Frequencies for first 10,000 rows of planlevelexclusions variable in plan2017 dataset : Plan Level Exclusions | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- | 9,411 94.11 94.11 .Please refer to the exclusions liste.. | 2 0.02 94.13 0 | 144 1.44 95.57 Additional copayments after deductibl.. | 14 0.14 95.71 Additional copayments after deductibl.. | 14 0.14 95.85 Care or services not accepted by the .. | 16 0.16 96.01 Charges in excess of the Vantage Allo.. | 66 0.66 96.67 For covered persons over the age 18 t.. | 4 0.04 96.71 For covered persons over the age 18 t.. | 2 0.02 96.73 Non-covered services and any services.. | 114 1.14 97.87 Only services listed in the contract .. | 2 0.02 97.89 Please refer to the exclusions listed.. | 24 0.24 98.13 Please refer to the exclusions listed.. | 14 0.14 98.27 Please refer to the exclusions listed.. | 4 0.04 98.31 Please refer to the exclusions listed.. | 4 0.04 98.35 See policy or plan document for addit.. | 82 0.82 99.17 Services received from Non-Preferred .. | 9 0.09 99.26 Services received if there is no obli.. | 16 0.16 99.42 This plan covers children ages 0-18 o.. | 2 0.02 99.44 When sold off the exchange, MetLife's.. | 56 0.56 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 10,000 100.00 by Jean Roth , , 8 Dec 2017