_dta: 1. servarea2017 data set up by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 8 Dec 2017 2. NBER URL: http://www.nber.org/data/cms-health-insurance-marketplace-public-use-files.html 3. Source Page: http://download.cms.gov/marketplace-puf/2017/service-area-puf.zip 4. Source File URL: https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Data-Resources/marketplace-puf.html businessyear: 1. Year for which plan provides coverage to enrollees statecode: 1. Two-character state abbreviation indicating the state where the plan is offered issuerid: 1. Five-digit numeric code that identifies the issuer organization in the Health Insurance 2. Oversight System (HIOS) sourcename: 1. Categorical identifier of source of data import importdate: 1. Date of data import serviceareaid: 1. Identifier for a service area serviceareaname: 1. Name of a service area coverentirestate: 1. Categorical indicator of whether entire state is covered by the service area county: 1. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code assigned to the county within a state 2. that is covered by the service area 3. This field is only applicable if CoverEntireState field equals No partialcounty: 1. Categorical indicator of whether entire county is covered by the service area 2. This field is only applicable if CoverEntireState field equals No zipcodes: 1. Zip codes within the partial-county region covered by the service area 2. This field is only applicable if PartialCounty field equals Yes; field could be truncated at 3. 256 characters if exported to Excel or Access partialcountyjustification: 1. The justification given for creating a partial-county region for inclusion 2. in a Service Area. 3. This field is only applicable if PartialCounty field equals Yes; field may 4. be truncated at 256 characters if exported to Excel or Access marketcoverage: 1. Categorical indicator of market coverage of plans submitted with this template 2. Blank for HIOS data (does not apply) dentalonlyplan: 1. Categorical indicator of dental-only status of plans submitted with this template 2. Blank for HIOS data (does not apply) obs: 14,284 vars: 14 8 Dec 2017 15:43 size: 26,982,476 (_dta has notes) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- businessyear int %8.0g * Business Year statecode str2 %9s * State Code issuerid long %12.0g * Issuer ID sourcename str5 %9s * Source Name importdate str19 %19s * Import Date serviceareaid str6 %9s * Service Area ID serviceareaname str68 %68s * Service Area Name coverentirestate str3 %9s * Cover Entire State county str5 %9s * County partialcounty str3 %9s * Partial County zipcodes str579 %579s * Zip Codes partialcountyjustification str1172 %1172s * Partial County Justification marketcoverage str18 %18s * Market Coverage dentalonlyplan str3 %9s * Dental-Only Plan Indicator * indicated variables have notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: