_dta: 1. transcov2017 data set up by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 28 Jun 2017 2. NBER URL: http://www.nber.org/data/cms-health-insurance-marketplace-public-use-files.html 3. Source Page: http://download.cms.gov/marketplace-puf/2017/transparency-in-coverage-puf.zip 4. Source File URL: https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Data-Resources/marketplace-puf.html 5. Source: "Transparency in Coverage PUF.xlsx" workbook "PUF Transparency 2017 9132017" sheet 6. ********************************************************************** 7. Legend: 8. * Issuer did not submit required Transparency in Coverage data 9. ** Suppressed data (<10) 10. *** New issuer for plan year; issuer not required to submit data 11. **** URL incomplete; does not include all required information 12. N/A Data not available or applicable to this issuer 13. ********************************************************************** 14. Enrollment disclaimer: 15. Data on enrollment reflect issuer level data, for calendar year two years prior. 16. The data provided is an aggregate number for plans sold by an issuer on the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces (FFMs), 17. including FFMs where States perform plan management functions, 18. and State-based Marketplaces on the Federal Platform (SBM-FPs) only. 19. This information simply provides a raw number and is not a complete description of issuer or plan enrollment. 20. Enrollment is not necessarily indicative of issuer strength or plan quality. 21. Enrollment numbers reflect the number of individuals enrolled with an issuer as of 22. the end of the calendar year two years prior and do not reflect events that occur throughout the year. 23. Enrollment may change daily due to a variety of circumstances. 24. ********************************************************************** 25. Disenrollment disclaimer: 26. Data on disenrollment reflects issuer level data, for calendar year two years prior. 27. The data provided is an aggregate number for plans sold by an issuer on the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces (FFMs), 28. including FFMs where States perform plan management functions, 29. and State-based Marketplaces on the Federal Platform (SBM-FPs) only. 30. The data includes disenrollment for all reasons, including but not limited to 31. failure to pay premiums and a consumer's voluntary decision to disenroll from a plan. 32. This data set includes all disenrollment for the specified time period. 33. This information simply provides a raw number and is not a complete description of an issuer or plan. 34. Disenrollment is not necessarily indicative of issuer strength or plan quality. 35. ********************************************************************** state: 1. State issuer_name: 1. Issuer Name issuerid: 1. Issuer ID issuer_dba_if_applicable: 1. Issuer Doing Business As (D/B/A) if Applicable url_claims_payment_policies: 1. URL Claims Payment Policies claims_received: 1. Claims Received claims_denials: 1. Claims Denials internal_appealsfiled: 1. Internal Appeals Filed number_internal_appeals_overturn: 1. Number Internal Appeals Overturned percent_internal_appeals_overtur: 1. Percent Internal Appeals Overturned externalappealsfiled: 1. External Appeals Filed number_external_appeals_overturn: 1. Number External Appeals Overturned percent_external_appeals_overtur: 1. Percent External Appeals Overturned financial_information: 1. Financial Information enrollment_data: 1. Enrollment Data disenrollment_data: 1. Disenrollment Data obs: 399 vars: 16 28 Jun 2017 11:27 size: 630,819 (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ state str2 %9s * State issuer_name str88 %88s * Issuer Name issuerid str8 %9s * Issuer ID issuer_dba_if_applicable str52 %52s * Issuer Doing Business As (D/B/A) if Applicable url_claims_payment_policies str1292 %1292s * URL Claims Payment Policies claims_received str10 %10s * Claims Received claims_denials str7 %9s * Claims Denials internal_appealsfiled str4 %9s * Internal Appeals Filed number_internal_appeals_overturn str3 %9s * Number Internal Appeals Overturned percent_internal_appeals_overtur str17 %17s * Percent Internal Appeals Overturned externalappealsfiled str3 %9s * External Appeals Filed number_external_appeals_overturn str3 %9s * Number External Appeals Overturned percent_external_appeals_overtur str17 %17s * Percent External Appeals Overturned financial_information str63 %63s * Financial Information enrollment_data str6 %9s * Enrollment Data disenrollment_data str6 %9s * Disenrollment Data * indicated variables have notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: issuerid