 Anterior column of lumbar or cervical.. | 1 0.02 79.63 Anterior lens capsule of the eye. | 1 0.02 79.65 Anterior limb of the internal capsule.. | 1 0.02 79.67 Anterior spinal column | 1 0.02 79.69 Anus, hemorrhoids | 1 0.02 79.70 Any area of the heart with an implant.. | 1 0.02 79.72 Any external location on the skin or .. | 1 0.02 79.74 Aorta | 2 0.04 79.78 Aortic arch or aortic arch branch ves.. | 1 0.02 79.79 Aortic valve | 1 0.02 79.81 Aortic valve. | 1 0.02 79.83 Applied to skin on neck to measure CVP | 1 0.02 79.85 Area below the head. | 1 0.02 79.86 Area with Cellulite, Fibrous Septae, .. | 1 0.02 79.88 Areas in need of plastic and reconstr.. | 2 0.04 79.92 Areas in need of sutures | 3 0.05 79.97 Areas of the body for treatment such .. | 1 0.02 79.99 Arteriovenous fistulas created in the.. | 1 0.02 80.00 Assay | 1 0.02 80.02 Atretic esophageal ends | 1 0.02 80.04 Atypical pigmented lesions | 1 0.02 80.06 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia | 1 0.02 80.07 Bed | 1 0.02 80.09 Bile ducts | 1 0.02 80.11 Bladder neck and proximal urethra | 1 0.02 80.13 Blood | 4 0.07 80.20 Blood Serum | 1 0.02 80.21 Blood drawn from peripheral veins, AA.. | 1 0.02 80.23 Blood drawn from peripheral veins, PR.. | 1 0.02 80.25 Blood drawn from peripheral veins, PR.. | 1 0.02 80.27 Blood drawn from peripheral veins, PR.. | 1 0.02 80.28 Blood serum | 5 0.09 80.37 Blood vessel | 1 0.02 80.39 Blood, serum, and plasma | 1 0.02 80.41 Blood, serum, or plasma | 1 0.02 80.43 Bone marrow and peripheral blood aspr.. | 1 0.02 80.44 Bone marrow aspirates obtained from t.. | 1 0.02 80.46 Bone marrow drawn from iliac crest or.. | 1 0.02 80.48 Bone or tissue sites where tunnels or.. | 1 0.02 80.50 Bone that has an atrophic nonunion fr.. | 1 0.02 80.51 Bones of the extremities | 1 0.02 80.53 Brain | 15 0.26 80.79 Brain tissue | 1 0.02 80.81 Breast | 1 0.02 80.83 Breast milk | 1 0.02 80.85 Breasts, soft tissue | 1 0.02 80.86 Breath samples from patients | 1 0.02 80.88 Bronchial thermoplasty systems target.. | 1 0.02 80.90 Cancer tumor | 1 0.02 80.92 Capillary whole blood for in vitro di.. | 1 0.02 80.93 Capillary whole blood, in vitro diagn.. | 1 0.02 80.95 Cardiac apical tissue | 1 0.02 80.97 Cardiac structures | 1 0.02 80.99 Cardiac tissue. | 1 0.02 81.01 Cardiovascular anatomy and physiology. | 2 0.04 81.04 Cardiovascular system. | 1 0.02 81.06 Central nervous system (CNS) subarach.. | 1 0.02 81.08 Central nervous system, cardiopulmona.. | 1 0.02 81.09 Central venous system | 1 0.02 81.11 Cerebral cortex | 2 0.04 81.15 Cervical canal | 2 0.04 81.18 Cervical carcinoma | 1 0.02 81.20 Cervical spine | 1 0.02 81.22 Cervicovaginal fluid samples | 1 0.02 81.23 Cervicovaginal specimens are collecte.. | 1 0.02 81.25 Chest - skin contact. | 1 0.02 81.27 Chest wall | 3 0.05 81.32 Circulatory pulse | 2 0.04 81.36 Clinical specimens from patients susp.. | 1 0.02 81.37 Clinical specimens from patients susp.. | 1 0.02 81.39 Connects to the patient's blood stream | 1 0.02 81.41 Contents typically includes: Ear pie.. | 1 0.02 81.43 Cord blood is collected from neonatal.. | 1 0.02 81.44 Cornea of the eye | 1 0.02 81.46 Cornea of the eye. | 1 0.02 81.48 Corneal stroma | 1 0.02 81.50 Coronary Vasculature | 1 0.02 81.51 Coronary arteries | 1 0.02 81.53 Coronary arteries. | 1 0.02 81.55 Coronary or peripheral arteries. | 1 0.02 81.57 Coronary vasculature | 1 0.02 81.58 Covers the nose and mouth of the wearer | 1 0.02 81.60 Cranial and occipital nerve branches. | 1 0.02 81.62 Cranial bone | 1 0.02 81.64 Cranium | 1 0.02 81.66 Cranium, Skull | 3 0.05 81.71 Cranium, skull | 1 0.02 81.73 Currently this type of device is only.. | 1 0.02 81.74 Currently, this type of device is onl.. | 1 0.02 81.76 Cutaneous lesions | 1 0.02 81.78 DNA | 1 0.02 81.80 Deep Brain Structures | 1 0.02 81.81 Detection and determination of procal.. | 1 0.02 81.83 Detection and determination the conce.. | 1 0.02 81.85 Determination of oral direct thrombin.. | 1 0.02 81.87 Device can be used two different way.. | 1 0.02 81.88 Device does not act on any part of th.. | 1 0.02 81.90 Device is an extracorporeal device tr.. | 1 0.02 81.92 Device is intended to be used in long.. | 1 0.02 81.94 Device is not act on any part of body.. | 1 0.02 81.95 Device is swallowed, and passes throu.. | 1 0.02 81.97 Diabetes | 1 0.02 81.99 Diagnostics | 1 0.02 82.01 Diaphragm | 2 0.04 82.04 Digestive tract. | 1 0.02 82.06 Direct clinical speciemns or cell cul.. | 1 0.02 82.08 Direct filling of teeth. | 1 0.02 82.09 Donor lungs | 2 0.04 82.13 Dorsum (back) of the hand | 1 0.02 82.15 Double balloon catheter deployed in t.. | 1 0.02 82.16 Ear, nose and throat | 1 0.02 82.18 Elbow | 1 0.02 82.20 Electrical stimulation of the lower b.. | 1 0.02 82.22 Electrical stimulation of the urinary.. | 1 0.02 82.24 Electrodes are placed on the skin in .. | 1 0.02 82.25 Electrodes are placed on the skin in .. | 1 0.02 82.27 Electrodes are placed on the skin to .. | 1 0.02 82.29 Embedded in removable oral appliances | 1 0.02 82.31 Endoscopes and disinfectant solution | 1 0.02 82.32 Enteric nervous system | 1 0.02 82.34 Enterovirus (EV) RNA (enterovirus gen.. | 1 0.02 82.36 Entire body surface | 1 0.02 82.38 Entire integumentary (skin) system | 1 0.02 82.39 Eustachian tube | 1 0.02 82.41 Export Only | 2 0.04 82.45 External anal sphincter. | 1 0.02 82.46 External communicating device in cont.. | 2 0.04 82.50 External to the body around the abdom.. | 1 0.02 82.52 Extremities | 1 0.02 82.53 Eye | 6 0.11 82.64 Eye. | 1 0.02 82.66 Eyelid | 1 0.02 82.67 Eyelid, eyelid area | 1 0.02 82.69 Eyes | 1 0.02 82.71 Face | 2 0.04 82.74 Femur of amputee patients | 1 0.02 82.76 Fertility, diagnosis | 1 0.02 82.78 Finger nails and toe nails. | 1 0.02 82.80 Finger tips | 1 0.02 82.81 Flexible and Rigid Choledochoscope Kit | 1 0.02 82.83 Flexible gastrointestinal endoscopes | 1 0.02 82.85 Foley Catheter Kit (Excludes HIV Test.. | 1 0.02 82.87 For devices to be used in dental surg.. | 1 0.02 82.89 For in vitro diagnostic use only | 1 0.02 82.90 For management of chronic, acute, tra.. | 1 0.02 82.92 For management of chronic, acute, tra.. | 1 0.02 82.94 For use in chest areas following thor.. | 1 0.02 82.96 For various anatomic locations includ.. | 1 0.02 82.97 Forehead, scalp | 1 0.02 82.99 Fresh frozen tumor tissue sections | 1 0.02 83.01 Frozen plasma | 1 0.02 83.03 Fundus images of the macula and optic.. | 1 0.02 83.04 GI | 3 0.05 83.10 GI tract | 1 0.02 83.11 Gametes and embryos | 1 0.02 83.13 Gastrointestinal system | 1 0.02 83.15 Gastrointestinal tract | 2 0.04 83.18 Gastrointestinal tract, digestive tra.. | 1 0.02 83.20 General soft tissues in the body. | 1 0.02 83.22 General wellness product as detailed .. | 1 0.02 83.24 Gi tract | 1 0.02 83.25 Glove | 3 0.05 83.31 Hands, arms, or chest. | 1 0.02 83.32 Has not been shown to be effective fo.. | 1 0.02 83.34 Head | 3 0.05 83.39 Head, face and/or neck | 1 0.02 83.41 Head: Ear and Cochlea | 1 0.02 83.43 Heart | 5 0.09 83.52 Heart and vasculature | 1 0.02 83.54 Heart and vasculature (coronary and p.. | 1 0.02 83.55 Heart. | 2 0.04 83.59 Heart; Cardiovascular System | 1 0.02 83.61 Helicobacter pylori in paraffin-embed.. | 1 0.02 83.62 Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells-aphere.. | 1 0.02 83.64 Hemodialysis Tray | 1 0.02 83.66 Heparin lock device or central venous.. | 1 0.02 83.68 High level disinfection of reusable, .. | 1 0.02 83.69 Hip | 2 0.04 83.73 Holding Chambers contact the mouth. .. | 1 0.02 83.75 Hospital Information Systems | 1 0.02 83.76 Hospital beds, wheelchairs, stretchers. | 1 0.02 83.78 Human tissue biopsy specimen. | 1 0.02 83.80 Human Clinical Samples (e.g., pustula.. | 1 0.02 83.82 Human Embryos | 1 0.02 83.83 Human biological specimens. | 1 0.02 83.85 Human body surface areas | 1 0.02 83.87 Human bone marrow aspirate or periphe.. | 1 0.02 83.89 Human clinical samples | 1 0.02 83.90 Human clinical samples e.g., blood se.. | 1 0.02 83.92 Human clinical specimens of periphera.. | 1 0.02 83.94 Human fluid | 1 0.02 83.96 Human head including hair scalp | 1 0.02 83.97 Human peripheral blood | 1 0.02 83.99 Human peripheral blood, serum | 1 0.02 84.01 Human peripheral whole blood or clini.. | 1 0.02 84.03 Human semen | 1 0.02 84.04 Human serum | 2 0.04 84.08 Human serum / plasma | 1 0.02 84.10 Human serum and EDTA or heparin plasm.. | 1 0.02 84.12 Human serum or plasma or whole blood .. | 1 0.02 84.13 Human serum or plasma. | 1 0.02 84.15 Human specimens | 2 0.04 84.19 Human specimens collected by the user. | 1 0.02 84.20 Human specimens, urine | 1 0.02 84.22 Human tissue from known cancer patien.. | 1 0.02 84.24 Human whole blood | 1 0.02 84.26 IVD | 8 0.14 84.40 Identification and differentiation of.. | 1 0.02 84.41 Identification of microorganisms cult.. | 1 0.02 84.43 Iliac arteries | 1 0.02 84.45 Implanted blood access device | 1 0.02 84.47 Implanted in the chest or abdomen, an.. | 1 0.02 84.48 In Vitro | 2 0.04 84.52 In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) | 1 0.02 84.54 In Vitro Diagnostics | 1 0.02 84.55 In accordance with FDA approved label.. | 1 0.02 84.57 In accordance with FDA approved label.. | 1 0.02 84.59 In vitro diagnostic device | 8 0.14 84.73 In vitro diagnostic test usinh human .. | 1 0.02 84.75 In vitro diagnostic use | 1 0.02 84.77 In vitro specimen | 13 0.23 84.99 In-vitro diagnostic test | 2 0.04 85.03 Including but not limited to abdomina.. | 1 0.02 85.05 Indicated for use for severely bleedi.. | 1 0.02 85.06 Infant craniums | 1 0.02 85.08 Intact human skin | 1 0.02 85.10 Intended for delivery of pill type me.. | 1 0.02 85.12 Intended to be placed on the skin, at.. | 1 0.02 85.13 Interstitial fluid | 2 0.04 85.17 Interstitial fluid. | 1 0.02 85.19 Intervertebral disc space | 2 0.04 85.22 Intervertebral disc space from L3 to .. | 1 0.02 85.24 Intervertebral disc space. | 1 0.02 85.26 Intracardiac. | 1 0.02 85.27 Intramuscular or subcutaneous. | 1 0.02 85.29 Intraoral | 1 0.02 85.31 Intraoral soft tissues. | 1 0.02 85.33 Intraoral surgical procedures in the .. | 1 0.02 85.35 Intraoral. | 1 0.02 85.36 Intravascular | 1 0.02 85.38 It is a respirator. | 1 0.02 85.40 It is for in vitro diagnostic tests. | 1 0.02 85.42 It is used to treat a tooth during a .. | 1 0.02 85.43 Junctional, non-compressible wounds i.. | 1 0.02 85.45 Knee | 2 0.04 85.49 Laboratory test | 1 0.02 85.50 Left atrial appendage of the heart. | 1 0.02 85.52 Leg, saphenous vein or arm, radial ar.. | 1 0.02 85.54 Lesions in peripheral arteries includ.. | 1 0.02 85.56 Like all IOLs, an EDF IOL is implante.. | 1 0.02 85.57 Limited to endoscopic systems for obs.. | 1 0.02 85.59 Limited to endoscopic systems for obs.. | 1 0.02 85.61 Lips | 1 0.02 85.63 Long bone growth plates only. Spinal.. | 1 0.02 85.64 Lower extremities (pelvis through foot) | 1 0.02 85.66 Lower legs | 1 0.02 85.68 Lung and airways. | 1 0.02 85.70 Lung, airways, nasal passages | 1 0.02 85.71 Lungs | 1 0.02 85.73 Mainly on the face, but can be on the.. | 1 0.02 85.75 Makes contact with the heart (endocar.. | 1 0.02 85.77 Makes contact with the heart (myocard.. | 1 0.02 85.78 Makes contact with the lv via the lef.. | 1 0.02 85.80 Male External Catheterization Kit (Ex.. | 1 0.02 85.82 Male genitals | 1 0.02 85.84 Mastoid bone | 1 0.02 85.85 Maternal abdomen and uterus | 1 0.02 85.87 Matrices: whole blood, sputum, colony.. | 1 0.02 85.89 Maxilla and mandibular jaw bone. | 1 0.02 85.91 May include peripheral whole blood sp.. | 1 0.02 85.93 Mitral and Tricuspid valve apparatus. | 1 0.02 85.94 Mostly intended to be used on the hum.. | 1 0.02 85.96 Mouth | 3 0.05 86.01 Musculoskeletal system | 1 0.02 86.03 N/A | 16 0.28 86.31 NA | 2 0.04 86.35 Nasal aspect of orbital rim | 1 0.02 86.36 Nasal septum. | 1 0.02 86.38 Nasopharynx | 1 0.02 86.40 Near rescuer (non patient contact) on.. | 1 0.02 86.42 Neural tissues in the spine. | 1 0.02 86.43 Neurovascular arteries | 1 0.02 86.45 Neurovasculature | 3 0.05 86.51 Newborn dried blood spot specimens | 3 0.05 86.56 Newborn dried blood spot specimens. | 2 0.04 86.59 No target area, IVD | 1 0.02 86.61 Non-cervical spine (T1-S1) | 1 0.02 86.63 None | 1 0.02 86.65 Noninvasive | 1 0.02 86.66 Normally any body cavity following su.. | 1 0.02 86.68 Nose | 1 0.02 86.70 Nose. | 1 0.02 86.72 Not Applicable | 3 0.05 86.77 Not Applicable, the device is an In v.. | 1 0.02 86.79 Not Applicable. In vitro diagnostic d.. | 1 0.02 86.80 Not applicable | 10 0.18 86.98 Not applicable - Single or multi-anal.. | 1 0.02 87.00 Not applicable in vitro use | 2 0.04 87.03 Not applicable. | 2 0.04 87.07 Not meant to act on a specific part o.. | 2 0.04 87.10 Not meant to act on a specific part o.. | 1 0.02 87.12 Not used in the body: Used in hospita.. | 1 0.02 87.14 Note: In addition to compliance with.. | 1 0.02 87.16 Nucleic acids | 1 0.02 87.17 Nucleic acids of Candida species. | 1 0.02 87.19 Nucleic acids of bacteria | 1 0.02 87.21 Occult blood in human stool. | 1 0.02 87.23 Oral Cavity | 2 0.04 87.26 Oral cavity | 3 0.05 87.31 Oral cavity. | 1 0.02 87.33 Oral mucosal tissue | 2 0.04 87.37 Organs, veins, arteries and other int.. | 1 0.02 87.38 Orthopedic Joints | 1 0.02 87.40 Orthopedic Surgery - Hard tissue. | 1 0.02 87.42 Orthopedic joint. | 1 0.02 87.44 Orthopedic joints and spinal procedur.. | 1 0.02 87.45 Over or in proximity to affected joint. | 1 0.02 87.47 PDZ ligands (PL) of NS1 protein | 1 0.02 87.49 Pacemaker/ICD/CRT devices are intende.. | 1 0.02 87.51 Patient serum | 1 0.02 87.52 Patient's citrated whole blood | 1 0.02 87.54 Patient's nose/mouth area. | 1 0.02 87.56 Patient's oral cavity | 1 0.02 87.58 Patients with heart transplants | 1 0.02 87.59 Pediatric spine | 1 0.02 87.61 Pediatric spine. | 1 0.02 87.63 Pediatrics | 1 0.02 87.65 Perianal region | 1 0.02 87.66 Peripheral Blood | 1 0.02 87.68 Peripheral Vasculature | 1 0.02 87.70 Peripheral arteries and arteriovenous.. | 1 0.02 87.72 Peripheral blood | 2 0.04 87.75 Peripheral human blood, serum | 1 0.02 87.77 Peripheral human whole blood or bone .. | 1 0.02 87.79 Peripheral human whole blood or human.. | 1 0.02 87.81 Peripheral human whole blood specimens | 1 0.02 87.82 Peripheral vasculature | 2 0.04 87.86 Peripheral vasculature (vein), inferi.. | 1 0.02 87.88 Peripheral vasculature exclusive of c.. | 1 0.02 87.89 Peripheral whole blood specimens, lym.. | 1 0.02 87.91 Peritoneal Cavity. | 1 0.02 87.93 Phrenic nerve | 1 0.02 87.95 Pill | 1 0.02 87.96 Plasma components are removed to aid .. | 1 0.02 87.98 Plasmodium spp. antigens in whole blood | 1 0.02 88.00 Plastic/paper card, plate, slide or m.. | 1 0.02 88.02 Posterior thoracic and lumbar spine | 1 0.02 88.03 Posterior thorax to record sounds ema.. | 1 0.02 88.05 Posterior, non-cervical spinal column.. | 1 0.02 88.07 Prepared bone canal in the posterior .. | 1 0.02 88.09 Prostate | 3 0.05 88.14 Prostate, rectum. | 1 0.02 88.16 Prostate. | 1 0.02 88.17 Prostatic urethra. | 1 0.02 88.19 Renal and Cardiac Transplant Patients | 1 0.02 88.21 Respiratory Tract | 1 0.02 88.23 Respiratory clinical specimens from p.. | 1 0.02 88.24 Respiratory specimens from patients w.. | 1 0.02 88.26 Retina and ocular structures | 1 0.02 88.28 Right atrium | 1 0.02 88.30 Salivary gland | 1 0.02 88.31 Scars on the skin | 1 0.02 88.33 Serum | 1 0.02 88.35 Serum (blood) sample | 1 0.02 88.37 Serum or plasma | 1 0.02 88.39 Serum or urine. | 1 0.02 88.40 Serum samples | 1 0.02 88.42 Shoulder | 1 0.02 88.44 Shoulder joint | 1 0.02 88.46 Shoulder. Proximal humerus. | 1 0.02 88.47 Sinus | 1 0.02 88.49 Skeletal system (extremities, postero.. | 1 0.02 88.51 Skin | 3 0.05 88.56 Skin surface. | 1 0.02 88.58 Skin surrounding a planned surgical i.. | 1 0.02 88.60 Skin, face, and body. | 1 0.02 88.61 Skin. | 1 0.02 88.63 Small airways and collateral air chan.. | 1 0.02 88.65 Smears made from positive blood cultu.. | 1 0.02 88.67 Soft Tissue. | 1 0.02 88.68 Software | 1 0.02 88.70 Software. | 1 0.02 88.72 Spacers contact the mouth. The drug .. | 1 0.02 88.74 Special laser gas mixtures used as a .. | 1 0.02 88.75 Specific RNA segments | 1 0.02 88.77 Sperm, uterine horn, vagina and embry.. | 1 0.02 88.79 Spinal nerve roots or peripheral nerves | 1 0.02 88.81 Spine | 1 0.02 88.82 Sputum | 1 0.02 88.84 Stenotic lesions or thrombotic occlus.. | 1 0.02 88.86 Stimulation to the head. | 1 0.02 88.88 Stomach, esophagogastroduodenoscopy | 1 0.02 88.89 Stool samples | 1 0.02 88.91 Subcutaneous tissue. The device is ge.. | 1 0.02 88.93 Surgical procedures other than ophtha.. | 1 0.02 88.95 Surgical site. | 1 0.02 88.97 Sutured into the heart in the locatio.. | 1 0.02 88.98 Synthetic and/or native arteriovenous.. | 1 0.02 89.00 Systemic | 3 0.05 89.05 Systemic blood culture | 1 0.02 89.07 Systemic viral infection | 1 0.02 89.09 Systemic, Whole blood, sputum, | 1 0.02 89.11 Systemic, blood | 1 0.02 89.12 TBD | 1 0.02 89.14 Target Area Clinical whole blood smea.. | 1 0.02 89.16 Target area depends on intended targe.. | 1 0.02 89.18 Target area is according to the appro.. | 1 0.02 89.19 Teeth | 1 0.02 89.21 Tendon | 3 0.05 89.26 Testing of plasma | 1 0.02 89.28 The accessory is intended for use wit.. | 1 0.02 89.30 The aortic valve of the heart. | 1 0.02 89.32 The arms and/or legs of the subject | 1 0.02 89.33 The assay is performed by testing hum.. | 1 0.02 89.35 The assay is performed by testing hum.. | 1 0.02 89.37 The catheter is inserted in the perip.. | 1 0.02 89.39 The collection cup is place under the.. | 1 0.02 89.40 The cuff is placed either over the up.. | 1 0.02 89.42 The device can be used only when it i.. | 1 0.02 89.44 The device delivers augmented volumes.. | 1 0.02 89.46 The device generally targets foot ski.. | 1 0.02 89.47 The device generally targets skin (in.. | 3 0.05 89.53 The device generally targets skin (in.. | 1 0.02 89.54 The device is an in-vitro diagnostic .. | 2 0.04 89.58 The device is an in-vitro diagnostic .. | 4 0.07 89.65 The device is an in-vitro diagnostic .. | 1 0.02 89.67 The device is currently used only on .. | 1 0.02 89.69 The device is implanted into the meta.. | 1 0.02 89.70 The device is inserted into the esoph.. | 1 0.02 89.72 The device is inserted into the vascu.. | 1 0.02 89.74 The device is intended for intravenou.. | 1 0.02 89.76 The device is intended for laparoscop.. | 1 0.02 89.77 The device is intended to be included.. | 1 0.02 89.79 The device is intended to be used on .. | 1 0.02 89.81 The device is intended to be worn on .. | 1 0.02 89.83 The device is intended to occlude a s.. | 1 0.02 89.84 The device is intended to protect the.. | 1 0.02 89.86 The device is intended to provided ps.. | 1 0.02 89.88 The device is meant to act topically .. | 1 0.02 89.90 The device is placed in the urethra. | 1 0.02 89.91 The device is placed in-line between .. | 1 0.02 89.93 The device is to replace the hip joint. | 1 0.02 89.95 The device is used on intact skin. | 1 0.02 89.97 The device is used on the side of the.. | 2 0.04 90.00 The device is worn over the nose and .. | 1 0.02 90.02 The device is worn over the nose and .. | 1 0.02 90.04 The device target area is systemic du.. | 1 0.02 90.05 The eye | 1 0.02 90.07 The gastrointestinal tract | 1 0.02 90.09 The hinged internal fixator is intend.. | 1 0.02 90.11 The implant is to be placed at the pr.. | 1 0.02 90.12 The instructions are verbally relayed.. | 1 0.02 90.14 The magnetic controller is kept exter.. | 1 0.02 90.16 The neuraxial space | 1 0.02 90.18 The orchidometer is held next to the .. | 1 0.02 90.20 The oropharyngeal space. | 1 0.02 90.21 The outer ear and the ear canal. | 1 0.02 90.23 The product is designed to coat surfa.. | 1 0.02 90.25 The product is utilized in the hindfo.. | 1 0.02 90.27 The prostate gland | 1 0.02 90.28 The pump is placed on the victim's ch.. | 1 0.02 90.30 The scalp | 1 0.02 90.32 The target area is the eye (lid, orbi.. | 1 0.02 90.34 The target area is the eye. | 1 0.02 90.35 The target area is the eyelid margins. | 1 0.02 90.37 The target area is the pulmonary valv.. | 1 0.02 90.39 The target area is the surface of the.. | 1 0.02 90.41 The target area is the tracheobronchi.. | 1 0.02 90.42 The target area is the tracheobronchi.. | 1 0.02 90.44 The target area is the ureter. | 1 0.02 90.46 The target area of the body is a toot.. | 1 0.02 90.48 The teeth | 1 0.02 90.49 The test system is an in vitro diagno.. | 1 0.02 90.51 The urinary bladder. | 1 0.02 90.53 These devices are indicated for patie.. | 1 0.02 90.55 These devices are restricted to the n.. | 1 0.02 90.56 These devices treat bradycardia (slow.. | 1 0.02 90.58 These devices treat tachycardia (fast.. | 1 0.02 90.60 These devices will be indicated for p.. | 1 0.02 90.62 Thigh | 1 0.02 90.63 This device is has no patient contact. | 1 0.02 90.65 This device is intended to provide ox.. | 1 0.02 90.67 This device is used in the right atri.. | 1 0.02 90.69 This is intended for the anterior, ce.. | 1 0.02 90.70 This monitoring system for progress o.. | 1 0.02 90.72 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 90.76 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 90.77 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 90.79 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 90.81 This product code has been establishe.. | 15 0.26 91.07 This product code has been establishe.. | 87 1.53 92.60 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 92.62 This product code has been establishe.. | 103 1.81 94.43 This product code has been establishe.. | 18 0.32 94.75 This product code has been establishe.. | 1 0.02 94.76 This product code has been establishe.. | 5 0.09 94.85 This product code has been establishe.. | 2 0.04 94.89 This product code has been establishe.. | 3 0.05 94.94 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 94.96 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 94.97 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 94.99 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.01 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.03 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.04 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.06 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.08 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.10 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.12 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.13 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.15 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.17 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.19 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.20 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.22 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.24 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.26 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.27 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.29 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.31 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.33 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.34 This product code is the class II exe.. | 1 0.02 95.36 Thoracic or lumbar vertebral bodies | 2 0.04 95.40 Throat Swab Specimen | 2 0.04 95.43 Tissue intended to be removed surgica.. | 1 0.02 95.45 To be placed across the anal sphincter. | 1 0.02 95.47 To be used on the head. The testing .. | 1 0.02 95.48 Toe nail of the patients with onychom.. | 1 0.02 95.50 Trachea | 1 0.02 95.52 Trunk and extremities | 1 0.02 95.54 Tunneled Catheters with tissue ingrow.. | 1 0.02 95.55 Ultrasonic transducers | 2 0.04 95.59 Urethra, vagina, pelvic floor | 1 0.02 95.61 Urinary Bladder | 1 0.02 95.62 Urinary Catheterization Kit (Excludes.. | 1 0.02 95.64 Urine | 4 0.07 95.71 Urine. | 1 0.02 95.73 Urological | 1 0.02 95.75 Urology | 1 0.02 95.77 Usually the forearm but could be plac.. | 1 0.02 95.78 Uterine cervix | 1 0.02 95.80 Uterus | 1 0.02 95.82 Vagina and/or penis | 1 0.02 95.84 Vagina, pelvic floor, uterus | 1 0.02 95.85 Vaginal canal. | 1 0.02 95.87 Vaginal placement for compression of .. | 1 0.02 95.89 Vaginal, cervical,endocervical, uroge.. | 1 0.02 95.91 Various | 2 0.04 95.94 Various locations of the body for gen.. | 1 0.02 95.96 Various organs in need of temporary s.. | 1 0.02 95.98 Various subcutaneous locations; upper.. | 1 0.02 95.99 Various tissues located within body c.. | 1 0.02 96.01 Vascular catheter | 1 0.02 96.03 Vasculature | 1 0.02 96.05 Vertebral body. | 1 0.02 96.06 WHOLE BODY. | 1 0.02 96.08 Whole blood | 2 0.04 96.12 Whole blood collected in RNA collecti.. | 1 0.02 96.13 Whole blood samples | 1 0.02 96.15 Whole blood, Plasma, and Serum | 1 0.02 96.17 Whole blood, bone marrow, and lymph n.. | 1 0.02 96.19 Whole blood. | 1 0.02 96.20 Whole blood/ plasma for in vitro diag.. | 1 0.02 96.22 Whole body. | 1 0.02 96.24 Wounds through the skin. | 1 0.02 96.26 Wrist | 1 0.02 96.27 Y | 1 0.02 96.29 abdomen | 1 0.02 96.31 abdominal cavity | 2 0.04 96.35 abdominal region | 1 0.02 96.36 adipocyte cells within the fat layer .. | 1 0.02 96.38 anterior column of lumbar or cervical.. | 1 0.02 96.40 anus and rectum | 1 0.02 96.42 apllies electrical pulses to the heart | 1 0.02 96.43 area that have cellulite issues | 1 0.02 96.45 areasof the body for which a subject .. | 1 0.02 96.47 auditory vestibule | 1 0.02 96.49 bile ducts | 1 0.02 96.50 biliary tree | 1 0.02 96.52 bladder neck | 1 0.02 96.54 bladder, urethra | 1 0.02 96.56 bladder, urethra, kidneys | 1 0.02 96.57 blood components | 1 0.02 96.59 blood establishment | 1 0.02 96.61 blood storage | 1 0.02 96.63 blood vessels | 2 0.04 96.66 body | 1 0.02 96.68 brain | 1 0.02 96.70 brain and stomach | 1 0.02 96.71 breast | 1 0.02 96.73 breast carcinoma tissue sections | 1 0.02 96.75 breast tumor | 1 0.02 96.77 bronchial tree and lungs | 1 0.02 96.78 cardiac allograft | 1 0.02 96.80 cardiac atrial septum | 1 0.02 96.82 cardiac ventricular septum | 1 0.02 96.84 cardiovascular system | 1 0.02 96.85 cervix | 1 0.02 96.87 clinical samples (blood, saliva, bucc.. | 3 0.05 96.92 clinical samples (oral fluid) | 1 0.02 96.94 clinical samples (saliva) | 1 0.02 96.96 colon | 1 0.02 96.98 colon or rectum | 1 0.02 97.00 cornea of the eye | 1 0.02 97.01 delicate parts of endoscope | 1 0.02 97.03 dependent on drug indication. | 1 0.02 97.05 dermal-hypodermal interface | 1 0.02 97.07 dermatologic use | 1 0.02 97.08 diaphragm | 1 0.02 97.10 distend the uterine cavity | 1 0.02 97.12 dorsal root ganglion | 1 0.02 97.14 duodenum, esophagus | 1 0.02 97.15 en masse retraction. | 1 0.02 97.17 endoscope | 3 0.05 97.22 endoscope channel | 1 0.02 97.24 endoscopic and other ancillary surgic.. | 1 0.02 97.26 endoscopic lens | 1 0.02 97.28 entire body | 1 0.02 97.29 esophagus | 1 0.02 97.31 exuding Wounds and first and second d.. | 1 0.02 97.33 eye | 1 0.02 97.35 eyelids | 1 0.02 97.36 face | 1 0.02 97.38 false lumen of an aortic aneurysm | 1 0.02 97.40 fecal samples | 1 0.02 97.42 feet | 1 0.02 97.43 female urinary meatus | 1 0.02 97.45 finger joints | 1 0.02 97.47 flexible endoscopes. | 1 0.02 97.49 foot, ankle, proximal tibia | 1 0.02 97.50 for humeral length (HL, for the 2D mo.. | 1 0.02 97.52 frozen red cells | 1 0.02 97.54 gastroesophageal junction GEJ | 1 0.02 97.56 gi and gu tissues | 1 0.02 97.58 glove | 2 0.04 97.61 hands | 1 0.02 97.63 heart | 1 0.02 97.65 hepatic artery. | 1 0.02 97.66 hip | 2 0.04 97.70 hip joint | 2 0.04 97.73 human cells | 1 0.02 97.75 human genomic DNA from a clinical sam.. | 1 0.02 97.77 human serum | 2 0.04 97.80 in vitro | 2 0.04 97.84 in vitro diagnostic | 5 0.09 97.93 in vitro diagnostic assay | 4 0.07 98.00 in vitro diagnostic device using huma.. | 1 0.02 98.01 in vitro diagnostic for use with seru.. | 1 0.02 98.03 indirect contact, intravascular admin.. | 1 0.02 98.05 inserted into nares of nose to mainta.. | 1 0.02 98.07 internal jugular or femoral veins via.. | 1 0.02 98.08 intervertebral disc space | 2 0.04 98.12 intracranial aneurysms as specified b.. | 1 0.02 98.14 intraoral between metal appliance on .. | 1 0.02 98.15 intrathecal space | 1 0.02 98.17 involves cardiac sensing and other se.. | 1 0.02 98.19 long bones | 1 0.02 98.21 long bones, e.g., tibia | 1 0.02 98.23 lower esophageal sphincter | 1 0.02 98.24 magnetic foreign bodies in gi and gu .. | 1 0.02 98.26 medial meniscus | 1 0.02 98.28 mitten hand deformities). | 1 0.02 98.30 n/a | 8 0.14 98.44 nerves | 1 0.02 98.45 neurovasculature | 1 0.02 98.47 none | 1 0.02 98.49 not applicable | 2 0.04 98.52 opposite-sex bone marrow transplantat.. | 1 0.02 98.54 oral cavity | 2 0.04 98.58 oral environment | 1 0.02 98.59 oral hard and soft tissue | 1 0.02 98.61 oral/nasal area, face | 1 0.02 98.63 over a blood vessel, typically the ao.. | 1 0.02 98.65 pancreatic pseudocysts adherent to bo.. | 1 0.02 98.66 pediatric | 1 0.02 98.68 pelvic adenexal mass in women; ovaries | 1 0.02 98.70 pelvic tissue | 1 0.02 98.72 peripheral blood | 2 0.04 98.75 peripheral blood samples | 1 0.02 98.77 peripherally-inserted IVs (PIVs), gen.. | 1 0.02 98.79 plasma and serum samples | 1 0.02 98.81 portable liquid oxygen tanks and rese.. | 1 0.02 98.82 posterior cervical spine | 1 0.02 98.84 pulmonary heart valve | 1 0.02 98.86 rectal insertion | 1 0.02 98.88 rectum | 1 0.02 98.89 right ventricle or atrium to pulmonar.. | 1 0.02 98.91 sacral anterior root | 1 0.02 98.93 sacroiliac joint | 1 0.02 98.95 saliva sample | 1 0.02 98.96 see indications for use | 1 0.02 98.98 seizure focii in the brain | 1 0.02 99.00 serum | 1 0.02 99.02 sigmoid (descending) colon | 1 0.02 99.03 skin | 1 0.02 99.05 skin tags in visible areas | 1 0.02 99.07 skin wrinkles and rhytides | 1 0.02 99.09 skin/surgical wound | 1 0.02 99.10 skull and brain | 1 0.02 99.12 small intestine | 1 0.02 99.14 small surface blood vessels | 1 0.02 99.16 soft tissue | 1 0.02 99.17 soft tissue and bone | 1 0.02 99.19 soft tissue including cardiac and smo.. | 1 0.02 99.21 soft tissues | 1 0.02 99.23 specific RNA segment | 1 0.02 99.24 spine | 1 0.02 99.26 stomach | 2 0.04 99.30 suspected skin ulcer or skin lesion | 1 0.02 99.31 systemic blood cultures | 1 0.02 99.33 tattoos | 1 0.02 99.35 the blood | 1 0.02 99.37 the gastrointestinal tract | 1 0.02 99.38 thoracic region | 1 0.02 99.40 to be used in the lung, specifically .. | 1 0.02 99.42 tongue, eyes | 1 0.02 99.44 tooth | 1 0.02 99.46 tooth enamel | 1 0.02 99.47 torso and legs | 1 0.02 99.49 trypticase soy agar (with 5% sheep bl.. | 1 0.02 99.51 urethra | 1 0.02 99.53 urethra, vagina | 3 0.05 99.58 urinary tract | 1 0.02 99.60 uterus | 1 0.02 99.61 uterus, cervix, vagina | 1 0.02 99.63 uterus, fallopian tubes | 1 0.02 99.65 uterus, vagina, pelvic floor | 1 0.02 99.67 vagina | 1 0.02 99.68 vagina, pelvic floor, uterus | 2 0.04 99.72 vagina, uterus, sacrum | 2 0.04 99.75 vagina, uterus, sacrum, pelvic floor | 1 0.02 99.77 various body cavities in the GI and G.. | 1 0.02 99.79 various body cavities, hollow organs,.. | 2 0.04 99.82 various body cavities, hollow organs,.. | 1 0.02 99.84 various in GI and GU tract | 1 0.02 99.86 various openings in gi and gu tract | 1 0.02 99.88 various tissues in gi and gu tract | 1 0.02 99.89 various tissues, stones or other fore.. | 1 0.02 99.91 various, specified bone voids (e.g., .. | 1 0.02 99.93 vascular catheter | 1 0.02 99.95 vascular system, subcutaneous tissue. | 1 0.02 99.96 vertebra | 1 0.02 99.98 whole body | 1 0.02 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for implant variable in foiclass244 dataset : Implant | Flag | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- N | 5,102 89.65 89.65 Y | 589 10.35 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for lifesust variable in foiclass244 dataset : Life | Sustain | Support | Flag | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- Eligible | 1 0.02 0.02 N | 5,499 96.63 96.64 Y | 191 3.36 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 Frequencies for summarymalfunctionreporting variable in foiclass244 dataset : SummaryMalf | unctionRepo | rting | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- | 1 0.02 0.02 Eligible | 4,950 86.98 87.00 Ineligible | 740 13.00 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 5,691 100.00 by Jean Roth , , 12 Oct 2018