Supplemental file for Clancy, Matthew, Paul Heisey, GianCarlo Moschini, and Yongjie Ji. 2019. "The Roots of Agricultural Innovation: Evidence from Patents." NBER Conference on Research and Innovation in Agriculture. May 2019. Description of files: ag_patents: A .csv file classifying patents as belonging to one or more of six agricultural subsectors. Animal Health text novel concept mentions.tsv: A .tsv file listing all patents granted between 1976 and 2016 containing a top Animal Health text-novel concept in the title, abstract, or claims, as well as the concept. Biocide text novel concept mentions.tsv: A .tsv file listing all patents granted between 1976 and 2016 containing a top Biocide text-novel concept in the title, abstract, or claims, as well as the concept. Fertilizer text novel concept mentions.tsv: A .tsv file listing all patents granted between 1976 and 2016 containing a top Fertilizer text-novel concept in the title, abstract, or claims, as well as the concept. Machine text novel concept mentions.tsv: A .tsv file listing all patents granted between 1976 and 2016 containing a top Machine text-novel concept in the title, abstract, or claims, as well as the concept. Plant text novel concept mentions.tsv: A .tsv file listing all patents granted between 1976 and 2016 containing a top Plant text-novel concept in the title, abstract, or claims, as well as the concept. Research text novel concept mentions.tsv: A .tsv file listing all patents granted between 1976 and 2016 containing a top Research text-novel concept in the title, abstract, or claims, as well as the concept.